All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 71 I want to live and die with Xiangyang City and Miss Xiang

It seems that Han Li usually uses a whole drop of Towering Creation Liquid to accelerate the growth of the elixir, so a lot of energy should be wasted in the ripening process.

On the contrary, after adding water to dilute it, the energy utilization efficiency becomes higher.

However, Han Li's approach was not wrong. A hundred-year-old elixir was indeed inferior to a four-thousand-pound Qiankun Yiqi rice.

But if it could be cultivated into a ten thousand-year elixir, then it would be more important to the cultivators than several kilograms of Qiankun Yiqi rice.

Hong Yi (Da Qian Xiucai): "Great! With the Tiger Bone Marrow Refining Ointment and Golden Soup Jade Dew Pills, I am confident that I can reach the peak of the innate martial arts within a few days.

When the time comes, combined with the cultivation of the Blood Moving Realm, one can break through to the realm of the Marrow Master in one fell swoop. At that time, I can return to Yujing City with peace of mind. Even if I face Hong Xuanji directly, I will have the confidence to confront him head-on. "

Jintang Yulu Pill is a medicine for internal use, which can strengthen the five internal organs after being eaten, while Tiger Bone Marrow Refining Cream is for external use, and can be applied to the joints to strengthen the bone marrow.

These two secret medicines are recorded in Monk Yingyue's record of fighting against Buddhas, and they are secret martial arts medicines not passed down from the Dazen Temple.

Hong Yi had been trying to refine these two precious medicines since he obtained the Buddha Fighting Records from Giant Whale Island a few days ago.

However, the medicinal materials required for these two precious medicines are extremely precious, and the two main medicines must be more than a hundred years old.

Naturally, Hong Yi had no way to obtain the centuries-old treasure medicine, but Hong Yi couldn't do it, but Han Li could.

Ever since he acquired the time acceleration function, Han Li had accumulated many drops of towering creation fluid in his hand.

Ripening two centuries-old medicinal herbs was a piece of cake for Han Li without any effort.

In Yitian World, outside Xiangyang City, there were two horses carrying a pair of young girls walking slowly under the morning sun.

The girl had a beautiful smile, was wearing a bright yellow dress, and had a long sword on her waist. Her eyes were moving as she looked around, as if she were an elf in the sky.

"I've been away from home for a long time and haven't been back for almost a year. This time I take you on a tour of the world, just in time to take you back to Xiangyang City to have a look."

If you go to Xiangyang City, you will meet Guo Daxia. Zhang Junbao couldn't help but blush when he heard Guo Xiang's words.

Guo Xiang turned the long sword in her hand and said with a smile: "Junbao, don't be nervous. Although my parents are very famous in the world, they are actually very good people. After you arrive in Xiangyang City, you will definitely Love it there.”

"How can I be nervous? Don't talk nonsense!"

Zhang Junbao turned his head and glanced at Guo Xiang's bright face from the corner of his eye.

My heart couldn't help but pounding.

Why am I so nervous because of Guo Daxia's reputation in the world?

It's not because they are your parents.

But Zhang Junbao didn't dare to say this at this time.

Although he and Guo Xiang have become quite familiar with each other during this period, Zhang Junbao can also feel that Guo Xiang has gradually taken a place in his heart.

But Zhang Junbao also knew that now was not the time. The most important person in Guo Xiang's heart was still Yang Guo.

In fact, based on Zhang Junbao's character, if he hadn't known about Guo Xiang's tragic ending in the future, he would most likely have chosen to miss Guo Xiang.

But now that he has an insight into the future direction, Zhang Junbao cannot let everything happen again.

Guo Xiang looked at Zhang Junbao's nervous expression, looking a little stupid, and couldn't help but cover his mouth with his hand, and a burst of laughter like silver bells came from his mouth.

"Don't worry, sister, I will protect you when we get to Xiangyang City.

As long as I am here, no one else in Xiangyang dares to bully you. "

At this time, Guo Xiang felt a protective desire, completely forgetting that Zhang Junbao was a peerless master who could defeat Shaolin alone.

I just thought of him as the poor little monk when I first met him.

From Yangzhou to Xiangyang, the journey is very long, but if you are accompanied by a beautiful woman, then the long journey will become very short.

In the blink of an eye, Xiangyang City is right in front of you.

The two of them walked side by side and rode two horses slowly to the gate of Xiangyang City.

Guo Xiang raised her head and looked at a man in black armor on the city gate, with an excited smile on his face.

"Dad, I'm here, I'm here!"

The man in black armor on the city tower looked down, and with a movement of his body, he flew down from the city wall like a roc.

"Xian'er, why are you back at this time?

This month, the Mongolian army attacked Xiangyang City again. At this time, Xiangyang was already in danger.

For you to come back at this time is simply "

Before Guo Jing finished speaking, he couldn't help but sigh.

This time the Mongolian army was coming fiercely, and he had no confidence that he could defend Xiangyang City.

Guo Jing didn't mind living and dying with Xiangyang City, but at this critical moment, his daughter who could have escaped the disaster actually returned to Xiangyang, which made Guo Jing feel mixed.

Although he is a great hero, his wife and children are also very important to him.

He hoped that his wife and children could live well, but the morality in his heart could not allow him to blame Guo Xiang for rushing back to Xiangyang to defend the city.

"The Mongolian army is here again. Fortunately, I came back in time!" Guo Xiang exclaimed.

Before Guo Xiang returned to Xiangyang, he had no idea that the Mongolian army was going to attack the city.

She was extremely lucky that she came back in time, otherwise she would be left alone to survive when Xiangyang City was destroyed, and she would never be able to forgive herself in this life.

But then Guo Xiang remembered something again, and she turned to look at Zhang Junbao.

"Junbao, I wanted to take you to visit Xiangyang City this time, but now the war is urgent, it seems that there is no chance.

You go to Yangzhou City and wait for me first. I will go to Yangzhou to find you after the war is over."

Guo Xiang didn't want Zhang Junbao to be involved in this terrible war because of her.

In Guo Xiang's opinion, although Zhang Junbao's martial arts are very strong, he also has weaknesses. That is, except for the flying sword, Zhang Junbao's martial arts can only be regarded as an ordinary first-class master, and Zhang Junbao's sword control distance is limited, and he can't control the sword at a super long distance.

The battlefield is different from the ordinary martial arts fighting. Once he controls the flying sword on the battlefield, he will definitely become a thorn in the eyes of the Mongolian cavalry. With Zhang Junbao's martial arts, there is no hope of surviving in the sprint of countless Mongolian cavalry.

Hearing Guo Xiang's words, Zhang Junbao didn't even think about it, and blurted it out directly.

"Miss Guo Xiang, what do you mean by that? Are you asking me to leave you and go to Yangzhou alone?

No way, I'm not going anywhere!

Miss Guo Xiang, wherever you are, I'm there."

What Guo Xiang didn't know was that the martial arts she had seen of Zhang Junbao were all old news.

The time acceleration function of the chat group does not require you to stay in the practice room for a full day every time you redeem it. You can stop at any time and continue it the next time you go in.

Although Zhang Junbao and she have been together day and night for more than ten days, behind the scenes, Zhang Junbao uses the time acceleration function of the chat group practice room to practice crazily every night.

But even without these gains in skills, it is impossible for Zhang Junbao to abandon Guo Xiang and escape alone.

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