Lin Li promised Feng Hong to transfer the "Seven Poison Black Gel", Feng Hong immediately sent someone to arrange it, and didn't want to delay even a second.

『Nine Dragons Sword』is related to Great Zhou's national fortune and also connected to Dragon Vein. Loss is absolutely not allowed!

Lin Li also expressed his understanding and determined that "Seven Poison Black Gel" had no substantial effect on him, so he came to the Temple of Heaven with Feng Hong.

In the past, Master Lei Ling set up an array in Yan Capital City to eliminate all possibilities for "Profound Technique Master" to cast spells, but left a secret door for himself, that is, "Tiantan".

As long as the "Profound Technique Master" holds a special Magical Artifact, he can perform spells normally within the "Temple of Heaven".

That Magical Artifact is a yellow golden small sword, with a trace of "Nine Dragons Sword" Spiritual Qi. It has been kept by the Imperial Family. This time, in order to transfer the "Seven Poison Black Gel", Feng Hong will The yellow golden sword is handed over to Foreign Elder Yu.

Foreign Elder Yu, whose full name is Yu Tianjiang, was a famous "Profound Technique Master" before becoming an Imperial Family worship.

Foreign Elder Yu is the main cast this time, with Lu Mingtao guarding him to ensure that Feng Hong is foolproof!

Lin Li and Feng Hong are standing in the center of the "Temple of Heaven", Yu Tianjiang set up an altar not far from them, and placed the sealed "Nine Dragons Sword Essence" on the altar!

Foreign Elder Yu used spell to seduce "Seven Poison Black Gel" and transfer it to Lin Li.

Without the blockade of "Seven Poison Black Gel", Feng Hong immediately sensed "Nine Dragons Sword Essence" and returned it to the Great Zhou Ancestral Mausoleum.

On the other side, the "Seven Poison Black Gel" seems to be alive, turning into a Black Dragon, flying along Lin Li's dragon soul directly into the bloodline of his body!

At this moment, the mutation happened!

As soon as the "Seven Poison Black Gel" entered Lin Li's body, a mutation occurred, and it quickly rushed into the ancestral orifice of his eyebrows.

Immediately afterwards, Yu Tianjiang found that his spell was gradually out of control, and the world also gave birth to a vision.

Lin Li perceives that as soon as the "Seven Poison Black Gel" entered the body, it sealed his dragon soul, and before it was over, he had to seal his spiritual platform Sea of ​​Consciousness.

One Sea of ​​Consciousness, Lin Li's sanity will be sealed! Become the living dead!

Feng Hong was already a little panicked when he noticed the shock.

"Foreign Elder Yu, what happened?"

Yu Tianjiang said with a pained expression: "Someone is casting a spell, using "Seven Poison Black Gel" as a medium to seal Lin Li's Sea of ​​Consciousness, even more vicious, is that this seal uses the dragon soul as a medium. Once successful, anyone who awakens the dragon soul in the future will be sealed and become the living dead!"

Feng Hong turn pale with fright, said: "Whatever the cost, must save Lin Li!"

Foreign Elder Yu said painfully: "We are all fooled, the person who secretly casts the spell, the purpose is to We transfer the "Seven Poison Black Gel", and then sever the Imperial Family who awakens the Dragon Soul!"

Feng Hong finally understands the seriousness of the matter, and the relationship between the Dragon Soul and the Great Zhou will continue, as long as the Dragon Soul does not die. , Great Zhou's throne is endless.

The purpose of the secretly caster was not to kill Feng Hong, but to stop the continuation of Great Zhou.

"Foreign Elder Yu, no matter what the cost, we must stop the dark hand!"

Foreign Elder Yu depressed: "Your Majesty, with my ability, I can only cut off The continuation of "Seven Poison Black Gel", but Lin Li's Sea of ​​Consciousness will definitely be sealed!"

Feng Hong was surprised: "Is there no other way?"

Foreign Elder Yu said: "Your Majesty, when you break it, you break it. I'm afraid that I will drag it down, and I am not sure!"

Feng Hong said: "Foreign Elder Yu, can you untie Lin? The way to seal Li Sea of ​​Consciousness!"

Foreign Elder Yu replied a little laboriously: "There are only two ways, one is Lin Li cultivation base breakthrough Grandmaster, and the flower of God is condensed, and the breakthrough seal is yourself.

Another one is to let a Great Grandmaster break the seal forcibly!"

Feng Hong remembered that there was a Great Grandmaster in "Saint Heaven Sect", and he made a decision immediately!

"Foreign Elder Yu, let it go!"

Yu Tianjiang received Feng Hong’s approval and immediately switched spells to fully introduce "Seven Poison Black Gel" into Lin Li's body. Seal the Sea of ​​Consciousness and try not to harm the descendants of Feng Clan.

In this way, at the expense of Lin Li alone, Feng Clan bloodline has a chance to awaken the Dragon Soul!

In the Heavenly Prison, Yun Wuji suddenly cried out in pain, a strong black mist appeared on his body, and the charms tied to his body emitted a fiery yellow light.

Yun Wuji yelled up to the sky in pain: "Master Turin, you must promise me to kill Feng Clan and destroy the Great Zhou Dynasty!"

A sentence came from the distant void. Words, drilled into Yun Wuji's mind.

"Don't worry, what I promised, I will definitely do it!"

Yun Wuji haha ​​smiled, ignoring the pain on his body, the whole body black fog breakthrough, the blockade of the spell, breakthrough Heavenly Prison, flew towards the Temple of Heaven.

At the moment of breakthrough Heavenly Prison, Yun Wuji’s Primordial Spirit had already been flying ash annihilation, leaving only thousands of black mists, with Yun Wuji’s resentment, rushed towards the Temple of Heaven, On Lin Li.

In fact, Lin Li has always been sober, and he can detect the outside world, and even hear the conversation between Feng Hong and Yu Tianjiang!

But he has lost control of his body and can only watch, black mist poured into his body, combined with the "Seven Poison Black Gel", and within his Sea of ​​Consciousness , Turned into a monstrous giant net, covering his Divine Consciousness.

Once all Divine Consciousness is surrounded, he will completely lose his mind and become the living dead.

For the continuation of Great Zhou, Yu Tianjiang did not stop the black fog, but contributed to the flames. He just wanted to trap all the seals on Lin Li, and don't harm Feng Clan!

This time Lin Li was unlucky!

As the black mist poured into his spiritual platform, Sea of ​​Consciousness, Lin Li found that there were many memories in his mind that did not belong to him.

In memory, his name is Yun Wuji, a descendant of the Imperial Family of the Great Gan Empire, and he has lived a life of upheaval since he was a child!

Lin Li quickly understood that these memories belonged to the faceless man. In order to seal the dragon soul, he had completely flying ash annihilation, and now only some memory fragments remained.

These memories are the deepest memories of a faceless man. They are memories that he doesn't want to forget until death. Apart from hatred, there is a face!

It was a pale face. Lin Li couldn't tell his age. At first glance, it looked like his early twenties, but when he looked closely, it looked like thirty or forty. It is difficult to define age.

That face is the deepest memory of the faceless man Yun Wuji!

Because that is the person who changed his life!

His name is Zhu Xingchen!

The moment I saw Zhu Xingchen, far away within the valley in Yan Capital City beyond a thousand li, the owner of that face opened his eyes, and the memory in Lin Li's mind ceased. !

"Seven poison black gel" completely sealed Lin Li's spiritual platform, Lin Li looked like he was asleep.

Zhu Xingchen in the valley slowly stood up and looked towards Yan Capital City in confusion.

Just now he sensed that his spell has taken effect and Lin Li Divine Consciousness has been sealed. Although it did not harm the entire Great Zhou Imperial Family, it was half done!

But at the last moment, Zhu Xingchen sensed that Lin Li's Divine Soul suddenly disappeared, as if the Immortal Mansion was taken away by a mysterious power.

The "Seven Poison Black Gel" seals only Lin Li's body!

Zhu Xingchen didn’t know, at the last moment, Lin Li used the "Luck Seizing System" reincarnation, Primordial Spirit left the Great Zhou world!

However, Zhu Xingchen was able to sense the existence of "Luck Seizing System", which already shows that he is not simple!

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