All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 69: Lightning Training

According to Hong Yi's original plan, he wanted to sneak into the island and steal the Tathagata Sutra.

But after getting this flying sword, Hong Yi changed his plan.

Since he had such a flying sword that could be called a divine weapon, why should he be polite to the pirates on the island.

Hong Yi was not a good man, and the pirates on the island were not good people either. Hong Yi had no psychological pressure to kill the pirates.

Hong Yi naturally understood the principle of catching the leader first. If these pirates had no leader, they would be a mob and not to be feared at all.

Hong Yi floated outside the Giant Whale Island in a small boat, and his soul left his body to control the flying sword in his hand and sneaked into the island.

The innate martial artist who combined the body and soul was indeed very strong.

If an ordinary Taoist master wanted to kill a martial artist of this level, he had to control the flying sword at close range, otherwise the flying sword would fall down instantly and his soul would be injured if it was rushed by the blood and qi of such a martial arts master.

But Hong Yi didn't have to worry about this at all. What was a mere innate martial artist?

With the protection of the Thousand Blood Spirit Yuan Steel, even if they were more than ten kilometers apart, the power of Hong Yi's flying sword was not reduced at all.

Hong Yi did not force it. He controlled the flying sword and sneaked into the island quietly, taking advantage of the three leaders' sleep to kill them.

The sword light was like snow, and the two leaders were killed by the sword light that suddenly flew out before they could react.

Only the big boss of Giant Whale Island woke up from his sleep with the intuition of a warrior and avoided this fatal sword.

But it still couldn't change anything. If one sword can't kill, then use more swords.

Even if Huang Mei's knife is faster, it can't deal with a sword that will never break the defense.

After killing the leader, kill the martial artist, and after killing the martial artist, kill the pirate.

Hong Yi has no mercy at all. Since he has taken action to suppress the bandits, he must eliminate all the evil.

If these pirates are not killed cleanly, they will go into exile and rob everywhere. I don't know how many tragedies will be caused.

Of course, if there is a choice, with Hong Yi's character, he would rather capture all these pirates and make them slaves.

However, his power has not yet taken shape, and there is no place to store them, so Hong Yi can only choose to kill them all.

After killing all the pirates, Hong Yi began to count the gains of this battle.

The armor and weapons on these pirates are worth 300,000 taels of silver.

In addition, the value of the property looted by these pirates is even more amazing. There are more than 1 million taels of silver notes alone, plus silver, gold, jewelry, agate, etc., with a total value of more than 2 million taels.

In addition, the most important thing is naturally the Tathagata Sutra.

Hong Yi found the big Buddha with the Tathagata Sutra, and took it out from the small world in the Buddha's head under the induction of his soul.

Looking at this scripture, Hong Yi's eyes showed a scorching light

What a good Tathagata Sutra, it records the 108 acupoints measured by the Great Zen Temple.

Don't underestimate these 108 acupoints.

For a sect, even the measurement method of a single acupoint is worth fighting for with one's life.

Jingjue Temple only researched a method of extracting marrow and transforming essence for the acupoint of Jingyuan Shangtai.

And the martial arts inheritance of Shenxiao Dao only has one acupoint of Gushen.

The preciousness of this present Tathagata Sutra can be seen.

The practice of warriors is all tangible things, training bones, organs and marrow.

When it comes to the human immortal realm, it is the acupoints that are practiced. Warriors practice the body, and human immortals practice the acupoints.

This half of the present Tathagata Sutra is enough to make him go very far in the human immortal realm.

And the physical body becomes strong, the blood is full, and naturally it will strengthen his soul, so that his Taoism will also go hand in hand.

It can be said that with this present Tathagata Sutra, Hong Yi really has the confidence to confront Hong Xuanji head-on.

Hong Yi opened the chat group and uploaded this present Tathagata to the group space without hesitation.

In addition to the present Tathagata Sutra, Hong Yi also gathered all the treasures on the Giant Whale Island and divided them into two parts and sent them to Xu Chenzhou.

Hong Yi (Daqian Scholar): "Group leader, this is the property I got from destroying the Giant Whale Island. You have helped me a lot during this period, and you have spent a lot of money.

The first red envelope is my thank you. Although I know you don't need it, please accept it.

And the second red envelope, please keep it for me for a while."

Xu Chenzhou would naturally not refuse. These properties are nothing to Hong Yi.

With his ability, the property of the Giant Whale Island is just a drop in the bucket for him.

And he has spent a lot of money on group members during this period, and he really needs to get some money back.

Zhang Junbao (Jianghu Sanren): "Hong Yi is awesome! It's only been two days, and you've already got the Tathagata Sutra."

Lu Mingfei (Dragon Slayer): "Didn't the group leader say that this Giant Whale Island is quite difficult to deal with? Brother Hong, how did you get it so quickly?"

Hong Yi (Daqian Scholar): "This is mainly due to the Thousand Blood Spiritual Steel that the group leader gave me. The flying sword made of this steel is so easy to use. The blood and qi of those innate warriors can't affect my soul at all."

Lu Mingfei (Dragon Slayer): "So powerful! (Emoji: Get me one too)"

After hearing Hong Yi's introduction of how easy it is to use a flying sword made of Thousand Blood Spiritual Steel, Lu Mingfei was really tempted.

He couldn't tell whether the dragons and hybrids in the Dragon Clan World had blood and qi, but he didn't care. He would definitely get one first.

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "Okay, when you have cultivated to the point where you can control the sword, I will give each of you a sword."

Hong Yi (Daqian scholar): "Although the Tathagata Sutra is good now, the method of measuring the acupoints must break through to the human immortal realm to exert its full power.

With my current skills, I can only exert one-tenth of the effect of these acupoints at most.

What a pity. If other acupoints can also be stimulated by the power of the Lightning Body Technique like the Valley God Acupoint."

The Lightning Body Technique is a secret method of the Divine Sky Dao, which is specially used to cultivate the Valley God Acupoint. It can use the power of thunder and lightning to stimulate the power of the Valley God Acupoint to 50%.

The predecessors of the Divine Sky Dao have also tried to use thunder and lightning to stimulate other acupoints, but unfortunately, other acupoints cannot withstand the power of thunder and lightning, even a little bit.

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "Maybe, it's not that there is no way at all. Since the Valley God Acupoint can use lightning to practice.

Then it stands to reason that other acupoints should also be able to do so.

I guess the main reason why the predecessors of Shenxiao Dao failed was that they couldn't control the power of lightning.

Many acupoints are indeed extremely precise. If the power of lightning exceeds a little, they can't stand it.

But if we can accurately control the size of lightning, then maybe we can experiment out the right amount of electricity."

Speaking of this, Xu Chenzhou sent another red envelope to the group.

A martial arts training auxiliary warehouse.

This martial arts training auxiliary warehouse is a machine used by ordinary warriors to break through the first-level warriors, which can help warriors shape their combat bodies.

This martial arts training auxiliary warehouse naturally also has the function of electric shock acupoints.

And this machine is quite precise, and can control the amount of electricity to a very small value without any deviation.

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "Hong Yi, you can try the electric shock function of this machine to see if it can activate the acupoints. Anyway, there is a time imprint function, and if it fails, just go back directly."

The time imprint is not only able to go back once, but can go back an unlimited number of times within a specified time, which is very suitable for studying the activation of acupoints.

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