Eunuch Hong is an old man next to Feng Hong. He served Feng Hong when he was still in the mansion.

It should be said that the person who has spent the longest time with Feng Hong in this world is neither the dead queen mother nor the concubine, but Eunuch Hong.

Feng Hong never thought that Eunuch Hong would be malicious to himself!

But Eunuch Hong didn't do anything to Feng Hong. Instead, he stood still, struggling with pain on his face!

"He got the Profound Technique?" Feng Hong saw that Eunuch Hong was wrong at a glance, and quickly pressed "Nine Dragons Sword" between his brows.

Eunuch Hong soon woke up and yelled Feng Hong: "Your Majesty, you go quickly, the old slave is controlled by the Profound Technique and cannot control himself!"

Feng Hong said with a slight smile: "Don't worry, I will use the power of "Nine Dragons Sword" to unlock the spell for you!"

Eunuch Hong said anxiously: "Your Majesty will consume "Nine Dragons Sword" Vitality, you must not take risks for the old slave!"

"Nine Dragons Sword" is certainly powerful, but every use of it will deplete some vitality of the soldier. If it is like Lin Li, it will be fine. .

However, Feng Hong has been in a dying year, every time he uses "Nine Dragons Sword", it is a burden for him!

Before using "Nine Dragons Sword" twice to break spell, Feng Hong is a little weak!

Eunuch Hong is loyal to Feng Hong and can't bear to see him suffer for himself!

The relationship between the master and the servant is deep. Of course Eunuch Hong will think of Feng Hong, so why does Feng Hong want to see Eunuch Hong involuntarily!

Feng Hong finally used "Nine Dragons Sword" to help Eunuch Hong return to normal, but his face turned pale!

At this moment, the Madam General, who was originally surrounded by the Imperial Guard, suddenly laughed strangely, and the whole body was emitting black mist again, and the body was slowly dissolving.

The black mist seemed to have life, and went straight to Feng Hong. The Imperial Guard around, and the generals who came to escort them, could not stop it!

The black mist crossed everyone and pounced on Feng Hong. To be precise, it pounced on the "Nine Dragons Sword" in Feng Hong's hands.

The original divine light "Nine Dragons Sword" suddenly dimmed and was coated with a layer of vinyl.

Feng Hong was surprised to find that he could no longer use "Nine Dragons Sword Essence", and the sword in his hand became a piece of scrap iron!

"haha! Faint Lord! Your "Nine Dragons Sword" is sealed, see who can come to save you!"

The black mist once again condenses the body of the general's wife with a face Looking at Feng Hong proudly, the swords and swords of the Imperial Guard around her slashed on her body, as if slashing on a cloud of thick fog, it did not cause the slightest harm at all!

Martial arts has little effect on spell, unless you attack the caster!

Obviously, Mrs. General is not the one who casts spells, she is just a puppet of "Profound Technique Master"!

Fortunately, there is no expert in the Imperial Court!

I saw Li Tiangang jump out, throwing a yellow talisman to the general's wife.

The yellow talisman hit Mrs. General's body, and it took effect immediately, and Mrs. General's miserable howling kept retreating!

Li Tiangang escorted him in time, finally let Feng Hong catch his breath!

"Hurry up and take Your Majesty away!" Li Tiangang once again took out a yellow talisman, blocked it in front of the general's wife, and asked the Imperial Guard to take Feng Hong away!

Lin Li could see that although the yellow symbol in Li Tiangang's hand can block the general's wife, there is no way to do him substantial harm.

The most important thing is that one yellow symbol is less than one. If it runs out, no one can stop the general's wife!

Li Tiangang came to the Imperial Palace to attend the Feng Hong birthday banquet this time, impossible with too many spells!

The black mist on Mrs. General's body is indeed very powerful, not only can hurt people, but also protect the body, Li Tiangang throws a yellow talisman down, except that the black mist is thinned, there is actually no effect at all!

When Feng Hong was about to withdraw from the birthday banquet, a round of black mist suddenly burst out of the four corners of the square, exactly the same as the general's wife!

A huge black mist shrouds the square, and anyone who touches it will go crazy, and then, regardless of the enemy and us, we will kill and hack!

Feng Hong was forced back by the black fog again, unable to advance or retreat!

"Funjun, you don't have to waste your time. I have been preparing for this killing for thirteen years, and I will wait for this day!" The general's wife said with a laugh.

"Who are you and why do you want to kill me?" Feng Hong pulled away the Imperial Guard to protect himself and stood in front of the general's wife.

The general's wife suddenly looked terrifying and looked at Feng Hong hatefully and said: "Of course you don't know me. It has been a hundred years, and it has been a hundred years. Who remembers the man who died in Great Gan!"


Feng Hong was taken aback, with some surprises: "Are you a remnant of the former dynasty?"

Before the Great Zhou Dynasty, it was the Great Gan Dynasty, which was founded for four hundred years, and it has three generations in succession. Faint Lord, so that the people all over the world don't have a livelihood, and the beacon is everywhere.

Great Zhou Taizu took advantage of the momentum and seized Great Gan.

"Although the great ancestor captured Great Gan's mountains and rivers back then, it was not Great Zhou that destroyed Great Gan, but the Lumei Rebels. Now that a hundred years have passed, time has changed, so why bother to Hatred!"

Feng Hong sighed: "A hundred years have passed, Great Gan has long been submerged in the torrent of time. Since you are a descendant of Great Gan, you should live well and continue the Great Gan bloodline. , Why come and die!"

The general's wife screamed: "It's all you Feng Clan. Without your Feng Clan, my Great Gan would not perish the country so soon."

Resentment is terrifying, and it can lift people's spirits infinitely. The more excited the emotions, the more intense the black mist on the general's wife!

The black mist melted the mask on the general's face, revealing her original face.

Unlike Lin Li's expectation, under the human skin mask of Mrs. General, it was not the girl who sold her body to bury her father, but a man with no facial features.

That is a face that can make a child have nightmares. The eyelids, nose, ears, and lips are all taken off. The hideous and terrifying facial features make everyone feel uncomfortable!

"Is my face terrifying?" The man touched his face and said: "We descendants of Great Gan, in order to avoid the chase of the embroidered clothing guard, we have long lost face!"


Lin Li once heard people say that there is an Appearance Changing Technique in the world. At the expense of his facial features, he gains the face of Myriad Transformations and pretends to be a person, even if his mother can’t distinguish it!

Men obviously cultivated this "Appearance Changing Technique", so Myriad Transformations, for one time a beautiful and alluring girl, another time for the general's wife, no one can see the weak spot!

Feng Hong looked at the man’s face and said in a puzzled way: "You avoid the pursuit of Xiyiwei? Since my succession, I have ordered to end the pursuit of the remnants of the previous dynasty? Who will kill you? ?"

The faceless man said with a smile madly said with a smile: "Fun, you don’t have to cover it up, you don’t have to cover it in secret.

You think you don’t chase and kill on the surface, you’re secretly cruel Hand, can this kind of thing be kept from the people of the world?"

Feng Hong frowned. He did make an order not to pursue the remnants of the previous dynasty. It seems that the people below did not comply!

Now is not the time to be held accountable!

"I promise you that as long as you give up resistance, I will immediately issue an order to the whole country and give you justice!"

The faceless man snered: "Justice, how can there be justice in this world?"

Justice, stunner, you are justice when you die!" After that, the black mist on the faceless man suddenly broke out, echoing the black mist that enveloped the square, frantically rushing towards Feng Hong!

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