All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 65 Thousand Blood Spiritual Steel and Daluo Mitian Steel

After closing the chat group, Xu Chenzhou opened his phone and logged into the chat software.

He clicked on a friend's chat box.

The avatar of this friend was a very strange picture.

A string of prayer beads was faintly emerging in the dark background.

This string of prayer beads was extremely white, and the material looked like jade or bone, but if you look closely, you can see clear wood texture.

Under the interplay of the white prayer beads and the black background, there was a faint sense of Zen.

"Chen Mutou, I want to ask you something, do you know where I can get Thunder Thousand Forged Steel?"

Chen Mutou, Xu Chenzhou's childhood friend, grew up wearing the same pants, in the same class in kindergarten, elementary school, and junior high school.

The two had always been very close, and they separated until they were about to go to high school.

Chen Mutou was found to have the talent to become a psychic, and was accepted as a disciple by the Tiancan monk of the Ci'en Temple in Shuoyu Mountain, and was taken to the mountain to practice intensively.

Xu Chenzhou temporarily suspended his studies and went home to practice intensively, with the sole intention of becoming an extraordinary warrior.

Thunder Thousand Forged Steel is the material for psychics. It is right to ask Chen Mu for this matter.

After about two hours, Chen Mu finally replied.

"I was just beating the wooden fish in the temple, and I just saw your message now.

There is no place to buy this thing in Tiancheng City. It happens that I have to go to the Psychic Association to do something in three days. There is a place to buy it, and the goods are guaranteed to be the best.

Wait for me for a few days, and then you can come to Ci'en Temple to get it.

We two brothers haven't seen each other for a long time. It's a good opportunity to have a drink."

Chen Mu was sitting in the Qixiang Hall of Ci'en Temple in a white robe, holding a long magic weapon in his hand, and was beating the wooden fish from time to time.

There was a layer of green hair that had just grown on his head, and with his bright eyes, he exuded a free and unrestrained temperament.

"Isn't there any in Ci'en Temple? Well, I won't bother you, I can buy it myself."

He asked Chen Mu this question because he didn't want to waste time and wanted to get it directly.

Since there is no such thing in Ci'en Temple, he might as well buy it online, but it would take too much time.

Shuilan Star has strict control over extraordinary materials. To buy extraordinary materials, you need to review and register them before you can buy them. It takes at least three or four days to go through the whole process, plus the time for logistics and transportation, it will take at least five days to get it.

"So what do you want this thing for? Such low-level materials can't really be found in Ci'en Temple.

You can't have awakened your psychic talent!

That's great, hurry up the mountain and become a monk with me."

Chen Mu shook his head. Xu Chenzhou's request also made him feel distressed.

Ci'en Temple has a lot of entry-level weapons such as Thunder Suspense Sword, which are all used for novice psychic apprentices to practice.

But there is really no Thunder Thousand Forged Steel, and they don't have the inheritance of weapon training in Ci'en Temple, so why prepare such low-level materials?

"Get away, who wants to become bald with you?

Okay, okay, let's do this as brothers!

It's fine if you become a monk yourself, but you want to take me with you."

Xu Chenzhou said unhappily.

They have been playing together since they were young, so they are naturally not too polite when talking to each other.

Since Chen Mutou became a monk in the mountains, he has repeatedly urged Xu Chenzhou to shave his head with him.

Xu Chenzhou is unwilling to do this, although with his appearance, even if he really shaves his head, he is still a charmer, and he is the most handsome among the bald heads.

But he doesn't need to learn the knowledge of psychics from the monks in Ci'en Temple, and there is no need to pay with his beautiful hair.

"Oh right! You just said that this kind of low-level material is hard to find. In other words, is there any higher-level material in Ci'en Temple?"

"Of course, my master is the abbot of Ci'en Temple. He has everything he wants.

Let me tell you, there is a piece of Daluo Mitian steel as tall as two people in my master's practice room.

If this thing is trained into a flying sword, I don't know how many times stronger it is than the Thunder Suspense Sword.

If you want it, I'll get you a piece?"

Daluo Mitian steel is known as one of the ten most precious steels on the Blue Water Star, Daluo Mitian, Mustard Seed Xumi.

This kind of steel not only has extremely strong spiritual energy conductivity, but also has a power to travel through space, which can easily break through space. The Nine Heavens God-killing Edge, known as the fastest sword on the Blue Water Star, is made of this steel.

"Forget it, this thing is too expensive, I can't afford it.

Besides, if your master knew that you dared to cut off a piece of his beloved treasure, it would be really a great filial piety.

Even if Abbot Tiancan dotes on you, he can still beat you up for several months.

Is there any material of the middle level, anyway, it's better than the Thunder Suspense Sword."

"That's too easy, I'll get you some Thousand Blood Spirit Yuan Steel, and it happens that my uncle is making another Buddha statue recently, I'll get you some scraps, and it won't be a problem to make ten swords."

Thousand Blood Spirit Yuan Steel, a special steel material of the Hantian Second Factory of Yuling Pavilion, is said to require hunting a thousand kinds of monsters and mixing them with ore before it can be cast.

The spiritual energy conductivity is twice that of Thunder Thousand Forged Steel, and the strength is three times that of Thunder Thousand Forged Steel. The price of one pound of Thousand Blood Spirit Yuan Steel is fifty times that of Thunder Thousand Forged Steel.

"Okay, this is it. I think it's enough." Xu Chenzhou nodded with satisfaction. Chen Mutou got some money from his uncle, and he got some money from Chen Mutou. It was a complete industrial chain.

Ci'en Temple is one of the six most powerful forces around Tiancheng Temple. It is so nice to get something for free from such a powerful force.

Five days later, in the Yangshen World, in the Hong Mansion.

Today is a big day for the Hong Mansion.

Two days ago, Princess Zhennan Luo Yun suddenly sent an invitation, saying that she would come to the study room of Wu Wenhou Mansion to read books.

This news excited all the ladies in the Hong Mansion.

What is the identity of Princess Zhennan?

The title of Princess Zhennan was not given by the Shenfeng Kingdom itself.

A foreign princess is nothing in Daqian.

The key is that the title of Princess Zhennan was personally conferred by the current emperor of Daqian Dynasty, and she was recognized as an adopted daughter by the emperor.

What does it mean that such a big shot came to the Hong Mansion to read books?

It means that their Wu Wenhou Mansion is in the limelight in Daqian!

Once they entertain well and show good etiquette, it will be a good story, and they can even get rewards from the emperor.

Luo Yun came to Hong Mansion to read books, of course, because of Hong Yi's invitation.

A few days ago, Hong Yi got the Thousand Blood Spiritual Yuan Steel from Xu Chenzhou and immediately went to the Imperial College to find Luo Yun. After two hours of friendly negotiations, Luo Yun's visit to Hong Mansion today happened.

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