2nd day, Ma Dangxiong woke up completely from the wine, and the people recovered. Lin Li immediately took him to find Madonna.

When Madonna left Nandu, she once left her address in Guangzhou.

Ma Dangxiong took the address and asked many people to know that it was a mansion in South City, Guangzhou.

The mansion is still very famous in Guangzhou. It belonged to a wealthy man in Guangzhou, but it was slowly abandoned due to the war.

When Lin Li and Ma Dangxiong found the mansion, they saw two large-character plaques "Yefu".

Lin Li immediately felt a bad feeling!

When he knocked on the door of Ye Mansion, and Ye Wen opened the door from inside, Lin Li had such an expression as expected.

The owner of the mansion is Ye Man!

Ye Wen also didn't expect Lin Li to come to visit him. When he saw him, he was obviously taken aback!

"Ye Master!" Lin Li cup one fist in the other hand with both hands, and said politely to Ye Wen: "didn't expect we will meet again soon!"

Ye Wen returned a bow and asked: "Mr. Looking for me?"

Lin Li shook his head and said, "Lin Li, I'm not here for Master Ye, but for a lady named Madonna. !"

"Horse Heavenly Master?" Ye Wen asked in surprise.

Ye Wen's reaction let Lin Li know that he has found the right place.

"This is Madonna's big brother, Ma Dangxiong!" Lin Li pointed to Ma Dangxiong.

Ye Wen hurriedly paid respect to Ma Dangxiong and said, "Heavenly Master Ma is helping to catch ghosts at my house, please come in!"

Lin Li was quite surprised I glanced at Ye Wen, and the person who didn't expect Madonna to come to Guangzhou turned out to be Ye Wen.

I didn't expect even more, Ye Wen still believes in Ghost God's saying!

Seeing Lin Li’s doubts, Ye Man said, “This is my Ye Family old house. Horse Heavenly Master, come here!"

The three of them walked into Ye Mansion, and they realized that although the mansion is big, many places have been abandoned.

Ye Wen introduced Lin Li and Ma Dangxiong into the lobby, and ran to the inner courtyard to find Madonna.

Lin Li didn't wait a while, and Ye Wen walked out with a young girl!

Seeing the girl, Lin Li knew that he had found the right person.

Because the girl is tall, she is a head taller than the man Ye Wen!

Especially those two long legs, very eye-catching!

Sure enough, the name of the horse's long legs is not in vain!

"Why did you come to Guangzhou!" When Madonna saw Ma Dangxiong, she immediately showed disgust, and she seemed to be looking forward to seeing her big brother!

"You think I'm willing to come!" Ma Dangxiong said coldly when he saw Madonna. He didn't know that he thought this was an enemy, not a siblings!

Lin Li walked out, interrupted the pair of siblings to "remember the old", and declared themselves home.

"Here is Dragon Tiger Mountain's new Heavenly Master Lin Li!"

Madonna put a cold face away and politely returned Lin Li.

Exorcist Dragon Clan and the cultivation world Four Great Sects are in contact. At that time, Dragon Tiger Mountain's thirteenth generation Heavenly Master worked with the descendants of Exorcism Dragon Clan to suppress the Zombie Corpse King, so the two sides have a close relationship!

Lin Li told Madonna about the purpose of this trip, especially when she heard that there is also a Zombie Corpse King, she was immediately excited!

"didn't expect there is a second Zombie Corpse King in the world!" Madonna be eager to have a try said: "Why don't you notify me earlier!"

Ma Dangxiong face full of black lines said: "What do you want to do?"

Madonna as it should be by rights said: "Of course to destroy the Zombie Corpse King!"

Ma Dangxiong rolled his eyes and said: "With your cultivation, you still want to destroy the Zombie Corpse King. I haven't seen that the entire cultivation world can't kill him. Can I only find a way to seal it?"

Madonna coldly snorted and said: "What do you know, our Ma Family and Zombie Corpse King have dealt for two thousand years. I am professional in dealing with zombie!"

"Professional!" Ma Dangxiong said: "Now both What era, no matter how high your cultivation is, can you block the aircraft and cannon?

If you want me to see, you should rest at home! The Zombie Corpse King is born, and the army will deal with it!"

Madonna was dissatisfied and said: "You don't understand anything. To deal with Zombie Corpse King, what's the use of guns? Except for me, Ma Family Divine Dragon, nothing can kill Zombie Corpse King!

You should hurry up. Go back to the southern capital to get married and have a child, and complete your mission!"

Ma Dangxiong jumped up immediately, and said in air: "Who has stipulated that Ma Family men can only be received through the clan and tell you, I am not Ma Dangxiong. Stallion, it irritates me. Be a monk all your life. If you have the ability, go and give birth to a child!"

Ma Danna also said in an aura: "You know that Ma Family women cannot be emotional or marry, otherwise their magic power will be lost. , Only you can shoulder the heavy responsibility of inheritance!"

Lin Li and Ye Wen have been standing aside, watching the pair of siblings arguing there, no one can intervene for a while.

The two of them can see that the two siblings seem to be a pin against an awl, but they both remember each other in their hearts.

The big brother cares about the younger sister and does not want her to be an exorcist, so he can live as an ordinary person.

The younger sister also cares about the big brother. I don’t want him to be caught in danger. It is for his own good to persuade him to go home and get married and have a child!

Siblings are the kind of people who are cold on the outside and hot on the inside, because their tempers are too similar, so they are noisy when they meet!

Just when the two siblings quarreled most intensely, Lin Li suddenly heard a sound of sorrow.

Then a huge Yinyou Qi gushes out from all directions!

The whole room seems to be dark. It is clear that it is broad daylight, but there is no light in the room.

"Finally I am willing to come out!" Madonna suddenly stopped arguing with Ma Dangxiong, took out three yellow papers from the bag, and swept around!

Yellow paper becomes bigger when it meets the wind, turning into three huge charms, and sticking them on the three walls of the house!

A golden light was born out of thin air, wrapping the whole room!

"Ah..." There was a sudden scream in the air, sharp and unpleasant!

Lin Li brows slightly wrinkle, said to Ma Dangxiong and Ye Wen, "You stand behind me!"

The two were shocked by the mutations around them, almost nothing Consider standing behind Lin Li.

Lin Li's golden axe is in his hand, his eyes are generating electricity, and a trace of thunder and lightning slowly emerges all over his body.

"Dragon Tiger Mountain's "Five Thunder Execution"?" Madonna squinted at Lin Li and said:

"I have been waiting for this evil ghost for a month, don’t you Intervene!"

Lin Li plunged the golden axe into the ground, and suddenly he was surprised to see five electric lights, which turned into a circle, enclosing the three of them, like a protective cover!

"Gang Lord Lin, what is going on!" Ma Dangxiong swallowed and asked.

"An evil spirit came out to do something!" Lin Li said nonchalantly.

"Ghost?" Ma Dangxiong shrank his neck, looked suspiciously towards the surroundings, and did not find any vision?

"You are not in the cultivation, the physical body and mortal flesh cannot see the ghosts and spirits." Lin Li relieved the two human beings:

"Don’t worry, I have set up the Formation. As long as you don't leave me within three steps, the evil spirits won't be able to hurt you!"

Thunder contains pure sun bursting energy, and is the nemesis of ghosts in the world.

Lin Li cultivated into "Five Thunder Execution", even if the Ghost King comes in person, he can't help it!

"What does this ghost look like?" Ye Wen curiously asked then.

Ma Dangxiong is also a little curious. Although he is a descendant of the Ma Family, he cannot be cultivated, so he has grown up so much that he has never seen a real ghost!

"Do you want to hell?" Lin Li asked the two suddenly.

"Want!" X2.

Lin Li took out a small glass bottle from his bag and handed it to Ma Dangxiong and said:

"This is bull's tears. If you put it on your eyelids, you can see ghosts. !"

Ma Dangxiong and Ye Wen didn't hesitate to put on bull's tears!

next moment, they regret it!

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