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Chapter 80 The Assessment Begins

The next day, Star World, Tianyuan City Martial Arts Association.

The blue sky is clear and cloudless, and the rising sun in the sky emits warm light.

A fast-moving maglev car slowly stopped at the entrance of the Martial Arts Association.

Three figures stepped off the maglev car.

The leader was wearing white clothes and had a big bald head. He was holding a string of pure white wooden beads and spinning them in his hand. It was Xu Chenzhou's hair, Chen Mu.

Behind him were brother and sister Xu Chenzhou.

Xu Chenzhou originally planned to come for today's assessment alone, but these two guys clamored to come with him.

Xu Chenzhou knew that these two guys seemed soft and easy to bully, but once they insisted on doing something, it would be difficult to change their minds.

So Xu Chenzhou had no choice but to take these two living treasures to take the martial arts association exam.

Seeing Xu Chenzhou about to step into the gate of the Martial Arts Association, Chen Mutou took his hand and whispered into his ear.

"Shen Zhou, if you encounter something wrong later, don't hesitate, just give up."

Chen Mutou has long known that today's assessment is extremely dangerous, and those who covet the land of Baihe Martial Arts School will never let go of such a good opportunity today.

After all, there is a death indicator in the assessment of star warriors. If Xu Chenzhou dies during the assessment, as long as his hands and feet are clean, no matter who comes, there will be nothing wrong with him.

Chen Mutou specially came to see Xu Chenzhou's assessment today for this reason.

After all, he was a disciple of Ci'en Temple. With him on the scene, some people did not dare to go too far. As long as Xu Chenzhou gave up the assessment in time, no one would dare to hurt him.

Little Baozi also looked at Xu Chenzhou with a worried look, and handed a sachet to Xu Chenzhou.

"Brother, in this sachet is the amulet I personally prayed for you at Guyue Temple. You must keep it close to your body. The master in the temple said it can keep you safe."

The master of Guyue Temple is said to be a profound immortal cultivator and has a very high status in Tiancheng City.

It is said that the amulets of Gu Yue Guan are very efficacious, but they are extremely difficult to obtain. There are only ten quotas per day. Once you have applied for them, you have to get up early the next day to go again.

Therefore, those who want to ask for amulets often start queuing up before the sun sets, and wait until the Guyue Temple opens early the next morning, and then have the opportunity to ask for this amulet.

Xu Chenzhou didn't expect that Little Baozi would spend so much energy begging for this amulet for him behind his back.

Although this amulet did not have any substantial help to Xu Chenzhou, it still moved Xu Chenzhou very much.

Xu Chenzhou nodded to Chen Mutou, and then smiled and accepted the sachet handed to him by Xiao Baozi.

This feeling of being cared about is really good.

The three of them had just entered the Warriors Association when a figure walked out diagonally across from them.

This man was wearing a pure white robe with patterns of auspicious clouds embroidered with gold and silver threads. In his hand was a folding fan carved from dragon blood bodhi wood.

Not only that, Xu Chenzhou also smelled a faint scent of sandalwood from this man's body.

The top note of this fragrance is slightly bitter, but if you smell it carefully, you can taste the smell of linden wood.

If Xu Chenzhou guessed correctly, this should be the male perfume Mercy Bodhi from Tianxiangtang.

Tianxiangtang is the most famous cosmetics company in Shuilan Star. In addition to ordinary daily cosmetics and skin care products, Tianxiangtang is most famous for their perfumes.

A bottle of Mercy Bodhi perfume sells for half a million yuan, which is almost as much as the Baihe Martial Arts School's sales in half a month.

The moment he saw Xu Chenzhou, the figure opened the folding fan in his hand with a swipe.

The folding fan made of Dragon Blood Bodhi wood flapped slightly, bringing out a burst of fragrance from the Compassion Bodhi perfume.

This person was Li Guanzhe, the young master of Tianhua Martial Arts School, the man behind the instigation of the coach of Baihe Martial Arts School to drop out of class.

A kind smile appeared on Li Guanzhe's face: "I was indeed right. Master Xu will choose to take the warrior assessment on the last day before he reaches adulthood.

Since our last farewell, I have been looking forward to the day when Master Xu will obtain the Star-level Warrior Certificate day and night.

I waited day and night for I don’t know how long, and finally the wait came.

Come in quickly, I'll take you to the assessment venue. "

"Easy to say, easy to say, Brother Li, hurry up and lead the way!"

As soon as Xu Chenzhou saw Li Guanzhe, he couldn't help but want to beat him up. This man's smile was so disgusting.

However, it was really unnecessary to beat up martial artists in front of the martial arts association, so Xu Chenzhou did not fall out with this birdman for the time being.

However, Xu Chenzhou really didn't know where the martial arts association's assessment venue was. It was quite good to be able to get a guide for free now.

The two walked side by side, and as they walked, Xu Chenzhou followed Li Guanze to a hall.

This hall occupies an extremely spacious area, comparable in size to the football field in the former city of Xu Chengzhou.

On the far right side of the hall is the registration office for martial artist qualification certificate examinations. Next to the registration desk, there is a row of about ten small cubicles.

Xu Chenzhou came to the registration desk and directly asked the old man in charge of registration for an application form to fill out.

This old man looked to be in his seventies, with a skinny build and a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks. He looked like a giant monkey wearing clothes.

After Xu Chenzhou filled out the application form, the old man reached for Xu Chenzhou's application form and read it carefully.

"Eighteen-year-old first-level warrior! Yes, you have a good talent."

After reading it, the old man took out a red seal from under the boarding desk and stamped it on the application form.

"Okay, you have successfully registered. You will take the written test first and then the actual combat. If you pass these two levels, you will be able to get the star warrior certificate."

After stamping the seal, the old man suddenly bent down and started coughing.

Coughing and coughing, Xu Chenzhou saw the old man's fingers light up, become extremely red, and sparks appeared.

Xu Chenzhou didn't look much at it. The path of a warrior's cultivation was to transform his body's organs. It was completely normal for him to have minor problems with his body.

After successfully registering, Xu Chenzhou walked into a small room next to the hall.

There is an ultra-thin LCD computer placed in this small cubicle. The most exciting thing is that there are 180-degree cameras on the top, bottom, left and right of the small cubicle.

This camera is used to prevent cheating. No matter what means the examiner uses to cheat, it will be recorded by these four blind-angle cameras.

After turning on the computer and entering the admission ticket number, the system automatically selected a set of questions from the question bank as Xu Chenzhou's assessment questions.

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