All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 78 Group Chat

In the blink of an eye, Xu Chenzhou has been in the chat group for a month.

Tomorrow is the deadline for Xu Chenzhou to obtain the Star-level Warrior Certificate.

For ordinary people, at such a critical moment, they must be actively preparing and dare not relax at all.

But Xu Chenzhou was lying on the sofa leisurely, chatting in the chat group with great interest.

Hong Yi posted a video in the group.

Hong Yi (Daqian Scholar): "Junbao, look, I have also cultivated to the realm of possession. You wait, I will soon surpass you."

In the video, Hong Yi drove two flying swords in the air at the same time.

To drive two flying swords at the same time, you can only do it after entering the realm of possession and the soul is separated.

Zhang Junbao entered the realm of possession first a few days ago, and then posted a video in the group to show off Hong Yi.

This made Hong Yi hold his breath all the time.

It is obviously the cultivation system of my own world, why am I not as good as someone from another world?

Where is the promised son of the era? Could it be a gift from PDD?

Hong Yi was almost doubting his life after being surpassed by Zhang Junbao in Taoism many times.

So in the past few days, Hong Yi devoted all his attention to the cultivation of Taoism, and finally broke through the bottleneck and reached the realm of possession.

But this did not make Hong Yi satisfied.

He secretly held his breath, waiting for the arrival of spring, as long as the spring thunder sounded, he would be the first to break through to the ghost fairy realm and completely surpass Zhang Junbao.

If the Taoist masters in the Yangshen world knew that the cultivation speed of these two people was so terrifying, and Hong Yi was a little dissatisfied with his own cultivation speed.

I am afraid they would all want to chop these two people with a knife.

Except for those inhuman beings of the ancient schools of thought.

Normal people who want to cultivate to the realm of possession need 10 to 20 years of hard work even if they are very talented.

As a result, these two people cultivated to the realm of possession in just one month.

How inhuman.

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "By the way, how is Hong Yi's practice of the Tathagata Sutra going now?"

Hong Yi (Daqian scholar): "Not bad, I have made some progress!"

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "Don't keep me in suspense, just tell me how many acupoints you have developed!"

Hong Yi (Daqian scholar): "Not many, not many, only fifty-six."

Xu Chenzhou smiled, this kid is still pretending.

However, in just a few days, Hong Yi has developed the development method of fifty-six acupoints, such an achievement is indeed worthy of pride.

Hong Yi (Daqian scholar): "Speaking of which, the relationship between acupoints and human immortal martial arts is really too close. Every time I find an acupoint, my human immortal martial arts will improve by one point.

Especially after using the Electric Light Shining Body Technique to develop an acupoint to 50% of its potential, it will help my martial arts even more."

Although Hong Yi did not specifically temper his body during this period.

He was really too busy. He had to practice Taoism, measure acupoints and find the right current size for development.

However, his human immortal martial arts is still advancing by leaps and bounds under the impetus of the acupoints.

Unknowingly, Hong Yi's Spirit Turtle Breathing Art has been cultivated to the great success realm. As long as he goes one step further, he can cultivate his internal organs to the limit and break through to the peak of the innate martial arts master.

Moreover, this is not Hong Yi's limit.

With the help of the Perfect Method, Hong Yi has already practiced his kung fu to the bone marrow.

Hong Yi has a feeling that once he cultivates to the peak of the innate martial arts master, he will be able to break through instantly and achieve the state of the marrow training grandmaster naturally, or even directly achieve the martial arts saint.

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "Speaking of which, you have been staying in Luo Yun's manor these days. Haven't Hong Xuanji and Madam Zhao made any small moves?"

After leaving the Giant Whale Island, Hong Yi drove the flying sword directly to Luo Yun's manor.

This is the safest place.

After all, Luo Yun is the princess personally recognized by Emperor Qian Yang Pan. Even Hong Xuanji can't arrest people in Luo Yun's manor openly.

After all, he is a great master of Neo-Confucianism. As a minister, going to the princess's house to arrest people is against the etiquette that Hong Xuanji believes in.

Hong Yi (Daqian Scholar): "I have a bad feeling. These few days have been too quiet. I didn't even find a surveillance person.

They certainly don't dare to come to Luo Yun's manor to arrest people, but they shouldn't have no small moves.

But it doesn't matter. If the enemy comes, the general will block it. If the water comes, the earth will cover it. Even if Hong Xuanji doesn't come to me, I want to meet him after I become a martial saint!"

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "You should be careful in everything. If you need help, just say it in the group. Others should also be polite. Just treat the chat group as your own home."

Misaka Mikoto (A Certain Scientific Railgun): "Speaking of needing help, I really I need help with something.

I finally convinced this idiot Touma to practice the Bull Demon Fist with me, but his progress is so slow.

I'm afraid that by the time the Absolute Ability Plan is implemented, he hasn't completed the practice of the Bull Demon Fist. ”

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "This is not surprising. The Bull Demon Fist is originally an external training skill. The most important thing is to slowly temper it over time.

Kamijou Touma can't cheat like us, so naturally he can't practice fast.

How about this, you pass on the original Star Alliance basic body-building skills to him, and then give him half of the Qiankun Yiqi rice, so that his practice progress should be much faster. "

Only group members can practice the original Star Alliance Basic Body Building Skill, while the original Star Alliance Basic Body Building Skill does not have this requirement at all.

The original Star Alliance Basic Body Building Skill also has the effect of accelerating digestion, which can maximize the effect of Kamijou Mahjong Qiankun Yiqi Rice.

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "But if you want to defeat Accelerator, you don't have to rely on Kamijou Touma's power.

This version of Accelerator still has many weaknesses. Although he has the ability to operate vectors, his body is just a mortal body.

For example, if you can instantly drain all the oxygen around Accelerator and keep him in a vacuum state, then you can easily kill Accelerator.

For example, in the past, Accelerator should not be able to deal with the soul art of Amitabha.

Because he doesn't know the vector formula of the soul art, it is likely that he can't reflect it at all.

Or just use the amount of calculation to crush it. The essence of superpowers is the amount of calculation. As long as your soul calculation amount is greater than Accelerator, then you can naturally break his reflection."

Accelerator's vector operation is not invincible. Kihara Suta relied on his understanding of Accelerator to retract his strength when he was about to hit Accelerator, so that Accelerator reflected Kihara Suta's fist to himself, thereby hitting Accelerator.

If Misaka Mikoto's calculation power can crush Accelerator, she can naturally replicate this operation.

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