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Chapter 72 Soft Hedgehog Armor

Hearing Zhang Junbao's firm response, Guo Xiang felt an inexplicable surge of emotion in her heart.

She looked at Zhang Junbao's resolute expression and suddenly realized that this little brother's facial features looked a bit handsome.

After hearing Zhang Junbao's words, Guo Jing looked at him with more scrutiny.

Doesn't this kid look a little off?

Why do I feel so uncomfortable looking at this kid!

At this moment, a beautiful woman in yellow clothes flew down from the city wall.

Huang Rong had a gentle smile on her lips, and her eyes kept looking up and down at Zhang Junbao. The more she looked at him, the more satisfied she became.

She had long known that her daughter had special feelings for Yang Guo.

This matter made her quite distressed.

No one knows better than her how dedicated Yang Guo is to Xiao Longnu.

Lu Wushuang, Gongsun Lv'e, etc., with these living examples in front of her, Huang Rong knew that Guo Xiang's feelings for Yang Guo would never be reciprocated.

Now the appearance of Zhang Junbao gave Huang Rong a glimmer of hope to solve the problem.

"Brother Jing, hurry up and take Xiang'er and her friends into the city, otherwise it will be in danger if the Meng Yuan army comes over later."

Guo Jing hurriedly took Zhang Junbao and Guo Xiang into Xiangyang City.

Although there was chaos outside Xiangyang City, the people in Xiangyang City were not affected and still lived an orderly life.

A long street lined with various stalls, full of the atmosphere of market life.

A few people walked through the long streets of Xiangyang City and arrived at Guo Jing's house not long after.

There were many Jianghu people gathered in the Guo Mansion. These Jianghu people all came from all over the world to help Xiangyang defend the city.

Seeing Guo Xiang return home, many people in the world were very happy and greeted Guo Xiang one after another.

But Guo Xiang, who has always been generous and eccentric, became a little silent this time.

He was not as excited as usual to tell these people about his experiences in the arena.

After arriving at Guo Mansion, Guo Xiang hurried back to the room without even staying with her parents for a while.

The attentive Zhang Junbao noticed that Guo Xiang's face was flushed when she left, as if she had been smeared with the top-quality rouge produced by Jiangnan, making her look pretty.

Seeing Guo Xiang's performance, Huang Rong couldn't help but smile, and she became even more enthusiastic towards Zhang Junbao.

Huang Rong took Zhang Junbao to the Guo Mansion's meeting hall and introduced him to everyone present.

The meeting hall was filled with many generals and some martial arts people.

They are discussing how to deal with this attack by the Mongolian and Yuan armies.

Huang Rong sat on the main seat with her brows furrowed and a look of sadness on her face.

"Brother Jing, this time the Mongolian and Yuan armies are coming in force. They have gathered 100,000 soldiers and horses. I'm afraid they won't let it go."

On the other side, a deputy general, Zhang Yuanyue, stepped out from the crowd and said, "It's true. Our scouts have been exploring the movements of the Mongolian and Yuan armies in the past few days and found that they are organizing craftsmen to build siege equipment. Calculating the time, it should be about the same in three days." It’s done.”

Guo Fu raised her eyebrows at the side and said: "What are you afraid of? Although the Mongolian and Yuan armies numbered 100,000, we in Xiangyang City also have 5,000 fighting troops, plus more than 100 martial arts people. We are in danger. If we defend, I don’t believe that the Mongolian and Yuan armies can break through our defense line.”

Guo Jing let out a long sigh: "Having said that, if the Mongolian and Yuan armies forcefully attack the city regardless of casualties, and the enemy is outnumbered and we are outnumbered, the casualties in this battle may be very terrifying."

What is the concept of an army of 100,000? Looking down from the top of Xiangyang City, there is a vast area of ​​darkness. Everywhere you can see are the heads of the Mongolian and Yuan armies.

Although martial arts masters have a natural advantage in the battle to defend the city, and can often create miracles of one against a hundred in a small terrain, the problem is that there are too many Mongolian and Yuan troops attacking the city this time.

According to Guo Jing's estimate, even if he could defend Xiangyang City against the Mongolian and Yuan army's attack this time, the battle loss ratio would be astonishingly over 60%.

Guo Fu continued: "So what if there are heavy casualties? The Meng Yuan people will fight wherever they want. Many of us will die. Meng Yuan will only die more than us. I don't believe that the Meng Yuan people are not afraid of death?"

As soon as these words came out, the entire meeting hall was filled with emotions.

"Marshal, the eldest lady is right, they can fight if they want. The old man will lose his life, but he will not lose if he kills one, and he will gain blood by killing two."

"Damn it, I've been afraid of things all my life, but I've never been afraid of death, fighting with these bastards!"

Seeing the fighting spirit of everyone in the hall, Guo Jing nodded. Xiangyang was already the last line of defense for the Song Dynasty. If Xiangyang city was broken, the Song Dynasty would be almost over.

Therefore, all cities can lose, but Xiangyang City cannot lose.

Since there is no way out, the only option is to fight to the death.

The days in Xiangyang City passed quickly. In the past few days, the Mongolian and Yuan armies also organized several attacks.

However, the purpose of these attacks were all probing. Before Zhang Junbao could take action, Guo Jing easily repulsed them.

Zhang Junbao gradually got used to living in the Guo Mansion, and gradually became familiar with everyone in the Guo family.

Another day, soldiers and horses attacked outside Xiangyang City.

The sound of horns sounded all over the sky, and the sound was extremely loud.

Even Zhang Junbao in the city could hear the shouts of the Meng Yuan army clearly.

Zhang Junbao, who heard the commotion, quickly walked out of the room and rushed to Xiangyang City Gate.

Along the way, Zhang Junbao saw many soldiers doing preparations, some were carrying stones, and some were boiling alchemy juice.

And more soldiers, wearing armor, stood on the city wall, ready for battle.

Guo Xiang was also on the city wall at this time. She grew up in Xiangyang City since she was a child, so she was naturally familiar with such scenes.

Guo Xiang was wearing a red cloak and a pure white cloak with iron pieces embedded on her body, looking heroic.

This cloak was made of thick linen, with a bright heart mirror on the chest, and some iron pieces embedded in other key places.

This kind of cloak was specially customized for people in the martial arts world. The cloak made of cloth would not affect the flexibility of people in the martial arts world, and the thick linen had a certain ability to resist cutting. Coupled with the iron pieces embedded in key places, it could play a good role on the battlefield.

After Zhang Junbao walked up to the city wall, Guo Xiang came to his side, pulled Zhang Junbao to an inconspicuous corner, and then stuffed a ball of things into his hand.

"Junbao, put this on quickly."

Zhang Junbao took the thing from Guo Xiang's hand and took a closer look. It turned out to be a golden underwear.

The outer layer of the clothes also had rows of fine hooks, which looked very strange.

Zhang Junbao certainly knew what this was, a soft armor that was invulnerable to swords and spears.

Huang Rong should have passed this armor to Guo Fu, but I don't know why it came to Guo Xiang again.

Zhang Junbao said hesitantly: "This should be something your parents taught you to save your life. Why did you give it to me?

Miss Guo, you should wear it."

Guo Xiang just looked at Zhang Junbao steadily: "I said that my sister will protect you when we get to Xiangyang City. Be obedient and put it on quickly.

Besides, in this battle, with your swordsmanship, one Zhang Junbao is worth a thousand Guo Xiangs. You are much more important than me."

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