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Chapter 75 Please Be a Human Being

When the people in Xiangyang saw this scene, their eyes almost popped out.

Is this martial arts?

Have we been practicing like dogs for so many years?

Zhang Junbao was enjoying killing more and more. With the rotation of the long sword, he actually fought forward 700 meters despite the encirclement of 100,000 Mongolian troops.

The road he was walking on was full of corpses on both sides. The soldiers who came later even had to use their hands and feet to climb over the pile of corpses.

Two long swords, one far and one near. The flaming long sword near was ruthlessly harvesting lives like mowing grass, while the red flying sword in the distance was even more tricky, specifically choosing officers among the Mongolian soldiers to kill.

Tens, centurions, and thousand men, Zhang Junbao didn't pick them at all. As long as they dared to show their heads, they would die!

With the operation of the two swords, the number of Mongolian soldiers who died at Zhang Junbao's hands had exceeded 10,000.

The corpses under Zhang Junbao's feet piled up more and more, and gradually, they actually formed a circular hill.

The air was filled with an unpleasant smell of burning, mixed with the smell of blood, which made people want to vomit.

Even the bravest Mongolian soldiers did not dare to charge forward at this time.

Everyone looked at Zhang Junbao with fear in their eyes, as if the man in front of them was a devil crawling out of hell.

At this moment, the sound of horse hooves shook the earth, from far to near, rumbling like a landslide.

The Mongolian general actually led his cavalry to charge.

The black mass of two thousand cavalry, like a dark cloud, spread towards Zhang Junbao.

The Mongolian general did not care that the people in front of him were basically Mongolian soldiers. In his mind, these people had become necessary sacrifices.

Seeing that the flame sword energy swung by Zhang Junbao was getting fainter and fainter, and the red dragon in the air was gradually losing its agility, he knew that this was his only chance to kill Zhang Junbao, otherwise when Zhang Junbao recovered, a hundred thousand troops would not be enough for Zhang Junbao to kill.

The general of the Mongol Yuan Dynasty was determined to rely on the numerical advantage of 2,000 cavalrymen to pile Zhang Junbao to death here.

He knew that if the man in front of him was allowed to live, the Mongol Yuan Dynasty would never rule the Central Plains.

At this moment, the gate of Xiangyang slowly opened, and 1,500 well-equipped cavalrymen followed Guo Jing out.

In fact, when Zhang Junbao showed his amazing fighting power, Guo Jing had already made up his mind to go out of the city to rescue Zhang Junbao.

It's just that the preparations he made today were all related to defending the city, and even many cavalrymen were converted into infantry units.

Now that he suddenly had to go out of the city, he naturally needed time to prepare.

Guo Fu and Guo Xiang also followed Guo Jing on their horses.

Guo Xiang actually wanted to jump off the city wall to help Zhang Junbao.

But she knew that with her martial arts, even if she went down, she would only become a burden to Zhang Junbao, so she had been secretly resisting her impulse.

Seeing the cavalrymen from Xiangyang City rushing out, the face of the Mongol Yuan Dynasty general was not panicked at all, but became more surprised.

"Okay, okay, there are cavalry in front and behind, and now this kid has nowhere to escape."

The Mongolian general was very confident in killing Zhang Junbao. He had seen that Zhang Junbao's internal strength had become extremely thin, and even the flame sword energy could not be condensed.

The Mongolian cavalry was known for its speed. It rushed to Zhang Junbao in just ten seconds.

Just when Zhang Junbao was about to be stepped on by the iron hoofs of the Mongolian army, a red sword light turned around and carried Zhang Junbao into the air.

The charge of two thousand cavalry was fierce, but at the moment when Zhang Junbao took off, everything was meaningless.

Cavalry was the king of land warfare in ancient times. On land, no arms could resist the charge of cavalry.

The Mongolian army was able to conquer Europe by relying on the fierce combat effectiveness of their cavalry.

But now Zhang Junbao is an air force unit. What's the use of your cavalry no matter how fierce it is? You can't even touch me.

Zhang Junbao was in the air, stepping on a red sword, with one hand behind his back, and holding another red sword in his other hand.

Then, the red sword in Zhang Junbao's hand turned into a red light, which kept surging in the group of Mongolian cavalry. Wherever the red dragon passed, blood flowers scattered like rain.

This scene made the Mongolian general dumbfounded. Is there any law in this world?

It's said that the oil is exhausted, why didn't you fly earlier if you can fly, and use Qinggong to float over the moat.

If you had flown with the sword earlier, I would have turned around and ran away.

Who is still playing with you here?

But now there is no time for the Mongolian general to regret.

There is a killing god floating in the sky, and the cavalry of Xiangyang City is staring at him. The Mongolian general turned his horse around and started running for his life with a group of cavalry, trying to get out of the battlefield.

But how can they run faster on the ground than flying the sword in the sky.

Zhang Junbao fell behind the cavalry all the way, the sword flashed coldly, and he attacked without mercy.

Every time the sword flashed, several cavalrymen fell off their horses.

The most taboo thing in war is unstable military morale.

People have a herd mentality.

Two thousand cavalrymen, plus about 20,000 infantrymen, began to flee, and instantly led many Mongolian soldiers who did not know the truth to flee with them.

This trend of escape was completely unstoppable.

Many people in the Mongolian army stood up to stop the fleeing soldiers, but it was useless. Some officers were even pushed to the ground by people who were eager to escape and trampled to death.

In an instant, the 100,000-strong Mongol army, which had been coming with great momentum, actually began to flee in all directions.

The defeat was as great as a landslide!

Guo Jing led 1,500 cavalrymen to shuttle freely among the 100,000-strong army, and it was unknown how many heads of the Mongol army he cut off.

And Zhang Junbao was like a killing god, chasing the fleeing Mongol army for more than ten kilometers.

In fact, Zhang Junbao was not a bloodthirsty person, but during this period of time, he followed Guo Xiang to travel around the world and saw too many human tragedies caused by the Mongol Yuan people.

In addition, the Mongol Yuan people just now completely treated the people of the Song Dynasty as non-human beings, which completely angered Zhang Junbao.

Zhang Junbao kept killing and killing. He flew in the air and saw a well-dressed and well-armed soldier with a sword.

As for those upper-level generals, Zhang Junbao was even more merciless.

The Mongol general who had previously clamored to massacre the city was directly dismembered by Zhang Junbao, and not even a complete bone could be found.

Zhang Junbao kept killing until a thick layer of blood scabs formed on the sword of the Thousand Blood Spirit Yuan Sword.

Until the sun in the sky slowly set in the west, Zhang Junbao slowly stopped.

Although he had been overloading his soul, Zhang Junbao found that he not only did not feel tired, but was full of energy.

Not only that, with his thoughts clear, his Taoist skills improved a lot, and he entered the middle stage of possession, once again leading Hong Yi.

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