Chapter 169 Action Tonight!

“We should be grateful for the defeat of the Vanguard, who brought us important intelligence.”

“Without them, I’m afraid we wouldn’t know that the undead have changed, and the enemies that have appeared are not terrible, but the enemies hidden in the shadows are terrible.”

Palmeida scanned the surrounding patriarchs, generals, and slowly spoke, the vanguard army failed, losing a lot of people, but in his opinion, everything was worth it, it was better than the start of the big war and being caught off guard by the undead.

What is the vanguard army, Palmeida’s understanding is to attack to attract the first wave of firepower, while probing the enemy’s intelligence, Momonet can bring back the latest intelligence of the undead, this is enough, he has completed his task, there is no need to criticize him.

Could it be that these people are counting on a vanguard army to win the battle?

If the undead were so easy to deal with, they wouldn’t need to organize any coalition forces, just send a few tribes and wipe them out with a wave of their hands.

Since Palmeida came to the coalition army, he has been sorting out the intelligence of the undead, but the information gathered in his hands always makes him feel that something is wrong, and he has an uneasy feeling in his heart, which comes from the weakness of the undead!

From the intelligence point of view, when they organized the alliance, there were only thousands of undead, and only thousands of undead could harass three races to form a coalition army, but in fact, not too many people paid attention to this coalition at that time.

But as time goes by, the intelligence behind is increasing, and the number of undead is also growing exponentially, and the inflection point is from the undead arriving in the Revenant Mountain Range, eliminating the first vanguard army of the coalition army, and the undead are like taking a big supplement pill and expanding rapidly.

Palmeida guessed that there must be something in the Revenant Mountain Range that promoted the development of the undead, but their spies could not enter it, or the spies did not dare to enter the Revenant Mountain Range, so they could not know what was happening inside.

In the intelligence of the coalition forces, the undead are mainly skeletons, and there are skeletons, and there are only a very small number of other troops.

This is obviously not right, Palmeida has the deepest doubts about this information, the undead is a legendary race, is a continent, disaster-like existence, he does not believe, with a bunch of humanoid skeletons, can sweep the continent, really other races on the continent are useless?

How stupid a person is to have such an idea.

Putting in life for more than 300 years, he knows more about all kinds of secrets than anyone else in this land, he knows very well his weakness, and even how weak the land he is in.

The wasteland is vast, and they only live in one corner, and even then, they don’t have enough strength to conquer this corner, how can they say anything else.

Let’s just say that the middle zone of the wasteland, where the race, one is stronger than the other, the force there, one is more fierce than the other, and the land where he is located, are completely two concepts.

In contrast, the battles on their side, most of the time in the eyes of the people in the central zone, the battles of tens of millions of people, heh, are fights.

Palmeida has traveled to the central area, seen what it looks like over there, and has seen the battlefield over there, moving hundreds of thousands of troops to the battlefield, it is still a small scene, once it starts, it is all kinds of magic flying, and human life is not worth anything at all.

The central zone is far richer than here, and in order to be able to live in a rich place all the time, the races in the central zone are all playing with the development of their lives, they are working together, trying to find ways to strengthen themselves, and slackening a little, is the end of the death race.

Before going to the Central Zone, Palmeida thought the same as the others, thinking that the people of the Central Zone lived in peace and abundance, but in fact, their competition was far beyond imagination, and they lived lazy and peaceful in comparison.

It was precisely because he had been to the Central Zone that after he returned here, he consciously settled down and was no longer as crazy as before.

Not because he has no ambitions, but on the contrary, he has greater ambitions, he wants to go to the central land, he wants to wrestle with the big races in the central land, he Palmeida, the legendary patriarch, will not be content with mediocrity!

But if he wants to enter the Central Zone, he needs to have enough strength, he needs to develop his own tribe and make his tribe stronger, instead of consuming the population and combat power as before, so he fell silent.

Forbearance is for greater brilliance.

This time, he came out of the mountain to see the potential of the coalition army, if everyone can unite together and form an adult body to destroy the undead, then can everyone also unite together to form a more powerful force to attack the central zone?

If he can lead the coalition army to wipe out the undead, the benefits are too great, not only will his reputation reach the peak, but he can also firmly control a large army, which is the hole card for impacting the central zone.

In addition to his ambition to enter the life of the Heartland, Palmeda hopes to use the advantages of the Heartland to find ways to make himself stronger and live longer.

The patriarchs and generals in the conference room listened to Palmeida’s words, and their hearts were different, but they all seemed very serious on the surface, and nodded repeatedly.

“Guys, the undead have become stronger than before, we can’t slack off in the slightest, we have to eliminate them as soon as possible!”

Palmeda made the final summary.

How to fight the undead, basically everyone already has a unified idea.

Be sure to fight with the undead during the day, the undead during the day are much weaker than the undead at night, and during the day, there is no impact on the soldiers of the coalition, which is their advantage.

While the Cancer Alliance was studying why the Vanguard Army was defeated, Li Ziyu was also studying how to deal with the upcoming coalition army.

There was almost no need to guess, Li Ziyu also knew that the other party would definitely launch an attack during the day, and in order to prevent him from sneaking up again, the coalition forces should set up camp relatively far away, wait overnight, repair, and attack the next day.

Liu Xingxing made a sand table, which was placed in the center of the hall of the main building of the Undead Fortress at this time, and Li Ziyu, Zhang Peng, and Liu Xingxing circled around the sand table, thinking about how to solve each other.

“I feel that the other party should be stationed 10 kilometers away, then it is within this range.”

Zhang Peng stretched out his hand and drew a circle above the sand table.

“Is there a passage to get there?”

Li Ziyu looked at the sand table and asked, the range drawn by Zhang Peng was a flat terrain, and there were even few hills around.

“Yes, but the position is a little off, what are you going to do?”

Zhang Peng thought for a moment, raised his head and asked.

His gopher fortress can travel underground, but the number of troops that can be transported is limited, and the number of 3,500 can support the sky, and it cannot be a class like elite heavy hammer bone warriors, relying on thousands of people to raid the camp of hundreds of thousands of people on the other side, which is obviously not a good choice.

If there is no return, the effect will be poor.

And the range of 10 kilometers, even if you want to deal with the vanguard army, send bone beasts, it is not realistic, this time it is not the vanguard army, but the main army, the surrounding vigilance is stronger than the vanguard I don’t know how many times, it is estimated that the bone beast has not yet arrived, it has been discovered by the other party in advance.

“It’s okay, it’s better to deviate a little, you can just escort me over.”

Li Ziyu raised his eyebrows and said.

“Yes, no problem.”

Seeing that Li Ziyu was mysteriously unwilling to say, Zhang Peng did not have the mind to ask, anyway, what Li Ziyu said, how he did it was over.

After turning around the map a few more times, the three of them studied several alternatives, but they were not professional, the three of them were outsiders, not to mention strategy and tactics, except for Li Ziyu who preferred to play real-time strategy games, the other two did not even play real-time strategy games, and the things they could think of were naturally limited.

But fortunately, they have been on the side of the Revenant Soul Mountain Range for a long time, Liu Xingxing and Zhang Peng often run out to wander, they are familiar with the terrain and topography around here, and they really let them get right, the other party stopped 10 miles away, set up camp, and the information was quickly sent to Li Ziyu.

The coalition arrived in the afternoon, busy all afternoon, the large camp continued, this time it seemed much more standardized, the tents were relatively neatly placed, the tents of the hunters and lizardmen were in the middle of the camp, and the perimeter was scattered goblins, used as a defensive shock to prevent the undead from raiding.

As Li Ziyu expected, a large number of sentries were sent, some even to the side of the undead fortress, but the phalanx of the bones of the undead legion arranged neatly in front of the fortress made them dare not move forward.

Li Ziyu arranged the strength of five skeleton undead legions in the direction of the cancer coalition army, arranged in square arrays in units of 10,000 people, neatly, although the combat effectiveness was a little meaningless, but there were many of them, and the platoons were neat enough, quite bluffing.

The coalition forces set up camp, buried pots and cooked, they are not undead, they have walked such a long way and ran over, it is not good to rest well, directly attack the undead, it is simply impossible, they are living creatures, they will also be tired and hungry, and they will attack at the earliest, that is, tomorrow.

Palmeida gave a meeting to the generals of the coalition and the patriarchs of all ethnic groups, asking them to do a good job of vigilance tonight, and never again the vanguard army was raided.

In fact, there is no need for Palmeida to remind them, the generals and patriarchs also know in their hearts that night protection must be done well, who does not know that the undead are nocturnal creatures, and their activity at night is far greater than during the day.

Time passed little by little, night fell, stars twinkled in the sky, and bright moonlight shone on the wasteland.

In the alliance camp, people shouted horses, lively, on the other hand, the undead side, silent, quiet and scary, if it were not for those sparkling soul fires, I am afraid that everyone would not have thought that it was the territory of the undead.

There was action tonight, and Li Ziyu stayed in the fortress very safely for the first half of the night, and he didn’t get up until the early hours of the morning.

“Let’s go, it’s time to go.”

“Boss, are you sure that only 100 heavy hammer warriors are enough?”

Before leaving, Zhang Peng still didn’t hold back, when Li Ziyu told him that he would only bring 100 elite heavy hammer bone warriors, Zhang Peng objected, this is not to sneak attack the opponent’s camp, this is to send death!

Just 100 elite heavy hammer bone warriors are strong, what can they do, it is a camp of more than 300,000 troops, let alone 100 heavy hammer warriors, even if you are 100 dragons, to rush the camp of more than 300,000 people, people can find a way to kill.

“It’s okay, don’t worry, listen to me.”

Li Ziyu grinned, confident.

He didn’t plan to rush to the other party’s camp, he just wanted to huo huo the other party, those guys of the coalition army, in the end they are still creatures, since they are creatures, they need to rest, sleep, and recharge, as long as they don’t let you rest well, it is to reduce the combat effectiveness of the other party in disguise.

In ancient times, night raids were too common, and night raids at that time were really for the purpose of victory, in fact, most of the time they were not, in order to cause riots, so that the other party could not rest, and reduce the combat effectiveness of the other party.

Li Ziyu just wants to do this, the other party does not rest well, if he attacks strongly tomorrow, he can lose less undead and can drag on longer.

The undead will become weak during the day, and the coalition will definitely attack when the undead are weak, and if Li Ziyu wants to win, he must use the dragging trick, drag the other party, and find a way to extend the battle time, and when the sun sets and the night strikes, he can fight back.

As for the decisive battle with the other party tonight, anyway, it is also in the evening, the other party has just arrived at the place, it is just in a state of fatigue, and the odds of victory are very large.

It sounds appealing, but when you think about it, it’s not realistic.

The coalition forces are not stupid, they deliberately opened the distance of ten kilometers, the undead under Li Ziyu are based on the bone undead as the main body of the battle, and although the other arms are strong, they are insufficient in number, and can only serve as a deputy output or auxiliary position.

With the foot power of the bone undead, a large-scale dispatch, when the place is reached, everyone is ready, and even a large number of traps can be laid waiting for the undead to come over by themselves.

That’s not to the decisive battle, it’s to deliver dishes.

Especially the coalition army that came this time, but the elite of all races, what kind of troops, ranged, melee combat, cavalry, magic, priests, very comprehensive, not as simple as the previous battle.

Li Ziyu calculated for a long time before feeling that if he wanted to win, he was dragging it out, completely dragging down the opponent’s momentum and making the soldiers tired, so that he could achieve the final victory.

Seeing that Li Ziyu had made up his mind, Zhang Peng persuaded him not to move, and helplessly confessed, allowing Li Ziyu and 100 elite heavy hammer bone warriors to enter the gopher man fortress.

The internal space of the Gopher Man Fortress is relatively small, and the elite heavy hammer skeleton warrior is too large, and if you want to transport it, you have to bend over and lie on the ground.

After Li Ziyu also entered the fortress, Zhang Peng activated the fortress and rushed along the underground passage to the expected location.

In order to contact the surrounding tribes, Zhang Peng has never been idle, and the underground has long been dug by him in all directions, and the tunnel leading to the camp of the coalition army has also been dug long ago, and the speed is still very fast.

“Boss, it’s here.”

Zhang Peng came to Li Ziyu and talked to him.

“Well, okay, you wait for me here, I’ll be back as soon as possible.”

Li Ziyu patted Zhang Peng and said.

In this operation, Zhang Peng is a very important role, if something goes wrong on his side, then Li Ziyu is really cold.

When Zhang Peng heard this, he nodded.

10 elite heavy hammer skeleton warriors have left the gopher man fortress first, going to the exit to probe, according to Li Ziyu’s request, the exit is very hidden, behind a large stone, at night, the exit is covered by the shadow of the stone, if you don’t look carefully, you can’t find it.

The opening of the cave is not large, at most two people can pass, when Zhang Peng got the news, he was very puzzled, such a large cave entrance, the elite heavy hammer bone warrior could not get out at all, and he couldn’t figure out what Li Ziyu was going to do.

After determining the exit, Li Ziyu put all the elite heavy hammer bone warriors who followed him on guard, and he walked towards the entrance of the cave and climbed up the slope of the dirt slope diagonally.

After exploring and probing the brain at the entrance of the passage for a while, confirming that there were no scouts of the coalition forces around, Li Ziyu carefully drilled out, stuck to the stone, hid it with the help of the shadow of the stone, and looked out, and he could see the fire in the distance in his position, which was the coalition camp.

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