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Chapter 76: Banquet at Guo's Mansion

After the war, every household in Xiangyang City was decorated with lanterns and lanterns, and the faces of the civilians on the street were full of joy, celebrating this hearty victory.

Zhang Junbao walked slowly on the streets of Xiangyang City after the war, with two Thousand Blood Spirit Yuan Swords on his back, and his original white clothes had long been stained with blood.

None of the Xiangyang City residents along the way disliked the pungent and unpleasant smell of blood on Zhang Junbao.

They surrounded Zhang Junbao, and many residents carried baskets in their hands, which were filled with grain, oil, rice, noodles, eggs and bacon.

These supplies were precious to the people of Xiangyang City who had been in war and chaos for many years, but they still wanted to give these supplies to Zhang Junbao without hesitation.

This was the only way they could express their gratitude.

Everyone knew that this time Xiangyang City could resolve the crisis mainly relying on the young sword fairy in front of them.

Zhang Junbao naturally would not accept the residents' gifts of thanks. After he declined them one by one, the residents slowly left with regretful expressions.

Guo's house was also very lively. In order to celebrate today's victory, Guo Jing specially held a celebration banquet.

The protagonist was of course Zhang Junbao.

The moment Zhang Junbao, wearing a blood-stained shirt, walked into Guo's house, the originally lively and joyous scene instantly became deserted.

Then, waves of cheers like a tsunami rang out.

In the cheers, some people praised Zhang Junbao as a young swordsman who was invincible in the world, and some people praised Zhang Jianxian for making the Mongols piss and pee instantly. There was also a bold female hero in the rivers and lakes who rushed to Zhang Junbao and began to express her admiration, regardless of the age difference of more than ten years between the two.

Guo Jing even brought a group of people to pull Zhang Junbao to drink a cup with him to celebrate today's victory together.

At this time, Guo Xiang stood out from the crowd.

"Dad, what are you doing? Didn't you see Junbao just came back? The blood on his clothes hasn't dried yet, and you're just drinking. Why don't you drink to death?

Even if you want to drink, you have to wait until he finishes washing and resting enough before drinking."

Guo Xiang pushed everyone away and was about to pull Zhang Junbao's sleeve to take him away.

Seeing this scene, Huang Rong laughed: "The little girl has grown up, and her elbows are starting to turn outward. Then you take Junbao to wash first."

Hearing Huang Rong's words, Guo Xiang's pretty face blushed: "Mom, how could I, I just treat Junbao as a younger brother."

Zhang Junbao's face was also reddened by Huang Rong's words, but after hearing Guo Xiang's answer, Zhang Junbao's heart sank.

Miss Guo just treats me as a younger brother. Yes, the person he likes is the hero Yang Guo after all, how can he like me so easily.

Guo Xiang didn't know Zhang Junbao's psychological activities. She was now in a state of panic and had a feeling of being at a loss.

She couldn't explain how she felt about Zhang Junbao, but recalling what Zhang Junbao said after accepting the soft hedgehog armor, and how Zhang Junbao jumped off the city wall to face the army alone because of her words, Guo Xiang felt her heart beat faster.

Guo Xiang hurriedly pulled Zhang Junbao away from the scene.

Seeing this, everyone knew what was going on and stopped making a fuss. Instead, they watched the two flee with a smile on their faces.

After the two walked away, everyone on the scene began to discuss Zhang Junbao's martial arts.

Many people in the martial arts world were very curious about how Zhang Junbao's martial arts were cultivated.

Flying with a sword, waving a flaming sword energy more than ten meters long, these performances were completely different from their styles.

Some people said that Zhang Junbao was taught by an immortal in a dream, so he could learn such a fairy method.

Others said that the Song Dynasty was not destined to end, so such a son of destiny was born to turn the tide.

Some people in the martial arts world gathered together to discuss quietly whether they had the opportunity to learn such magical skills from Zhang Junbao.

After washing up, Zhang Junbao put on a white robe and walked slowly back to the banquet with Guo Xiang who had been waiting outside the door.

This section of the road was not very long, only more than 300 meters away.

But the two walked very slowly.

Zhang Junbao noticed that the atmosphere between him and Guo Xiang had become a little strange.

Usually, the two of them had no sense of restraint when they got along. They talked about everything and said whatever they thought of. They got along quite naturally.

But now, Guo Xiang was quite silent all the way. Even if Zhang Junbao took the initiative to bring up the topic, Guo Xiang just kept nodding and responded with a mosquito-like sound.

Zhang Junbao was naturally arranged at the main table for tonight's banquet, and Guo Jing even gave up the main seat to let Zhang Junbao sit in the most honorable position.

For this reason, no one present had any objection. With Zhang Junbao's contribution today, Zhang Junbao deserved this position.

After the banquet officially started, countless people from the martial arts world and military generals came to Zhang Junbao with wine jars to toast him.

These people didn't even bother to eat, and lined up in a long line, even circling the entire courtyard, just to drink a cup with Zhang Junbao and celebrate today's exciting victory.

Zhang Junbao accepted everyone who came. Just kidding, with his current internal strength and physical strength, he didn't believe that anyone could get him drunk tonight.

Three hours later, Zhang Junbao hugged Guo Jing's neck, his eyes were hazy with drunkenness, and they each held a huge wine jar in their hands. After the two of them clinked the jars, they picked up the wine and drank it all up.

After the two of them finished drinking, they looked at each other. Guo Jing pulled Zhang Junbao and said, "Xian, brother Xian, I really want to thank you for what happened today. If it weren't for you, Xiangyang would be in danger! We brothers really hit it off today, otherwise we would have become sworn brothers." Become brothers."

Zhang Junbao was also drunk at this time. He was just a young novice monk before, so he had never experienced the power of alcohol.

Zhang Junbao also had a few drinks when he and Guo Xiang were wandering around the world some time ago, but under the influence of his strong internal force, the alcohol had no effect at all.

But today, Zhang Junbao first drank with hundreds of military lieutenant generals, and then drank with Guo Jing, who was also highly skilled, and knocked him unconscious.

"Loess is on top, Houtu is on the bottom, today my younger brother Zhang Junbao and Guo Daxia have formed an alliance."

Before Zhang Junbao finished speaking, a white finger like a green onion pinched Guo Jing's ear.

"Dad, are you too stupid to go to the children's table if you can't drink? What nonsense are you talking about here!"

After being pinched by his daughter, Guo Jing screamed twice in pain.

This little girl is really deadly.

Then Guo Xiang walked to Zhang Junbao again.

"Junbao, you drank too much. You can't drink any more. I'll send you back to your room to rest."

After finishing speaking, Guo Xiang carefully helped Zhang Junbao walk into the room.

When Huang Rong saw this scene, the smile on her face became even brighter.

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