All Lords: I Created The Mythical Heaven!

Chapter 13 A Gift From Above The Stars, The Heroic Immortality Card! Gathering Effect!

"I want to see what's going on with you."

Lu Yun extracted random useful knowledge on the spot.

A large amount of tedious knowledge was stuffed into Lu Yun's mind like a quick glance.

He endured the soreness and swelling, and looked up the knowledge of distant and unknown time and space in an obscure way.

[You have received the majestic existence of distant time and space, and the fragments of knowledge emitted unconsciously. 】

[Although the greatness has passed away, there is still the possibility of praising its shape and returning against the long river of time and space. 】

[To Rule the Stars] Destiny is being determined.

[Unfortunately, the majestic existence that perches above the stars does not belong to the stars in the sky, the rivers and lakes, or the star gods. Your destiny has expired. 】

[Zhongtian Ziwei Destiny is being determined]

[Your unparalleled noble destiny has attracted the attention of this majestic being. 】

[Fortunately, Great Existence chooses to invest in you, and your knowledge changes. 】

"It hurts. My head hurts."

Lu Yun closed his eyes tightly, looking painful.

I wish I could beat my head open, countless knowledge poured in crazily, until reaching a certain critical point, my autonomy was sealed.

[Myth Lord System Tip: Under the powerful filtering layer of the system, adverse effects have been exempted. 】

[The mythical lord system serves you beautifully and protects your lord’s hegemony! 】

The system, which has been diving for a long time, finally did not lose its chain at the critical moment.

Lu Yun complained helplessly.

"Lord, are you...are you okay?"

Uncle Wang quickly ran to the side, picked up the tea and handed it over.

Above the tea, a thick mist of spiritual mist dispersed.

Lu Yun sniffed for a while, and the cool tea mist diluted the pain of knowledge in his mind.

"I'm fine. Let's go welcome our hero back first."

Lu Yun stood up and waved his hand.

"Instruct the restaurant to bring out all the fine wine and delicacies. Let's have a grand celebration banquet today!"

Lu Yun had complicated eyes and said while maintaining a smile.

The great existence has forced knowledge.

Just what he needs at this stage.

Within thirty days of the novice period, the contents will be updated in the era of universal lords.

Including the next twenty-eight days, the changes to the National Era system down to each day, as well as the time points for future functions to be launched and offline.

[Daily Evaluation] function.

It was actually a limited time event that only existed for three days.

Next, we will focus on territory development.

Something is about to change, Lu Yun mused.

Tomorrow's personal daily evaluation, he must get the highest level!

Uncle Wang glanced at Lu Yun's condition worriedly.

He said yes and turned around to arrange the celebration banquet.


Black dots appeared on the foggy horizon, and they supported each other back.

There were hundreds of soldiers when we set out, but when we came back there were only more than 80 soldiers, more or less decorated.

"The heroes are back."

Lu Yun was dressed grandly and shouted in a solemn tone.

"Big victory!"

"Big victory!"

Behind him, the people cheered overwhelmingly. The evil spirits not far from the territory were wiped out, and everyone's safety was guaranteed.

Cheers are heard.

Liu Changqing felt extremely frightened. It was his heartache that he didn't bring everyone back alive.

"I'm sorry, Lord Lord... I'm sorry, brothers."

Liu Changqing's voice was hoarse and choked with sobs.

All the former training partners turned into stinking walking corpses in an instant.

The indescribable gap and self-blame weighed on Liu Changqing's heart.

Lu Yun took a step forward, held Liu Changqing's shoulders, and said solemnly:

"The deceased has passed away, please express your condolences!"

"I, Lu Yun, am here to make a promise to everyone."

Lu Yun looked around at the soldiers at the celebration banquet.

The people of the territory and the newly joined refugees gathered in a circle, and they could all clearly see the Lord's face.

Uncle Wang called all the people in the territory over early.

At this time, several refugees raised their heads, their eyes flickering, wondering what they were thinking.

"I will never forget the achievements of the heroes."

"All those who died fighting for the territory will be placed under the Wulao Peak, erect longevity tablets, and eat incense and make offerings!"

"Their families all enjoy privileges such as tax exemption for the first year, priority in all aspects, etc. Anyone who dares to bully them will be killed without mercy!"

"The desolate scene of a lonely tomb thousands of miles away will definitely not appear in my territory!"

Lu Yun was determined and shouted excitedly.

He didn't just talk randomly, he just wanted to implement all these promises to the point.

"Long live the lord!"

"Long live the lord!"

The people's shouts echoed across the mountains.

[The benevolent government you have implemented has a good effect in the territory, and the reputation of the territory +20]

[Congratulations, Lord, as the first territory in the world to reach a reputation of 1000, your territory has been blessed by the "Gathering of Talents" effect. 】

[World Region Announcement: The territory ‘Tiangong’ is the first to reach a reputation of over 1,000. Let us congratulate Lord Lu Yun for obtaining the achievement “Famous”. 】

[Gathering Talents]: The probability of talents appearing among refugees in the territory increases by 40%

[Rise to Fame]: The probability of talents choosing to follow your territory increases by 20%

An unexpected surprise.

The effect of "gathering talented people" coupled with "rising reputation" is a large magnet that can attract fine iron (talent) from all over the world.

Lu Yun curiously flipped through the territory news list.

Why did his territory's reputation suddenly reach 1,000? !

[When the territory is named, your territory’s name will be heard among the stars, and your reputation will be +980]

It turned out to be so, Lu Yun suddenly realized.

A mist appeared in the eyes of Liu Changqing and others.

They faced Lu Yun, bowed respectfully, and said solemnly:

"We are willing to die for the lord!"

While talking, the soldiers accidentally pulled it again, and the wounds on their bodies made them grin.

"Ha ha ha ha."

Everyone looked at each other, laughed heartily, and couldn't help but feel a touch of pride in their hearts.

They are the heroes who won the battle and returned to their territory!

Car frames loaded with stone and wood drove slowly by.

A large number of craftsmen in the territory were mobilized to carve the longevity wooden tablets, which did not take much effort.

Looking at Lu Yun's retreating figure.

Several refugees in the crowd made some determination and followed.

"My lord...stay here."

Lu Yun heard a cowardly voice and turned around to find three refugees with sallow faces and skinny muscles behind him.

"The little old man is proficient in herbs, medicines, and stones, and has rough medical skills. Please take him under his wing!"

The old man with a long beard has a kind face and kind eyes, and he looks like a doctor with superb medical skills.

"The villain is good at the study of rune circuits and has great experience in carving runes. Please take him under his wing!"

A middle-aged man with tattered clothes and bulging muscles that are hard to hide.

"Villain...can eating be considered a talent for a villain?"

The timid question came from a short, fat kid who was 1.5 meters tall.

Lu Yun originally felt happy when he heard the first two.

Until I heard a child asking if being able to eat is considered a talent, my body swayed.

After all, he had experienced strong winds and waves. Lu Yun's expression remained unchanged and he pretended to think.

The three of them looked at each other, each feeling uneasy.

They saw that the lord loved his people like his sons and was loved by others.

Only then did he decisively choose to defect, otherwise he would leave for other territories after a while.

【Pharmacist Master】

Quality: B-level excellence

Name: Wang Le

Level: 12

Talent: Potion Proficiency (good at making D-level potions and below), Medicine Proficiency

Introduction: A master of pharmacy who was born in a small world and is known as the master of rejuvenation.

It's like a village where there is always a bright future. If you doze off, someone will give you a pillow.

"Master Wang, welcome to Tiangong."

"I happen to have a D-level healing potion formula on hand."

"I need your help in making it. There are too many potions needed for the territory expedition."

Lu Yun stepped forward and shook hands with Wang Le, full of expectation and respect.

[Master of Rune Literature]

Quality: A-level epic

Name: Cui Chaoyang

Level: 14

Talent: Rune attainment (compassion in rune technology) Rune progress (good at rune research), rune circuit (rune circuit operation), engraving proficiency (better painting of runes)

Introduction: In terms of attainments in rune literature, Mr. Cui Chaoyang has profound insights and ability to improve.

"Master Cui, you can enter the Nufang Department and the Jiafang Department at will."

"I hope the master can cultivate more rune talents for the territory."

Lu Yun also looked forward to and valued Cui Chaoyang.

Both of them were flattered and repeatedly promised to achieve results.

Uncle Wang gave instructions skillfully.

Arrange the accommodation and outings for the two of them, and specifically order the spiritual rice food to be put on the schedule.

Without nationwide promotion.

Talents in the territory can enjoy these territory benefits in advance.

Mr. Wang’s 67 talent for governance.

After this period of training, it has been upgraded to 73 and can better manage the territory.

【Taotie Bloodline】

Name: Wang Xiaopang

Quality: E-level ordinary

Level: 7

Bloodline: [Taotie who is born with deficiencies] -12

Introduction: Due to congenital deficiencies and long-term malnutrition, the Taotie bloodline is on the verge of disappearing.

Evaluation: The last pure Taotie bloodline in the world, absurd and ignorant people regard it as ominous.

"Ordinary qualifications, -12 bloodline."

Lu Yun was dumbfounded.

It was the first time he saw a negative bloodline.

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