All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 77 Qiankun Yiqi Rice

In the Star Domain World, Xu Chenzhou was bored at home chatting in the group.

Seeing Zhang Junbao's daily life shared in the group, Xu Chenzhou couldn't help but smile.

Zhang Junbao, this kid, was about to win Guo Xiang, but he didn't know it at all.

He also asked everyone in the group how to pursue girls, and chatted with Hong Yi and Lu Mingfei.

Thinking about the identities of the group members and the average age of the group members, Xu Chenzhou felt that Zhang Junbao was quite brave to ask this question in the group.

Three-year-old Emperor Huang Tian, ​​Han Paopao, Hong Yi, Lu Mingfei, who gave Zhang Junbao the courage to ask these people for advice on love.

Misaka Mikoto and Yang Chan are more reliable, but they are too young now. They are just in junior high school and are still at the stage of not knowing anything.

However, Xu Chenzhou didn't say it out loud. Zhang Junbao and Guo Xiang's daily life is still quite interesting. If he said it out loud, Zhang Junbao would win her directly, and then there would be no TV series to follow.

After closing the chat group, Xu Chenzhou took out a bag of Qiankun Yiqi rice from the group red envelope.

When he watched Yangshen, he was extremely curious about the dragon tooth rice in Yangshen.

Legend has it that dragon tooth rice melts in the mouth, is extremely sweet, and has no impurities. After eating, it directly turns into the purest vitality to nourish the body.

In other words, if you choose dragon tooth rice as food, then people don’t even need to urinate or defecate.

At that time, Xu Chenzhou was curious about what this magical food tasted like, and he wanted to travel to the Yangshen world to taste it himself.

Although it is not possible to eat pure dragon tooth rice for the time being, it is also good to try Qiankun Yiqi rice, which also comes from the Yangshen world.

This bag of Qiankun Yiqi rice weighs five kilograms, but there are only thirty grains of rice in the bag, and each grain of rice is as thick as a child’s arm.

Xu Chenzhou picked up a grain of rice and looked at it carefully. He saw that this grain of rice was crystal clear, as if it were crystal. Under the sunlight, it would also refract a circle of light, as if it would glow.

Xu Chenzhou was stunned by the appearance. Could this be the legendary glowing food?

Before his sister came home, Xu Chenzhou quickly put a whole bag of Qiankun Yiqi rice into the rice cooker.

Fortunately, the martial arts of Shuilan Star are prosperous, and everyone's appetite is generally large, so the capacity of the rice cooker is much larger than that of Xu Chenzhou's previous life, otherwise ordinary rice cookers really can't put so much rice.

As the rice in the pot gradually matured, Xu Chenzhou smelled a burst of fragrance in his nose, which was refreshing and refreshing.

At this time, Xu Moyan returned home with two large bags of ingredients in her hands.

As soon as the door was opened, the little bun exclaimed: "Brother, what are you cooking that smells so good!"

Xu Chenzhou smiled slightly: "I asked someone to buy alien rice. You can try it later and see how it tastes."

The star field world is quite vast. There are tens of thousands of life planets under the jurisdiction of the Star Field Alliance alone. No one would doubt that the Qiankun Yiqi rice was bought from aliens.

Even if there is a suspicion, it cannot be verified at all.

Because the genetic technology of the Star Field Alliance is also very advanced, various genetic creations emerge in an endless stream, and it is impossible to trace the source at all.

Xu Mo Ran nodded happily.

After a busy period, a table of feasts was ready.

Xu Chenzhou looked at the rich dishes on the table and couldn't help nodding. The little bun's cooking skills are getting better and better.

This level is enough to participate in cooking competitions.

After the busy work, Xu Chenzhou hurriedly served two bowls of rice and put them on the table.

The moment he saw the rice, Xu Mo Ran exclaimed.

"This rice is so beautiful, it's sparkling, just like a bowl of gems."

After the Qiankun Yiqi rice was cooked, it broke into pieces the size of pebbles.

These pieces are still crystal clear, and because they are broken into pieces, the reflective effect of the cross section is more significant, making this bowl of Qiankun Yiqi rice seem to be glowing.

Xu Chenzhou doesn't care about the appearance of the food, what he really cares about is the taste and effect of Qiankun Yiqi rice.

Unlike Longya rice, Qiankun Yiqi rice is extremely chewy and has a very unique taste. When chewing it, it will produce a sweet aftertaste, which makes people's appetite open.

This sweetness is not like a feedback from the taste, but more like a pleasure from the soul.

Silently practicing the basic body-building skills of the Star Domain Alliance, Xu Chenzhou can feel that the Qiankun Yiqi rice in his stomach has been completely digested into the vitality of heaven and earth, and integrated into his limbs and bones, just like a spring breeze and rain to enhance his physical fitness.

The nourishing method of Qiankun Yiqi rice is like a spring breeze and rain, more like a medicinal diet, which is strengthening his foundation.

Xu Chenzhou secretly estimated that if an ordinary person who has never practiced martial arts at all, as long as he eats Qiankun Yiqi rice for a long time, he will be able to have the physical conditions of an advanced martial artist in five to six years.

This is quite amazing. You should know that Xu Chenzhou has been practicing martial arts since he was a child, consuming a lot of natural materials and treasures, and then he became a martial artist before the age of eighteen, and he was regarded as a peerless genius.

Of course, this is also because his performance is too amazing. He directly beat a long-established first-level peak martial artist to death with three punches.

But even without this halo blessing, being able to become a martial artist before the age of eighteen can be regarded as a little genius in Tiancheng City.

If he develops Qiankun Yiqi rice into a new product, it is estimated that more than 50% of the martial arts food companies on Shuilanxing will go bankrupt directly, and the remaining 50% will have to survive under his feet.

However, Xu Chenzhou will not do this in the short term. The interests involved in Qiankun Yiqi Rice are too huge. If you don't have enough strength to take out this kind of thing rashly, it will be a death wish.

Thinking of this, Xu Chenzhou secretly felt lucky that he was cautious enough when he went to the genetic laboratory to solve the breeding problem of Qiankun Yiqi Rice last time. He not only watched the whole process, but also invited computer experts to help destroy all the data recorded at that time.

Otherwise, once the laboratory keeps the genetic map, there may be some problems later.

Under the effect of Qiankun Yiqi Rice, Xu Chenzhou's appetite increased greatly, and even the little bun who usually never eats more than one bowl of rice made an exception and ate two more bowls.

"Brother, this rice you bought seems to have something. It's delicious, fragrant and sweet. After I finished eating it, my whole body was hot and comfortable, just like taking a sauna."

"If you like it, I'll buy more. In the future, our family will not eat ordinary rice, but this one."

Xu Chenzhou looked at his sister's thin body and felt a little distressed.

Xu Mo Ran was a premature baby, weighing only two pounds when she was born. When she was young, Xu's father took her to practice martial arts, but the little girl was too weak to even do the most basic training.

Xu Chenzhou had been thinking about whether to let his sister try the cultivation path of other worlds.

But he is also a novice now, and he doesn't understand it himself, so he doesn't dare to let the little girl practice casually. Otherwise, with her fragile body, if there is a problem with her practice, it will be difficult for the gods to save her!

Now that I have Qiankun Yiqi Rice to strengthen my foundation, I believe I can slowly make up for my sister's physical deficiencies.

With a healthy body, Xu Chenzhou believes that he will definitely find a suitable way to practice for the little girl.

There are two more chapters, it's late, go out for dinner!

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