All Offerings for Quick Enlightenment, Who Needs Arduous Cultivation?

Chapter 109 Tutong’s kindness will never end!

This day was very unsafe for the Geng family in Tai'an Prefecture.

Because Geng Yizhou, the head of the Geng family who was inspecting Zhuangzi outside, was cut off his head by a group of soldiers after being asked about his identity. Then, he left regardless of everything.

After the news came back to the Geng family, it caused a sensation on the spot.

The Geng family is not a top family power in Tai'an Mansion, but it is not something that Amao and Agou can bully. The head of the Geng family has already reached the peak of Tongmai, and has deep connections, and his wife has a big background.

Ordinary forces would not take action against the Geng family without any deep grudges.

But now.

But his head was cut off on the spot!

It's obvious to everyone that this is just the beginning.

"Ming Yi, I'm afraid something big is going to happen to the Geng family. You should take some of the property in the house to Taishan City. With the Lu family taking care of it, the people who do it may not dare to go too far."

The mistress of the Geng family ordered her precious son with a solemn expression.

She was from the Lu family of Yushan, one of the six major Jianghu forces in Tai'an Prefecture, and she was deeply rooted. Although she was just a concubine, after marrying into the Geng family, no one dared to mess with her.

Even Geng Yizhou, the head of the Geng family, had to let her go.

This is her confidence.

But now, the sudden change made her confidence weak, urging Geng Mingyi to leave.

"Mom, what about you?"

Geng Mingyi looked solemn.

"I'll stay here to see if that person will give me the respect of the Yushan Lu family. If he is not a big shot and dares to kill the master, I must make him pay the price!"

The mistress of the Geng family squinted her eyes, which became more and more profound.

"Madam. Madam is not well. Outside"

"Why panic? Just tell me if you have anything to say!"

The mistress of the Geng family snorted coldly.

"A group of soldiers wearing armor came outside and surrounded the Geng family!"

The maidservant who was prostrating on the ground was so anxious that she almost cried.


Mistress Geng's face changed immediately, she didn't expect it to arrive so soon!

Not long after the news of the master's death came back, he didn't expect that the other party would take action.

But thinking about it carefully, it seems that the time can be correct. The master died outside the city, and it was half a day before he was discovered and the news was sent back. It has been delayed a lot of time.

"Let's go, I want to see what kind of enemy the Geng family has provoked!"

"I didn't expect your life experience to be so miserable. Fortunately, you met Du Tong. Otherwise, if you were sent to the border, not to mention revenge, even survival would be a luxury."

Deng Yan couldn't help but said after listening to Geng Dabiao's detailed account of the past.

"Yes, I will never be able to finish Tutong's kindness in this lifetime."

"But you are also not smart. If I were you, I would have committed some serious crime to kill the nine tribes, and then implicated the Geng family. It would be the same." Deng Yan grinned.

"Hey, you're really a fucking talent!"

Geng Dabiao touched his head and felt that Deng Yan, a guy who couldn't beat a fart with three sticks, had a very strange brain circuit.

While talking and laughing, the two of them were already riding tall horses and approaching the gate of Geng Mansion.

This time, in order to quickly decide the battle, Jiang Che sent out cavalry. In any case, Tai'an Fucheng was not his home ground, and he could not show off too much.

In front of the gate, the guards of the Geng family held sticks in their hands and looked at each other. They kept retreating under the pressure of the soldiers until the voice of the Geng family mistress came out:

"I don't know where my Geng family has offended you, sir, and actually brought troops to our doorstep. Can you please give my mother's family a face and let my Geng family go?"

The Geng family nurses quickly moved out of the way. The Geng family's mistress said that she had already led Geng Mingyi to the door. She looked directly at the man in armor on horseback, who always felt very familiar.

Geng Mingyi, who was beside him, recognized Geng Dabiao at a glance. He opened his mouth wide and pointed at him stammeringly:

"Geng. Geng Dabiao."

"Geng Dabiao?"

The mistress of the Geng family frowned slightly at first, thinking about the name, but then her expression changed drastically.

Isn't this the bastard born of that cheap maid?

how come.

But she heard Ming Yi say that she had already found a way to get him to the auxiliary barracks to die.

But what is the situation now?

"It's rare that you mother and son still remember me. Hey, it's finally time to pay back the grudges we've had over the years." Geng Dabiao took off his helmet and looked down at the two figures in front of him.

Killing intent surrounded his eyes.

"It's you, how could you do this?"

"This is not something you should care about. Back then, you old bitch forced my mother to commit suicide by throwing herself into a well to save me. Today, I won't let you die so easily.

Over the years, I have practiced the knife skills of Chef Ding and Jie Niu, and I just used it on you mother and son! "

Geng Dabiao's murderous intent became even stronger.

After saying that, he immediately raised his hand and prepared to take action.

But at this moment, a loud shout came from the side:

"Stop! Stop!"

A group of soldiers immediately pointed their spears at the incoming group of people.

The leader was a middle-aged man in official robes. He glanced at Geng Dabiao and others and said in a deep voice:

"I'm Yuan He, the chief arrester of Tai'an Prefecture. I don't know which battalion of soldiers you are from. Why did you bring the troops here? Do you have an order?"

"Master Yuan."

Seeing the reinforcements arriving, the mistress of the Geng family breathed a sigh of relief.

"A certain person is the commander of Taishan Guards Jiangdu. The Geng family has an affair with the Qingtian Sect bandits and was ordered to exterminate the clan. Is Capt. Yuan trying to stop him?" Geng Dabiao took out Jiang Che's waistband that he had prepared in advance and showed it directly.

"Tongjiangdu, which Jiangdutong?"

Yuan He frowned slightly.

He knew the official position of Dutong, but there were only a few Dutongs in the entire Tai'an Mansion, and none of them seemed to have the surname Jiang, especially the Taishan Guarding Dutong.

It seems that his surname is not Jiang at all.

But since the other party dares to show his identity and show his identity, it seems that there is nothing fake about it.

"Jiang Dutong, do I need to explain to you? If you want to stop me, you can give it a try." Deng Yan on the side snorted coldly, not afraid of any bullshit headhunting.


Yuan He's tone was choked. This arrogant style was exactly the same as that from the military camp.

Looking around, he saw that most of them were cavalry in armor, so he wisely shut his mouth.

He does have a lot of connections with the Geng family, but this is not enough for him to start a conflict with a sixth-grade headhunter, even if the two sides are not the same system at all.

But it's not necessary.

Seeing Yuan He backing down, the mistress of the Geng family became even more ugly and said in a deep voice:

"I am the daughter of the Lu family in Yushan, Geng Dabiao. If you dare to touch me, aren't you afraid of causing trouble to Jiang Dutong behind you?"

She subconsciously thought that Geng Dabiao had climbed up to Gao Zhier, and this time he took advantage of his power to attack.

After all, even the governor would not be so easy to do something in Fucheng.

Geng Dabiao showed some hesitation.

Deng Yan on the side said:

"Da Biao, don't forget what I promised you before. If you have the guts, don't be afraid today!"

"Damn it, at worst risk your life, you bitch, you dare to scream here when you are about to die!" Geng Dabiao was provoked by Deng Yan, jumped up suddenly, and hit Geng Mingyi with a knife.


With brute force, he knocked Geng Mingyi away with one strike of his sword. Then, with a grin on his face, he grabbed the mistress of the Geng family and hit her with a fist as big as a sandbag:

"What a bullshit Lu family, you can't stop me today!"

After dealing with the mother and son, Geng Dabiao had people tie them up, and then waved his hand:

"Conquer the entire family and exterminate the entire clan, leaving no one behind!"

This place bears the suffering of his childhood. No one is willing to help the mother and son, and he has no mercy today.

Fighting begins.

The killing begins.

The Geng family's guards were no match for the well-trained military soldiers. The so-called fighting was simply one-sided.

Looking at this scene, Yuan He frowned tightly, and then backed down a few feet.

Prepare to report today's matter to the government office.

"I apologize to the Commander-in-Chief!"

In the main tent of the Armed Forces, Jiang Che, dressed in armor, bowed to Qi Sanjia who was standing above him.

"Oh? What crime did you commit?"

Qi Sanjia raised his eyebrows slightly.

He had just been appointed as the guard of Mount Tai. Could it be that he had caused some trouble?

It shouldn't be

At this time, I'm afraid the other party hasn't taken office yet, right?

"My subordinates ordered that a concubine from the Yushan Lu family in Tai'an Prefecture be killed, and no one from the family she married into was left alive," Jiang Che said solemnly.

Before Geng Dabiao took action, he reported to him the origin of the Geng family's mistress.

Of course this is not easy to handle, but Jiang Che doesn't care.

He helped Geng Dabiao not only because he was loyal and devoted his life to him, but also because he wanted to establish an image that could support them in front of his subordinates.

Only in this way can you calm down.

Not to mention the concubine of the Lu family, he would kill her even if she was his legitimate son and legitimate daughter.

But after all, the place of action was in Fucheng, and the commotion must be quite big. Qi Sanjia had to be notified, and he could prepare for it.

He, Jiang Che, is so arrogant in everything he does!

"Why do you do it?"

Qi Sanjia's expression remained unchanged and he just asked casually.

He was not afraid of the Lu family, but he needed a reason to do something in Fucheng.

It’s okay to be arrogant and domineering, but it must be well-founded.

If you are blindly arrogant, you won't survive long.

"The cause is a commander under my subordinates."

Jiang Che told Geng Dabiao's story in a concise and shocking manner.

Qi Sanjia smiled lightly:

"You are young, but you know how to win people's hearts. Yes, you are a good superior officer. But when you say this, do you also want this Captain to be your reliance in the future?"

"My lord, aren't you the one that my subordinates rely on?"

Jiang Che raised his head and smiled.

Qi Sanjia stared at Jiang Che for a few breaths, then nodded slightly:

"What you said is right. This Captain is indeed your support. She is just a concubine, and she will die if she dies. However, if you have a grudge against the Lu family before you take office, it will be difficult in the future.

The Lu family has been rooted in Tai'an Mansion for hundreds of years. It is not only present in the world, but also has many connections in the officialdom. Be careful in the future. "

"With the support of Lord Captain, my subordinates have nothing to fear from the Lu family. This is the land of the imperial court and is governed by the government. When will it be the turn of a political force to threaten the government?"

"What you said is not unreasonable."

Qi Sanjia smiled, and he saw a trace of himself in Jiang Che's body when he was young. The reason why it was just a trace was because he was not so arrogant when he was young.

Young people, it's a good thing to be more energetic.

"These are some innate Taoist scriptures that I have in my hands. If you are willing, you can practice them and try them. If there are other better ones, just keep them with you for reference."

Qi Sanjia took out a black wooden box that he had prepared a long time ago and placed it on the desk.

Jiang Che nodded, stepped forward to take it, and then eagerly opened it to take a look.

There are three books in total, all of which are complete exercises.

The first book is called Shanhelu.

The second original name is, Chixiao Sutra.

The third book is the thinnest, Burning Sea Gong.

Looking at the names alone, the three Xiantian Dao Sutras were indeed good. As for the contents, Jiang Che didn't have time to take a closer look. After checking them, he put them in the wooden box.

"Shanhelu was obtained by me from annihilating a sect in other prefectures. It is quite satisfactory and stable. There is nothing extraordinary about it. The only advantage is that it is peaceful.

The Scarlet Sky Scripture was a gift from other Taoist friends. It is most suitable for sword cultivation. It can refine the Scarlet Sky Sword Qi, which is extremely sharp. As for the Burning Sea Technique, it is considered the strongest among the three books.

If you can cultivate it, you will be full of Burning Sea Gang Qi, and you will be extremely domineering. However, it is too strong and difficult to practice. You can decide whether to practice it yourself. "

Qi Sanjia informed Jiang Che of the pros and cons of the three techniques.

These techniques are not as good as those inherited from the Qi family, but they are not bad if placed in the Tai'an Mansion. Several Xiantian under his command are all practicing these techniques.

Not much worse than the techniques of several major forces.

Jiang Che nodded slightly and decided to wait until the Sanjue Jingsha sacrifices, and then compare the remaining skills brought by Zhu Xu before making a plan.

As for Qi Sanjia, he did not mention any reference to the residual technique.

Without him, Zhu Xu is not sophisticated enough and is easily deceived.

But if it were Qi Sanjia, he would probably be able to tell the truth about him.

He is just innate and wants to refer to other techniques and create his own one. It is impossible at all. It is easy for him to spy out what kind of strange treasure he may be pregnant with.

Zhu Sheng's matter was at hand, and there was no room for him to be careless.

"You are here to guard Mount Tai, which can be regarded as helping my captain solve a problem in his mind. Do you have any other requirements? As long as it is not too much, my captain can help you."

Qi Sanjia said in a deep voice.

Jiang Che was not polite and said immediately:

"My subordinate has practiced a sword technique that affects my mind, and I boldly want to ask you for a Qingming Spirit Jade and Xuanyin Blood Crystal to assist in my practice."

"You are so rude, kid. The Qingming Spirit Jade is fine. I still have a few in my hand, but this Xuanyin Blood Crystal is different. This thing is not particularly precious, but it is quite rare.

I don't use this thing on weekdays, so I don't have any treasures. "

Qi Sanjia laughed and cursed.

"Do you know who has the Xuanyin Blood Crystal in the Tai'an Mansion? This subordinate is in urgent need of it," Jiang Che continued.

Qi Sanjia tapped his fingers on the table and was silent for a moment before speaking:

"I'm not sure who owns this thing, but I can make some guesses about who is most likely to own it."


"Wangyue Lake Cheng Family."


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