The black mist of the faceless man heads towards Feng Hong, wherever he passes, everyone who touches has no godless eyes, crazy behavior, unscrupulously destroying Everything around.

Feng Hong, who was under the protection of many Imperial Guards, did not feel any fear, but straightened his chest, calmly facing the black mist.

This is the Imperial Palace. Feng Hong is the emperor of Great Zhou. Even in the face of death, he must have the authority of Sovereign.

Even more how, Feng Hong might not die?

The black fog is coming violently. Before Feng Hong was hit, the world suddenly fell silent!

A terrifying imposing manner breakthrough the blockade of black fog, coming in from the outside breakthrough.

The misty black mist solidified, and the crazy soldiers stopped!

The faceless man looked towards the black mist in the sky in doubt, the next moment a big hand suddenly caught the black mist, accompanied by a powerful imposing manner, punch towards the faceless man!

This time, the faceless man chose to dodge, instead of standing in place and letting the sword add to his body as before.

The giant hand hit the ground with a punch, The earth shook and the mountain quivered, but all the black mist swept by the giant fist disappeared!

The black mist that even the ninth-rank expert can't disperse, has no resistance in front of the giant fist.

A ray of light broke through the black mist and swayed into the square!

The faceless man looked at the sky with a guarded face, and a silhouette broke through the sky and fell in front of Feng Hong!

"Consecration Courtyard Lu Mingtao, I have seen Your Majesty!"

The visitor is a middle-aged man in his 30s and 40s, dressed in a white robe, with a misty temperament. When he arrives, he will be enveloped. The black fog in the square slowly dissipated!

"Lu Zongfeng exempts you from the gift, I'm sorry for your escort!" Feng Hong saw the middle age person and completely relaxed!

Lu Mingtao turned around and faced the faceless man, coldly said: "The remnants of the past are not like a mouse crossing the street, and they dare to go out and assassinate Your Majesty. If you have me, Lu Mingtao, you will never think about it. Success!"

Lin Li standing below, the moment he saw Lu Mingtao, a single thought came out in his mind.

"He is a Grandmaster Level expert!"

Because the expert who can crack spell so easily can only be the Grandmaster!

"It's so fast!" The faceless man seemed to have known that there would be a Grandmaster Level expert. Although he retreated all the way, he did not appear to be flustered.

"Funjun, I can't kill you today, but it also blocked your "Nine Dragons Sword". I see how you shock the Nine Great Sect!" The faceless man dropped a word, black fog on his body It gradually became thinner and seemed to want to leave.

Lu Mingtao naturally can't let the faceless man go like this!

As soon as he stepped on his right foot, a mirror appeared on all sides of the faceless man.

These mirrors not only illuminate the faceless man, but also block his escape!

The mirror is not a tangible substance, but is made of Lu Mingtao’s true essence, which is, in principle, Lu Mingtao’s Inner Strength!

Different from the general Nine-Rank Inner Strength cannot help but spell, the true essence of Grandmaster has the miraculous effect of restraining the spell. No matter how the faceless man jumps up and down, he can't escape the blockade of the mirror!

"Seal!" Lu Mingtao closed his palms together, and the six mirrors completely sealed off the faceless man. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't break through the mirror and get out!

Lu Mingtao, but Small Scale Chopper, played the faceless man between the palms of his arms. The strength of the Grandmaster deserves it!

"Quickly unblock "Nine Dragons Sword", or I will pinch you to death!"

Lu Mingtao's mirror is slowly tightening, and there is less and less space for faceless men , Any part of the body touches the mirror, it will make a sound of "zi zi", as if encountering sulfuric acid!

"Stop dreaming, I have planned for more than ten years, and finally sealed "Nine Dragons Sword". Even if I kill me, I will never unblock it!" The faceless man grinned in pain, but just Not convinced!

Lu Mingtao, frowned, was about to show the faceless men some great things, but was stopped by Feng Hong!

"Leaving his life, I want to know how he used spell in Yan Capital City and how to seal "Nine Dragons Sword"!"

The faceless man is alive. It's good for Feng Hong. In case of death, everything will become unsolved!

Lu Mingtao is nodded, as soon as the right hand is collected, the mirror is compressed to the size of a coffin, no longer changes, just to accommodate the faceless man!

After doing everything, Feng Hong asked Lu Mingtao to take the faceless man away and walk to the guests to take care of the aftermath by himself!

"My birthday banquet, mixed with gangsters, the hospitality is not good today, I hope you will not be offended!"

Feng Hong stood in front of everyone and shouted: "Today I I swear here that I will be held accountable to the end, irreconcilable!" After that, the sound of dragon's roar sounded between Heaven and Earth again, Feng Hong reappeared "Nine Dragons Sword" in his hands, and the sword light went straight to the sky!

All the guests saw that the "Nine Dragons Sword" in Feng Hong's hand was intact, and there was no sign of being sealed!

Those who originally began to stir sect, settle down immediately!

After Feng Hong revealed Heavenly Might, he put away "Nine Dragons Sword", then walked like a dragon and stepped like a tiger to leave the venue and return to the harem to rest.

Eunuch Hong stayed to clean up the aftermath and organized the guests to leave the Imperial Palace.

A birthday banquet ended in this way, but its influence will soon ferment and affect the whole country!

Lin Li did not leave the Imperial Palace with the people of "Saint Heaven Sect", but under the leadership of Yin Mei, he walked directly into the Imperial Palace and met Feng Hong!

Feng Hong at this time is not feeling well, his face is pale, his breath is weak, and several imperial doctors are by his side to diagnose and treat him!

The "Nine Dragons Sword" sealed by the faceless man is right in front of Feng Hong!

"Didn't expect, the remnants of Great Gan, unexpectedly found a way to seal "Nine Dragons Sword Essence". If you weren't there today, I'm afraid I won't be able to fool it!" Feng Hong saw Lin Li , Suddenly smiled bitterly.

The "Nine Dragons Sword" in Feng Hong's hand just now was not from his previous summon, but Lin Li used his "Red Dragon Soul" summon to shock Feng Hong!

"Nine Dragons Sword" does not have a physical entity, but is transformed by the nine sword essence.

Feng Hong awakens "yellow-dragon soul", can control the four sword essences, and turn it into "Nine Dragons Sword". Now it has been sealed and lost all its miraculous effects!

The loss of the fourth of the nine sword essence means that you will never be able to exert your strongest strength.

What's more terrible, if this matter spreads out, those sects who are obsessed with the power of "Nine Dragons Sword" may not run out to make trouble.

So just now Feng Hong secretly asked Yin Mei to recruit Lin Li, and asked him to recruit two sword essences to fool the sect people at the scene first!

"The top priority now is to find a way to crack the seal of "Nine Dragons Sword"!" Lin Li also knows the seriousness of the matter!

Feng Hong nodded and said: "I have sent someone to interrogate the remnants of Great Gan, must figure out how he sealed "Nine Dragons Sword", otherwise Great Zhou will be unstable!

You live in the palace during this time, just in case!"

Lin Li has some worries, Feng Hong said: "Let you live in the Imperial Palace is only temporary, and now only You can summon "Nine Dragons Sword Essence"!"

Lin Li thought for a while, and did not refuse. Under Feng Hong's arrangement, he moved into the Imperial Palace.

Interestingly, Lin Li lives next to "Wan'er"!

This little girl, as soon as she heard that Lin Li lived next door to him, she was excited to visit her on the 2nd day!

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