All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 93: If you don't agree with me, don't say anything.

Faced with Hong Yi's god-like strike, Butler Wu didn't take it too seriously. He lightly stretched out his left hand and flicked it toward Hong Yi's fist like dust.

Butler Wu's walnut-like face moved, and he said softly: "Master Yi, don't be too angry. Sure enough, after practicing martial arts, desire has arisen in my heart. With your three-legged cat's kung fu, you dare to ask me I really don’t know how high the sky is when I take action.”

But before Butler Wu finished speaking, his expression suddenly changed.

The moment his skinny right hand touched Hong Yi's fist, he felt a huge force.

Even if he tried his best to resist this huge force, it would be difficult for him to resist it. What's more, he had contempt for it before taking action, so he didn't even use 10% of his strength.

At the moment of contact, the flesh on the back of his left hand was torn apart by Hong Yi's punch, revealing the dense white bones.

Butler Wu's figure was like a ghost, suddenly split into eight parts in front of Hong Yi.

It was just a glimpse of Butler Wu's unique skill in Qinggong.

But this had no effect at all. Hong Yi's punch still followed him like a shadow, hitting Butler Wu on the shoulder.

He was beaten and flew away.

Butler Wu stood up.

The expression on his skinny old face had not changed at all since he saw Hong Yi. It had always been kind like a fake smile. It was only then that the uncontrollable shock finally appeared on Butler Wu's old face.

"This power could be the master of marrow training.

How is it possible, Master Yi, you have been living under the eyes of the Marquis and the old slave.

Impossible, absolutely impossible.

Even if I, the old slave, am mistaken, it is impossible for Mr. Hou to be mistaken.

Young Master, the last time you saw Mr. Hou was six months ago. At that time, you obviously had not started practicing.

Is it possible that in just six months, you can become a master of marrow training? "

Butler Wu looked at Hong Yi with eyes wide open and a look of disbelief on his face.

Hong Yi's cultivation speed completely exceeded his imagination. This cultivation speed made him shudder, and even a lot of cold sweat broke out on his back.

Hong Yi was dressed in green clothes, walking under the moonlight, unhurried and graceful.

"Is there anything impossible? Let me tell you, slave, I did not start practicing six months ago.

Not only that, I didn’t start practicing five months ago, four months ago, or even two months ago. "

Butler Wu couldn't understand what Hong Yi was saying at all: "Master Yi, do you mean that it only took a month to become a marrow refining master?"

Hong Yi smiled and nodded. He had no intention of letting this old dog go today, so it didn't matter if he told him this.

"I understand, Master Yi, if you are able to practice so quickly, you must have come into contact with the Dream God Machine.

I originally thought that Meng Shenji had cultivated the Supreme Way and had reached the state of being too supreme to forget his feelings.

Unexpectedly, a person of his level would be trapped by family ties and would actually help his sister's son. "

Butler Wu's face showed an expression of sudden realization. If Meng Shenji, the best person in the world, took action, it would not be impossible for Hong Yi to be able to practice so quickly.

After all, Mengshenji is a stronger being than the Creator. Even if he creates a martial saint in a single thought, it is a reasonable thing.

After figuring this out, Butler Wu showed an expression of relief on his face. A mere master of marrow training was not noticed by the martial saint like him.

"Master Yi, Master Yi, you have gone astray.

Relying on the means of Meng Shen Ji to uproot the seedlings and encourage you, the master of marrow training, has a weak foundation.

Without the help of Mengshenji, you may not be able to achieve the realm of Martial Saint in the rest of your life.

You should obediently follow the old slave back to the Marquis Mansion and kneel down to apologize to the Marquis. When the time comes, the Marquis will think about the relationship between father and son, and maybe he will take action to correct your foundation and give you a chance to step into the realm of the Martial Saint. . "

Hong Yi did not defend himself, smiled softly, and said with a hint of contempt: "Haha! Meng Shenji? Forget it, you can think whatever you want."

His uncle wasn't a good person either, and he didn't have any affection for Hong Yi or Meng Bingyun.

To put it bluntly, Meng Shenji and Hong Xuanji are actually more like the same kind of people, they are all the same.

"In this case, Master Yi, you have to be careful, I'm going to be serious this time."

Butler Wu no longer had any intention of holding back. He knew that Hong Yi and Hong Xuanji had become estranged from each other. Now that Hong Yi had the cultivation of a great marrow master, he already had the ability to threaten the Hou Mansion.

As Hong Xuanji's most loyal servant, he would naturally not sit back and watch this threat exist.

Butler Wu has made up his mind that this time he must abolish Hong Yi's martial arts and bring him back to the Hou Mansion.

Butler Wu let out a loud roar, and the sound waves spread out, causing ripples in the water in the courtyard. The small pavilion with carved railings in the distance suddenly collapsed with the roar.

A fist that rotates through the heavens and controls the gods spurts out from Butler Wu's body.

In an instant, the sky was filled with the shadow of Butler Wu's palm.

This set of martial arts is Hong Xuanji's self-created Wheel of Life and Death.

At this time, the energy and blood around Butler Wu's body was like a great sun, capable of melting all demons and monsters.

Under the rotation of the palm shadow, the ground was covered with Butler Wu's fist. The flowers and plants in the entire courtyard seemed to have been ravaged by a passing typhoon, leaving only the broken flowers and willows on the ground.

"The heavens rotate, life and death are impermanent, I am the God King, controlling all the gods."

Before Wu Guanjia finished speaking, these fist intentions attacked Hong Yi at full speed.

In an instant, Hong Yi seemed to be wrapped in an airtight copper furnace, and countless gods surrounded the furnace to perform magical powers to refine him.

This is the fist intention that only a martial saint can practice.

Under the influence of this fist intention, Hong Yi's body became weak, his spirit was sluggish, and he could hardly make any effective counterattack.

This is the absolute suppression of the martial saint-level masters on ordinary martial artists.

But Hong Yi is not an ordinary person. In his mind, he visualized the past under Amitabha Buddha, and in an instant, his originally sluggish spirit instantly recovered his spirit.

Facing the palm shadows all over the sky, Hong Yi had no fear at all.

"Come on! Let me see what the mystery of Hong Xuanji's heavenly life and death wheel is."

After speaking, the hands behind Hong Yi also turned into endless shadows, and constantly collided with Wu Guanjia in the void.

There were banging sounds in the air, like a huge bronze bell being struck, and the terrifying sound waves could be heard even more than ten miles away.

During the moment of fighting with Hong Yi, Butler Wu felt more and more frightened.

Although Hong Yi was not yet a martial saint, his soul was extremely tenacious. Even if Butler Wu had exerted his fist intent with all his strength, his fist intent could not have any effect on Hong Yi.

Not only that, Hong Yi's great power made Butler Wu feel extremely frightened.

If it weren't for the fact that the Wheel of Life and Death was a peerless martial art created by Hong Xuanji by combining the martial arts secrets of various major sects, and it had an extremely exquisite twisting and releasing force technique, I'm afraid his hand would have been broken by Hong Yi's huge force.

Butler Wu had only seen this kind of powerful boxing in the hands of one person, and that was Hong Xuanji.

In Butler Wu's eyes, the figure of Hong Yi in front of him gradually overlapped with the Hong Xuanji in his memory.

In the fight with Hong Yi, Butler Wu gradually fell into a disadvantage.

This made Wu Guanjia feel unbelievable. He was 100% sure that Hong Yi's martial arts had not yet reached the level of martial saint, and he had not condensed the fist intention.

But this extraordinary strength was really too foul.

Wu Guanjia could feel that as the two continued to fight, his skin and flesh, which had been tempered to be indestructible, were being torn piece by piece, and his internal organs were gradually damaged under the continuous force, and a trace of blood flowed into his mouth.

"Master Yi, you forced me to use this trick. I have to say that you, Master Yi, are the most outstanding son of the Marquis."

After Wu Guanjia finished speaking, his body suddenly swelled up, and muscles bulged from his thin body, and even his neck became as thick as a bucket.

Then, Wu Guanjia roared fiercely, and this roar was far more powerful than before.

In this roar, Hong Yi seemed to hear the Taoist six-character mantra, the Buddha's teachings, and the names of all the saints at the same time.

His soul was still in his body, but he almost got yelled out of his body when he heard this roar.

"Life and death in the heavens flow in the heart.

Master Yi, if you can take three more punches from me, I will admit defeat."

After saying this, Butler Wu rushed towards Hong Yi.

The skill he used at this time was obtained by Hong Xuanji from a small sect, called the Heart Method of Cutting Gold and Breaking Jade.

After pointing out this skill, all the blood in the body can be burned instantly, muscles can be strengthened, and strength can be increased. In an instant, more than twice the strength can be burst out.

This skill was originally used to fight desperately. After using it, the golden body is broken, the jade bones are turned into powder, and the heart is exhausted, so it is called the Heart Method of Cutting Gold and Breaking Jade.

However, after Hong Xuanji's transformation, this technique was renamed Reversal War Pill, which reduced the side effects of this technique a lot. After using it, you will not die directly. After a long period of recuperation, you can recover. In addition, the power of this technique has been greatly improved, and the power that bursts out in an instant has also increased by more than three times.

It must be said that Hong Xuanji is indeed a martial arts genius.

The fact that Wu Guanjia used this technique shows that he has the heart to fight for his life.

After a long fight with Hong Yi, he gradually overturned his original view.

No matter how powerful Meng Shenji is, he can't create a monster like Hong Yi.

The young master Yi in front of him must have another adventure, but if he can't be brought back to the Hou Mansion, he will definitely become a big worry for the Hou Mansion in the future.

Looking at Wu Guanjia who burst out with all his strength, Hong Yi just smiled lightly.

Isn't it just a secret method of bursting out? It makes no one have it.

Hong Yi touched the long strip of paper talisman on his waist, which was the same color as white jade. There were mysterious patterns on the paper talisman, which made people feel drowsy at first sight.

This paper talisman came from the divine power talisman of the prehistoric world.

Just wearing it can increase the power of the carrier by 30%. Once it is activated by magic power, it can increase the power by five times within two hours, and the strongest thing is that there is no sequelae at all.

This thing was sent to the group by Yang Chan a few days ago, and everyone has a share.

According to her, this thing is not worth much at all, and it can only work on people who have not become immortals. The second brother has a lot of them, so she took some and sent them to the group.

This made Hong Yi sigh that there are really differences between the worlds.

However, there is no need to activate such a good treasure to deal with a mere housekeeper Wu.

In the original timeline, Hong Yi used various illusions, sneak attacks, and many thoughts to defeat Wu Guanjia with the cultivation of ghost immortals.

But now Hong Yi doesn't want to do this. He is holding back a rage in his heart, and this rage cannot be vented.

It must be face to face, with fists hitting the flesh, to vent it.

"If you want to fight, then fight. I want to see what's so great about Hong Xuanji's trick."

Facing Wu Guanjia's full-strength burst, Hong Yi seemed very calm, not even as serious as before.

Wu Guanjia moved in front of Hong Yi like a ghost, his hands raised high, like the God King in the sky holding up the jade seal that controls everything.

This seal can determine the life and death of countless ants in the three realms.

A supreme temperament that controls the world emerges from Wu Guanjia.

But Hong Yi just stretched out his hand and flicked it lightly, as if he was casually brushing away the dust on his clothes, and flicked towards Wu Guanjia's big hand.

This was the method that Wu Guanjia used to deal with him before, and now Hong Yi returned it exactly as it was.

The innate martial artist has a strength of more than 10,000 jin, while the strength of the martial saint is almost 20,000 jin.

The real strength of the martial saint is not in the physical strength, but in his fist intention.

A truly powerful martial saint can subdue thousands of troops with a casual punch and fist intention.

But unfortunately, Wu Guanjia's fist intention has no effect on Hong Yi.

Because he has the Amitabha Sutra of the past, no matter how much damage the soul in his body has suffered, as long as he visualizes the Amitabha statue in the past in his mind, he can instantly recover the damage.

In other words, Wu Guanjia, with his martial saint cultivation, can only exert physical strength in front of him.

A mere 20,000 jin of strength, even if it is tripled, what's the problem?

Isn't it just 60,000 jin of strength, it's the same as who doesn't have it.

As a peak marrow training grandmaster, and a marrow training grandmaster who has achieved the perfect world blood moving realm, his martial arts cultivation alone has brought him 25,000 kilograms of strength.

In addition, his perfect magic cultivation has also reached the peak of the middle stage of the blood moving realm, which can also provide him with 40,000 kilograms of strength.

A total of 65,000 kilograms of strength, plus the blessing of the divine power talisman, his normal strength is directly close to the astonishing 90,000 kilograms.

If he hadn't wanted to see Hong Xuanji's life and death wheel just now, he could have killed Wu Guanjia within three moves.

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