Chapter 171 War Today!

“Oops~Mom~I can’t do it, I can’t do it, I don’t have any strength at all~”

Inside the gopher fortress, Li Ziyu leaned back against the wall, slumped to the ground, and groaned in his mouth, he overestimated himself too much, and launched four meteors in one night, really squeezed all his strength clean, weak, body temperature rise, there were signs of fever, and the brain melon was buzzing with pain.

The last meteor shot, he didn’t know where it hit, whether it hit the opponent’s camp or not, he just randomly chose a direction, and even returned to the gopher fortress, it was carried back to him by the elite heavy hammer bone warriors.

He didn’t expect that the side effects of releasing the Meteor Meteor would be so great that it would cost him half his life.

“Boss, you’re okay.”

Zhang Peng came to him, squatted down, and asked in a low voice.

“I, I’m not good, Ma Ya, uncomfortable…”

Li Ziyu tried to open his mouth, his lips were white, they were already cracked, and there was a fire burning in his throat, as if someone was using a knife to pull a horn.

The corner of Zhang Peng’s mouth twitched, silently retreated to the side, can still speak, the problem is not big, should not die.

At this time, try not to be by Li Ziyu’s side, he is uncomfortable now, Zhang Peng does not want to go over to find scolding.

The gopher fortress smoothly returned to the undead fortress along the tunnel, and by the time the fortress left the cave, there was already dawn in the sky and a new day began.

“Hey, you guys are back… Well? Boss, boss, what’s wrong, how to get it like this, boss, don’t die, you die, what can we do! ”

Seeing Zhang Peng come back, Liu Xingxing, who had been worried all night, immediately ran over to say hello, and as a result, he saw Li Ziyu, who was carried by the elite heavy hammer bone warrior, and couldn’t help but grin and wail.

Liu Xingxing made a strange scream, which made Li Ziyu’s head hurt even more, he beckoned to Liu Xingxing, and Liu Xingxing quickly approached.

“Boss, if you have any last words, just say it, I will definitely help you complete it.”

Liu Xingxing said with tears in his eyes.

“Why don’t you fart, cough, I’m alive and mental, a dead der!”

When Liu Xingxing finished speaking, Li Ziyu’s eyes widened and he cursed angrily.


Liu Xingxing was suddenly stunned, and his tears stopped, and he looked at Li Ziyu blankly.

Sure enough, he is very spirited, and he can scold people.

Zhang Peng raised his eyebrows on the side, he knew, he knew that it would be like this, Li Ziyu was uncomfortable like this, it was uncomfortable to designate, at this time, who was in front of him was unlucky, Liu Xingxing this goods, he ran up to send it.

Well, this is also a good thing, Li Ziyu vented, the problem is not big, and the anger will not be as strong as Fang Cai.

“Zhang Peng, you look at the stars, this goods lacks a string, I have to take a break, if the other party attacks the city, you come and call me.”

Li Ziyu ordered weakly, and let the elite heavy hammer bone warrior carry him towards the main building.

He now needs to get a good night’s sleep, and he is full of energy and waiting for war.

“Boss, you have a good rest, leave this side to me for the time being.”

Zhang Peng said quickly.

When Li Ziyu was carried away, he turned around, looked at Liu Xingxing, and suddenly said: “Congratulations, Xi Ti scolded.” ”

“Can you blame me for this, the boss was carried back, who knew he was still so spirited.”

Liu Xingxing scratched his head and said with a wry smile.

Zhang Peng didn’t care about him, turned around and went to work on other things, he had to send the gopher people into the underground passage to check, so as not to let the coalition forces come through the underground passage to make trouble.

Last night, Li Ziyu used the underground passage to release four meteors, and the spies of the coalition army already knew that there was a passage underground, so he still had to pay attention.

Cancer Coalition Camp, makeshift conference room.

“Marshal President, you can’t attack today! Last night, the soldiers did not rest well, we traveled a long way, so we went to war with each other, we have no advantage. ”

A general said eagerly.

“Yes, Marshal President, I have to give the soldiers a day off.”

Another patriarch quickly chimed in.

The attack launched by the undead last night, although it was not very strong, the damage was not very large, but in the end it was a dead person, and everyone did not sleep well, originally traveled a long way, very tired, plus last night almost did not sleep all night, now the state of the warriors is not very good.

They thought that Palmeida would let them rest during the day today, but after the meeting, he actually wanted to attack.

This is not nonsense, even if they are only otherworldly natives, they know the truth that it is not easy for a tired division to launch an attack.

Almost all the generals and patriarchs hoped that Palmeida would agree to let them rest for a day, and the warriors needed to recharge so that they could be strong in battle.

“Rest? Are you sure that when we rest during the day, the other side will not run over and attack like last night? ”

Palmeida looked at the generals and patriarchs and asked in a deep voice.

When he asked this, the others suddenly fell silent.

Who can guarantee this thing, they are not treacherous among the undead.

The return of the spies had been delivered to them, and they had read the reports, although they still did not know what weapons the undead had attacked them, but they knew that the kind of large-scale attack weapon that the other party only needed a small number of men to unleash.

This means that the other party’s concealment is very strong, and it is difficult for them to catch each other in advance, after all, there are few people and small targets, and it takes time for spies to patrol, and if you are not careful, you will let the other party drill a leak.

“You all know the return of the spies, there is a passage underground, even if the other party did not attack with last night’s weapon during the day today, are you sure they will not come and attack us through the underground passage?”

Seeing that everyone was silent, Palmeda spoke again.

The generals and patriarchs present bowed their heads one after another, indeed, this is still a problem, the underground passage, the spies went down to see, quite spacious, more than enough to accommodate a soldier and horse to pass, the other party can use the underground passage to release magic, but also can use the underground passage to sneak up on their camp.

“President Marshal, the other party came from the passage last night, that passage should be leading to the lair of the undead, what if we don’t fight the other party head-on today, but send a team through the passage to sneak attack?”

A lizardman general thought for a moment and suddenly suggested.

His opinion made the others’ eyes light up, and they all nodded and looked at Palmeida.

This is a good strategy, since the other party can use the channel to deal with them, then they can also use the channel to deal with the other party’s undead, there is no problem.

“I also thought about doing this, but, since the other party has dug such a wide passage, do you feel that the other party will not think of this, maybe the undead are waiting for us to do this, we sent troops over, and they just blocked us.”

Palmeda said with a sigh.

When the spies found the passage and reported it to him, he had such an idea and wanted to use the lower passage, but after thinking about it, he still gave up.

The lizardman general was speechless, he thought he had thought of a brilliant trick, but the president had already thought of it.

“In addition, the spies went to the passage, which leads in all directions, like a maze, we may not be able to find the way to the lair of the undead, we still don’t know if there are traps in the passage, if the warriors get lost in it, what should we do?”

Palmeda raised another question.

This question could not be answered by the lizardman general, he was just a whim, he did not know much about the situation in the passage, everything came from the report of the spies.

“Then we have to go to war today?”

A Hunter Clan Patriarch asked unwillingly.

“There must be a war! We couldn’t have a better option! ”

Palmeda said firmly, he glanced at the others, saw that they still had unhappiness in their eyes, and knew that the explanation was not clear, so he continued to explain.

“Wars during the day are beneficial to us, the undead will become weak during the day, so to start a war with the undead, we must choose the daytime, if we don’t fight today, then we must fight during the day tomorrow, it is impossible to take advantage of the night to fight with the undead tonight, the undead at night are much stronger than the day.”

“In addition, there are actually several problems if you don’t fight, that is, what we just said, no one can guarantee that the undead will not come to attack during the day, let alone guarantee whether the other party will send troops from the underground, and secondly, at night, if the other party attacks with that weapon like last night, how will we face it?”

“Can you prevent it? If we can’t prevent it, will we keep dragging it out? ”

“Don’t forget why we rushed here, we don’t have much food!”

“Now it’s not that the undead are in a hurry to fight us, but we are in a hurry to go to war with the undead!”

The more Palmeda said, the more serious his face became, they had been cornered, if they didn’t start a war today, let each other harass each other for a few days, no matter how short the food was, the soldiers really didn’t have the heart to start a war with the undead, and by then, the momentum would reach the freezing point, and it was impossible to start a war.

They ran here in the mountains, did not start a war, the coalition army dispersed, then it really became a big joke, and what is the ambition to enter the central zone, not to be laughed to death by other races and tribes, is a good thing.

No matter what, today must be at war with the undead, whether you win or lose, you must fight!

To make the warriors tense, to arouse their bloody nature so that they can destroy the undead.

Palmeida’s words were reasonable, many generals and patriarchs couldn’t argue if they wanted to, but they really didn’t want to attack in such a situation, so they lowered their heads and silently resisted.

“I agree with the president’s words, today we will go to war with the undead!”

A young headhunter stood up and said loudly.

The others looked at it in surprise, but found that it was a bald boy with a tattoo and two fierce eyes, it was Nado, the leader of the Hunter Clan———

Palmeida looked at Nadeau and raised his eyebrows, and secretly shouted in his heart that this kid was good.

He knew Nadeau, after all, this was also a young and promising head hunter, although not as famous as he was back then, but in the contemporary young head hunter clan, he was a figure.

Except for some old characters, few people can suppress Nado, this kid is not only crazy, but also has strength, brains, this time the coalition, he will contribute a lot.

With Nadeau taking the lead, a group of young hunters responded, and they followed Nado’s lead.

Seeing that more and more people responded, it was no longer good for others to pretend to be deaf and dumb, silently resisting, and could only compromise helplessly, after all, they had no way to say anything opposed.

The meeting passed, today, the coalition forces launched an attack on the undead!

The news quickly spread out of the conference hall, causing an uproar among the soldiers, who did not rest, they were going to attack, and they did not treat us as human beings.

They are all tired now, they have gone a long way, they are already tired enough, they want to sleep well last night, who knows that the shameless undead actually tossed them all night, resulting in them now they are not in good spirits, Hache is in good spirits.

The coalition fighters simply did not want to believe it, they felt that something had gone wrong, and the generals were not fools, how could such a decision be made.

But the fact is that soon the military order was transmitted, so that they were ready to attack.

“Do you really want to fight?”

“I want to sleep.”

“Who doesn’t want to sleep?”

“I can’t go, I got hurt last night.”

The coalition soldiers immediately grumbled and made a series of complaining sounds.

As if expecting this, a team of overseers consisting of lizardmen and hunters came to the warriors’ meeting to supervise their preparation for battle.

When they saw the Overseer, the coalition soldiers knew that there was no way, these guys were not good to get along with, they really dared to kill.

The Overseers were selected from the coalition forces, ruthless, good at killing, and obedient to Palmeida’s orders.

After killing some warriors who wanted to be lazy, the others were honest, put on their armor, took up their weapons, and walked outside.

More than 300,000 troops were mobilized and marched towards the direction of the Revenant Mountain Range.

In the dusty sky, alien figures loomed, and the team was like a long dragon, with no end in sight.

“Brother Peng, they are coming, the enemy is coming!”

Liu Xingxing put down the telescope produced by the system in his hand and ran all the way down the White Bone Sentinel Tower, shouting as he ran.

When Zhang Peng heard the sound, he quickly ran over and grabbed Liu Xingxing: “Take a breath.” ”

“Ha, ha, ha, all coming, can’t see the end, there are a lot of them.”

Liu Xingxing said with a huff on his legs.

“Okay, I’ll go and call the boss.”

Zhang Peng patted Liu Xingxing’s shoulder and ran in the direction of the main building.

When he arrived at the main building, he found that Li Ziyu had woken up and was walking out.

“Boss, are you up?”

Zhang Peng was stunned.

“Well, the archers woke me up.”

Li Ziyu nodded.

The speed of the undead is much faster than Zhang Peng and Liu Xingxing, and there is a white bone sentinel tower on the platform, because the enemy may come at any time, so the bone longarchers on the white bone sentinel tower did not hide as usual, but continued to be on guard, and when they found that the coalition army was coming, they had already transmitted the news to the main building through the soul network.

The undead in the main building naturally woke Li Ziyu up.

Leaving the main building, finding Liu Xingxing, the three of them climbed the watchtower together, climbed high and looked at the mighty tumor coalition army coming from afar.

“Boss, last night’s attack doesn’t seem to be of any use.”

Zhang Peng squinted and looked at it for a while, and couldn’t help but say.

“Oh, it’s useful or not, you have to fight to know ah.”

Li Ziyu said without care.

He can be sure that the other party definitely did not rest well last night, but even so, if he still launched an attack, then the opponent’s combat effectiveness should be reduced.

Do not hope that the cancer coalition can be defeated during the day, but hope that it can be dragged down.

Don’t look at the number of undead far exceeds the other party, it is a million-strong army against an army of 300,000, but in fact, Li Ziyu is not right of the elite, mainly low-level undead, on the other hand, the other party is elite.

As an elite, not to mention the head hunters and lizardmen, even if they are goblins, it is not a problem to fight three by one.

The bone undead have long been arrayed in front of the fortress, forming square tofu blocks, which look well-trained and imposing, all thanks to the bone warriors.

The coalition army came to the bone undead array, a group of goblins occupied the front, a large group of Wuyang, standing without any order, in the coalition army, goblins are cannon fodder.

As the elite of the goblins, their equipment is much stronger than other goblins, and their bodies are more robust.

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