Chapter 170 Long-range bombing!

Tonight’s moonlight was good, full of light, and he could see the coalition camp from afar, and he also saw some small black dots running back and forth on the wasteland, no need to ask, it must be a spy of the coalition army.

Fortunately, there are not many spies on his side to come over, so they will not be discovered.

Hey, since that’s the case, then it’s no wonder that I, I wish you a happy holiday in advance and show you fireworks.

Li Ziyu smiled slightly, beckoned in the direction of the passage, and the soul coffin slowly floated up along the entrance of the cave and floated to his side.

Whether the night attack can succeed depends on whether the ghosts are powerless.

Before coming, he had already let the revenants enter the soul coffin and wait, this time in advance, all the revenants were in the soul coffin.

Leaning out a little from behind the stone, he once again confirmed the direction of the camp, and estimated the distance in his heart, Li Ziyu activated the soul coffin skill, Meteor Meteor!

The revenants erupted with a strong soul aura inside the soul coffin, and mysterious runes appeared on the soul coffin, glowing with green light, and the momentum became more and more powerful, Li Ziyu’s hand holding the soul coffin was unconscious, and the cold spread all over his body along his arm.

His gaze swayed, Li Ziyu’s consciousness rushed into the sky, he could see everything below, except for the coalition camp in the distance, he also saw the alliance spies who were rushing because they felt the soul breath.

With consciousness, a piece was circled in the center of the coalition camp, where the fire was covered, fire!

The soul power continued to shrink and press into the soul coffin, and the lid made a crunching sound and suddenly opened.


The soul energy compressed to the extreme in the soul coffin gushed out and rushed straight to the sky.

This time is different from the last attack on the jackal, last time, Li Ziyu was doing an experiment, and the preparation was far less adequate than this time, and the compression of soul power was not so ruthless.

When attacking the jackal, hundreds of light bullets were ejected from the soul coffin, and this time, just one, like a small green sun, rose into the sky at a speed that seemed to be slow and fast.

It’s too noticeable, not to mention those spies, even the side of the coalition camp can see it clearly.

“What’s that?”

But everyone who saw the meteor rise into the sky had the same question in their hearts.

After firing the “cannonball”, Li Ziyu quickly retracted his consciousness back into his body, threw his frozen hand, and jumped to the tunnel, and the soul coffin followed closely behind him.

Jumping down from the mouth of the cave and seeing the elite heavy hammer bone warrior waiting for him, Li Ziyu sighed slightly.

“Retreat, retreat quickly!”

Li Ziyu said hurriedly, hurriedly rushed to the gopher man fortress, got in, and quickly ordered Zhang Peng to start the fortress and leave.

Zhang Peng didn’t know what happened, seeing Li Ziyu panicked, guessing that something was wrong, he didn’t dare to slack, directly started the fortress, and ran first.

“This… Green sun? ”

An Alliance spy raised his head and looked at the Meteor and said blankly.

“Wake up! It’s okay with us, we’ll have to go over and see! ”

Another spy slapped him and reminded.

Several spies came around the stone, and after a slight investigation, they found a large hole hidden in the shadows behind the stone.

“Damn, the people ran away!”

“Shall we go inside and take a look?”

“Look, the sun is moving!”

The spies raised their heads and looked at the “green sun” overhead, and saw that the “sun” had risen high and became a bright spot in the air, and the bright spot stopped for a few seconds, suddenly accelerated, and flew in the direction of the coalition camp with a long tail.

Several spies widened their eyes and had a bad feeling in their hearts.

They watched as the sun flew faster and farther, and they couldn’t deliver news to the coalition camp.

The meteor accelerated all the way and flew over the camp of the coalition army.

Boom – with a loud bang, the meteor exploded into a rain of flowers, and countless small fist-sized meteors fell from the sky with green tail flames.

If the Jackals were shelled that time, then this time it was a shotgun attack, which is less powerful, but more widespread!

Scattershots fell, the camp burst continuously, wailing, screaming endlessly, and the coalition forces were instantly in chaos.

The power of small meteors is limited, after all, the coalition fighters are elite, and there are not many dead, but the power of the meteor has just begun, and the power of the revenant has begun to spread.

The range was relatively large, and the lethality of the power of the revenant was weakened, but it also brought very big trouble to the coalition soldiers, wounded injuries, weak weaknesses, sudden attacks, caught them by surprise, and some tents also caught fire.

“Ahem… Hold steady and don’t panic! ”

Palmeda didn’t expect that the undead would attack so violently, so he was still figuring out how to attack in his tent, but he didn’t expect the other party’s attack to come first.

He rushed out of the tent with an axe in one hand and his mouth in the other, and the camp was already in chaos, the soldiers were scurrying like headless flies, and Palmeida shouted eagerly.

Fortunately, they were all elite, and the generals and patriarchs quickly stood up, and the warriors also stabilized under the reprimands of the generals and patriarchs, avoiding the range covered by the power of the revenant, and order was restored.

“Where did the attack come from? And what about the spies, where are the spies and why are they not given advance warning? ”

After the situation calmed down, Palmeda asked the generals and patriarchs to the conference room for a meeting and asked dissatisfied.

He had already reminded him before, he was afraid that the undead would come to raid, and specially asked the generals and patriarchs to arrange sentries, but such a thing still happened, which made him a little difficult to accept.

One by one, the generals and patriarchs lowered their heads and did not dare to look at Palmeida, which was their mistake.

But they are also very aggrieved, Fang Cai’s green sun rose into the sky, they also saw it, but they didn’t expect that it was actually an attack of the undead, who knew that the undead would have such magic.

But fortunately, the opponent’s attack looks fierce, but the lethality is not large, there are few dead, except for a few unlucky eggs who fell asleep and were smashed to death, the other fighters, at most, suffered some minor injuries, which did not affect the battle.

“So what the hell is the attack, who knows, where is the intelligence?”

Palmeida slowed down and did not pursue the spies again, but asked instead.

This attack is a little scary, the range is a little large, and it is shot from a distance, the intelligence of the undead, this attack is not recorded, if they know in advance that there is such an attack, they will be prepared, will not be so stabbing dense camp, isn’t this giving the enemy the opportunity to attack.

Generals and patriarchs, you look at me, I look at you, they all shake their heads, they don’t know.

“How many of you are we don’t know, are you going to fight like this? Rushing over like a blind man? ”

Palmeida was on fire again, smashing the table in front of him and roaring.

At this moment, the aura of the killing conqueror exploded, making the people present shudder, and no one dared to touch the mold at this time.

Roared a few times, seeing that the people below were honest one by one, Palmeda also felt that it was not interesting, sat back in the chair with a hum, huffing and panting, and feeling a little sad in his heart.

What did you think at the beginning, you want to rely on these people to attack the central zone, are you blind, these fools, even the intelligence is not good, go to the central zone, properly find death.

Who is the enemy, what kind of strength, how many soldiers and horses, what kind of attack, isn’t this intelligence the most should be investigated in advance, but what the hell are these guys in front of you, and the undead feel like a group of skeletons?

It is not for nothing that the two vanguard troops failed, just deal with intelligence like this, and if you don’t fail, it’s hell!

I’m afraid that this time I won’t be pitted, maybe I’m going to plant it here.

The war must continue, their army has all arrived, it is impossible to disband because of one attack by the enemy, he Palmeda cannot give up the fat in his hands, what he needs now is to think calmly and figure it out.

This attack is not continuous, otherwise I would not have been able to meet this group of fools here.

Since it is not continuous, does it mean that such a magic attack on the undead cannot be released on a large scale?

That’s good news.

The undead did not kill on a large scale, and the other party’s purpose should not be to start a war tonight.

Palmeida was quick to analyze the situation and figure out how to respond.

“Boss, what’s going on, where are we going now?”

Zhang Peng came to Li Ziyu and asked.

“Hey, our side just put a firework on the side of their camp, but unfortunately I ran in a hurry, I didn’t see the fireworks beautiful or not, hey, it’s a bit of a pity, act according to the plan, let’s go to the next location.”

Li Ziyu was still shaking his hand, and he now felt that his palm was still cold.


Zhang Peng blinked, suddenly remembered something, his eyes suddenly widened, he knew what Li Ziyu was doing.

When dealing with the jackals, Li Ziyu once used a weapon to directly attack the jackal fortress, so this time it may be that kind of weapon.

No wonder Li Ziyu didn’t bring too many undead, that weapon was enough for him alone, hey, he should have thought of it earlier.

Since this was the case, Zhang Peng no longer hesitated, ordered the gopher man, and drove the fortress to the next location.

During the day, Li Ziyu studied with him, determined several positions, and if the strategy was successful, he would move to the next position and constantly harass the other party.

Meteors can’t be released continuously, the revenants consume soul power, and it also takes time to recover, they have to slowly release the next blow, Li Ziyu has communicated with them, it takes almost an hour to release the Meteor again.

This is equivalent to an hour of CD time, and the power of the meteor will inevitably weaken when it is released at intervals, and the more times it is released, the weaker the power, and the soul power of the revenants is not as fast as expected.

But enough, Li Ziyu planned to withdraw to the undead fortress after releasing four waves of meteors.

He deliberately chose this time period, because this time period in the early morning is when people are most tired and need to rest, and he released the meteor meteor in order to let the opponent’s warriors rest badly, and when he left, basically the sun was about to rise.

Hehe, see what to do with the coalition forces at that time, attack or not.

Li Ziyu didn’t expect that his strategy was so successful, he was afraid that he would be discovered in the first attack, and then there would be no fun later, and obviously, he succeeded, and the other party’s spies failed to find him.

As for whether the spies will enter the passage, he is not worried at all, this is the world of gopher people, especially there is also the gopher man fortress, what is terrible, if the other party really comes in, is it not very happy, the underground is a big maze, the other party may be trapped underground.

The release of the meteor meteor not only has an impact on the revenant, but also has an impact on Li Ziyu, the cold meaning makes his body stiff, and at the same time when locking the target, you need to be out of the soul, don’t look at the short time, but Li Ziyu is a human being, he is not a revenant, even if it is not long, but he still feels tired.

After explaining Zhang Peng two sentences, Li Ziyu sat on the ground, closed his eyes in a daze, intending to fake sleep for a while, recover his spirits, and then come to the next wave.

“Sun! The green sun is rising again! ”

Shortly after the meeting, Palmeda returned to the tent, lay on the animal skin mat and before he could close his eyes, he heard the panicked voices of the soldiers outside, immediately got up, hurried out of the tent with his axe, and looked up at the sky.

A green ball of light, dragging a long tail flame, streaked across the sky and went straight to the camp.


Where is it this time?

Palmeda looked at the sun, his heart roaring, he already understood what the undead were going to do, they didn’t want their people to rest, use the night time, and frantically harass them.

Under the gaze of the coalition soldiers, the green sun flew over the camp and exploded, countless scattered small points of light fell from the sky, and there was a wail in the camp.

Where is the periphery of the camp, the goblin’s camp?

Palmeda looked at the place where the bombardment was hit, calculated the whereabouts, and then relaxed.

Oh, Camp Goblin, that’s all right.

Just like other hunters and lizardmen, Palmeda did not put goblins in his eyes, these green-skinned dwarfs, aren’t they pure cannon fodder species, anyway, they are dead on the battlefield, bombarded by the undead, and it doesn’t matter if they are killed or injured, as long as it is not the bombing of the Chinese army camp.

Li Ziyu, who fled back to the cave, returned to the gopher man fortress while smacking his tongue, and he was crooked.

It is clear that it is aimed at the central zone of the coalition army, but it was in a trance when launching, resulting in a deviation in the position, directly crooked around the coalition camp, and I don’t know if it hit those guys, I hope it has some effect.

When Li Ziyu and the elite heavy hammer skeleton warriors entered the fortress, this time without orders, Zhang Peng very consciously activated the fortress and fled.

Release the Meteor Meteor, in addition to the revenants consuming soul power and needing to recuperate, Li Ziyu also needs to recuperate, and the two skills are released, making him feel extremely tired, sleepy, and his muscles are sore, and there is a feeling that he has just recovered from a cold and fever.

This side effect is quite large, I don’t know if I can insist on releasing it four times, if each time is heavier than the other, it is estimated that when I return to the undead fortress, I will have to fall ill.

Coalition Battalion.

It was the goblin camp that was bombed, but it inevitably caused a wave of riots, not that the hunters and lizardmen cared about the goblins, but that the dwarves were frightened, squeaking and running around in the coalition camp, disturbing the other warriors and unable to rest.

After a long time of busy nagging, the goblins were suppressed, honestly.

After two shelling, Palmeida was not in the mood to rest, he estimated the time of the next two shelling, and when the goblins were suppressed, he found that the time was almost up, and estimated that the third shelling was coming, so he looked to the sky.

I waited for a long time, but there was no movement.


Am I miscalculating?

Palmeda frowned, and recalculated the time, there was no problem, it was almost time for shelling, why did the other party not attack, or did he not plan to attack tonight, he had already retreated, he was a little puzzled.

Another hour passed, while Palmeda waited impatiently and returned to rest in the tent.

“Enemy attack!”

The warrior’s warning sounded, and Palmeda sat up from the bed, snorted hard, and walked out of the tent.

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