All Offerings for Quick Enlightenment, Who Needs Arduous Cultivation?

Chapter 108 Is this how you take care of your wife and daughter?

"Isn't mother awake yet?"

In the mourning hall, Zhu Qingqing, who was resting, saw that Zhu Xu was the only one and asked casually.

"Commander Jiang came here just now. He said he wanted to talk to his mother about something. He seems to be in the study now. What, are you busy?" Zhu Xu turned around and said back.

"What can happen to me?"

Zhu Qingqing shook her head, she was just a little strange.


"Brother, you said Commander Jiang and his mother often talk together. What exactly are they talking about?" Zhu Qingqing became a little suspicious and felt something was abnormal. This would be normal if her father Zhu Sheng was still alive.

But now that his father is dead, his revenge has been avenged, and they have decided to move, why do they still have anything to talk about?

She couldn't think clearly.

"How do I know?" Zhu Xu frowned slightly.

It had only been a few days since he returned home, and he and Jiang Che had just met, so naturally he didn't know what was going on between them.


Zhu Qingqing opened her mouth and suppressed a trace of doubt in her heart.

If I say it, it feels like an insult to my father and mother.

Besides, she still trusts Jiang Che's character.

There shouldn't be anything dirty.

"You, don't worry about anything else. After you finish the funeral for your father, go to Taishan City. By then, I will help you find a good family in Zhenhai Palace, and you can live a good life from now on."

Zhu Xu said in a deep voice.

The eldest brother is the father. Now that his father has passed away, he must take on the important responsibilities of the Zhu family.

It was impossible to let their mother and daughter stay in Yanggu County.

"I see."

Zhu Qingqing nodded silently.

What echoed in his mind was Jiang Che's face.

After all, it is fate but no destiny.

Seeing that Zhu Qingqing was not in high spirits, Zhu Xu then reassured:

"Do not worry"

"Don't worry, I have an innate body now. My whole body is free from dirt, dust and dirt."

Jiang Che was also comforting Mrs. Zhu at this moment.


Mrs. Zhu ignored Jiang Che, rinsed her mouth and sprayed it on the ground.

"You are such an enemy. I don't know where I saw these filthy things, but you let me go." With a slight snort, Mrs. Zhu felt as if her face was on fire.

She never thought she would stoop to this level.

The master has a spirit in heaven, and I don’t know what he will think of her.

But when faced with Jiang Che's request, she somehow felt like she would not refuse.

"Madam, these are the pleasures of the boudoir. I promised before Lieutenant Zhu County that I would take care of you mother and daughter, so how could I bully you? Don't worry." Jiang Che said with a smile.

"Is this how you take care of me?"

Mrs. Zhu rolled her eyes at Jiang Che.

Did anyone take care of them on the bed?

Especially when Zhu Sheng's body was still cold.

She doesn’t know where all her years of cultivation have gone.

"Madam, just tell me, are you taking good care of me?"

"not good."


"Okay. Okay."

Mrs. Zhu quickly begged for mercy, fearing that she would offend Jiang Che and come up with something else.

But then she said again:

"However, you can only take care of me. You must not drag Qing'er into the water."

Her face became solemn and she looked at Jiang Che very seriously.

"Madam, don't worry. Is Jiang the kind of person who has no bottom line?"


Mrs. Zhu just smiled.

Does Jiang Che have a bottom line?

Even her bottom line was gradually undermined by the other party.

"Let's stop here today. I won't show up tomorrow when Lieutenant Zhu Xian is buried. You and I can meet again in Taishan City in the future." Jiang Che tightened his belt and said casually.

"Well, I'll wait for you in Taishan."

Mrs. Zhu nodded melancholy.

"Why are you unhappy again?"

Mrs. Zhu shook her head and sighed softly:

"I was just thinking that if I do this, I will go to the eighteenth level of hell when I die."

"If there really is any hell, wouldn't it be more interesting for us to deal with you there if I go to rescue you?" Jiang Che joked with a smile.

"You... I didn't realize you were this kind of person when we first met. I thought you were a loyal person, but it turns out you have a lawless temper."

"When Jiang met his wife for the first time, he never thought that she was also a member of the same group."

"Okay, okay, go out quickly. If it takes too long, Xu'er and Qing'er may become suspicious."

"By the way, if you go to Mount Tai, you have to promise me what I said before."

Jiang Che paused and continued.

"It's really impossible not to be there."


"Okay, okay, it all depends on you, it all depends on you"

"You thief, why are you thinking about torturing me?"

Mrs. Zhu sighed secretly.

Jiang Che didn't learn about the whereabouts of the Qingming Lingyu in the Zhu Mansion. The only gain was that Mrs. Zhu opened up to him again, which was not in vain. Jiang Che didn't feel disappointed.

Although Qingming jade is rare, there are still many in the world.

The only thing that gave him a headache was the Xuanyin Blood Crystal.

This thing is relatively rare and difficult to handle.

The next day.

Jiang Che didn't go to Zhu Sheng's funeral, it was more than wrong. He had already done too much to help the Zhu family, so there was no need to rush to help with everything to show his loyalty.

Jiang Che doesn't care whether this thing is the best or not.

Not interested in doing it deliberately.

You can't stage a scene where Jiang Dutong cries to his grave, right?

It's not impossible, but who can I cry to?

Today, the only person in the Zhu family who is of some use value is Zhu Xu, but he is far from qualified to make Jiang Che surrender. Even Zhenhai Palace does not have that qualification.

Because Jiang Che now has a lot of confidence.

What he is busy with is collecting evil spirits for his own use.

In the past several sacrifices made by Jiang Che, he would collect the other sacrifices completely before going to the Yinsha Land to break through, but it is different now. He is about to leave Yanggu County.

It will be difficult to have time to come back in the future.

You can't just come back when you have a breakthrough, right?

Therefore, Jiang Che rushed to Guyue Lake alone early the next morning. It was here that Jiang Che forcibly sacrificed, broke through the peak of Tongmai, and killed Yu Xiaofeng, the second master of Crouching Tiger Mountain.

After staying for a moment, Jiang Che escaped directly from the void into the lake.

A dark golden light shrouded his body within a few feet, like an indestructible barrier, blocking out all the lake water.

Invulnerable to water and fire, invulnerable to swords.

This is the innate Qi!

Entering the sea of ​​fire, going up the mountain of swords, is like walking on flat ground.

Jiang Che stepped on the bottom of the lake with his legs and opened his arms.

A thought came to my mind.

The next moment, a mysterious vortex seemed to form around him, and streams of evil energy rose from the ground, converged towards him, and were quickly swallowed up.

The time lasted for a full quarter of an hour. Jiang Che changed his body shape and wandered around Guyue Lake, collecting the evil energy here.

It is difficult to collect such a huge amount of evil energy by just staying in one place.

When Jiang Che closed his eyes, he could clearly see that within the space of the Sky Monument, there were waves of evil energy swirling around, as if the place had turned into purgatory.

Thousands of evil spirits have been collected!

Like a dragon, Jiang Che emerged from the water, his eyes looking down.

Thousands of evil spirits have almost exhausted all the evil spirits in Guyue Lake. From now on, there will be no life or vegetation here, and life will gradually return to life.

In other words, Jiang Che's sacrifice was actually a good thing for Guyue Lake.

"Commander, why did you call me here?"

Geng Dabiao scratched his head and asked with some confusion.

As for Jiang Che's title, he subconsciously couldn't change it for a while and still called him Commander.

"How is cleaning up?"

Jiang Che personally helped Geng Dabiao pour a cup of tea.

He didn't have any thoughts of being flattered. He held the tea cup with a silly smile and drank it in one gulp, wiping the corners of his mouth:

"I have nothing to deal with. I'm just alone. I can leave at any time."

"Aren't you thinking about marrying a wife?"

With Jiang Che's current power and Geng Dabiao's current situation, I dare not say that the women who want to marry him are lining up from the south of the city to the north of the city, but as long as they make a sound, they will definitely come in droves.

After all, everyone knows that Geng Dabiao is his horse boy.

Still the kind of confidant who you trust so much.

Many people don't dare to dream about marrying Jiang Che, but if they can marry their children to Geng Dabiao, wouldn't they also be indirectly related to Jiang Che?

Just like the Li family in the south of the city, Li Xuanfeng became the disciple of Jiang Che, which made countless people envious.

It exists innately and has great power.

This is no longer a potential stock, but a daily limit stock.

"I never thought that if I haven't avenged my great revenge, how can I marry a wife and have children?"

Geng Dabiao said firmly.

"But I heard from Lao Xu that you have been running to Zuichun Tower a lot in the past few days. Why did you forget about the great feud at that time?" Jiang Che chuckled and thought Geng Dabiao was quite interesting.

"After all, marrying a wife and running into the fence are not the same thing."

Geng Dabiao scratched his head subconsciously, feeling a little embarrassed.

"I remember you said before that you were very disgusted with women in brothels. Why are you so disgusted now?"

After Geng Dabiao was silent for a moment, he whispered:

"I used to really hate the girls in brothels. I thought they were immodest and scratched their faces without looking like decent women."

"what about now?"

Jiang Che sat up slightly.

Hearing this, Geng Dabiao showed his big yellow teeth:

"Now I feel like I was quite pretentious before."


Jiang Che couldn't help but be amused by Geng Dabiao.


It's a talent.

"Commander, don't laugh. If you experience it, I will make you forget to leave." Geng Dabiao said hurriedly when he saw Jiang Che making fun of him.

"You are still too low-level to play."

Jiang Che shook his head.

Brothel hookups didn't interest him at all.

What he is playing now is much more exciting than a brothel.


Geng Dabiao opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

"Do you remember what I promised you before?"

Jiang Che changed his tone and returned to the right path.


Geng Dabiao was confused and a little puzzled.

Jiang Che smiled at him, but did not explain anything. He just tapped his fingers on the table, counting the time and the movement outside, when he heard the sound of horse hooves.

He turned his eyes to Geng Dabiao:


"What's coming?"

Geng Dabiao had more and more doubts in his heart.

"Sir, Commander Deng would like to see you."

Outside the door, the soldiers guarding the door sounded.

"Let him in."


Deng Yan held a cloth bag in his hand and pushed open the door. He first saluted Jiang Che, then looked at Geng Dabiao and grinned:

"Dabiao, guess what surprise I have prepared for you."

"What the hell?"

Geng Dabiao's eyes quickly turned to the package in his hand, with confusion on his face.

It doesn't seem like a fair trade.

"you guess?"

"Dog meat?"


"Resources for practice?"

"No, guess again."

Geng Dabiao scratched his head and thought for a moment:

"The inner armor I've always wanted?"

"No, no."

"Okay, just say it."

Jiang Che interrupted Deng Yan's pretense of mystery and knocked on the table.

"That's right, that's right, come out quickly." Geng Dabiao was also a little impatient.

Deng Yan threw the package in his hand on the ground, and the contents rolled out:

"Hey, it's your father's head."

Geng Dabiao: "."

Geng Dabiao stood up with a 'Teng' sound, staring closely at the head on the ground, clenching his fists tightly.

"Take charge of this. This."

He was intermittently excited and speechless.

"I promised you back then that one day I would help you avenge your grievances. Now that I have some abilities, I will naturally not break the promise. Last night I asked Lao Deng to lead the troops to the Geng family."

As time went by, he came to know more about Geng Dabiao's life experience.

Geng Dabiao's mother was originally a maid of the Geng family. She was accidentally raped by the drunken head of the Geng family, and then gave birth to his illegitimate son.

The life he lived was also extremely difficult. The mistress of the Geng family was jealous and forced his mother to commit suicide by throwing herself into a well seven years ago. Geng Dabiao himself was also assigned to do menial butcher work to survive.

In the end, the Geng family intensified their efforts. They not only expelled Geng Dabiao from the Geng family and smashed his stall, but also established good relations with many martial arts schools to prevent him from taking revenge.

Until later, he accidentally made the eldest young master of the Geng family unhappy and was tricked into entering the auxiliary barracks.

It can be said that it is not a pity for the Geng family to die.

Before, Jiang Che was not strong enough and did not have such a powerful force to rely on. The Geng family was also a family, and the head of the Geng family was still a master in the realm of Tongmai.

It can only be suppressed for the time being.

But it's different now.

Jiang Che is already the sixth-grade garrison commander, with nearly a thousand soldiers and horses under his command. Dealing with a small family can only be done with one hand.

Even to let Geng Dabiao sing "The Return of the King".

Just now, Deng Yan was asked to lead troops to surround and kill the head of the Geng family.

The remaining people are nothing to fear from Geng Dabiao today.

"Commander, subordinates, subordinates, subordinates"

Geng Dabiao knelt on the ground, choked and speechless.

The blood feud in his body has always been a thorn in his back. He originally thought there was no hope at all. It was not until he followed Jiang Che that he saw a glimmer of hope. It was possible to borrow Jiang Che's power.

It was completely unexpected that Jiang Che would take his matter to heart.

At this moment, the excitement in his heart could not be described in words.

Jiang Che helped Geng Dabiao up, punched his broad shoulders and chest with his fists, and then said with a solemn expression:

"Geng Dabiao obeys orders."

"Please give me your orders."

"I order you to lead three hundred elite soldiers from the military camp to annihilate the Geng Mansion. No one will be spared, and the humiliation they have left on you will be returned to them ten times a hundred times. Even if the sky is broken, I will still be there to help you." "Hold on!"

"Thank you Dutong!"

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