"Aiya! My hands!"

"Aiya, my waist!"

"My legs are out of sensation!"

"My feet don't feel anymore!"

A group of half-old children lay on the ground, wailing in pain. The Brother Chen who threatened Lin Li before was already full of heads. Cold sweat, the two legs kept trembling.

Lin Li stood there, and the man who fell next to him, looked at Brother Chen with a faint smile, which made him feel extremely stressed!

"Do you still want to fight?" Lin Li glanced at Brother Chen and asked defiantly.

Brother Chen took a deep sip and looked at the little brother who fell to the ground. There were eighteen people.

There is only one person on the other side, who seems to be young.

Why did you fall to one side? Brother Chen really can't understand!

He doesn't understand it!

Lin Li's reincarnation loses all his power and becomes a malnourished child, but not everyone can be bullied.

Martial arts is not there, but the vision is still there!

Although Brother Chen has many hands, they are all children who have not grown up, and they do not look rich. Everyone is thin and weak, and their battle strength is limited.

Lin Li just used precise acupoint punching techniques to turn them around!

Brother Chen's men appeared to have fallen to the ground. They were seriously injured and could not move for a long time.

In fact, Lin Li also hit the numb point. For a while, the blood energy will be poor, the hands and feet will be numb, and it will gradually recover!

They fell to the ground, and most of them were scared!

At this time, Lin Li could wipe their necks with a knife!

However, Lin Li is a child now, with limited physical strength. When over a dozen people are brought down, his physical strength has reached its limit.

It's just that Brother Chen is a hooligan. He lacks vision. Where can I tell Lin Li is strong in appearance but weak in reality, he was scared enough by his brave performance at this time!

"Don't come here, I have a knife!"

Brother Chen trembled and took out a knife from his pants pocket, but he felt that even if he had a weapon In hand, there is no sense of security!

Lin Li saw that Brother Chen was so timid, he couldn’t help but say with a smile: “You’re so courageous, how come out to mess with the rivers and lakes!”

Brother Chen said cryingly : "Big guy, I am a hooligan. I usually organize some hand-picked thiefs and eat a lot of food!"

Lin Li hearing this, and asked: "Aren't you from Ax Gang?"

Brother Chen said: "I just called it casually, just want to add a little imposing manner, in fact, we Ax Gang is right in front of this person!"

Lin Li looked at these children on the ground, I guessed something!

"Are you all orphans?" Lin Li asked.

Brother Chen was stunned for a moment, and then nodded: "Big brother, how do you know we are orphans?"

Lin Li smiled and said: "The child who lives by stealing, Most of them are orphans, which is not surprising!"

Brother Chen looked at Lin Li strangely, how did he feel that this child who was younger than him in front of him was old-fashioned!

Lin Li said: "You guys will fuck with me in the future!"

Brother Chen stayed for a while and didn't understand what Lin Li meant?

Lin Li's face sank and said, "Why, you don't want to!"

"No no no, big man, I don't want to!"

Brother Chen looked at the brother on the ground and thought it was better to be a wise man knows better than to fight when the odds are against him!

Lin Li knew Brother Chen was playing him, but he didn't care!

"Don't worry! You will know how wise you made this decision today!" Lin Li said with a smile.

"Boss, I still don't know what your name is?" Brother Chen asked.

Lin Li thought for a while. Anyway, he didn't know the name of his predecessor, so he decided to use his real name.

"My name is Lin Li, and I will be your boss from now on. Are these people on the ground your little brothers?" Lin Li said.

Brother Chen said: "Yes, boss, my name is Han Chen!"

Lin Li asked Han Chen some more questions and learned about "Ax Gang"!

Han Chen and his younger brother are mostly orphans, relying on being thieves to eat.

The so-called "Ax Gang" is actually just a group of orphans reporting to the group to keep warm.

They have no survival skills and can only make a living by stealing!

The reason why Lin Li was found this time was because Lin Li was stealing from their site, which was regarded as a business grab.

Han Chen originally thought that Lin Li was just a little beggar. He would show off one's military strength and give a lesson.

Didn't expect kicked to the iron plate, but Lin Li gave him a lesson, and the boss became a little brother!

From Han Chen's mouth, Lin Li also knows that his city is called "Xuanhai City", which is also the most prosperous city, known as Shili Yangchang!

Lin Li also heard that the world he was in was a bit different from the world in his memory.

The difference is that there is no braid country after Great Ming, only Great Shun!

At the end of the Ming Dynasty, history seemed to have turned a corner. Great Ming was destroyed by King Chuang Li, but Mountain and Sea Trial Commander Wu Sangui did not release wild boar skins into the barrier. Instead, he returned to King Chuang.

Later, Li Zicheng established the Great Shun regime and beat the braid country outside the pass. From then on, history entered the Great Shun era.

Two hundred and eighty years after the establishment of the Great Shun Empire, it has ushered in unprecedented changes in a thousand years!

A peasant uprising, coupled with successive changes.

Great Shun did not perish the country, but it also lost half of the country.

China is divided by the Yangtze River, and the north of the Yangtze River is still under the rule of the Great Shun Empire.

South of the Yangtze River is chaotic, and the heroes come together.

In general, Lin Li came to a parallel world, where there is no braid country, but an important major event still happened.

Now the Central Plains has officially entered the era of melee.

The impact of two civilizations has made this land become nondescript!

The Great Shun empire in the north is corrupt and incompetent, but it still maintains its last glorious touch.

The economy in the south is developed, but the military power is falling aside, leading to the warlords in the south, chaos and chaos.

As one of the first open port cities in the Central Plains, "Xuanhai" has become a ** metropolis, which is exactly similar to Lin Li's memory.

But where there is light, there must be darkness. Below the ten-mile foreign field of "Xuanhai" is the rise of major gangs.

A gang composed of several children like "Ax Gang" is not enough in "Xuanhai", it is only the bottom of the food chain!

Above "Ax Gang", there is a "Fierce Tiger Hall", in charge of the "protection rights" of Ten Streets.

Han Chen’s "Ax Gang" can only steal in one of the streets, and half of his income must be turned over to "Fierce Tiger Hall" every month, otherwise he won't even have the right to steal!

There are at least ten little gangs like "Ax Gang" under "Fierce Tiger Hall"!

Han Chen, the nominal Gang Lord, actually did not do well at all. He often had a meal without a meal!

Lin Li decided to take over "Ax Gang", using this as a starting point, and slowly develop and grow as his foundation in this World.

Anyway, the gangsters have not never done it. With Lin Li's talents, it is more than enough to be an underground emperor!

even more how, this is the worst age and the best age!

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