All Lords: I Created The Mythical Heaven!

Chapter 271 The Body Of The 猰貐 Is Dead, Interfering In The Past, Ju Mang Sighs Lightly


Lu Yun hesitated slightly, then responded.

He needed five days to summon the God Blessed Star Soldiers scattered throughout the Gaoyang Imperial Clan.

See this.

Yu Sheng's eyes lit up as he waited on the side. The mission of this trip had been accomplished.

"This trip is going to Pushan, the capital of Tianyu Emperor. We need to pass through the Great Wilderness Nanzhou and the East China Sea, and then transfer to the Middle-earth Continent."

"It spans the territory of 3,793 demon kingdoms and forty witch kingdoms."

Lord Chengyun frowned.

There was scrutiny in his eyes, and he pointed at the vast map suspended in mid-air.

Traveling in the Mythical World of Mountains and Seas is extremely inconvenient.

There are areas that retain their ancient appearance everywhere, and there are countless gods and gods that have not been liquidated by Emperor Zhuanxu.

The great monsters of mountains and seas and the ancient barbaric country are the first catastrophes that lie on the road.

"I guarantee the eight sages."

“There will be no fatigue, fatigue or twists and turns on the road.”

“You can reach Kamasaka in one month.”

Yu Sheng groped around on his body for a while and took out a polished animal bone that looked like a flute, confidently confirming it.

"Under normal circumstances, it would take a ghost immortal flying at full speed without sleep for thirty years to reach Kasaka..."

Cang Shu's cloudy eyes widened.

I am also curious about the methods of the Tianyu Imperial Clan across several states.

The Tianyu Emperor Clan has not yet succeeded to the throne, so the method of traveling through various states with the power of dragon energy is simply not feasible.

"Everyone, please follow me."

Yu Sheng held the bone flute tightly in his hand and strode outside the hall. Lu Yun and others quickly followed.

"A familiar old friend."

The God of Heaven Nan Zheng looked solemn, holding a jade scroll and quietly watching the group of people walk out.

He felt the traces of the previous emperor on the bone flute, a witchcraft that Emperor Yao had personally refined.

Outside the palace.

There are flat stone slabs within several thousand feet.

Yu Sheng nodded with satisfaction, placed his lips close to the mouth of the flute, and slowly played the witchcraft.

The sound was crisp and sweet, echoing in the air.

The notes swirl around the flute body, sometimes high-pitched and passionate, sometimes melodious and moving, as if telling an ancient story.

[Good day, take a photo with candle and dragon. 】

Buzz! !

The first words of the witch prayer came out.

This shocked everyone present, including Nan Zheng, who was sitting on the long steps, and subconsciously clenched the jade scroll in his hand.

"Zhulong, could it be that the Tianyu Imperial Clan invited such an innate saint to join us?"

"No wonder he has the confidence to proclaim himself emperor now."

Cang Shu held the crutch in his hand and looked solemnly at Yu Sheng, who was performing a witchcraft song. Everyone's expressions changed alternately.

Lu Yun's eyes were very calm.

No matter what kind of divine existence there is, there is no way for him to interact with him at this stage.

[猰貐 is the son of God, loyal and good, and is killed by the God of Dangerous Stars. 】

Fog, the heavy fog that disappeared without a trace appeared again.

A thin figure appeared as a ghost accompanied by the playing of witchcraft music, and everyone hurriedly watched.

Just see it.

With a blue bird head and a thin body, holding a simple wooden staff, he walked slowly in the world of mountains and seas.

Jump out in one step.

Easily spans the distance of a state.

Wei seemed to be using a wooden stick to measure the size of the world step by step. On the way, he met a god with a human face and a snake body.


The two had an inexplicable intersection.

【Control the Stars】The destiny takes effect!

next moment.

Lu Yun's soul and thoughts seemed to be pinned on a vast and extremely heavy ancient existence.

The fate of countless worlds depends on it.

the bottom.

On the land of slowly rotating mountains and seas.

The danger of holding a wooden stick met the two defeats, and the two fought over a disagreement.

On the other side.

The squid that lives in the mountain forest is about to bear the aftermath of the inevitable disaster caused by the fight between the two gods.

"It feels so familiar."

The moment Lu Yun opened his eyes.

In heaven.

The ancient gaze of Emperor Zhishi came over immediately, but was blocked by the thin star energy.

Countless gods around the Heavenly Palace were trembling, not daring to look directly at the strange movements of the Ziwei Emperor Star.

There was a loud roar.


The two gods stopped fighting, only to feel their eyes filled with red light, and dazzling flames ignited.

"Sorry, how many more times do I have to say this?"

"I am far inferior to you in the way of killing."

"You are far inferior to me in the way of disaster."

Wei decisively put away the wooden stick in his hand, indicating that the battle between the two gods was over today.


Erfu, who has a human face and a snake body, laughs wildly.

"Look at this little mountain beast, its skin and flesh are rough. It's better to use it as a way to win in a fight."

"Who kills it first?"

"You will never allow yourself to get involved in the power of killing in the future!"

Er Fu glanced at the blue bird's head with disdain.

The flexible and slender red snake body undulated like waves, flying quickly through the air.

Trying to be the first to kill the "little wild beast".

"you dare!"

The reason why risk and negative are different is actually very simple.

The paths and powers of the two gods are extremely similar, but they can only stand at the pinnacle of the same path.

Only then can one attain the great path and fruition.

It’s a matter of moral struggle, don’t give in even an inch!

"Wei, one of the twenty-four constellations, has many evil powers."

When Lu Yun saw the image of a blue bird head, a thin body, and a simple wooden staff, he subconsciously felt familiar.

cause and effect between the two.

As heavy as the sea of ​​stars, they are inseparable and tightly entangled.

"Danger, no, don't do anything."

Lu Yun shouted in desperation.

The twenty-four stars are all his soldiers.

What happened in the previous witch song, and then recalling the relationship between Yiqi and Zhulong, killing Yiqi will definitely not do anything good.

Therefore, Lu Yun must not let his own people go.

It's a dull loss for nothing.


The boundless and supreme Ziwei Star cast a ray of starlight, falling in front of Wei, blocking Wei's progress.

"Who...who plotted against me."

Wei's face was horrified, and he felt that he was fixed in place by an invisible presence, unable to move forward even an inch.


"Danger, the authority of the way of killing, you will never be allowed to touch it again in the future."

Erfu flew faster and faster, and the surrounding air seemed to fluctuate with it, as fast as a bolt of lightning.

His eyes gradually became desperate.

Ermin's flying speed ranks at the forefront among all the gods in the entire world of mountains and seas.

It is suspected that he has mastered the Tao related to speed.

"My child, be my stepping stone on the road to perfection."

"Hoo ho!"

A hideous and terrifying smile appeared on Erfu's cheeked face, and a heavenly sword gathered in his hand.

"Don't... don't kill me!"

"My father is..."

The little beast burst out with an astonishing life force, trying its best to break free from the negative divine power.

"your dad?"

"No one in your father can save you, Jie Jie!"

Erfu enjoyed the joy of killing, the joy of killing lives from above, making him addicted to killing and unable to extricate himself.


The little beast ran with all his strength.

Er Fu was slightly startled, and looked back, staying where he was, not in danger of moving a step.

I felt something bad in my heart.

It was too late, His sword had already struck Yuqi's head.


Wei also heard the little beast's cries and screams.

I also subconsciously felt something was wrong.

The restrictions that trapped Wei's body disappeared immediately.

"how come……"

Wei Wei stayed where he was, not daring to move at all.

An overwhelming force of energy and cause and effect made him unable to breathe.

No matter where they are in the mythical world of mountains and seas, all creatures are shocked to discover this.

The sky suddenly turned into a pitch black night!

The little beast's head was in a different place, the sky was filled with bright golden light, and endless rain of blood fell from the sky and the earth.

Eastern heaven.

Emperor Jumang, one of the green animal vines planted in the center withered inexplicably.

"It is true that God's will cannot be violated. Even if the candle dragon reincarnates thousands of times, it will be difficult to change this situation..."

Ju Mang picked up the withered beast vine and finally sighed.

Emperor Jumang, the Eastern God of Spring, is in charge of vitality.

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