All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 81 Seven Elements Disorder

Question 1, who is the founder of the Martial Arts Alliance.

A. Civic Terror Akavsky Simon B. War God Zhao Xuance C. Holy Light White Elephant Tom Johnson D. Star River Silent Li Zhizhen

This is a free point question. The 4 options ABCD are actually the elders of the Martial Arts Alliance, but the three-year-old children on the Blue Water Star know that the founder of the Martial Arts Alliance is of course Star River Silent Li Zhizhen.

When the Martial Arts Alliance was first established, the highest level of warriors at that time was the fifth-level Martial Saint.

There are many cultivation systems in the Star Domain World. The human race alone has ten extraordinary paths. In the wild era, the development of each cultivation path was very different.

At that time, the ninth-level Tianzun had already appeared among the immortal cultivators, and the eighth-level transcendent had also appeared among the psychics, and the upper limit of the martial arts was the fifth-level Martial Saint.

In this world where extraordinary people are born, the martial arts that can only be cultivated to the fifth level are simply the most joyful, and are the existence at the bottom of the contempt chain.

However, only a few people can become immortal cultivators and psychics. Most people do not have such qualifications and can only practice martial arts that do not require qualifications.

For thousands of years, countless warriors have been striving to find a way to break through the fifth level, but these efforts are in vain. The bones of warriors who died on this road of exploration can fill the sea and pile up into mountains.

It was not until the appearance of Xinghe Silent Li Zhizhen that this situation changed.

He controlled the battle body, went deep into the earth's core, devoured the star core, and then rushed into space, looking for dangerous environments in the vacuum to temper his body, and survived from death. I don’t know how many hardships he experienced, and finally broke the curse that warriors could not break through the fifth level and became a sixth-level god and demon warrior.

And he united the people and founded the Martial Arts Association to protect the rights and interests of warriors.

Since Xinghe Silent Li Zhizhen came out of nowhere and announced the way to break through the sixth level to the public, the martial arts world has been completely launched. In just a few hundred years, countless talents have emerged continuously.

Civic Terror Akavsky Simon and Holy Light White Elephant Tom Johnson worked out a breakthrough path for the seventh-level Galaxy Warrior.

War God Zhao Xuance worked out a breakthrough path for the eighth-level Heavenly Dao Warrior.

These three warriors did not keep their own tricks to themselves, but followed the example of Xinghe Silent Li Zhizhen and announced the breakthrough path to the world.

In the end, these four amazing warriors gathered together, led hundreds of members of the Martial Arts Alliance, spent a thousand years, and worked out a path to break through the ninth-level martial arts peak, which completely established the status of martial arts as one of the ten extraordinary paths.

After finishing the first question, Xu Chenzhou started to do the subsequent questions without stopping.

Most of the questions extracted by the system were about the history of the Martial Arts Alliance, and a small part was about theoretical knowledge of martial arts.

These pediatrics were not difficult for Xu Chenzhou at all, and he did them very smoothly.

As he was doing it, Xu Chenzhou felt a little sleepy and couldn't help yawning.

These questions were so boring that Xu Chenzhou didn't even need to use his cerebellum, he could answer all of them instinctively.

At this moment, the system suddenly pulled out a slightly difficult question.

Please briefly explain the martial arts seven-element theory, and answer the effective way to replenish the body after the fire element organ is disordered during the transformation of the heavenly element organ, which drives the water element organ to run wild, and induces abnormal mutation of the wood element organ, causing the five elements in the body to be completely chaotic.

And there is a human body perspective diagram attached below the question, which describes in detail the changes in the organs of this warrior's body.

It was actually a real case, which made Xu Chenzhou instantly excited.

The martial arts seven-element theory is a set of theories for extraordinary organs developed by warriors in this world.

The warriors in this world believe that all extraordinary organs are included in the seven elements, namely heavenly element, earthly element, gold element, wood element, fire element, water element, and earth element.

The heavenly element and earthly element can actually be called yin element and yang element.

There are two choices in the process of building a combat body!

One is to pursue simplicity and only cast organs in one domain. This kind of combat body is extremely powerful, and the casting process is relatively simple. It does not need to consider the changes in multiple domains, and it is easier to break through to the level of a god or demon warrior.

However, the disadvantage is that it lacks adaptability, and it will be quite difficult to break through after becoming a god or demon warrior.

The other is to pursue complexity and find ways to balance the seven elements and complement each other.

This combat body has greater potential, a stronger foundation, can manipulate multiple forces, and can adapt to battlefield changes.

The only disadvantage is that it is extremely easy to go crazy in the early stage of cultivation. Once the combat body is disordered, the cultivation will stagnate at the least, and it will go crazy at the worst, and it will die directly.

Xu Chenzhou observed carefully that the five elements in the warrior's body were disordered to the extreme, and the four extraordinary organs of gold, wood, water and earth were all disordered, and multiple mutations occurred.

If it were not for the fact that the fire element of this warrior was too strong and forcibly suppressed the mutations of the other four organs, the grass on the grave of this warrior would probably be three feet high now.

This disease is extremely complicated, just like a mess. If any combat doctor sees this human body structure diagram, he will probably have a headache and follow up with a set of Bian Que's three-combination.

If you can't cure it, wait for death, goodbye.

But Xu Chenzhou didn't, he stared at the human body structure diagram in front of him, and became more and more excited.

There is a chapter in the Yuxu Qi Training Jue uploaded by Yang Chan, which is the content of Yuanshi Tianzun's preaching recorded by Yuding Zhenren.

This chapter does not contain much content, only four articles, namely Yuanshi Tianzun on the creation of the five elements, Yuanshi Tianzun on the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, Yuanshi Tianzun on yin and yang, and Yuanshi Tianzun on various external demons.

These four articles are actually special lessons that Yuding Zhenren specially gave to little Yang Chan.

Because of the chance, Yuding Zhenren did not dare to accept Yang Chan as a disciple.

In order to compensate Yang Chan, Yuding Zhenren put the four articles he recorded about Yuanshi Tianzun into Yuxu Refining Qi Jue.

These four articles talk about the foundation of the entire immortal cultivation. Even if the little Yang Chan who has just started can only understand a little, it can benefit her in the future.

Unexpectedly, these four articles of Yuanshi Tianzun's preaching content finally benefited the members of the chat group.

Yesterday, after Xu Chenzhou came into contact with these four articles, he was fascinated by them. With the blessing of dual enlightenment, he felt that he had understood many truths, the rotation of the five elements, mutual conversion, mutual restraint and mutual complementation, as natural as the sky.

However, these truths are suspended in the air, and there is no way to find a suitable application scenario.

This made Xu Chenzhou excited but also a little disappointed.

The human body structure diagram in front of him, with the five elements in disorder, was like a mess of garbled code, which was simply the most perfect application scenario, allowing Xu Chenzhou to perfectly display the various principles he had learned last night.

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