All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 92: Remarks on the launch

Well, before I knew it, this book has been written for 200,000 words, and it is time to put it on the shelves.

To be honest, because I am a novice, there are many problems with this book. I made a small revision in the middle and deleted some plots.

Of course, the deleted plots do not affect the main plot. It is indeed my fault that I did not think it through. I would like to apologize to all the book friends here.

During the serialization process, some book friends said that it was watery, and some book friends said that it was short.

It is not that I wanted it to be so short, but the new book period must be recommended, especially for a novice like me, recommendation is more important, there is no way but to write 4,000 words a day (in fact, I sometimes write more, and some chapters have been written to 3,000 words).

With less updates, it naturally seems a bit watery. After all, it is uncomfortable for me to write a plot for four or five days.

But if the pace is fast, I am afraid that the plot is not full, and the writing is not strong enough to leave logical bugs.

In short, the shortness is still the main problem.

But now it is different. It will be on the shelves tomorrow. I will update as much as I want at that time!

In short, the update volume after the release of the book, I can only say that it will definitely satisfy the readers.

I won’t set a certain number of orders for additional updates here. Let’s just say that there is no need for additional updates to motivate. As an author, I don’t even have the idea of ​​updating with all my strength, and I still have to rely on the promise of additional updates to keep me going. Isn’t it a bit bad!

You can just look at the update volume.

I don’t have any manuscripts saved, and I update manually to let everyone see my limit.

However, the first order and follow-up orders are still required. After all, for new authors, these data are really too important.

If the data looks good, even the typing speed will become much faster!

Thank you for your strong support!

This book was published directly, and it was not until 60,000 words that my editor Penglai picked it up. I would like to thank Penglai here.

Then, I can persist to 60,000 words without signing a contract. Everyone can fully believe in my persistence in writing books. I will definitely write this book well. Please support me!

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