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Chapter 82 Full marks gone?

These principles were applied to the scene in front of Xu Chenzhou like formulas.

With the help of formulas, Xu Chenzhou slowly sorted out the mess.

The extraordinary diagram cultivated by this patient was the Tianyuan Immovable God and Demon Body, but at this time, the extraordinary organs in the four elements of gold, wood, water and earth in the patient's body were all mutated, and the Tianshui God Heart grew a lot of tumors that entangled the five internal organs. The Gengjin Sword Bone released countless sword qi to wreak havoc in the body, and the Rock Immovable Foot was also releasing a lot of earth-attributed power to petrify the patient's whole body.

The only thing the patient can control now is his Lihuo Burning Heaven Lung. A lot of Lihuo flows from the patient's lungs to the whole body, suppressing the mutation of other extraordinary organs.

The cultivation of a warrior is one level plus one element. A first-level warrior can only cultivate an extraordinary organ of one attribute. With each level increase, one more extraordinary organ of one attribute can be introduced.

After reaching the fifth level, the warrior's body will have all five elements, and at the same time possess extraordinary organs of the five attributes of gold, wood, water, fire and earth.

After practicing to this level, you can try to cast extraordinary organs in the Tianyuan and Diyuan fields. Once you can achieve a seven-element balance in your body, you can try to break through the realm of gods and demons.

The warrior in the picture has all five elements in his body, and it is obvious that he has reached the fifth-level warrior's practice. This also caused the extraordinary organs in his body to be in a mess, restraining each other, almost becoming a dead end.

In order to break this situation, there is only a glimmer of hope if external forces are introduced to re-harmonize the five elements.

After a long period of thinking, Xu Chenzhou wrote his answer on the test paper.

First, cultivate the Tianyuan Wukui kidney in the water element field to break the balance of the five elements in the body, and then destroy the left arm bone of the Gengjin sword bone in the body within five minutes and twelve seconds, weaken the gold attribute power in the body, so that the gold and water attributes can be balanced. Finally, transplant the Ziji Tianyan of the wood attribute, which can restore the balance of the five elements in the patient's body.

Moreover, the circulation of the five elements can also give rise to the two yin and yang energies. Patients can use these two yin and yang energies to simultaneously cultivate organs in the heavenly and earthly realms, thereby achieving a seven-element balance.

Xu Chenzhou's answer was full of more than ten steps, fully presenting the solution he had thought of.

Of course, Xu Chenzhou had no idea whether this answer was reliable or not, after all, he was just talking about it on paper and had never put it into practice.

But Xu Chenzhou was not worried at all. Generally, such questions and answers appeared in the written test. As long as the content of the answer made some sense, he could generally get a lot of points. Even if he got zero points for this question, he could still pass the written test steadily with his correct rate for other questions.

Xu Chenzhou continued to answer, and the old man sitting at the front desk was also bored looking at the computer, correcting the test paper in a casual manner.

For multiple-choice questions, the system can directly determine the answer.

And for short-answer questions, he, the examiner, naturally needed to correct them.

At his level, correcting the test paper of such an entry-level warrior was simply too simple, and he didn't even need to use his brain.

The old man yawned while correcting the papers. Countless stars shone in his open mouth, and from time to time, a few scattered sparks burst out from the corners of his mouth.

As he corrected the papers, the old man's eyes lit up.

"Well, this question was answered well. If I remember correctly, this question should have been posted by Lin Nizi on the martial arts help board yesterday. I didn't expect this kid to answer it well."

In addition to the fixed questions in the question bank, the written test of the martial arts association will also randomly ask a few questions on the martial arts help board as additional questions.

These additional questions do not require candidates to answer correctly. As long as the candidates have something to say, they can get a lot of points.

The main reason for this rule is to distinguish between geniuses and ordinary people.

Although the martial arts question bank is huge, it has basically been dug up by external training institutions over the years.

If someone buys the question bank back and practices questions desperately, there is a chance to get a perfect score.

The random addition of these additional questions can expose the true colors of those who only rely on practice to get high scores.

Then select the geniuses needed by the Martial Arts Association.

And every year, some talents miss points due to carelessness and fail to reach the score required for the assessment.

With this additional question strategy, it can also increase some room for error for these talents.

The question that the old man just saw was the question that Lin Qingjue, a third-level warrior of the Martial Arts Association, posted on the Martial Arts Help Board yesterday.

The old man also thought about this question for a long time before he came up with the answer yesterday, and he was thinking that he would explain it to Lin Qingjue in person after he came to the association.

Unexpectedly, Xu Chenzhou also gave a very similar answer to him, which shocked the old man.

This instantly aroused the old man's interest. He put down his originally crossed legs, sat upright and began to seriously correct Xu Chenzhou's test paper.

"This question is correct, and this question is also correct. I didn't expect this kid to have such a solid foundation."

The old man smiled. With his status, he came to the martial arts association in his hometown Tiancheng City to retire.

It's just that he can't stay idle and likes to train young people, so he works as an examiner in the place responsible for martial arts assessment, which can be regarded as a way to make use of his remaining energy after retirement.

Now seeing such an excellent young man, the old man feels very gratified.

"Well, this additional question is a question asked by a second-level martial artist.

This question is also quite difficult. I didn't expect this kid to answer it correctly.

It seems that he can get a perfect score on the test paper with all the additional questions answered correctly this time, which is quite valuable. "

The old man nodded repeatedly. Most of the questions on the help board of the martial arts association are questions raised by first- and second-level warriors. This young man can answer the first two difficult questions correctly, so the other additional questions should not be difficult for him.

If he can get all the additional questions right, as long as the next practical test is not too bad, then he can help this young man get a B-level training plan in the martial arts association.

For young people born in small cities, this is simply an opportunity to leap over the dragon gate.

Thinking that he was also because of the warrior test He had excellent performance, got a B-level training plan, and obtained many resources, which enabled him to achieve today's achievements.

Just when the old man was secretly happy for Xu Chenzhou, he suddenly saw the last additional question of this exam.

Please briefly explain the theory of the seven elements of martial arts, and answer the effective way to replenish the fire element organ when the Tianyuan organ is transformed, which drives the water element organ to run wild, and promotes the abnormal mutation of the wood element organ, causing the five elements in the body to be completely chaotic.

The moment he saw this question, the old man was struck by lightning.

"Why is it this question! What a pity, it's not good to draw any other question, but this one.

It seems that this young man has lost the full score in the additional questions this time.

Alas, it's all my fault. I knew that no one in the Tiancheng City Martial Arts Association could solve my problem, but I still posted the question with a glimmer of hope.

Now, the problem is not solved, and a young man is harmed."

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