All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 86 I'm going to beat you to death today!

Zhou Xuanyi, who was standing aside, also had a strange look in his eyes. He stood up suddenly and stared at Xu Chenzhou.

He muttered to himself: "With the strength of the first level, he showed the combat power of the second level martial artist. Could it be that Chenzhou is a super-limited martial artist?

But looking at the martial arts he practiced, it is obviously just the widely circulated Burning Flame Demon Fist. It doesn't make sense!

Yes, Chenzhou has such a thorough understanding of the seven-element theory of extraordinary organs. It is obvious that he is a genius in martial arts theory. Could it be that he improved the Burning Flame Demon Fist himself? This time, I, the old man, really picked up a treasure."

Li Guanzhe watched this scene and began to doubt his life.

He is 23 years old this year and has cultivated to the peak of the first-level martial artist. He thinks that he is definitely one of the top talents in Tiancheng City.

But even he dare not say that he can do this.

Doesn't this mean that if he confronts Xu Chenzhou head-on now, he is no longer Xu Chenzhou's opponent?

This dealt a devastating blow to Li Guanzhe's confidence.

However, Li Guanzhe did not give up. He still had a trump card, which was Chen Huyang.

As a member of the martial arts system, Li Guanzhe did not know Zhou Xuanyi's true identity.

Although Chen Huyang stared at him with murderous intent just now, Li Guanzhe did not believe that Chen Huyang would let Xu Chenzhou go.

You must know that Chen Huyang is almost seventy years old this year. He has been trapped at the peak of the second level for forty years and has not made any progress.

With the Nine Yuan Xizhenling Liquid, Chen Huyang has the opportunity to break through the bottleneck that has trapped him for forty years. Li Guanzhe thinks that Chen Huyang will not miss this opportunity.

Xu Chenzhou defeated three martial arts robots, and the next step is the second level of the actual combat assessment.

This level requires the assessee to support five minutes without defeat under the examiner.

This level is actually quite difficult, because the examiners of the actual combat assessment are generally first-level peak warriors with rich actual combat experience.

If you want to support three minutes without defeat under such a warrior, then the assessor must be proficient in the fighting style of the first-level warrior and have the ability to respond to the battle.

Those who can only practice but not fight are unlikely to pass the second level of the actual combat assessment.

However, this assessment is even more special, because the examiner in charge of this assessment has reached the second level, and is also a martial artist at the peak of the second level.

This scene was achieved by Li Guanzhe's great efforts.

He smoothed the relationship and sent all the martial artists in charge of the actual combat assessment in the martial arts association to work on official business for various reasons, and then used his connections to let Chen Huyang come to take over temporarily.

Generally speaking, when this kind of second-level martial artist takes over the assessment for the first-level martial artist, he will control his combat power to the peak of the first level.

Li Guanze is quite confident that as long as Chen Huyang goes all out, Xu Chenzhou will definitely not be his opponent.

The gap in strength between the first-level martial artist and the second-level martial artist is as big as the difference between heaven and earth.

No matter how strong the combat power Xu Chenzhou showed just now, he can't be the opponent of Chen Huyang at the peak of the second level.

Everyone in the field also stared at the training ground with a serious expression, looking at the two people confronting each other, with a cautious face.

But no one expected that Xu Chenzhou would stand on the training ground with his hands behind his waist, looking like he was strolling leisurely.

Chen Huyang, who was standing opposite him, was quite nervous at this time. It was just an ordinary test, but Chen Huyang was already sweating profusely.

The martial arts secret book that Chen Huyang practiced was called Tianyuan Nuclear Magnetic Immortal Body. The extraordinary organ he forged, Xuanci Shenxin, could control suction and repulsion.

As a second-level martial artist, he could generate a mountain-like suction force with a casual suction, causing a tsunami, and could shake the earth and cause a small earthquake with a palm.

But even though he had such a powerful power, he did not dare to make any small movements in front of Xu Chenzhou, for fear that Zhou Xuanyi would find something wrong.

Chen Huyang controlled his whole body's power to the peak of the first level, and every move was very cautious. The movements of fighting were more gentle than those when he accompanied his wife to practice martial arts, for fear of accidentally hurting Xu Chenzhou.

Xu Chenzhou looked at Chen Huyang's current performance, and remembered Chen Huyang's murderous eyes when he just entered the assessment room, and couldn't help but want to laugh.

I still prefer your unruly look

Xu Chenzhou did not intend to let Chen Huyang go. He knew that the man in front of him was not a good bird. If Zhou Xuanyi was not present, Chen Huyang would not let him go.

Xu Chenzhou did not hold back at all. The Flame Demon God Bone behind him lit up again. The magma-like spinal fluid in the red-gold spine bones seemed to boil, rushing to every meridian in Xu Chenzhou's body. Gradually, golden silk threads lit up in Xu Chenzhou's tendons all over his body. It was the Flame Demon God Blood that kept rushing in his body.

Not only that, Xu Chenzhou's bones also slowly lit up, and the bones also lost the texture of bones and turned into a red jade-like material. He seemed to have turned into a little golden man.

Xu Chenzhou's Nine Yang Qi, which was as vast as mountains and seas, was fully activated, mixed with the flame demon's firepower, and rushed towards Chen Huyang in front of him.

Waves of amazing heat emanated from Xu Chenzhou's feet. For a moment, the training room became extremely hot, as if it had come to the crater of a volcano.

Chen Huyang was completely overwhelmed. With only the strength of a peak first-level warrior, he was no match for Xu Chenzhou.

He couldn't understand at all. The man in front of him was obviously a first-level warrior, how could he have such terrible strange power.

Even with the help of nuclear magnetic force, he couldn't resist the physical strength of the person in front of him.

What's more, there was a terrifying fire power in the body of this freak in front of him.

After taking a few punches from Xu Chenzhou, Chen Huyang felt that his internal organs were burned by a strong heat, and a taste of rust came out of his mouth.

Obviously, these punches had injured him internally, and his internal organs, except for the Xuanci Shenxin, were constantly bleeding.

"Xu Chenzhou, I have held back. Besides, I didn't offend you, so don't be so aggressive."

Xu Chenzhou just smiled: "Didn't offend me? Do you dare to say that you haven't taken money from Tianyuan Martial Arts School?"

"I took the money, but I didn't plan to really attack you. There's no need!"

Xu Chenzhou didn't bother to listen to him. No matter what he said, the murderous intent in Chen Huyang's eyes when he just entered the door could not be faked.

If he hadn't obtained the chat group, he would definitely die in this man's hands today.

"Stop talking nonsense. I want to kill you today."

Chen Huyang knew that if he held back, he would probably be beaten to death by Xu Chenzhou today.

Xu Chenzhou's aggressive performance made Chen Huyang angry.

Damn it, I have given up the plan to kill you, but you are still so stubborn. Are you really tired of living?

How can a second-level warrior like me bear this?

You know Zhou Xuanyi, you are amazing. Do you think an honest man like me deserves to be bullied?

Besides, this is also a good opportunity. I have been beaten to internal bleeding. Even if I use all my strength, no one can hold me responsible.

Thinking of this, Chen Huyang's eyes changed, and the nuclear magnetic heart in his body began to beat non-stop, making a sound of thump thump thump.

As the nuclear magnetic heart in Chen Huyang's body beat, all the objects in the entire training room vibrated continuously.

Zhou Xuanyi, who was standing on the sidelines, watched the scene in the training ground with a thoughtful expression in his eyes, but did not go out to stop it.

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