Lin Li wakes up from a deep sleep, the first feeling is hungry, he is extremely hungry, he hasn't realized it for a long time!

The first thing in reincarnation is to observe the surrounding environment and one's own situation.

Lin Li wants to sit up, but realizes that this little movement has caused him even stronger hunger!

After reluctantly sitting up with a strong willpower, Lin Li found that he had become smaller and dirty.

Looking at his thin hands, Lin Li guessed that the Reincarnation Body at this time is no more than ten years old.

From the thinness of his hands and the broken clothes on his body, Lin Li guessed that his reincarnation should not be rich!

Or a little beggar is more accurate!

The powerful nerves of several reincarnations kept Lin Li calm.

The powerful soul induction let Lin Li know that his current physical condition is not very good, at least he must solve the problem of food and clothing first!

For a little beggar, eating may be a problem, but for Lin Li, eating is not a problem at all!

Lin Li barely got up and found that although he was hungry, he still had some physical strength.

Through observation, Lin Li found that he was in a dark alley.

The surrounding buildings tell Lin Li that he is already not in ancient times, more like modern times.

Vaguely, Lin Li also saw the old telephone pole not far away.

"Have you finally reincarnated into modern society?" Lin Li sighed, walking out of the alley!

As soon as he left the alley, Lin Li saw a few cars driving on the narrow road.

There are also some human rickshaws on both sides of the road!

"I'm here in old Shanghai!" Lin Li observed the surrounding environment and quickly came to a conclusion.

The surrounding scene is somewhat similar to the old Shanghai he had seen on TV before, but is it a bit different?

Lin Li walked to the street and immediately aroused the disgust of pedestrians, because he was very dirty and smelly!

gu lu gu lu!

The feeling of hunger coming from the stomach let Lin Li know that the most urgent task now is to eat quickly.

Lin Li quickly found his goal, a middle-aged man wearing an old-fashioned suit and shiny leather shoes.

With a clear goal, Lin Li slowly approached the man, then staggered down beside the man!

"Good-hearted Boss, have mercy on me! I haven't eaten for a few days!" Lin Li hasn't been begging for a long time, and his business is fairly adept.

The man said to Lin Li with a look of disgust: "Where's the little chick, it's so stinking, get out of here!"

The man scolded while avoiding Lin Li. , Ran towards the distance.

Lin Li didn't care at all, just stood up, put a black wallet in his arms, and ran to the side alley quickly.

At the moment when he was wrong with the man, Lin Li moved the man's wallet along with a very fast speed. The shot was neat and skillful, and he looked like a veteran!

After stealing the wallet, Lin Li ran to the alley, took out the money in the wallet, and then threw away the wallet, destroy the corpse and evidence!

"It's been a long time, it's a bit rusty!" Lin Li laughed bitterly to himself, then stuffed the money in his pocket and quickly left the place.

According to past experience, the man found that the wallet was missing, and he would find it soon. It was courting death to stay in place!

Lin Li only felt safer when he ran three streets away. He wanted to run farther if he wasn't about to run out of energy.

In fact, he ran in time because he had just walked away, and the middle age person who had lost his wallet was found foul-mouthed and cursed Lin Li.

Lin Li just ran for a few minutes, and felt that his physical strength began to be weakened. He realized that his body was undernourished for a long time and couldn't do much exercise at all.

The middle-aged man’s wallet contains more than three yuan. Lin Li doesn’t know what the purchasing power of this era is. How much food can be bought for three yuan, but he will always be full. Meal!

Lin Li walked slowly for a while and found a breakfast stall.

Originally, the stall Boss didn't want to receive beggar like Lin Li, and worried that he had no money, and it would affect the appetite of other guests!

However, when Lin Li took out three dollars, the attitude of the stall boss immediately changed and agreed to sell food to Lin Li, but he asked him to take a bit farther to eat, so as not to affect other people.

Lin Li asked for a bowl of porridge and a few eggs. It was not that he didn't want to ask for more, nor was he unable to afford it, but because he was too weak to overeating, it was not good!

Although he is extremely hungry, Lin Li does not drink porridge fast, but very slowly. It seems that he is not drinking a bowl of white porridge, but the world's delicacy.

With the warm porridge, Lin Li feels that his body has recovered some strength, especially the stomach discomfort, which is slowly disappearing.

With strength, the brain can also run fast, let Lin Li know the current situation!

First of all, it is time. According to observations, it should be what it was like in the 1920s and 1930s.

The location of Lin Li is not yet clear, but it is probably Shanghai.

My condition is extremely bad.

Several reincarnations, except for the Great Zhou world, this reincarnation is the worst.

Great Zhou World had a bowl at the beginning of the game. Once this World was reincarnated, even a bowl was not given.

Fortunately, Lin Li is already very experienced, no matter how bad the situation is, he can survive!

As long as you can survive, give Lin Li a few years, it is not difficult to get back to martial arts, when the time comes naturally fragrant and spicy!

But the difficulty facing Lin Li now is money!

Only relying on petty theft, with Lin Li's ability, food and clothing are not a problem, so don't even think about martial arts!

Since ancient times, rich fight while the poor write, martial arts training requires a lot of resources, and you can't practice martial arts without money.

Lin Li returns to this World for the purpose of practicing martial arts, in order to break through the Grandmaster realm, condense the flower of the gods, and thereby lift the seal of "Seven Poison Black Gel" by himself!

Lin Li just calculated it. He spent about two cents on this breakfast. Calculating the purchasing power, the three dollars in his hand can still last a few days!

Lin Li dare not use the gold in "Luck Seizing System".

This era is not peaceful. Once a little beggar takes out the gold, I don’t know what Ghost God snake will come out.

With Lin Li's current physical condition, it is really not suitable to cause trouble!

the past few days, Lin Li wants to take care of herself.

According to his observations, the current body is suffering from chronic malnutrition, and it takes at least a year to recover.

This is still the result of his not keeping money!

While Lin Li was drinking porridge and planning his future, a group of fifteen or sixteen-year-old children surrounded him!

This group of children are dressed in ordinary clothes and bleak, and they are not serious people at first glance.

The first boy, with a fierce face, came up and smashed the bowl of porridge in Lin Li's hands.

"The little beggar I brought, do you know that this street is covered by my Ax Gang, dare you to steal the site of my Brother Chen!"

"Ax Gang? "Lin Li said curiously: "What is that!"

Brother Chen furiously said: "Ax Gang is not a thing!"

Lin Li nodded agreed: "Ax Gang does It's not something!"

Brother Chen didn't react at first, but his younger brother said a few words in his ear, and he was furious!

"Dare to fight with me, beat him!"

Brother Chen swarmed up and rushed to Lin Li. There is no meaning to fight alone!

Lin Li put the egg in his mouth at will, and slowly stood up, he just wanted to relax!

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