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Chapter 87 Tianyuan Xuanci Immortal Body

Li Guanzhe, who was watching from the sidelines, was greatly encouraged by this scene.

Originally, he saw Chen Huyang working but not putting in any effort, and thought something had really happened.

Now, seeing Chen Huyang using all his strength to operate the Xuanci Divine Heart, Li Guanzhe was relieved.

He walked to the edge of the training ground and shouted to Xu Chenzhou: "Master Xu, come on! I believe you can definitely pass the Star-level Warrior Certificate!

It's just five minutes of support, which is a piece of cake for you!

But don't worry if you get killed by accident, I will take good care of your Baihe Martial Arts School and your sister."

Zhou Xuanyi glanced at Li Guanzhe with strange eyes, and still did not speak, but just stared at the battle on the field with full concentration.

Between his naturally drooping hands, sparks of stars emerged.

And the little bun sitting next to him also stared at the situation on the field very seriously, with his eyes fixed on it.

In her fleshy little hands, she tightly held a jade sword carved from jadeite, and because she was too nervous, her palms were slightly wet.

After Chen Huyang used all his strength, his might was indeed extraordinary.

Chen Huyang had created three extraordinary organs at this time, the Xuanci Divine Heart, the Nine-Element Magnetic Bones, and the Titanium-White Gilded Lungs.

The Xuanci Divine Heart controlled the suction and repulsion. Under Chen Huyang's full exertion, suction was generated in the void.

Chen Huyang applied all the suction to Xu Chenzhou, and Xu Chenzhou's body movements became extremely slow.

He had to resist this force to stabilize his body. In this case, his speed was naturally greatly affected.

And Chen Huyang, under the blessing of repulsion, approached Xu Chenzhou like a cannonball.

He raised his fist as big as a casserole and hit Xu Chenzhou fiercely.

There was a magnetic field on his arm that kept flowing like a vortex, and the dust in the air drew a dust vortex with this magnetic field.

This is his Nine-Element Magnetic Bone. This extraordinary organ can form a deflection magnetic field on the surface of his body. No matter what attack passes through this deflection magnetic field, it will rotate and dissipate force.

Not only that, when attacking, this deflection magnetic field can also deflect the opponent's skin and flesh, twisting it directly into a bloody rag.

Even if the combat robot just now was hit by this punch, its body made of steel would be twisted into a pile of scrap iron.

Xu Chenzhou could take this punch head-on. After all, his strength is now close to 70,000 pounds, and his body strength is much harder than his steel. If ordinary swords and knives are cut on it, only the swords and knives will be injured, not Xu Chenzhou.

But he didn't need to take it head-on.

Xu Chenzhou no longer used brute force to withstand Chen Huyang's gravity. As soon as he relaxed his body, he rushed forward with the help of Chen Huyang's gravity.

With the blessing of this gravity, Xu Chenzhou's speed became extremely fast, and he dodged Chen Huyang's fatal blow in an instant.

Chen Huyang punched the earth, and the power of the rotating magnetic field punched a huge vortex-shaped hole in the earth.

Seeing this scene, Xu Chenzhou secretly took a breath of cold air. If this punch hit him, even with his physical fitness, he would probably suffer some skin injuries. It was really terrible.

With the blessing of gravity and repulsion, Chen Huyang's body movements became very strange, like a ghost.

High-speed emergency stops, ninety-degree turns, and various actions that require pressing Newton's coffin lid emerge in an endless stream.

But no matter how fancy his body movements are, they are meaningless in front of Xu Chenzhou.

Xu Chenzhou's skills are so profound that it is incredible. Nine Nine Yang Golden Pills swallow and spit out a huge amount of Nine Yang True Qi.

The void is full of Xu Chenzhou's fist power. No matter how much Chen Huyang dodges, he can't dodge it all.

Occasionally, Chen Huyang can hit Xu Chenzhou with a punch with his ghostly body movements, but it is meaningless.

Chen Huyang's invincible deflection magnetic field hit Xu Chenzhou's body, but it only scratched Xu Chenzhou's skin a little, and even no blood could be seen.

And Chen Huyang hit Xu Chenzhou, which meant that he would also be hit by Xu Chenzhou.

Xu Chenzhou's punch had a force of 70,000 pounds, plus the two energies of the Flame Demon Firepower and the Nine Yang True Qi. Chen Huyang couldn't bear such a force.

Chen Huyang secretly groaned in his heart.

Damn, what kind of monster is this kid? It's okay that he has a thick skin, but he is also so strong and has such a terrifying fire attribute power. How can I fight this fight, or I will admit defeat.

He has been in the Martial Arts Association of Tiancheng City for so many years, and he has never heard of any examiner who was beaten by the examinee and gave up directly.

What's more, he is a peak second-level martial artist.

If he admits defeat, he will simply lose face.

But if he doesn't admit defeat now, I'm afraid he will be beaten to death by Xu Chenzhou.

"I admit defeat, I admit defeat, stop fighting, I declare you passed the test."

Chen Huyang half-knelt on the ground, spitting blood, and kept begging for mercy.

This scene can be said to be the most shocking scene in the martial arts association in recent years.

A first-level warrior actually beat a second-level peak examiner to spit blood and kneel down to beg for mercy in the actual combat test.

Zhou Xuanyi looked at Xu Chenzhou, and couldn't hide the admiration in his eyes.

He was also a smart person, and naturally knew why Chen Huyang, a second-level warrior, appeared in the star-level warrior test.

Even if Xu Chenzhou didn't take action, after he left, Zhou Xuanyi would personally take action to deal with Chen Huyang, the black sheep.

Xu Chenzhou slowly retracted his fist, not even looking at Chen Huyang who was kneeling on the ground.

In his eyes, this person was already a dead man.

Originally, Xu Chenzhou wanted to beat Chen Huyang to death, but unfortunately this person was too spineless. A dignified second-level warrior actually admitted defeat directly, but Xu Chenzhou still had a way.

He was not only good at martial arts.

Just when he knelt on the ground and begged for mercy, Xu Chenzhou had already attached an idea to Chen Huyang.

After Chen Huyang left, he only needed to trigger this idea to detonate the Nine Yang Qi in Chen Huyang's body, and he could kill him directly.

And after killing him in this way, Xu Chenzhou didn't have to take responsibility, it was simply killing two birds with one stone.

Xu Mo Ran was very happy to see that her brother won the practical test. She stuffed the jade sword in her pocket and rushed to Xu Chenzhou's side.

Without caring that Xu Chenzhou was covered in mud, he hugged him.

Chen Mutou on the other side also showed a relieved smile.

But there was still a trace of doubt in his smile.

He was also a cultivator, so he naturally knew how shocking Xu Chenzhou's performance was today. When did his good friend become so strong?

But then Chen Mutou shook his head, and he didn't care why he became so strong.

It's good to be happy for his brother to become stronger.

And Li Guanze on the side had a very complicated look in his eyes.

Three points of disbelief, two points of shock, and five points of fear.

The cultivation of a first-level warrior defeated a second-level peak martial artist. This performance must be the legendary super-limit warrior, and even among the super-limit warriors, it is considered a leader.

After his series of operations, Baihe Martial Arts Hall and Tianyuan Martial Arts Hall have long become mortal enemies.

Li Guanzhe secretly blamed Xu Chenzhou in his heart. You are a super-limit warrior. Can't you show it earlier? You have to hide it. If I knew you were so awesome, I would have been beaten to the head by a cannon to provoke you.

But it's too late to apologize now.

If Xu Chenzhou is allowed to continue to grow, he will definitely become a big problem for Tianyuan Martial Arts School.

If Xu Chenzhou cannot be eliminated, I'm afraid he will not be able to sleep well next time.

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