The Southern Capital, the capital of the Imperial Court in the South, is also the most prosperous city in the South.

Lin Li went all the way from Dragon Tiger Mountain to the southern capital because he inquired through channels that the descendants of the Dragon Clan Ma Family were exorcised in the southern capital!

This Ma Family is a famous exorcist family in the cultivation world, and its inheritance is not shorter than Dragon Tiger Mountain.

It's just a general cultivation Sect, for the purpose of preaching for longevity, but Ma Family insists on cutting down Monsters and eliminating Demons!

Each generation of Ma Family will give birth to a boy and a girl. The man is responsible for passing on the line, and the woman will cut down Monsters and eliminate Demons.

There has always been a saying in the cultivation world, south and north.

Nanmao refers to Maoshan. Among Four Great Sects, the Maoshan school likes cut down Monsters and eliminate Demons the most, so it has the most external reputation.

Ma's clansman is in the north.

Although Ma Family is well-known, it has always been sparsely populated. It used to be active in the north. Later, because of the confrontation between the north and the south and avoiding the war, it ran to the south, but Maoshan divided into two and went to the north!

Lin Li has been looking for the whereabouts of Ma Family descendants through his relationship. One day ago, Ax Gang finally heard news that he had found Ma Family descendants in Southern Capital!

Nandu is not Lin Li's site, but also the base camp of the Imperial Court in the south. He has to act low-key.

Besides, this time he is looking for Ma Family descendants.

It's just a little surprise for Lin Li that the descendants of Ma Family actually live in the casino!

Portuguese Casino is the largest underground casino in Southern Metropolis, and belongs to the largest gang in Southern Metropolis "White Gang".

Lin Li received news that Ma Family descendants are the head of the casino and a small leader of the "White Gang".

The descendants of the dignified Ma Family, a member of the exorcism Dragon Clan, are in the casino, Lin Li almost thought he had found the wrong person!

But when Lin Li saw the man, he understood that he did not find the wrong thing, but the people from Ax Gang made a mistake.

The Ma Family descendant that Ax Gang is looking for is a man!

Ma Family men are responsible for inheriting the family, women subdue monsters and defeat demons!

"This is the boss of Xuanhai Ax Gang! Underneath is Ma Dangxiong, "White Gang" three generations of dísciple, I don't know why you are looking for me?" When the Ma Family man saw Lin Li, he was Jianghu That set!

Ma Dangxiong is an eighteen-nineteen-year-old young man with a riffraff look. He looks like a hooligan in every way, more than a descendant of Ma Family!

"In addition to being Ax Gang Gang Lord, I am also Dragon Tiger Mountain Heavenly Master. I have something to look for your younger sister!"

"Look for my sister?!" Ma Dangxiong was surprised Said: "What did the dead girl commit?

I have been with her, now the times have changed, cut down Monsters, eliminate Demons are outdated, she still insists on the older generation. What are you doing!"

Lin Li can hear that the relationship between Ma Dangxiong and younger sister is not good!

"I am looking for your younger sister to discuss something, I hope you can recommend it, and the benefits will not be less for you!"

Lin Li took out a few pieces of ocean and stuffed it in In Ma Dangxiong's hand, he immediately opened his eyes and smiled.

"Gang Lord Lin, what are you polite, I'll send someone to contact my younger sister!"

Ma Dangxiong takes the money to do things, and immediately invites a younger brother to let him go Contact the younger sister to come to the casino.

Soon my little brother brought a little girl to see Lin Li!

The little girl looks nothing like Ma Dangxiong, but when she saw Ma Dangxiong, she shouted a big brother!

Ma Dangxiong smiled hehe and pointed to the little girl and said: "Gang Lord Lin, this is my younger sister, if you have anything, you can tell her!"

Lin Li His face slowly became gloomy, and Ma Dangxiong suddenly felt that the air had become cold, and he couldn't help but shiver!

"Ma Dangxiong, are you kidding me? This is simply not a descendant of the Ma Family!"

Ma Dangxiong said stiffly: "Gang Lord Lin, this is My younger sister Madonna!"

Lin Li is coldly snorted and said: "This person has no cultivation base at all. It is absolutely impossible to exorcise Dragon Clan!"

Ma Dangxiong immediately The cold sweat came out.

"Gang Lord Lin, this is really my sister!" Ma Dangxiong cried out, as if Lin Li had really wronged him!

How could Lin Li wronged him? Let's not say that the girl in front of me is not a cultivation person at all.

Just look at her legs, it is absolutely impossible to be the horse's long legs, no, Madonna!

Lin Li has never seen a deadly appointment!

Lin Li was very angry, and the consequences were serious. With a stride, he directly clasped Ma Dangxiong's wrist and twisted it slightly.

"Oh, hello!" Ma Dangxiong yelled in pain, his body bent down and knelt in front of Lin Li!

"Ma Dangxiong, don't think I'm polite to you, just because I have no temper!" Lin Li aired:

"If you still dare to shake tricks, I will break you Arm!"

"Brother Xiong!" The little girl cried out in surprise, kneeling in front of Lin Li and begging:

"Old Lin is big, don't hurt Brother Xiong, I do It’s not his younger sister!"

Lin Li grabbed Ma Dangxiong’s arm and asked the girl: "Why are you lying to me!"

The girl is weeping beauty and said:" Brother Xiong loves the younger sister and doesn’t want her to be involved in those strange things anymore, so he came to me to pretend to be Madonna and want to send you away!"

Lin Li brows slightly wrinkle, slowly let go of the horse Dangxiong's arm.

"I am the contemporary Heavenly Master of Dragon Tiger Mountain, and I just have a business talk with Madonna, and it won't hurt her!" Lin Li said to Ma Dangxiong.

Ma Dangxiong's face was gray secretly thought: "My younger sister is going crazy in order to deal with zombie. I don't want her to be involved in the cultivation world anymore!"

Lin Li could see Ma Dangxiong's love for younger sister, he had misunderstood this big brother before!

"I assure you that Madonna will not be in danger this time. I am not here to ask him to help deal with the Zombie Corpse King. I just want to borrow the dragon soul in her hand!"

Lin Li explained to Ma Dangxiong carefully!

When Ma Dangxiong heard about the three words Zombie Corpse King, the whole person was not good!

Because he knows his younger sister too well, the women of Ma Family are going crazy in order to deal with the Zombie Corpse King generals.

Once Madonna knows that there is a Zombie Corpse King, she will definitely cut down Monsters and eliminate Demons dash on bravely with no thought of personal safety!

Ma Dangxiong told Lin Li of his concerns.

Lin Li was silent for a while, then asked: "If the Zombie Corpse King is really born, will Madonna just ignore it?"

Ma Dangxiong was stunned!

"Now there is a chance to seal the Zombie Corpse King. Madonna's danger is not high. Once the Zombie Corpse King is born, Madonna will be really dangerous!"

Ma Dangxiong's face changed a bit. Second, one will be black and the other will be white, it seems to be fighting between heaven and man!

Lin Li finally said: "I only need the Ma Family Dragon Soul to help make the "Devil Talisman", and I don’t need Madonna to deal with the Zombie Corpse King himself!

If you don’t believe me , I can swear to the ancestors of Dragon Tiger Mountain!"

Ma Dangxiong saw Lin Li solemnly vowed, and finally made up his mind!

"Well, I can take you to find Dana, but you have to swear that you will never let her take risks!"

Ma Dangxiong's eyes are intimidating, that is a big Brother wants to protect the younger sister's eyes.

Lin Li immediately swears in the name of the ancestors of Dragon Tiger Mountain, how vicious and vicious!

Anyway, he felt that those ancestors either became immortals or entered reincarnation early. It shouldn't be a problem because of his poisonous oath.

even more how, he only promises that Madonna will not be in danger, but he does not guarantee that Madonna will die by herself!

In short, the oath seems vicious, but it has no effect on Lin Li at all!

Ma Dangxiong was convinced and felt that the oath of the cultivation man was very reliable. He immediately took Lin Li to leave Nandu and went to the Guangdong and Guangxi areas to find Madonna!

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