All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 64: Nuwa's Disciple

Han Li had originally planned to practice this technique. You should know that the highest level of the Nine True Jade Qi Training Technique can reach the True Immortal Realm.

Han Li now only has one Changchun Technique in his hand, which can be practiced to the tenth level of Qi training.

To be honest, the difference between the worlds is really huge.

Compared with the Nine True Jade Qi Training Technique, Changchun Technique is nothing.

Hearing Xu Chenzhou say this, Han Li quickly pricked up his ears.

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "Thanks to your brother, Xiao Yangchan, you have now become a disciple of Yuxu Palace. According to seniority, you should be a third-generation disciple.

Yuxu Palace is the inheritance of Yuanshi Tianzun, one of the Three Pure Ones. Learning any inheritance in Yuxu Palace is better than the basic inheritance of Tiangong that your mother taught you."

Yang Chan (Yuxu disciple): "I know, group leader brother, I will share with everyone in the group after I learn new techniques from Yuxu Palace."

Hearing Yang Chan say this, Xu Chenzhou immediately asked the chat group.

"Will Yang Chan's passing of the Yuxu Method to the chat group affect her? For example, being discovered by Yuanshi Tianzun or something like that."

After all, there are saints in the prehistoric world, and the Yuxu Method is the direct descendant of the saints, so Xu Chenzhou had to consider Yang Chan.

"Please rest assured, group leader, unless the group members take the initiative to expose the chat group, no one in the world that the chat group can connect to will be able to discover the existence of the chat group."

Hearing the answer from the chat group, Xu Chenzhou was relieved.

He had long discovered that the level of the chat group was very high.

Look at what kind of people are in the group members, the Emperor of Desolate Heaven and the Taoist Han Li, who will achieve their future achievements, would have been caught and beaten by these ruthless people from the future if their essence was not high enough.

However, this kind of thing still needs to be confirmed by the chat group in person, otherwise when little Yang Chan gets into trouble because of this, Xu Chenzhou will regret it too late.

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "But if my prediction is correct, Jade Ding Zhenren should not accept you as his disciple, and will most likely give you the status of a registered disciple of Yuxu Palace."

Yang Chan (Yuxu disciple): "Why is this the case? Is it because my talent is not as strong as my second brother's?"

Xu Chenzhou shook his head. Yang Chan's talent must not be bad.

After all, she is the daughter of the Jade Emperor's sister, and she is born with a deep foundation.

But in all the novels about the prehistoric times he has seen, including ancient myths and legends, Yang Chan has never joined the Yuxu Palace like his brother.

In basically all the stories, Yang Chan will later worship Nuwa and take charge of the artifact, the Precious Lotus Lantern.

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "It's not a problem of your talent, but you are destined to become a disciple of the Saint Nuwa. Jade Ding Zhenren should have also encountered this future, so he didn't accept you as a disciple."

Hearing that she could become a disciple of Nuwa, Yang Chan's big eyes burst into little stars.

Yang Chan (Yuxu disciple): "Really? I can become a disciple of Nuwa!"

Yang Chan has lived in the human race since she was a child, so she naturally knows that Nuwa is the mother of the human race.

In the prehistoric world, no human race will not worship Nuwa, and everyone regards Nuwa as the patron saint of the human race.

Yang Chan is naturally the same. It is much happier for her to be able to worship under Nuwa than to join Yuxu Palace.

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "Well, as long as you don't make any big trouble, there should be no variables in worshipping under Nuwa. And at this time point, joining the Wahuang Palace is much better than joining the Yuxu Palace."

This is not to say that Yuanshi Tianzun's magical powers are not as good as Nuwa, but mainly because the great catastrophe of the Conferred God is approaching. At this time point, joining the disciples of the Twelve Golden Immortals is purely sending heads.

Although Yuding Zhenren is a good choice among the Twelve Golden Immortals, he has not betrayed his religion, and he does not need disciples to prevent disasters.

But he didn't want to be the direct descendant of the Snail Palace, but went to be the third-generation disciple of the Jade Void Palace, and had to go through the Conferred God Tribulation. If he was unlucky, he would be directly on the Conferred God List, and if he was lucky, he would become a saint in the flesh like his brother.

That was probably a bit of a brain disease.

In fact, Xu Chenzhou still coveted the Eight-Nine Mysterious Art in Yang Jian's hands.

After all, Yang Chan was Yang Jian's biological sister. If Yang Chan really wanted to learn the Eight-Nine Mysterious Art, she would have the opportunity to get it.

However, it was too dangerous to seek the core inheritance of the Jade Void Palace, so Xu Chenzhou gave up the idea.

Let everything go with the flow.

Hong Yi (Daqian Scholar): "Group leader, I have something to ask you. Are the materials for refining the Thunder Suspense Sword very precious in your world?"

Xu Chenzhou (Group leader): "It's okay, not very precious, but it's a little difficult to buy."

The Thunder Suspense Sword is just an entry-level weapon for psychics, and the materials used to refine it are naturally not precious.

However, in Tiancheng City, psychics are a very rare profession, and the related supporting facilities are naturally not complete. It is easier to buy a finished sword. If you buy steel alone, it will take some effort.

Hong Yi (Daqian Scholar): "In this case, can you trouble the group leader to prepare some for me? The quantity does not need to be too much. It is enough to refine five Thunder Suspense Swords."

Xu Chengzhou (Group leader): "Of course no problem, give me two days."

Xu Chenzhou did not ask Hong Yi what he was going to do with the steel. He was always generous to his group members. The steel was worth at most 100,000, which was just a small amount of money.

Hearing Xu Chenzhou's reply, Hong Yi breathed a sigh of relief.

Hong Yi will naturally have a great use for the steel used to make the Thunderbolt Suspense Sword.

The first is Princess Zhennan Luo Yun. It is not difficult to invite Princess Zhennan to come to the house, but it is not easy to find a suitable reason for Princess Zhennan to take him away from the Hong family.

It is in line with the etiquette of Daqian for a foreign princess to come to the Marquis's Mansion to read books, but it is not so easy to take someone out of the Marquis's Mansion.

Although Hong Yi is a little transparent in the Marquis's Mansion, Princess Zhennan must make up some reasons to take him away by force, and there will be a lot of rumors in the capital at that time.

Although Hong Yi also saw that Luo Yun's heart was very kind and stupid and easy to deceive, if he urged it, Luo Yun would definitely help him.

But Hong Yi didn't want to owe people favors. The most difficult thing to repay in the world is the debt of favor.

Not to mention the cultivation of Taoism, it is very important to communicate with thoughts. How can you communicate with thoughts when you owe a favor?

The opportunity for him to meet Luo Yun was that Luo Yun wanted to buy a blood-patterned steel sword.

Although the Thunderbolt Suspense Sword is not as good as the Blood-marked Steel, it can be regarded as a rare treasure in the Yangshen World.

Using the Thunderbolt Suspense Sword as a thank-you gift, Luo Yun must be willing to help him.

Moreover, there are many precious medicinal materials and treasures in the Yangshen World.

Many medicinal materials can be refined into the secret medicine of the Yangshen World, which can greatly speed up the progress of martial artists' cultivation.

Among them, the most precious treasure is the various rice seeds.

These rices are of great benefit to the cultivation of the immortal martial arts.

This time when leaving Hong Mansion, Hong Yi also wanted to take the opportunity to find some medicinal materials to prepare for subsequent cultivation.

If you want to get these precious treasures, you must spend money, you can't just rely on robbing.

Ordinary gold and silver are difficult to exchange for these treasures, but with these steels, it's different.

The computer is gg, I tried for a long time and couldn't fix it. Later, I had to reinstall it directly to write these, and there is still one chapter to write!

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