All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 70: Planting the land is worse than growing medicine

After getting the Tathagata Sutra, Xu Chenzhou couldn't wait to get into the cultivation space.

The friends in the group are making rapid progress these days, and Xu Chenzhou is naturally not idle either.

The focus of a first-level warrior's training is the extraordinary organs forged at the time of breakthrough.

The training goal of the Burning Flame Demon Fist as a first-level warrior is to replace all the bones in the body with the Flame Demon Divine Bones.

This replacement is actually a waste of time.

Under the influence of the Flame Demon Bone, Xu Chenzhou's spine can produce Burning Demon Blood, and this Burning Demon Blood is transported to the whole body through blood vessels, and in turn infiltrates Xu Chenzhou's whole body bones. Under the influence of the Burning Demon Blood, his body The bones inside will slowly be transformed into the Flame Demon Bones.

After this period of practice, Xu Chenzhou has replaced all the bones in the trunk and limbs, and now only the most difficult one, the skull, is left.

Xu Chenzhou only needs to replace the skull with the Flame Demon Divine Bone, and he can break through to the peak of the first-level warrior, and start to break through to the second-level warrior.

However, the evolution of the skull cannot be rushed, it needs to be done slowly and accumulated over time.

So Xu Chenzhou began to study the Tathagata Sutra with great interest.

But while practicing the Tathagata Sutra, some minor accidents occurred.

Now Tathagata Sutra actually needs Xu Chenzhou to perform local adaptation.

Moreover, the price of this localization adaptation is quite expensive, and it is actually charged on a per-unit basis.

Localized adaptation of each acupoint requires 50 chat group points.

This little accident made Xu Chenzhou very surprised. You must know that even the magic of cultivating immortals in the prehistoric world can be practiced unimpeded in the star world.

I didn’t expect that Tathagata Sutra would be so special now.

One hundred and eight acupoints, if all were localized and adapted, a full 5,400 points would be needed.

Naturally, Xu Chenzhou didn't want to be cut off by the system. If 5,400 points were converted into time, he could speed up the process by 540 days.

Xu Chenzhou wanted to rely on the current Tathagata Sutra as a reference to carry out local adaptation.

But it's a pity that he failed this time.

Just looking at the appearance, the human races in all the worlds actually look similar, but in fact there are many differences in the body structures of the human races in different worlds.

The method of measuring acupoints in the Yangshen World has almost no effect in the Star World.

Even if he had the Tathagata Sutra as a reference, and coupled with the peak understanding of Zhang Sanfeng, it would still take a lot of time to measure the acupuncture points in the human body of the Star World.

Moreover, the cultivation methods of these acupoints are also somewhat different from those currently recorded in the Tathagata Sutra, and they need to be modified and corrected.

Going back and forth, it takes at least seven or eight days to explore the location of an acupoint. In addition, sometimes improving the cultivation method also requires the use of time imprints, and the cost is far more than fifty points.

After relying on his own strength to find two acupoints, Xu Chenzhou reluctantly gave up the plan to save money.

It was the first time that Xu Chenzhou used the localization adaptation function of the chat group and found that this function was really useful.

After adapting to the local language of the chat group, not only the method of measuring acupoints has been changed to fully adapt to the physique of Star Territory people, but also detailed training methods for using electricity to stimulate acupoints have been added.

As Xu Chenzhou expected, before the human-immortal realm, every acupuncture point could be activated using electricity.

However, the requirements for power control are very high. A little more than a little energy will damage the acupoints immediately.

The most important thing is that after the appropriate chat group matching, the effects of the acupoints are also listed in detail.

You must know that the body structure of the Star Territory people is different from that of the humans in the Yangshen World, and even the same acupoints have different effects.

For example, the acupoint of Jingyuan Shangtei, in the world of Yangshen, can convert a person's physical energy and blood into the power of the soul.

But in the star world, the function of this acupoint is to stimulate the thinking speed of the human brain.

The more the Jing Yuan Shang Fei acupoint is activated, the faster the brain will be able to think.

If people were to explore the various differences here, I don't know how much energy would be expended, but the chat group clearly listed the differences, saving Xu Chenzhou a lot of effort.

However, after this period of practice, Xu Chenzhou didn't have many points left in his hand now, so he just selected fifteen more important acupoints for local adaptation.

Some of these acupoints can enhance his movement speed, some can enhance his resistance to blows, and some can enhance his thinking speed.

After activating these acupoints, Xu Chenzhou felt that his strength had at least doubled.

Xu Chenzhou opened the group chat and saw Han Li sending a bunch of red envelopes to the chat group.

Everyone in the group has a share.

It was rare for Han Li to receive welfare, so Xu Chenzhou quickly clicked to receive it.

Qiankun has four hundred kilograms of rice, one bottle of golden soup and jade dew pills, and two boxes of tiger bone marrow refining ointment.

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "Han Li, your efficiency is too high. I just sent you the Qiankun Yiqi rice yesterday, and you actually grew so much today."

Qiankun Yiqi rice is a precious rice in the world of Yangshen.

Hong Yi took out ten kilograms of Thousand Blood Spirit Yuan Steel, and then obtained it from a transaction with a hidden family through Luo Yun's channels.

Although this kind of Qiankun Yiqi rice is not as precious as Longya rice, it is already the top rice in the Yangshen world.

Long-term use of Qiankun Yiqi Rice can make people's qi and blood full and their souls strong.

According to the person from the hidden family, if a baby can eat enough Qiankun Yiqi rice from a young age, he will be able to have the strength of a marrow refining master when he grows up without practicing any martial arts.

However, the Qiankun Yiqi rice that the hidden family traded to Hong Yi can only be eaten, and cannot breed new seedlings.

This is not difficult for Xu Chenzhou at all. With the technology of the star field world, as long as the seeds are in hand, is there any fear that he can't find a breeding method?

Xu Chenzhou found a genetic research laboratory, and with the help of a professional, it took only two and a half hours to crack the secret that Qiankun Yiqi rice cannot be bred.

While cracking the secret, the expert was sighing, it's 4040, why are there still people using this outdated method to encrypt.

Now the seeds of those large companies are encrypted with gene locks, which can be locked for several generations as many as you want, which is much more advanced than this seed that can only be bred once.

Han Li (disciple of Qixuan Sect): "This kind of rice is much easier to grow than any spiritual medicine. I diluted a drop of the Cantian Creation Liquid a hundred times and used it to sow, and it can sow one acre of land.

Just yesterday, I harvested four thousand kilograms of Qiankun Yiqi rice."

So exaggerated!

Xu Chenzhou was shocked.

Qiankun Yiqi rice is indeed a special rice variety in the Yangshen world. It can actually produce four thousand kilograms per mu. This is really too exaggerated.

What's even more exaggerated is that after diluting the Cantian Creation Liquid with water, it can actually sow a whole acre of land.

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