After Yuwen Ta left, Master Jing'an asked Lin Li to take care of everything, and then went to see her at "Mingxin An".

Lin Li respectfully sent away Master Jing'an, and then lifted up Lin Gongfu, who was already frightened.

"You will immediately return to "Changfeng Gang" and inform Adoptive Father that I am leaving!" Lin Li said to Lin Gongfu.

Lin Gongfu was surprised and immediately came back to his senses.

"Brother Li, are you going?"

Lin Li nodded said: "Feng Yunqing's death is very problematic. You can find a way to get the Adoptive Father to investigate it. Remember, Investigate secretly, don't disturb Yuwen Ta!"

"Brother Li, you are gone, will Yuwen Ta be angry with "Changfeng Gang"?"

Lin Li shook his head and said : "Don't worry, Yuwen Ta was hurt very badly and didn't have the time to anger others. If I guess right, he might even "Changfeng Gang" will not go back and return directly to "Star Sect" to heal his injuries!"

Lin Gongfu felt relieved, and then said with emotion: "Is that the strength of the 9th-grade expert? Below the 9th-grade, even if the Grade 8 expert is in front of him, there is no strength to fight back!"

Lin Li was also very surprised. Master Yu Jing'an's strength.

He is already a Grade 8 Peak expert, but in front of the ninth-Rank "Heavenly Vein Power", "Golden Qi Vein" is still affected, unable to function at all, and suddenly dropped from Grade 8 to Grade 6.

How can people fight this!

In front of the 9th-Rank expert, there is no power to fight back at the 9th-Rank!

It's no wonder that Great Zhou Imperial Court treats Jiu-pin expert so politely, and is better than a prince.

Be aware that the Grade 8 expert has no special treatment in the Great Zhou Dynasty!

It can be seen that Jiupin is a dividing line!

"If one day, I could become a ninth-rank expert, that would be great!" Lin Gongfu looked at the direction Jing'an was too far away, a little envious.

Lin Li said ill-humoredly: "Don’t be envious, you are only Grade 1 realm, and I don’t know how many years and months will be able to break through the nine products!"

In fact, Lin Li I don't want to hit Lin Gongfu, otherwise he will tell Lin Gongfu that with his aptitude, not to mention the 9th grade in this life, even the Grade 7 realm is enough!

Martial Dao 9th grade, Grade 6 is a hurdle, Grade 7 is a hurdle, Grade 7 is a hurdle, Grade 8 is another hurdle, as for Grade 8 to become a 9th grade, it is even a ditch.

Before Martial Dao Grade 6, the main focus was to develop the human body's potential, relying on medicine pill and cultivation technique, as long as it was hard to learn and practice, it was actually not difficult to achieve.

But Grade 6 upgrades to Grade 7, comprehend the "Innate True Qi" level, it is useless to practice hard, you must realize it by yourself!

Achieving it is Grade 7, but if you don’t realize it, there will always be Grade 6.

So in sect, Grade 6 and below can only be Outer Sect Disciple, and only breakthrough Grade 7 can enter Inner Sect.

If it is breakthrough Grade 8, it is possible to master the authority of sect, like Yuwen Ta, become a deacon Elder!

Only breakthrough nine products are considered sect great characters!

As for the Grandmaster realm above the Ninth Rank, that is the existence of nuclear weapons, there are not many of them in the Nine Great Sect!

Lin Gongfu’s aptitude and Lin Li’s medicine pill are not difficult to upgrade to Grade 6, but Grade 6 and above are all on his own, and no one can help.

"Go back and tell Adoptive Father, after I leave, immediately announce to the public that you will cut off relations with me!" Lin Li pointed out to Lin Gongfu.

Lin Gongfu is not a fool, and immediately thought of the reason Lin Li did this.

"Brother Li, are you worried about "Star Sect" after the fall?"

Lin Li nodded and said: "I saved some medicine pill for you and Mao Xiaofang, and I hid it in my house In the cellar, after I leave, don’t rush to take it out, wait for the wind to pass!" Lin Gongfu Seeing that Lin Li is still caring about him and Mao Xiaofang at this time, he was moved and choked speechless. !

Lin Li patted Lin Gongfu’s shoulder and said: “Don’t do this, if you join Sect in the future, we still have a goodbye day!” Lin Gongfu solemnly vowed: "Brother Li, don't worry, I will definitely work hard to cultivation, join Sect in the future, and see you!"

Lin Li laughed, after bidding farewell to Lin Gongfu, go to "Mingxin Temple"!

He has nothing to pack, anyway, the valuable items are in the "system space".

Lin Gongfu also returned to "Changfeng Gang" soon. As Lin Li expected, Yuwen Ta did not return at all, but left "Yongning City" and returned to Star Sect!

I don’t know if it was because of being too scared of being beaten by Master Jing’an, Yuwen Ta didn’t even take Feng Yunqing’s body!

Lin Yitian had no choice but to bury Feng Yunqing personally. First let him go into the soil for safety and prevent the people from Star Sect from coming back to hold him accountable.

To everyone's surprise, on the seventh day after Feng Yunqing entered the soil, his tomb suddenly exploded and Feng Yunqing's body was also missing.

At that time, Lin Yitian almost scolded his mother in a hurry and didn't know how to explain to "Star Sect".

Lin Li had left "Yongning City" a long time ago, and didn't know the disappearance of Feng Yunqing's body!


Lin Li bid farewell to Lin Gongfu, and then rushed to "Mingxinan", but found that the usually quiet nunnery was exceptionally noisy today, can be seen everywhere The nuns are packing things.

The little nun Hui Xin, who had been in contact with Lin Li before, saw Lin Li and led him to Master Jing’an’s Zen room!

"You are ready to go to Yan Capital City with me!" Jing'an Master said as soon as he saw Lin Li.

Yan Capital City is the capital of the Great Zhou Dynasty and the center of Nine Provinces, the Converging Ground!

"Martial Uncle, but because of my business, I want to leave "Yongning City"?" Lin Li said to Master Jing'an too guilty.

Ms. Jing’an said with a smile: “Don’t have a burden. We left because you killed Feng Yunqing?”

Lin Li insisted: “Uncle, I’m really You didn’t kill Feng Yunqing!”

Master Jing’an waved his hand too: “It doesn’t matter if you kill or not, but it’s just a Feng Yunqing, and you die, nothing at worst!”

"Huh?" Lin Li was surprised: "Feng Yunqing is not "Star Sect" Heaven's Chosen, one of the eighteen seeds?"

Jing'an teacher's wife sneaked: "What Heaven's Chosen, but Star Sect was launched as a target, Star Sect is not the real Heaven's Chosen!"

Lin Li wondered: "Is Feng Yunqing still not considered Heaven's Chosen?"

Jing'an The teacher explained: "Feng Yunqing is the Great Zhou Imperial Family, and it is destined to be impossible to become Heaven's Chosen. This is the tacit understanding of our Nine Great Sects!"

Lin Li frowned: "What is the reason for this?"


Master Jing'an pondered too much before saying: "You haven't formally worshipped "Saint Heaven Sect". You shouldn't have told you about this, but Feng Yunqing's matter concerns you, so I will tell you. The truth!"

"At that time, the great ancestor of the Great Zhou Dynasty, with the help of the nine Great Sect, established the Ding Zhongyuan and founded the Great Zhou.

We sect and the great ancestor of Great Zhou have It is agreed that Great Zhou will win the world and Nine Great Sect will get Martial Dao resources. Afterwards, all Martial Dao resources in Nine Provinces, Imperial Court must be evenly divided with Nine Great Sect!

But Great Zhou has been a hundred years since the founding of the country, and the power of the country is prospering. Some The emperor felt that the Nine Great Sect didn’t do anything, so why enjoy the free resources.

The Imperial Court once thought of annexing the Nine Great Sect, but was eventually defeated by Nine Sects!

After this, sect and Imperial Co The relationship between urt has gradually become rigid! "

Lin Li puzzled: "If this is the case, how can Feng Yunqing invest in "Star Sect"? "

Master Jing'an is coldly snorted and said: "It's not the handwriting of today's Emperor Zhou!" "

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