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Chapter 67 The Princess Arrives

Hong Gui was merciless, and the tip of the whip made a bang in the air.

The whip made of gold wire and soft steel passed through the air and turned into a shadow that was invisible to the naked eye.

A whip of this strength could beat an old cow to pieces, leaving a deep blood mark.

But Hong Yi still stood still. He stretched out his hand and gently grasped it, and unexpectedly caught the extremely fast whip tip.

His Taoism had reached the peak of the form, and his soul was in his body to control the overall situation.

Although Hong Gui's whip was very fast, it seemed like slow motion in Hong Yi's eyes.

After grabbing the whip in Hong Gui's hand, Hong Yi gently pulled it and snatched Hong Gui's whip into his hand.

Then Hong Yi was merciless, and he whipped Hong Gui three times in a row.

Before Hong Gui could react, he felt a sharp pain on his face.

"Oh my face, it hurts! It hurts so much!"

Hong Gui covered his face with his hands and rolled back and forth on the ground, blood kept flowing down from his fingers.

Hong Yi's three whips were very fierce. Two of them were on Hong Gui's face. The whip marks were deep in the flesh, and the white bones could be seen through Hong Gui's fingers.

Another whip was between Hong Gui's chest and abdomen, leaving a long whip mark from his chest to his lower abdomen, almost directly breaking the thing between Hong Gui's legs.

These three times, Hong Yi still held back a little, otherwise with his current strength, he could beat Hong Gui to death.

Of course, this is not because Hong Yi is soft-hearted, but mainly because it is not yet time to completely break up with Hong Xuanji.

Hong Xuanji is now in the palace.

Hong Xuanji and Yang Pan are not only monarchs and ministers, but also good friends.

Every month, Hong Xuanji would go to the palace to see the emperor. During the meeting, unless there was something very important, he would not return to the palace, and sometimes he would even stay in the palace and not come back.

Hong Yi specially chose this day to invite Luo Yun to the Hong Mansion just to avoid Hong Xuanji.

If he had beaten Hong Gui to death in public, then Hong Xuanji would probably return to the palace immediately.

And based on his understanding of Hong Xuanji, if he really killed Hong Gui, given Hong Xuanji's character, he would definitely kill him without hesitation.

Seeing her son in such a miserable state, Mrs. Rong could not sit still for a moment.

She rushed to Hong Gui's side, gently stroked her son's back with her hand, and tears of heartache kept flowing down her face.

Her hands gently held Hong Gui's face.

"Son, let me see, let me see."

Hong Gui barely suppressed the urge to continue rolling on the ground, and slowly raised his head to look at Mrs. Rong.

There was an x-shaped scar on Hong Gui's face. Both scars extended from the forehead to the chin, deep enough to see the bone, and were extremely symmetrical.

The edges of the scars were saw-like scars, with blood and flesh flying around, making Hong Gui's originally handsome appearance look like a demon.

Seeing this scene, Mrs. Rong, who was originally calm, could no longer hold back, and a resentful expression appeared on her face.

"Kill him! Kill him for me! How dare you hurt my Gui'er like this."

The servants of the Hong Mansion heard this and raised their iron rods.

And suddenly two teams of elite soldiers ran out from behind the courtyard.

The two teams of elite soldiers were wearing armor, holding a shield in one hand and a large machete with a cold glow in the other hand.

Looking at the way these two teams of elite soldiers followed orders, Hong Yi could be sure that these two teams of elite soldiers were from military backgrounds and had undergone professional training.

However, although these people were ready to attack, they still did not do it. Everyone's eyes were on Madam Zhao who was standing in the middle of the yard.

Madam Zhao was the mistress of the house, and these people would only obey Madam Zhao's orders.

Madam Zhao was already furious and wanted to kill Hong Yi at all costs, but now seeing Hong Yi's crazy behavior, Madam Zhao's reason slowly returned.

In her mind, Hong Yi did such a thing, he was already a dead man. Hong Xuanji was a master of Neo-Confucianism, and he would never let such a rebellious son go easily.

She knew too well what kind of person her husband was.

Madam Zhao said slowly: "You killed someone for no reason and beat your brother in front of the elders of the family. No matter according to the Daqian Law or the family rules of the Hong Mansion, you will not be able to escape this time."

After that, Madam Zhao waved her hand: "Leave him alive and wait for the Marquis to come back and deal with him."

Hong Yi put his hands behind his back and said slowly: "It's ridiculous. As expected of the mistress of the Wuwen Marquis Mansion, she is really eloquent and good at turning black into white.

According to the Daqian Law, I am a scholar, not a commoner. Princess Zhennan visited the Hong Mansion, and it was reasonable for me to come out to greet her in accordance with etiquette.

Hong Gui not only drove me away for no reason, but also wanted to whip me. I fought back, which was reasonable.

It was reasonable, and I did nothing wrong.

Mrs. Zhao sneered: "Okay, then I won't say this. You just hit Hong Gui, which was really impressive.

But have you forgotten one thing, the Marquis does not allow you to learn martial arts secretly.

Learning martial arts secretly without permission is a taboo in my Hong Mansion.

You can save your words to the Marquis.

After Mrs. Zhao finished speaking, a group of soldiers were about to rush forward, and at this time an old woman hurriedly ran into the front yard.

"Madam, the second lady, the third lady, Princess Zhennan is here, you should get ready to greet her."

This news made the entire Hong Mansion a mess in an instant.

The current state of the Hong Mansion was not suitable for welcoming Princess Zhennan.

Madam Zhao frowned, turned around and told the maid beside her: "Go and carry Hong Gui back to his room and give him some good medicine for wounds."

Then Madam Zhao arranged for several servants to start cleaning the floor.

After hurriedly finishing the work, Madam Zhao took the second and third wives to the front hall slowly.

As soon as she walked out of the courtyard gate, Madam Zhao suddenly looked back at Hong Yi and said viciously: "Now that a noble person is coming, I will let you go for the time being, but don't think that this matter is over. Wait until the noble person leaves and you will have a hard time."

Hong Yi smiled and said nothing.

Isn't it just a matter of settling accounts after the autumn? Who wouldn't be the same?

The three ladies walked slowly to the gate of the Hong Mansion together.

There was a sound of wheels rolling in the distance, and three carriages with tall horses slowly drove over.

There were also eight guards riding BMWs on both sides slowly accompanying them.

Not only that, there was a ceremonial guard in front of the carriage, holding a large flag with the title of Princess Zhennan embroidered on it.

Seeing Luo Yun's formal ceremony, Mrs. Zhao couldn't help but show a happy expression on her face, and even the anger she had just suffered was relieved a lot.

Three horses accompanied her, plus eight guards, this is the highest standard that the title of Princess Zhennan can use when walking in the imperial city.

Princess Zhennan attaches so much importance to the Hong family, which makes Mrs. Zhao very happy. The higher the status of the Hong Mansion, the higher her status as the mistress of the Hong Mansion will naturally be.

At this moment, Luo Yun poked his head out of the carriage even though the carriage hadn't stopped yet, and waved in the direction of the Hong Mansion from a distance.

This abnormal behavior made the three ladies have some speculations in their hearts.

Could it be that someone among the younger generation of the Hong Mansion secretly became friends with Luo Yun?

This is really a good thing. Luo Yun is not only a powerful princess, but also has the background of the Kamikaze Kingdom. If they can maintain a good relationship with her, the power of the Hong Mansion will be much more stable.

Which youngster has such good fortune?

Hong Liuer from the third house?

It doesn't seem like that. Hong Liuer is spoiled and usually only causes trouble. How could Princess Luo Yun be interested in him?

Hong Xuejiao from the second house?

Xuejiao is still a possibility. Both of them are women, and Xuejiao has good martial arts and literary attainments.

While the ladies were still guessing which youngster it was.

Hong Yi, who was standing beside them, raised his hand and slowly waved to Luo Yun in the distance.

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