All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 89 Joint Research Institute

These men are talent consultants from several large companies, such as Tianxiangtang, Yushoutang, and United Research Institute.

To put it bluntly, they are a bit like scouts in Xu Chenzhou's previous life.

Their job is to recruit talents for the company.

Their purpose of coming to Xu Chenzhou is to sign a training contract with Xu Chenzhou.

The content of these contracts is very generous. These companies will provide a lot of resources in exchange for these warriors to serve them for a certain period of time.

And these large companies will also select sufficiently excellent elites from these warriors to cultivate their own direct forces.

To be honest, if it is for those warriors who have no inheritance, the contracts of these companies are indeed a good choice.

But for Xu Chenzhou, these contracts have no meaning. Even without Zhou Xuanyi's promise, he would not sign these contracts.

Faced with the enthusiastic invitations of several talent consultants, Xu Chenzhou rejected them without hesitation.

But these talent consultants did not give up, because Xu Chenzhou was too young.

He looks like he is only seventeen or eighteen years old. He is definitely a genius seed to be able to obtain the Star-level Warrior Certificate at such a young age.

If such a person can be signed to his own company, it would be a great achievement.

After being rejected by Xu Chenzhou, the faces of two talent consultants became cold, and they turned around and left directly, no longer entangled with Xu Chenzhou.

The faces of the three talent consultants from Tianxiang Hall, Yushou Hall and the Joint Research Institute did not show any annoyance, but became more enthusiastic.

"Brother Xu, it doesn't matter if you don't want to sign a contract with me. This is my business card.

If you need help, you can call me at any time.

And this is my VIP membership card of Yushou Hall. You can get 20% off all the products of Yushou Hall by using this card.

I have entered your information into this card, please accept it."

Don't hit a smiling person. The three talent consultants have been smiling at Xu Chenzhou, so Xu Chenzhou did not refuse their kindness and put their business cards and membership cards in his pocket.

On the other side, Zhou Xuanyi and Xu Chenzhou separated and returned to the office.

He stared at the answer on Xu Chenzhou's test paper, thinking deeply about how feasible this plan was.

With his knowledge of martial arts, he could see that there was absolutely no problem with the first five steps Xu Chenzhou gave him, but he didn't understand the steps after that.

He thought for a moment, waved his hand gently, and the bracelet on his hand naturally lit up.

This is the Tianji VII, a smart wearable device produced by the Joint Research Institute. It is made of special materials, fireproof, waterproof and impact-resistant. As long as the battle is not too intense, this bracelet will not be damaged.

Not only that, the Tianji VII is quite advanced. It can directly project the screen on the user's retina. No matter where the user's hand is placed or how it moves, it will not affect the projection effect.

Zhou Xuanyi used the Tianji VII to make a call.

"Old Liu, are you free tonight? I recently got a bottle of good wine and I want to find you to taste it together."

A young voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Come on, I don't know you, Old Zhou.

Tiancheng and Luoancheng are so far apart, you came all the way here, you must have something to do.

If you have something to say, say it quickly, if you have something to say, say it quickly."

Zhou Xuanyi shook his head, his old friend was still so straightforward, and he hadn't changed at all.

"This matter can't be explained in a few words. Since you said so, I assume that you are free. Wait for me at the research institute at 6 o'clock tonight, and see you there."

Zhou Xuanyi is an impatient person, and he will do anything he thinks of immediately.

After making an appointment with Lao Liu, Zhou Xuanyi immediately booked a ticket and rushed to Luoancheng.

Coincidentally, the headquarters of the Blue Water Star Martial Arts Association is also in Luoancheng.

He wanted to help Xu Chenzhou apply for an SS-level training contract, so he also needed to go to Luoancheng.

The fastest means of transportation on Blue Water Star is the Sky Track.

The Sky Track is actually an acceleration channel fixed by a formation. When traveling on the Sky Track, the spacecraft can reach ten times the speed of sound.

There is only one means of transportation that can be faster than the Sky Track, and that is a cultivator with a very high level of cultivation.

Although the distance between Luoan City and Tiancheng City is thousands of miles away, it is as easy as visiting each other in front of the Sky Track.

After a while, Zhou Xuanyi stood at the door of the Luoan City branch of the Joint Research Institute with a bottle of fifty-year-old rice flower fragrance.

The gate of the Joint Research Institute is a three-meter-thick fine steel gate.

He stretched out his hand and knocked, and his skinny body contained a huge force.

The gate made of special alloys seemed to sway like a delicate flower in front of him.

It makes people worry that the gate will be broken by Zhou Xuanyi in the next second.

With the knocking sound of "dong dong dong", the researchers in the entire Joint Research Institute were shocked. Some young people who had just arrived jumped up from their chairs and looked for weapons everywhere.

And those older researchers were calm and ordered the young people to sit down quickly.

After all, there is no one else who would come to the institute to knock on the door like this, except Zhou Xuanyi, the Tianyan Wusheng.

Their director was a close friend of Tianyan Wusheng Zhou Xuanyi, and they had a very good personal relationship. In the past, the gate of the institute would be destroyed like this every now and then.

Fortunately, their research institute is mainly engaged in the research of martial arts theory, and does not need to do experiments, otherwise who can bear it if someone knocks on the door every day.

In a research room deep in the joint research institute, a man who looks very young, wearing a white scientific research robe, sits on the table and calculates frantically.

There are pieces of draft paper scattered around him, with complicated and indescribable patterns drawn on them.

If Xu Chenzhou were here, he would be surprised to find that the patterns on these pieces of draft paper are all deducing the five elements changes in the body of the case in the written test.

Hearing the knock on the door, the young man looked up and showed a nostalgic smile on his face.

It's been a long time since I saw Lao Zhou so energetic. Since he was injured, he has been like a wilted eggplant.

Could it be that he knows that my research has made a huge breakthrough and his condition may be cured, so he is so excited.

But it doesn't make sense!

In order to give him a surprise, no one except my deputy Ning Yi knows this news.

Could it be that Ning Yi secretly told Lao Zhou about this matter?

Well, it's not impossible. After all, Lao Zhou used to treat Ning Yi as his own nephew.

His relationship with Lao Zhou is better than that with me, so it's not surprising that he told him secretly.

The young man carefully took out three sheets of paper from a pile of draft papers on the table, then gently put them in his arms and walked leisurely towards the door of the laboratory.

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