All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 74: Facing the Enemy Alone

There were also several Mongolian generals riding horses, wearing heavy armor, holding long spears, and looking murderous.

Behind them were two thousand cavalrymen, as dense as the tide of Qiantang River, with the sound of horse hooves, shaking the earth.

The Mongolian general in the lead was big and strong, with a full beard, wearing a set of black heavy armor, and the sound he made was very rough.

He shouted at Zhang Junbao.

"The Song people boasted all day long that they had a sword fairy. I didn't believe it at first, but I didn't expect to see a real one today.

Today, my Mongol Yuan Dynasty has dominated the world and unified the four seas. It is the destiny of heaven.

No matter what kind of magic you use, you will have no way to escape when surrounded by my army.

Hurry up and lay down your weapons and surrender to my Mongol Yuan Dynasty, and I will spare your life.

Otherwise, after I break through Xiangyang City, I will massacre the city for three days and leave Xiangyang with nothing left."

The Mongol Yuan soldiers have surrounded Zhang Junbao, but no one can get close to Zhang Junbao.

The red sword light in the air is as swift as lightning and as elegant as a swimming dragon. With Zhang Junbao as the center of the circle, it keeps killing the approaching Mongol Yuan soldiers.

"Escape? You are the ones who are going to escape today! You Mongolian thieves, today I will make you pay with blood."

The Mongolian general laughed grimly: "You are so ignorant, a hundred thousand Mongolian troops can surround you to death, unless you can fly, you are dead today."

"Men, kill this kid, I will allow you to not put down your sword for three days and slaughter all the people in Xiangyang City!"

"Long live the general!"

"Kill! Kill!"

"Young lady from the Central Plains, I am here!"

Hearing the promise of the Mongolian general, these Mongolian soldiers became extremely excited and brave. When some Mongolian soldiers were about to be stabbed by the flying sword, they not only did not dodge, but also twisted their bodies, trying to block the flying sword with their bones.

Under the attack of the Mongolian army regardless of casualties, the circle drawn by Zhang Junbao with the flying sword became smaller and smaller. Gradually, a Mongolian soldier approached within three feet of Zhang Junbao.

A flash of excitement flashed in the eyes of the Mongol soldier, and his hand holding the spear trembled slightly.

The man in front of me stood still, and it seemed that his soul was out of his body to control the flying sword. Now I walked in front of him, and as long as I stabbed him lightly, this overwhelming credit would belong to me.

Just when he thought he was going to succeed, Zhang Junbao pulled out another red long sword from his waist, swung his hand back, and a scorching sword energy flew out along the long sword, splitting the Mongol soldier in two.

After these days of practice, his Taoist cultivation had already made great progress and broke through to the stage of possession. For Zhang Junbao now, splitting the spirit into thoughts is just a routine operation.

Part of the thoughts entered the flying sword to kill wantonly, and the other part of the thoughts stayed in the flesh to guard.

After the death of this Mongol soldier, many Mongol soldiers came up behind him.

These Mongol soldiers were well-trained and had quite a few tricks to cooperate with each other. More than a dozen people stabbed out with their spears together, blocking all of Zhang Junbao's movement space.

But Zhang Junbao was not at all weak. His internal strength has also improved by leaps and bounds in these days of practice.

The Nine Yang Magic Art is indeed a first-class martial arts in the martial arts world. With the help of the Nine Yang Magic Art, Zhang Wuji has cultivated a body of top internal strength in the martial arts world in just a few years.

Zhang Junbao already has a deep foundation of internal strength. With the dual blessing of the basic body-building skills of the Star Domain Alliance and the time acceleration of the chat group, his internal strength has long reached the top level of the martial arts world.

Not only that, Zhang Junbao has been improving the Nine Yang Magic Art during this period.

From the perspective of the Yitian world, the Nine Yang Magic Art is absolutely a unique skill. No matter which martial arts master comes, he can't find any faults with the Nine Yang Magic Art.

But Zhang Junbao is different. His vision is not limited to the Yitian world.

Through the chat group, Zhang Junbao has seen so many different cultivation systems and has come up with many wonderful ideas.

In particular, the Nine True Jade Qi Training Art brought by Yang Chan opened Zhang Junbao's eyes.

The upper limit of the Nine Yang Magic Art is too low. Even if you practice it to the ultimate level, it is just to break through the acupuncture points of the whole body's meridians, achieve the unity of heaven and man, and achieve the great circulation of the human body.

Zhang Junbao, who has seen the height of the sky and the vastness of the earth, how can he be satisfied with such an ordinary level?

Under the influence of this idea, Zhang Junbao began to try to improve the Nine Yang Magic Art.

In Zhang Junbao's imagination, the Nine Yang Nine Yang, then the ultimate version must have the power of nine suns to be worthy of the name.

Of course, to achieve this conjecture is far beyond Zhang Junbao's ability.

But Zhang Junbao is not an ordinary person. In addition, with so many reference materials, he actually made a 2.0 version of the Nine Yang Magic Art for him.

At the beginning, Zhang Junbao tried many ways to break through the shackles of the Nine Yang Magic Art, but in the end he failed.

He also learned from Xu Chenzhou to condense the Nine Yang Qi into a Qi Dan.

But it is easy to condense the Qi Dan, but difficult to shape it.

After all, he does not have the Flame Demon God Bone as a container to hold the Dan.

After each condensation, it will not take long for the Qi Dan to collapse and turn into Qi again.

After many attempts, Zhang Junbao found that the reason was that the purity of the Nine Yang Qi was not enough.

The Nine Yang Qi was a kind of Qi that was extremely yang and strong.

But in Zhang Junbao's opinion, the Nine Yang Qi cultivated by human breathing did not reach the limit above the anode.

It is precisely because of this that the condensation of the true qi golden elixir has repeatedly failed!

The Nine True Jade Qi Training Technique has methods to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and the essence of the sun and the moon.

However, these methods are only used by people with cultivation, especially absorbing the essence of the sun, which is extremely dangerous and can burn one's body if one is not careful.

After many attempts, Zhang Junbao combined science and technology with the ancient immortal method, and finally developed a way to safely absorb the essence of the sun in the Yitian world.

After successfully absorbing the essence of the sun, Zhang Junbao used it to refine the Nine Yang True Qi.

After adding the essence of the sun, Zhang Junbao refined the Nine Yang True Qi in his body into the 2.0 version of the Nine Yang True Qi that was like a golden flowing fire.

This new 2.0 version of the Nine Yang True Qi is not only more powerful and more lethal, but also has a higher purity.

Especially after Zhang Junbao successfully formed a martial arts golden elixir using the new Nine Yang True Qi, there was a qualitative leap in the release of true qi.

In simple terms, the new version of Nine Yang Qi is not easy to dissipate.

Zhang Junbao tried it, and with a casual finger, the Nine Yang Qi could punch a small hole in a stone dozens of meters away, which was more like the Six Meridians Divine Sword than the Six Meridians Divine Sword.

Once he picked up the long sword, the power of the sword energy he swung was super doubled.

These Mongolian soldiers thought that they had finally had the opportunity to confront Zhang Junbao head-on after all the hardships, but they didn't know that this was the beginning of their nightmare.

Zhang Junbao turned his long sword and drew a gorgeous long wheel of flames in the air.

For a moment, fish and dragons flowed, and the trees and silver flowers were like colorful fireworks outside Xiangyang City.

And around Zhang Junbao, there was a red dragon swimming freely. Wherever the dragon went, there would be a person's body and head separated.

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