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Chapter 90 The shining star of human history!

The young man walked to the gate of the Joint Research Institute. When he saw Zhou Xuanyi, a trace of nostalgia flashed in his eyes. He walked up and hit Zhou Xuanyi's shoulder hard.

"Good old Zhou, you haven't come to Luo'an City for two years, and you don't even know to come and see me."

Zhou Xuanyi raised the 50-year-old rice flower fragrance in his hand and shook it at the young man.

"Liu Xuanyan, Director Liu, I'm here to see you, look at what I have in my hand."

Liu Xuanyan looks young, but in fact she is from the same era as Zhou Xuanyi.

The reason why the two have such a big difference in appearance is that Zhou Xuanyi's cultivation went wrong, causing his body to be unable to maintain its peak period.

Seeing the wine in Zhou Xuanyi's hand, Liu Xuanyan's eyes lit up.

This wine is not ordinary, 50-year-old rice flower fragrance wine, even with their status, it is difficult to drink it normally.

The moment he saw this wine, Liu Xuanyan's wine bug in his stomach began to growl.

As a senior old wine lover, seeing such a good wine, Liu Xuanyan couldn't bear it for even a second.

He pulled Zhou Xuanyi onto the maglev car nearby.

"Come on, come on, don't dawdle, eating is important."

In the No. 1 private room on the seventh floor of Yueyang Pavilion, the two of them rubbed their bulging bellies and collapsed on the chairs. The table was a mess, and the bottle of fifty-year-old rice wine had long been drunk by the two of them.

Liu Xuanyan looked at Zhou Xuanyi, took out three pieces of paper from his arms, and raised his hand.

Three extremely soft draft papers spun quickly in the air, making the sound of iron sheets breaking through the air, and flew towards Zhou Xuanyi.

Zhou Xuanyan stretched out his old and withered palm and clamped it, taking the three pieces of paper that could break gold and stone in his hand.

"Old Zhou, you are here for this thing, right? Ning Yi is really a talker. I just had some ideas and I called you here.

Take a look and see if this treatment plan can help you."

Zhou Xuanyi looked down and saw that there were complicated patterns drawn on the three draft papers, but with his martial arts knowledge, he could naturally see that these patterns were deducing the changes of the five elements in his body.

Zhou Xuanyi looked up at Liu Xuanyan. He knew that this old guy probably misunderstood something.

But who cares, let's see what Liu Xuanyan has researched.

Zhou Xuanyi squinted his eyes and looked at the changes of the five elements deduced by Liu Xuanyan.

The more he looked, the more he felt it was eye-catching.

In fact, if he had seen these three draft papers before he had seen Xu Chenzhou's test paper, Zhou Xuanyi would have been ecstatic.

Because the changes of the five elements on these three draft papers do have the hope of solving the conflict of the five elements in his body.

However, compared with the perfect and exquisite solution given by Xu Chenzhou, Liu Xuanyan's solution is like a child's graffiti, full of fantasy and immaturity.

If Zhou Xuanyi follows the treatment plan given by Liu Xuanyan, he will only have a 10% chance of resolving the conflict of the five elements in his body, and there is a 90% chance that he will explode into pieces of meat.

Zhou Xuanyi raised his head and looked at Liu Xuanyan.

"Director Liu, I always thought you were a top talent in the theoretical research of martial arts on Shuilan Star. I didn't expect you to be at this level. I am really disappointed."

Liu Xuanyan was holding a cup at this time, tasting the remaining rice flower wine in the cup, and looking forward to Zhou Xuanyi's admiration and thanks.

It took him a lot of effort to come up with this solution.

Although it is not perfect now, Liu Xuanyan is confident that he only needs to give him a certain amount of time to increase the chance of success to more than 40%.

For warriors like them, a 40% chance of being able to gamble is completely enough.

Otherwise, with Zhou Xuanyi's current physical condition, he would not be able to hold on for a few years and would die.

Unexpectedly, he did not receive Zhou Xuanyi's praise and admiration, but was mocked by his old friend.

This made Liu Xuanyan completely unable to hold back.

"Old Zhou, you can't understand these pictures, right? I dare say that except for the gods and demons, no one in the entire Blue Water Star can come up with a better treatment method than mine."

"If someone can really do better than you, what will you do?"

"If someone can come up with a better treatment method than me, I will jump off the Yueyang Pavilion now."

Zhou Xuanyi smiled and took out a piece of paper from his arms, on which was the answer given by Xu Chenzhou.

"Old Liu, don't be so sure, come and see, what do you think of this idea."

Liu Xuanyan took the paper from Zhou Xuanyi's hand and began to read it attentively.

As he watched, Liu Xuanyan began to dance with joy. He pushed hard and pushed the bowls and plates on the table together, and even the remaining rice flower fragrance wine in the cup spilled on the table without caring.

He took out a pile of thick draft paper from the backpack beside him, and then began to calculate frantically.

While calculating, Liu Xuanyan kept exclaiming in admiration.

"This idea is too brilliant!"

"How can there be such an angle? The five elements are mutually generated and restrained, and there are countless changes. I, a mortal, still have too little understanding of the five elements."

"Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful, it's really wonderful. I would rather die in the evening if I hear the truth in the morning."

Xu Chenzhou's answer of just a few hundred words, Liu Xuanyan used hundreds of draft papers and still couldn't figure it out.

But the more Liu Xuanyan calculated, the more he felt that Xu Chenzhou's answer was really wonderful.

More than two hours passed before Liu Xuanyan finally raised his head and looked at Zhou Xuanyi.

"Old Zhou, which master tailored this treatment plan for me?

Even the gods and demons in the headquarters would never be able to reach such a level.

Which master has such a level? Old Zhou, you must take me to see him."

Zhou Xuanyi did not answer Liu Xuanyan's question directly.

"So, Old Liu, this treatment plan is really feasible, right?"

Liu Xuanyan nodded.

"Although I haven't calculated it clearly, according to this treatment plan, you have at least a 90% chance of solving the problem in your body.

Old Liu, you are really lucky this time. Let me calculate it carefully and make some adjustments. I'm afraid you will become a god and demon warrior in one step this time."

Liu Xuanyan's words also scared Zhou Xuanyi.

"Become a god and demon warrior! How is it possible? Are the last few steps of this treatment plan really feasible?"

Liu Xuanyan nodded.

"You have received such a wonderful treatment plan from the master, and you are still asking me this?

The treatment method of this whole plan is simply like a wild imagination, exquisite and ingenious.

I guarantee as the director of the joint research institute that this plan is absolutely feasible."

Zhou Xuanyi was a little unbelievable.

The rest of the martial arts knowledge level can only understand the first seven or eight steps, and he is confused about the rest.

So Zhou Xuanyi has never thought that the last few steps of Xu Chenzhou's answer are really feasible.

As a result, Liu Xuanyan actually told him that there is no problem with this plan from beginning to end.

This made Zhou Xuanyi stunned.

You know, he saw Xu Chenzhou come up with this treatment plan in a few minutes.

If there were only the first few steps, Zhou Xuanyi could still understand it. After all, he also knew that there are really geniuses in this world. Sometimes geniuses can come up with ideas that ordinary people can't think of.

But if this whole treatment plan is feasible, then the meaning is completely different.

This means that Xu Chenzhou is a genius far beyond his imagination.

In the history of the entire Star Domain Alliance, he can be called a shining star.

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