Lin Li and Madangxiong got on the train and headed for the Guangdong and Guangxi regions.

It turned out that Madonna had gone to Guangzhou three days ago to deal with an evil spirit, not in the southern capital.

Before leaving, Madonna told the big brother Ma Dangxiong the itinerary.

In this era, communication is inconvenient. Lin Li wants to see Madonna as soon as possible, so he can only travel to Guangdong and Guangxi by train.

Lin Li originally wanted to go to Guangzhou on his own, but Ma Dangxiong was uneasy and had to follow, Lin Li had no choice!

Lin Li paid for the train ticket to Ma Dangxiong!

From the southern capital to Guangzhou, a thousand miles away, the train has to run for more than 20 hours. After all, there is no high-speed rail in this era.

The long road is long, Lin Li and Ma Dangxiong chat together!

"Your younger sister went to Guangzhou to deal with evil spirits, why didn't you follow?" Lin Li bought some lo-mei, and chatted with Ma Dangxiong while eating on the train.

"Our Ma Family men cannot cultivation at all, and naturally have no power to deal with demons and ghosts!" Ma Dangxiong said with a bitter smile :

"Ma Family men are the only man The function is to pass on from generation to generation. Each generation gives birth to a male and a female. The males continue to multiply and thrive. The females are born as exorcists, cut down Monsters, eliminate Demons!"

Lin Li said curiously: "This is the Ma Family for a thousand years. Is this fate? How can you guarantee that each generation will have one child and one daughter?"

Ma Dangxiong drank a glass of wine in pain and said, "This is not fate, this is a curse, this curse We’ve been trapped in Ma Family for two thousand years!

It’s not that our ancestors never thought of breaking the curse, but the end result is that they will not end well, but the more they live, the more miserable!"

Lin Li puzzled: "Since it is a curse, there is a way to solve it. Have you ever thought about a way to solve the curse?"

"Why haven't you thought about it!" Ma Dangxiong said with a bitter smile:" I dream of wanting younger sister to give up being an exorcist, but so what?"

Lin Li fell silent. Of course he knew that the curse of Ma Family came from the first generation of ancestor Ma Ling'er.

At the beginning, Ma Linger was trapped by love and swore a poisonous oath before he died. The descendants of Ma Family have been responsible for killing Zombie Corpse King officials for life.

But it is not the Zombie Corpse King's general that the vows are at all, but Ma Linger's resentment for the betrayal of his lover.

Resentment persists, no one can lift the Ma Family curse.

To untie the bell, you need to tie the bell, and only Ma Ling'er can untie the curse.

It's just the reincarnation of Ma Linger's lover now. Besides, God doesn't know where it is?

Lin Li doesn't know how to help Ma Family!

The train continued to move forward, Lin Li drank a lot of wine with Ma Dangxiong, but fortunately he was very skilled and was not drunk.

Ma Dangxiong was completely drunk and fell asleep directly on his seat!

After ten hours, the train finally arrived at Guangzhou Railway Station.

Ma Dangxiong's wine also woke up, but he was a little confused!

Lin Li packed his luggage and pulled Ma Dangxiong off the train.

The railway station of this era is very simple, but there are many people on the way.

The whole train station is crowded with people, making it difficult to walk fast.

Lin Li and Ma Dangxiong spent a lot of time and finally walked out of the train station. Before catching a breath, Lin Li felt a small hand reaching into his pocket.

"A thief?" Lin Li discovered that a teenage child was trying to steal his wallet.

The quality of the train station is complicated. Lin Li's clothes are rich and expensive, and it is easy to cause pickpockets to covet it, which is reasonable!

The thief took Lin Li's wallet, and did not run immediately, but connected with another child and transferred the wallet concealedly.

"It's still a gang committing the crime!"

How could Lin Li let them succeed, but Ma Dangxiong's hangover is still unclear, and people are still a little unstable, so Lin Li can't catch up .

The two children disappeared in the crowd soon, Lin Li didn't worry, and placed Ma Dangxiong in the Inn next to the train station before thinking about chasing him!

The two children were meeting in a small alley three streets outside the train station, excitedly took out Lin Li's wallet, and wanted to see the harvest!

"Big brother, we sent it, that Kaizi is really rich, and the wallets are made of real cowhide, which can sell a lot of money!" The younger child happily said with a smile while holding the wallet.

The older child is also overjoyed and has been urging the younger brother to open the wallet!

"Two kids, can you return my wallet to me?" Lin Li suddenly appeared at the entrance of the alley, startling the two children.

"Big brother, run!" The younger brother stuffed his wallet into the big brother's arms, and then rushed directly to Lin Li.

The big brother held his wallet and hesitated for a second, as if he was worried about the younger brother.

Lin Li couldn’t help being funny. He took down the younger brother with a backhand and said to the big brother: "Give me the wallet!"

The big brother immediately held the wallet in both hands and told Lin Li knelt down: "Sir, please spare my younger brother, we won't dare anymore!"

Lin Li didn't want to punish the brother at all, he just wanted to get his wallet back!

When he first crossed here, he also did pickpocket work. Knowing the hardship this is for Brother, naturally he won't embarrass them!

At this time, a man wearing a mandarin jacket walked into the alley and directly said to Wang Zhong cup one fist in the other hand:

"This brother, the two of them are just orphans. I’m a pickpocket when I’m hungry and hungry, can you look at my face, spare them once, and if there is any loss, I will bear it with all my strength!"

Lin Li turned his head and looked towards suddenly appeared Some of the men said curiously: "Ye Wen, Wing Chun Ye asked?"

The man in the jacket was taken aback, and asked Lin Li, "I know this friend!"

Lin Li raised his brows and took the initiative to put down the thief younger brother and let him run back to the big brother!

"Have heard your name!" Lin Li smiled indifferently, walked to the brothers, picked up the wallet, took out a banknote from it, and handed it to them.

"You take this money, let’s have a good meal!"

Brother looked at each other in blank dismay, didn’t expect Lin Li not to punish them , Give the money back, I am grateful immediately!

"Mr. Many thanks, Mr. Many thanks!"

Lin Li nodded, said with a smile: "Let’s go!"

The brothers helped each other up , Hurried out of the alley, Lin Li turned around and took a good look at Ye Wen.

The first thing Ye Wen gave to Lin Li was thinness, and then shortness!

By visual estimation, Ye Wen's height is only one meter six, and his body is thin, which makes people feel very thin.

Lin Li naturally does not judge people by their appearance. Chinese martial arts pay attention to training the bones and bones, and it is difficult to see the depth of a Martial Artist from the outside.

However, from the perspective of Ye Wen's thick knuckles and steady footwork, Lin Li estimates that his martial arts should not be low, and he is a good outsider.

That's it!

Ye Wen is just a practitioner who has never practiced any internal strength. At best, it is the "Transform Vigor" level. Even Lin Li's discipline Yu Fang may not be able to beat it!

"Do you know the two little fellows just now?" Lin Li said to Ye Wen.

Ye Wen replied: "I have seen it at the train station a few times, and sometimes I will help one or two!"

Lin Li sneered: "Then why not adopt them, if you accept them As disciples, they won't live on the streets!"

Ye Wen said embarrassingly: "My wife doesn't like too many people at home!"

"It turns out to be afraid of my wife!" Lin Li raised his brows and stopped talking, turned and left!

Ye Wen bowed his hands to Lin Li and watched him leave the alley!

Lin Li originally thought that when he met Ye Wen, he would also strangers coming together by chance. He would not meet again in the future, but he didn't expect 2nd day to meet again, still in Ye Wen. Home!

Because Madonna lives in Ye Wen's house!

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