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Chapter 66 Conflict at the Hong Residence

In the Hong Mansion, the atmosphere was extremely solemn. The servants lowered their heads and looked serious, walking hurriedly, fearing that they would do something wrong and anger the big shot.

Several wives of Hong Xuanji came to the courtyard of the Hong Mansion early in the morning wearing the phoenix crown and bridal robes granted by the court.

Many young people gathered outside the courtyard, all wanting to see the grace of the Zhennan Princess from the Kingdom of the Divine Wind.

Hong Xuejiao, the eldest daughter of the Hong family, came here early and looked around.

This eldest daughter was wearing a red outfit today, and she was heroic and heroic, and her gaze revealed a temperament that was as good as a man.

And standing next to him was Hong Gui from the third room of the Hong family.

Hong Gui was dressed very showy today, with dark golden cloud patterns embroidered on his light blue coat, wearing cloud shoes, and a golden whip pinned beside him, looking like a handsome young man in troubled times.

The two dressed up today, and the other young people of the Hong family praised them, and they all praised them as dragons and phoenixes.

Hong Yi also stood in the courtyard, waiting for Luo Yun's arrival.

Today, Hong Yi wore a green shirt, looking into the distance, with a look of peace.

Compared with Hong Gui and Hong Xuejiao, Hong Yi was a small transparent person in the Hong Mansion, and no one cared about him at all.

Even some servants would subconsciously avoid Hong Yi when passing by, as if they were very disgusted with standing with Hong Yi.

The young people gathered together, and there was a chirping sound, which was very lively.

At this time, the door of the small courtyard of the Hong Mansion was suddenly pushed open, and several ladies came out.

The first one was Hong Xuanji's eldest wife, Madam Zhao.

Madam Zhao was the first-rank lady of the court. Today was a very formal occasion, so she specially wore the phoenix crown and bridal robe bestowed by the court.

The golden phoenix crown was worn on Madam Zhao's head, shining brightly under the sunlight.

The edge of her red shawl was embroidered with countless gold threads, and the black and gold cloud pattern on the collar made her look extremely majestic.

"Today is the day when the Princess of Zhennan Kingdom comes to my Hong Mansion. What if you guys keep chattering here and offend the princess?"

As soon as Madam Zhao appeared, the scene became quiet instantly, and the chattering young people in the Hong Mansion instantly shut up.

Everyone lowered their heads and remained silent, fearing that if they said one more word, they would be caught by this strict Madam.

After these young people lowered their heads, Madam Zhao instantly noticed Hong Yi, the only one who was still holding his head high.

Her eyes, which were originally slightly narrowed, suddenly opened, and a trace of murderous intent flashed in the corner of her eyes, and then her phoenix eyes stared at Hong Yi tightly.

Seeing Hong Yi's upright posture like a pine tree and his unruly temperament, Madam Zhao instantly thought of the dead woman.

At the beginning, Meng Bingyun was also of the same temperament, cold as jade, and did not take her seriously at all.

At this time, the figures of Hong Yi and Meng Bingyun gradually overlapped in Mrs. Zhao's heart.

This psychological change made Mrs. Zhao's murderous intent more and more intense.

But Hong Yi was not afraid at all, he just looked at Mrs. Zhao quietly.

Hong Yi hated this woman who killed his mother with his own hands. He didn't even have time to kill her, so how could he be afraid of her.

The two looked at each other for a long time. Mrs. Zhao looked at Hong Yi's neither humble nor arrogant appearance, and her heart couldn't help but become more irritated.

She could see that there was unconcealed contempt in Hong Yi's eyes, so Mrs. Zhao threw her sleeves and scolded him fiercely.

"Hong Yi, how have you studied for so many years? Have you learned the etiquette of scholars from dogs?

Why don't you bow when you see the mistress of the house?

Do you still have filial piety in your heart?"

This question is quite serious. The scholars of Daqian value loyalty and filial piety the most. Once the reputation of being unfilial spreads, they will be spurned by the world, and their future may even be ruined.

In Mrs. Zhao's imagination, Hong Yi would definitely bow his head in fear and admit his mistake to her after being scolded by her.

After all, Hong Xuanji did not allow Hong Yi to learn martial arts, so if he wanted to succeed, he could only rely on learning literature. Once this path was cut off, Hong Yi would be useless.

But Hong Yi did not. He looked up at Mrs. Zhao, without a trace of fear in his eyes, and his tone was very calm: "Madam, I am a scholar of Daqian. Daqian law stipulates that scholars only need to salute officials with real power. Although you are the mistress of the Hong Mansion and have the status of a first-class Haoming, you are not a real official of Daqian, so according to Daqian law, I don't need to salute you."

Mrs. Zhao was furious when she heard this, but Hong Yi's words were very reasonable. According to the rules of the Daqian Dynasty, if you pass the exam to become a scholar, you are no longer a commoner. Not to mention that she is only the mistress of Hong Yi, she is also his biological mother, so Hong Yi can choose not to salute.

Mrs. Rong, who was standing aside, suddenly stood up and said, "Daqian Law is Daqian Law, but my Hong Mansion naturally has its own family rules. According to my Hong Mansion's family rules, those who disrespect the mistress of the house will be caned thirty times and have their monthly salary deducted for three months!"

Hearing Mrs. Rong's words, Hong Gui, who was standing aside, stood up immediately. Since his mother had spoken, he naturally had to make Hong Yi pay.

Hong Yi still did not react, but said lightly, "Mrs. Rong means that Daqian Law does not count, and is not as important as Hong Mansion's family rules. Hong Mansion's family rules override Daqian Law?"

If it was a normal time, if Hong Yi dared to say such words in Hong Mansion, Mrs. Zhao would dare to beat Hong Yi to death with family rules.

But now is not the time, Princess Zhennan will come to Hong Mansion in a while.

If she saw this farce and spread Hong Yi's words, then even Hong Xuanji would be blamed by Emperor Qian.

Even though Mrs. Zhao was so angry that her face turned blue, she still suppressed her temper.

"Okay, okay, I will report your words to the Marquis truthfully in a few days. Let's see if you dare to be so stubborn then.

As for now, you should get back to your yard. How can a short-lived ghost born by a brothel maid be qualified to welcome Princess Zhennan, lest you pollute the princess's eyes later."

After Mrs. Zhao said this, she saw that Hong Yi was still standing there motionless. After being repeatedly rejected by Hong Yi, he was immediately furious and wanted to ask the servants to kill Hong Yi.

Mrs. Rong, who was standing by, saw that Mrs. Zhao was about to lose her mind, and couldn't help but hold Mrs. Zhao's hand and turned to look at Hong Gui.

It would be easy to kill Hong Yi, but it would be a big problem at this time.

"Gui'er, why don't you drive this little bitch away quickly."

Hong Gui heard his mother's call and immediately walked in front of Hong Yi. He had been unhappy with Hong Yi for a long time.

Hong Yi's indifferent look was more eye-catching than his coquettish outfit today.

A little transparent person in the Hong Mansion, a character who was so lowly that he was in the dust, was so pretentious and dared to steal his limelight. He was simply courting death.

He swung the golden whip in his hand fiercely and whipped Hong Yi fiercely.

"Little bitch, the eldest lady has spoken, why don't you get out of here quickly."

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