Feng Hong, the current lord "Longxing Emperor" of Great Zhou, took the throne thirty-four years ago and found that the relationship between the Imperial Court and the Nine Great Sect was stiff, and even reached an opposite situation, Great The Zhou Dynasty is in danger of overthrowing at any time.

This person is really an outstanding person. I see that the Nine Great Sects are not monolithic, so I pay some Sects, take the initiative to show good, and gradually divide, so that the Great Zhou Dynasty can survive the crisis.

Later, Feng Hong respected the Nine Great Sect on the surface, not only upgrading the sect resource every year, but also sending the best things to the sect.

Later, Feng Hong sent the outstanding talents among the children of the Imperial Family to Wudao sect.

Originally, Nine Great Sect didn't want to let the members of the Imperial Family get started, but couldn't stand Feng Hong's gift, so he still accepted a few Imperial Family dísciples.

Just as soon as this opening is opened, Feng Hong starts to go to the Great Sect Cypriots every year.

After nine Great Sect discovered that many of the Imperial Family children occupied the high position of sect, they realized that they had fallen into Feng Hong's tricks.

In the Nine Great Sect, the Imperial Family members reported to the group to warm up, and the climate gradually formed, making it difficult for the Nine Great Sect and the Imperial Court to turn their faces!

What’s more troublesome is that those Imperial Family children who have invested in sect are still facing the Imperial Court in their hearts, so that Feng Hong slowly controls the Nine Great Sect.

When Nine Sects Sect Master discovered something was wrong, those Imperial Family members had become a climate, and many people in sect followed.

Feng Hong this move brought to the point of perfection to retreat to advance.

It is foreseeable that after two or three generations, Nine Great Sect will completely become a vassal of the Imperial Court and live up to its current transcendent status!

In order to restrain the imperial family from becoming too strong, Nine Sects Sect Master discussed that in the future, try not to give the Imperial Family dísciple development opportunities.

The Imperial Family like Feng Yunqing with outstanding talents, although they have joined the "Star Sect", received the best training, and even got the name "Heaven's Chosen", it is a pity that they are strong in appearance but weak in "Pseudo Heaven's Chosen" in reality.

Although sect taught Feng Yunqing Divine Art, he did not pass on his most important experience, and even arranged an unpredictable Yuwen Ta by his side.

The reason is to fall "normally" when he goes out to practice!

Nine Great Sect played this hand, completely forced by Feng Hong!

It’s just a poor imperial family dísciple like Feng Yunqing. I originally thought that joining "Star Sect" would become a peerless powerhouse.

But he didn't know that he was destined to "fallen" from the day he entered "Star Sect".

This also explains why Lin Li felt that Feng Yunqing, the "Star Sect" Heaven's Chosen, would be so useless!

People didn't get the true story of sect at all. It seems that the cultivation base is growing rapidly, but it is actually a waste.

Feng Yunqing's arrogant and despotic character, and the extremely wrong three views are also the result of "Star Sect"!

Lin Li heard from Jing’an Master, that in recent years, Feng Hong’s participation in the Imperial Family of the Nine Great Sects has been significantly reduced. I’m afraid it’s a recollection. I will not let the Feng Family members go to sect to die!

Master Jing’an also said to Lin Li: “Originally, Yuwen Ta wanted to use you as a substitute for the dead ghost, kill Feng Yunqing, and block Zhou Di’s mouth, but I stopped it, which meant that The matter is over, you don't have to worry about the revenge of "Star Sect"!"

Lin Li hearing this did not feel relieved, but worried more!

He is not worried about "Star Sect", but about the Imperial Court.

Lin Li didn't expect, the contradiction between sect and the Imperial Court is so deep, the two sides are now almost torn apart!

Master Jingan saw Lin Li's concern too, said with a smile: "Why, do you regret joining "Saint Heaven Sect" now?"

Lin Li quickly said:" dísciple dare not. It’s just that dísciple has been walking around the rivers and lakes before. I don’t know much about the Imperial Court and sect. Now I’m a little bit shocked when I hear about it at first glance!"

Master Jing’an said with a smile: "You The talent is good, and I got the inheritance of "Turbid Heaven Mirror", breakthrough Grade 8 realm at a young age, the future is limitless, maybe "Saint Heaven Sect" will depend on you for support in the future!"

Lin Li replied "Master is overpraised, how can I have that ability!"

Master Jing'an shook his head too: "You don’t need to be humble. I am at your age, but far from your current cultivation base, wait Going back to sect, you will definitely receive key training. In the future in "Heaven's Chosen Qualifying", amaze the world with a single brilliant feat!"

Lin Li said curiously: "Uncle, the bottom nine Why did Great Sect hold the "Heaven's Chosen Qualifying Tournament"?"

Master Jing'an said too: "Don’t worry, I will explain to you the common sense in these all are sects slowly on the road. Now we need to hurry. It’s up!

This time I’m going down the mountain, I’m going to Yan Capital City to participate in Zhoudi’s 70th birthday! Stop by and take a look at Qinxin. You just happen to go with us!"

Lin Li was taken aback: "Aren’t we going back to "Saint Heaven Sect" first?"

Master Jing’an explained: “Once there is too little time to come and go, I originally planned to let Hui Xin accompany you. You go back and officially apprentice!

But now that you have revealed the Grade 8 cultivation base, you have many dreams at night, so stay with me!"

Lin Li originally showed some potential, Jingan It didn't take it seriously, but now Lin Li has "Grandmaster qualifications", so naturally he can't let him have any accidents, so Master Jing'an brought Lin Li with him.

And she handed back a letter and sent back sect, let sect send someone to protect Lin Li!

Grandmaster is very important to sect. This is related to sect's century-old plan, and it is not at all sloppy!

Because Master Jing’an’s whereabouts were exposed, "Mingxinan" might also be exposed, so Master Jingan simply moved the entire "Mingxinan" away.

"Does Li Qinxin Senior Sister also go to Yan Capital City with us?" Lin Li asked Master Jingan after learning about the entire process of development.

Since knowing that Lin Li is "grandmaster", Master Jing'an's attitude towards him has obviously improved.

"Qinxin’s experience of going down the mountain this time is not over yet. Naturally, I want to go to Yan Capital City with us!"

Said Cao Cao arrived, Li Qinxin happened to be holding a Burden walked into the Zen room.

"Master, I have packed the softness, we can set off at any time!"

Lin Li saw Li Qinxin, but Li Qinxin just glanced at Lin Li, and then Not paying attention.

Ms. Jing’an’s eyes flowed between Lin Li and Li Qinxin, and there was a faint smile in her eyes!

She will no longer oppose the relationship between Disciple and Lin Li, and she even thinks about taking the initiative to create some opportunities for Li Qinxin and Lin Li!

He used to think Lin Li is not worthy of Li Qinxin, but now Jingan Master thinks it is his own discipline.

All the changes come from the different potential of Lin Li!

For a small sect, the potential of Grade 7 can be regarded as a general sect at most, and it is optional.

The potential of Grade 8 is just a little concerned.

The potential of Jiupin will be valued. Like Li Qinxin, it is even equipped with expert protection.

The potential of Grandmaster requires a small sect, devoting all human and material resources to cultivate.

Lin Li has shown such potential, natural treatment will also as the tide rises, the boat floats!

Master Jing'an wished that she could tie Lin Li to her side and taught him from time to time. Unfortunately, she knew that she was not qualified to train Lin Li.

Of course, only the Grandmaster is qualified to cultivate the potential of Grandmaster!

As one of the nine Great Sects, "Saint Heaven Sect" naturally also has a Grandmaster.

Master Jing'an has sent a letter to "Saint Heaven Sect", I believe there will be results soon!

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