All Lords: I Created The Mythical Heaven!

Chapter 14 Taotie Bloodline! The Fate Of Weaver Girl! Past

Gluttony is a symbol of human greed, implying God's punishment for human greed.

The legendary Taotie bloodline has endless appetite and greed, and has extremely high cultivation potential.

Even if it is just an E-level ordinary -12 grade.

"Little Fatty, right?"

Lu Yun asked with a warm voice.

"Yes, Lord Lord... I am very good at eating."

"Ever since I was little, Fatty has never had enough to eat..."

Wang Xiaopang's voice became lower and lower, fearing that the lord would not take him in either.

"As long as you give Little Fatty a mouthful of food, Little Fatty will definitely..."

Wang Xiaopang is 1.5 meters tall and his eyes are full of hope.

He longed for a family so much.

Lu Yun leaned down and lowered his head, took hold of Xiaopang's rough hand, rubbed the head of the chicken coop, and asked softly: "Can you tell brother."

"Why did you come here?"

Lu Yun had some speculation about the refugees' reform, and wanted to confirm whether his suspicion was correct.

Wang Xiaopang was startled by the sudden intimacy.

The light shines on Lu Yun, and the light among the mountains pales in comparison.

He is like a kind big brother, smiling and touching his head, taking care of his children.

"In the year of great famine, I was abandoned by my parents and came here as soon as I woke up."

Wang Xiaopang was nervous and wanted to take out his hand, but Lu Yun held it tightly.

The warm hands gave Wang Xiaopang a great sense of security.

"Please stay with me from now on. The Lord's Mansion is short of manpower."

"I don't dare to say anything else. As long as you have enough to eat, if I have something to eat, you won't be missing out."

"Old man Wang, remember to make arrangements."

Lu Yun held Wang Xiaopang's hand, one taller and one shorter, the two shadows getting longer and longer under the sunset.

Raising a child only costs a few taels of money, Lu Yun thought to himself.

Wang Xiaopang's eyes were moist, and emotions he had never felt before continued to spread in his heart.


There was a crack in the darkness in Wang Xiaopang's heart, a ray of light appeared, and there seemed to be redemption and hope in life.

On the way up the mountain, Lu Yun felt a little regretful.

Why would he move the Novice Lord's Mansion to the highest mountain top? Climbing mountains is really tiring for ordinary people.

While Lu Yun and Wang Xiaopang were doing their homework, he opened the [Territory Management Panel].

First, let’s get all the rewards for clearing out the evil stronghold this time.

Use all 1,000 recruiting orders and 2,000 recruiting orders!

The appearance of three thousand territorial people suddenly solved the problem of insufficient population in Lu Yun's territory.

in addition.

There are also 47,000 units of grain stored in the warehouse.

Wang Xiaopang's E-level [Normal -12] Taotie bloodline consumes the same amount of food as three adult men in one day.

Before improving the opponent's bloodline qualifications.

The early development of the Tiangong territory was enough to overcome the problem of food rations.

The resources for the 8 resource points must be collected as early as possible.

Because resources will not be reset until the tenth day.

So you have to hold on tight.

More than 1,000 soldiers.

It takes time to get along with Liu Changqing and the others to grow.

"Have we, Lao Lu, ever fought such a rich battle in our life?"

"Brother is not old."

Lu Yun was very satisfied and rubbed the little fat man's messy hair vigorously. It felt good.

It's a pity.

The attribute panels of these three thousand people are average.

Lu Yun took a rough glance from top to bottom and found no special talents to refresh.

10 basic farmlands are provided with the starting system.

Slightly reduce the food burden in Tiangong territory.


Eating without harvesting.

The food reserves in the territory behind are definitely not enough.


Lu Yun sighed, just like the melancholy of a eunuch visiting a flower house.

Therefore, the plan to reclaim wasteland is urgent!

Lu Yun sent the D-class tall city wall construction drawings to the Jiafang Department.

The territory’s armor reserves must also be caught up quickly.

It is reasonable for people in the Department of Construction to occasionally use their breaks to develop other projects.

As the saying goes.

The edge of a sword comes from sharpening, and the fragrance of plum blossoms comes from the bitter cold.

As a growth talent, Zhang San can do nothing without a little pressure, he must work hard.

"Probably, you won't hang me on a streetlight."

Lu Yun felt an inexplicable chill on his back.

"Brother, what do you mean hanging a street light?"

Wang Xiaopang’s face was full of doubts.

"Ahem, kids, learn more and you will understand later."

Lu Yun laughed, changed the subject and told a few jokes, making the children giggle.

While talking about other household matters, he continued to browse the information about his territory.

[Jade Crown Hat Factory output: C-level rare green hats*30, D-level fine red hats*145]


Grade: C grade rare

Attributes: 1. Increase the fertility rate of the people by 70% (it doesn’t matter who the child is, at least you have children, right?)

2. ‘Moral collapse +85’ (the loyalty of your people is extremely easy to change, and the probability of appearance of bandits, thieves and criminal talents increases) [Whether to hide this attribute]

Introduction: The north wind blows, the autumn breeze is cool, I live next door, my surname is Wang; after wearing it, the favorability of ancient celebrities will be -100.

【Red Hat】

Grade: D grade excellent

Attributes: Increase study concentration by 40%, wisdom attribute +5 (wisdom above 45 points is invalid)

Introduction: Wearing it, will your child still worry about studying?

As Lu Yun was walking, he almost tripped, but Wang Xiaopang quickly caught him with his quick eyes and hands.

The cuckold's weird attributes almost missed his waist.

"Increase fertility by 70%, which will have side effects that affect the stability of the territory and the loyalty of the people."

Lu Yun thought in his mind.

Just looking at the first attribute, it is a perfect artifact for territorial fertility and development.

It would affect the stability of the territory and the loyalty of the people. Lu Yun could not accept this negative effect.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up.

Who says cuckold has no new uses?

It can be thrown to resource points to increase the reproduction of wild monsters and increase the refresh rate of resource points in disguise.

When animals appear in the territory, they are all captured and bred, and the livestock industry will develop.

"Little Fatty, come here."


Lu Yun waved and put a red hat on Fat Wang's head, covering the child's eyes.

"It's good and looks good. I'll wear this to school from now on and study hard."

Lu Yun looked at it for a while, then carefully helped Xiaopang adjust the position of his hat.

Wang Xiaopang seemed to understand, and wore it obediently.

The red hat is the simplest.

Improve learning ability and add 5 points of wisdom attribute.

Although it will not work for people with 45 or more wisdom points.

But it does not affect children's preschool use.

Like the [House of Immortals] in the wonders of Mount Lu, this kind of buff enhances the ability to seek Taoism.

The most obvious effect is on the children of these summoned people.

The qualifications of adults have not improved particularly significantly.

Wait till then.

Lu Yun asked Gao Yun to recruit more Taoist boys and teach them the techniques of talisman and seal script.

Let Gao Yunduo talk to Cui Chaoyang later about how to cultivate talents in rune literature.

The output resources of Jade Crown Hat Factory are very useful!

"Children, wearing a little red hat when traveling will help your safety."

Lu Yun hummed a little tune and was in a very cheerful mood.

The attribute effect of the red hat.

It can also be used by researchers at [Jiafang Department] and [Nufang Department].

When I turn around, I will ask Old Man Wang to bring one to Zhang San, Li Si and Xiu Niang.

Try to get everyone to have a red hat.

Forget about cuckolding.

Pooh! unlucky.

【Embroidery Lady】

Quality: A-level epic (growth talent)

Level: Level 10

Fate: Weaver Girl (Seal)

Development: Currently serving as the head of Jade Crown Hat Shop.

Talent: [Frugality] (When working in the weaving workshop, the supplies required are reduced by 70%)

Introduction: Xiu Niang is born with a good voice, as graceful as an oriole, and everyone who hears her voice admires her. She has a good talent for drama.

Personality: Simple, sunny, with a pleasant voice, looking forward to love.

The destiny of Weaver Girl?

Lu Yun took a special look at this fate.

One of the four major folk tales, the story of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl is widely known.


In fact, there are many Weaver Girl in myths and legends.

In the original version of Sou Shen Ji, the Weaver Girl follows the orders of the Jade Emperor to help the filial son Dong Yong get out of poverty.

We only went there to help him for ten days, but the two of them never met each other.

Among the Buddhist scriptures found in the Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang.

There is an article called "Dong Yong's Bianwen".

It is recorded that there are three Weaver Girl in heaven.

Nature does not exist either.

The problem of the Weaver Girl marrying two husbands (Cowherd and Dong Yong).

in addition.

The materials required for production are reduced by 70%. No wonder so many hats are produced.

Lu Yun made secret calculations.

"Brother, we're here."

During the conversation along the way, Wang Xiaopang lost too much restraint, and the lively side of the child was revealed.

"Little Fatty is hungry. Little Fatty can have a full meal today!"

Wang Xiaopang couldn't wait to rush into the lord's mansion and went straight to where the banquet was. His saliva couldn't stop flowing.

"This kid."

"You ran in the wrong direction. The banquet is on the other side. You ran in the wrong direction."

Lu Yun put down his outstretched hand again and smiled helplessly.

After walking into the lord's mansion and looking at Wang Xiaopang enjoying his meal, Lu Yun felt a little dazed for a moment.

When I first came to this world.

Like Wang Xiaopang, he doesn't trust anyone.

"Old man Zhu."

Lu Yun sighed softly.

Old man Zhu is the old director of the welfare home.

He is nearly ninety years old and manages the lives of more than a hundred children. He travels around so that the children can grow up smoothly.

Slowly Lu Yun accepted the status quo.

In order to become a lord, but also to change the life of the orphanage.

Study hard and work hard along the way.

Until I stood in the examination room of the National College Entrance Examination.

The dazzling golden light proved Lu Yun's talent.

Master Yu He is his nobleman, and the old dean is Lu Yun's benefactor.

The reason why Wang Xiaopang was taken in was because he valued Taotie's potential.


The sensitive silence of distrust in Wang Xiaopang's eyes made Lu Yun feel uneasy.

"With my grades."

"Qingcheng Prefecture will allocate funds to the welfare home, so everyone's life will be easier in the future."

"I haven't found Mr. Zhu's pair of reading glasses yet."

Lu Yun smiled and was not thinking about this.

The premise of everything.

All because he can survive and survive the thirty-day novice assessment period.

(The introduction to the evolution of the Weaver Girl folk custom is too long, so I put it in this chapter, the author said.)

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