All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 79 Yuxu Qi Refining Technique

Shi Hao (young child in Shi Village): "Group leader, group leader! I begged the old village chief for several days and finally got the original true solution from him. I will upload it to the group now!"

Shi Hao uploaded the technique [Original True Solution (Divine Induction)]

The moment he saw the original true solution, Xu Chenzhou's eyes lit up and he was very excited.

This original true solution is not simple. It was written by the corpse emperor, the source of the dark disaster, before he was infected.

It records the use of bone script and runes. If you can fully comprehend the original true solution and practice it to the extreme, you can gain the power to turn decay into magic.

Although the technique in front of him is only the Divine Induction, one of the three chapters of the original true solution, and this chapter is not complete and lacks a picture of all spirits, it is still precious.

Yang Chan (Yuxu disciple): "I also have a new technique here!"

Yang Chan uploaded the technique [Yuxu Refining Qi Jue]

Yang Chan (Yuxu disciple): "Uncle Yuding refused to accept me as his disciple no matter what, saying that there was no fate between him and me.

But he still taught me a fairy technique, which is this Yuxu Refining Qi Jue.

This technique is much stronger than the fairy technique my mother taught me. After I switched to this technique, my cultivation speed improved by leaps and bounds.

But unfortunately, he was unwilling to teach me other magical powers, saying that Yuxu disciples valued magic power the most, and there was no point in practicing magical powers before becoming an immortal, and it would only be a waste of time."

Xu Chenzhou nodded slightly. Yuxu Refining Qi was of course much stronger than Jiuzhen Yu Refining Qi Jue.

After all, one was a Taoist tradition specially created by Yuqing Saint, and the other was just created by Queen Mother for the female officials of the Heavenly Court to practice. The difference between the two is like the difference between the bright moon and the bright fire, which cannot be measured by the distance.

In addition to the speed of cultivation, the foundation of cultivation, the purity of mana and other different aspects are all completely superior to Yuxu Qigong.

The most important thing is that although it is only a spell to lay the foundation for disciples, the upper limit of Yuxu Qigong is extremely high. The highest level can be cultivated to the level of Daluo Jinxian, and one step away from entering the realm of Quasi-Sage.

It can only be said that he is worthy of being Yuanshi Tianzun, and the saint is arrogant.

Yang Chan (Yuxu disciple): "And I found one thing, the skills that Yuding Zhenren passed on to my brother are completely different from mine. My brother did not practice Yuxu Qigong, but a spell called Bajiu Xuan Gong. I feel it is much more powerful than my Yuxu Qigong. Unfortunately, I begged Uncle Yuding for a long time, but he was unwilling to teach me."

Xu Chenzhou was a little disappointed when he heard this. Bajiu Xuan Gong is the direct inheritance of the Chan Sect. Only the legitimate descendants are qualified to practice it. It is reasonable that Yuding Zhenren is unwilling to teach it to Yang Chan.

Lu Mingfei (dragon slayer): "Group leader, I have a problem too.

I don't know why Chen Wenwen has been getting close to me lately, and I can't get rid of her.

The more I ignore her, the more she likes to talk to me.

I just came back from the Monster Hunter World, and the girls I meet all day are tough girls. My aesthetics have changed a long time ago. I can't appreciate skinny girls like Chen Wenwen at all.

And now I have to kill dragons next, so I don't have time to fall in love.

It's really annoying."

Lu Mingfei's words shocked Xu Chenzhou. One day it was the turn of the loser to ignore Chen Wenwen.

But this is how the world is. Some quiet girls are easily attracted to maverick gangsters.

Although Lu Mingfei is not a gangster, the hunter temperament cultivated by ten years of fighting is much cooler than gangsters.

In addition, Lu Mingfei is not bad in appearance. When he went to Japan, he almost became the chief gigolo. Now with the blessing of temperament, his appearance has been fully developed to the peak.

The combination of various elements actually allowed Lu Mingfei to successfully capture Chen Wenwen's heart, which was really outrageous.

In the mortal world, Han Li, who was sitting cross-legged on the bed, showed an uncontrollable smile on his face.

As soon as Yang Chan uploaded this spell to the chat group, Han Li couldn't wait to download it directly.

After a short practice.

Han Li found that the Yuxu Qi Training Technique was of great help to him.

Apart from anything else, the practice of Yuxu Qi Training Technique has no requirements for spiritual roots.

In other words, mortals without spiritual roots can also embark on the path of cultivating immortals through Yuxu Qi Training Technique.

This alone can make the cultivators in the mortal world crazy.

In the mortal world, it is a consensus that people without spiritual roots cannot absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to become immortals.

But the cultivation system of the prehistoric world takes another path, and naturally does not require spiritual roots.

After Han Li tried it, he found that the speed of absorbing spiritual energy when practicing Yuxu Qi Training Technique was more than fifty times his current speed.

And this is because the spiritual energy in the human world is thin.

Han Li knew that if the speed of Changchun Jue's cultivation was 1, it was because Changchun Juan's speed was originally 1.

And the speed of Yuxu Lianqi Jue's cultivation was 50, because the upper limit of the spiritual energy of the heaven and earth in the human world was only 50.

If it were changed to an environment with abundant spiritual energy, the speed of Yuxu Lianqi Jue's cultivation could be greatly improved.

A book of Yuxu Lianqi Jue instantly made Han Li from a pseudo spiritual root of the four elements of wood, water, fire and earth to a cultivation genius who surpassed the spiritual root of heaven.

Yangshen World, Hong Xuanji's study.

Sitting on the main seat was a middle-aged man with a tall figure and a heroic temperament. Just sitting there quietly, there was a taste of controlling the heavens.

And next to him, stood an old man, who bent over and looked at the man on the main seat with great respect.

"Master, Master Yi has been away from home for more than ten days. Do you want me to let my slave go find him?"

Hong Xuanji was playing with a string of agate glazed beads in his hand, his face calm.

"He did go too far this time. You arrange for someone to bring him back, abolish his martial arts, and let him study hard in the Hong Mansion."

Butler Wu nodded: "As ordered, give me three days, and I will definitely bring Master Yi home."

The master and servant didn't take Luo Yun seriously at all.

If he went to Luoyun's villa to ask for someone openly, it would be inconsistent with Hong Xuanji's own philosophy.

But if it is brought back after being scrapped, then there is not so much emphasis on it.

Just sneak in quietly, then kill the person directly, and finally bring him back to Hong Mansion.

Butler Wu is a Martial Saint, so he can do this little thing with ease.

After Butler Wu left, Hong Xuanji slowly walked to a picture of plum blossoms.

He let out a long sigh: "It's been twenty years, it's time!"

This picture was the portrait that the painting sage Wu Daozi gave to Hong Xuanji and Meng Bingyun. It was also the last trace of hope that Meng Bingyun left in Hong Xuanji's heart.

He slowly picked up the picture and walked towards the candle in the room.

As the fire ignited, this immortal portrait of Saint Wu Daozi was turned into a wisp of ashes in the fire.

Hong Xuanji looked at the pile of ashes and felt as if he had let go of his worries, and his whole spirit and spirit had undergone a huge change.

"Bingyun, Bingyun, I promise you will take good care of Hong Yi. When I bring him back this time, I will let him study in Hong Mansion, cultivate his character, live a good life, and be worthy of us. feelings between.

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