All Offerings for Quick Enlightenment, Who Needs Arduous Cultivation?

Chapter 130 The end, Jiang Che becomes a Buddha? !


It fell into the air, like a kite with its string broken, and hit the ground heavily from a height of more than ten meters, kicking up bursts of dust.




Deathly silence.

Everyone watching this battle was stunned.

No one thought that Yi Kong, who was evenly matched before and was still in a stalemate just now, suddenly vomited blood and fell to the ground.

Such a scene is tantamount to causing waves in everyone's hearts.

Empty. Defeated!

No one thought that this person, who was tied for first place with Fulongguan Li Daoping and the most outstanding Buddhist disciple in Jinyuan Temple for hundreds of years, was even valued by eminent monks.

It was such a simple defeat.

When looking at Jiang Che, everyone's eyes changed instantly.

The greedy monk glared angrily, anxious. The moment Monk Yi Kong fell, he jumped up and quickly stepped forward, ready to help Yi Kong up.

My heart was extremely trembling.

Yi Kong was forcibly invited by him out of kindness and kindness in the past, and he also accepted a batch of property from the Lu family. It's a good thing that Yi Kong won. It can be said that he knows people with a keen eye and eliminates harm for the people.

But if it fails, it will be the prestige of Jinyuan Temple that will be damaged.

Why has Jin Yuan Temple continued to help Yi Kong build momentum these years?

Isn't it just to completely overwhelm Fulongguan?

But now, hope is gone.

When he returned to the temple, he could even foresee his own fate.

You will definitely be severely punished.

And even if he put all this aside and looked at the matter from the perspective of his elder master, he was still heartbroken and unable to extricate himself.

It was he who personally introduced Yikong into Buddhism.

It was he who watched the disciples grow up.

Although he is a nephew, he is no different from his master.

He couldn't imagine what kind of blow it would be to Jinyuan Temple if Yi Kong suffered setbacks, trauma, or even interrupted the momentum of growth due to this battle.

He himself couldn't get over this hurdle.

The Lu family also whined.

Everyone knows that when Jiang Che was invited to fight, the Lu family was behind it. The original intention was to destroy Jiang Che's foundation and rebuild the Lu family's former glory, but now, they made Jiang Che's wedding dress.

In a fair and upright manner, under the attention of thousands of people, Jiang Che defeated the entire Jinyuan Temple, which further fueled this man's arrogance.

In the future, in this Tai'an Mansion, if a strong person in the divine light realm does not come out, who can subdue this person?

Will the Lu family begin to decline from today on?

This is a huge question lingering over the Lu family.

When Lu Xingyun saw this scene, his energy and blood surged, and he even took a few steps back unsteadily. His face was extremely ugly, and his hands under his robe were trembling.


He didn't expect that even the empty Jinyuan Temple could do nothing to stop Jiang Che.

Without the ancestor, the Lu family is in danger!

Also, if Monk Yikong is seriously injured, Jin Yuan Temple may also hold the Lu family accountable.

Every time he thought about this, he felt dizzy and his eyesight turned black.


Lu Pingzhou hurriedly held Lu Xingyun's arm, his brows furrowed tightly, and he didn't even dare to raise his head to look at Jiang Che's figure. Even if there was no defeat, it was just the previous fight between the two.

When he faced Jiang Che, he felt a sense of extreme fear in his heart.

He didn't know why, he was just afraid.

The hatred he felt before was suppressed to the bottom of his heart, and he did not dare to show it at all.

He knew that doing this would be embarrassing and would make the Lu family feel ashamed if word spread about it, but he was afraid from the bottom of his heart and felt that this person was his natural nemesis.

A trace of inner demon has already arisen.

Among the Lu family, there was only one person who was not only not afraid nor angry, but was even particularly happy.

That is Huang Shanshan.

Everyone else lowered their heads and did not dare to look directly at Jiang Che. She was the only one who never lowered her gaze from the beginning to the end. She was the only one in her eyes.


Shining brightly!

At this moment, she seemed to believe what Jiang Che had promised before.

He will come to save her on her wedding day, riding on colorful auspicious clouds.

Somehow, she remembered the scene where she showed Jiang Che the apartment layout in the main hall of the city lord's palace.

There was a hint of blush on the cheeks, and there was an impulse.

She wanted to show Jiang Che her best self.

Last time, she only showed the floor plan. Next time, she wanted to completely open the room to Jiang Che.

Jiang Che was allowed to enter and exit the portal to visit.


Lu Xingyun whispered.

"Father, what are your orders?"

"In a few days, you and Huang Shanshan will get married. In the future, the Lu family will also be in your hands. Don't disappoint me."

"Yes, kid, remember that."

Lu Pingzhou nodded heavily.

"Mom, when Jiang Dutong and I were in Zhujiapu, they were completely different."

Zhu Qingqing raised her head and looked at the man who was radiating thousands of brilliance. Although she was praising him on her lips, there was a dull pain in her heart.

It's a pity that such a man will eventually drift away from her.

She was once just the daughter of a county captain and was not worthy of such a heroic man.

Ashamed of oneself.

Apart from regret, she only felt ashamed of herself at the moment.

She was even thinking that if Jiang Che really got married to her, would she be happy or sad to see him look like this now.

"Yes, your father has really good taste."

Mrs. Zhu did not look back, but just grabbed her daughter's wrist with her hand, because at this moment, she was also attracted by Jiang Che's figure. Under the reflection of the sun, it was like a god descending.

Jiang Che was right.

What to do if you think so much, just be happy in the moment.

She couldn't have such a man in her lifetime, but she was lucky to have him for a while.

She wanted it very much at the moment.

She wanted Jiang Che to walk into her room and walk back and forth non-stop.

It's best to leave something inside before pulling out.

Zhu Xu's eyes were unconsciously observing the Zhenhai Palace Xiantian who came to watch the battle this time, for fear that the other party would see that the method used by Jiang Che was the Qinglong Zhenhai Jing.

Even if it is a fragment, it is still the method of suppressing the clan of Zhenhai Palace.

Once it is proven that he leaked it, the consequences will be disastrous.

As for Wan Pengyun's idea, it is much simpler.

At the moment when Yi Kong fell from the void, there were only two words in his heart.


Finally stable!

After losing everything, he and Jiang Che made a lot of money this time.

This is joy from the heart.

So what if Wanshou Village has a close relationship with Jinyuan Temple?

As long as you can earn a large amount of Yuan Jing, everything will be worth it!

The effort of the four-leaf Ganoderma lucidum is worth it.

Jiang Che's eyes were like a torch, scanning the reactions of the people below, and finally settled on Monk Yikong, with an imperceptible smile unconsciously raised at the corner of his mouth.

If it was just a head-to-head confrontation, Jiang Che could clearly say that there was nothing he could do to the other party.

Because the other party's body is really too hard.

His physical defense was the first time he had encountered such a difficult opponent.

In the previous physical collisions, he had only remained undefeated, but in fact he had already fallen into a disadvantage. If the stalemate continued, it would be difficult to predict the outcome.

Fortunately, he has artistic conception.

And Yi Kong's mind was obviously flawed.

Some of this can be seen from the verbal exchanges before the battle.

His belief in Buddhism seems to be somewhat unstable from the bottom of his heart.

Jiang Che just grasped this point and constantly suppressed it based on his artistic conception, so that he could end the battle so quickly.

If Yikong truly believed in Buddhist teachings, he would never be able to break the other party's Taoist heart with just a few words.

Through Yi Kong's last two sentences, Jiang Che was even sure that what Yi Kong had shattered was not only his Taoist heart, but also his faith. He himself had been unconsciously affected by his inner demons.

This made Jinyuan Temple more heartbroken than destroying him.

Become a demon from Buddha.

Fall into hell forever.

The harvest from this battle has completely achieved the goal.

He got the sacrifice he wanted, successfully opened the nine profound orifices of his body, reached the pinnacle, shattered the Lu family's conspiracy, and improved his prestige in Taishan City.

It also dealt a heavy blow to the Lu family and Jin Yuan Temple.

"One empty. One empty."

Monk Jie Greed supported Monk Yikong, constantly calling him, looking anxious, and even transferred the true energy into his body, but the true energy wandered through his meridians, which made him look solemn and puzzled.

It was clear that his physical injuries were not serious, so why was it so difficult to wake up?

He really couldn't wake up Monk Yikong, because at this moment, he couldn't hear any sounds from the outside world at all, and he was still in a sea of ​​blood mood.

The only difference is that this artistic conception was not constructed by Jiang Che, but transformed by himself.

Sitting between the sea of ​​blood, heaven and earth, the blood color around him gradually faded away, turning into a dark red mood intertwined with blood and gold, and his eyes became increasingly red.

It's not the gaze of a normal person at all.

What came to my ears were all the words Jiang Che had said before.

Every word was engraved in his heart.

Buddha is not wrong, he is wrong.

These are the Buddhist disciples in the world who practice the wrong Buddha.

They misinterpreted the true meaning of the Buddha and caused the people to suffer.

Clean up the door of Buddhism and build the true Buddha again.

The day Buddhism is clarified is the day when he achieves the Buddha's heart.


Monk Yikong opened his eyes, and the red and bloody eyes immediately made Monk Jie Greed feel a chill in his heart, and he quickly said:

"Yikong, what are you doing?"

"Uncle Master, now Buddhism has gone astray and misinterpreted the true meaning of the Buddha. Are you willing to work with me to reshape Buddhism?"

As soon as he opened his mouth, he was deviant.

This also made Monk Jie Greed very angry, and he uttered the words of the Buddha:

"Yikong, you are possessed!"

But his Buddhist sound could not shake the artistic conception he had constructed. He shook his head:

"Uncle Master, you are obsessed with the image, but I have already realized it when I fought with the real Buddha."

"The real Buddha. Who is the real Buddha?"

Jie Cai froze on the spot, his mouth wide open.

"Jiang Che is the true Buddha."


At this moment, Jie Cai felt a surge of anger rushing directly to the top of his head.

Is the real Buddha Jiang Che?


He stood up and glared at Jiang Che:

"Jiang Che, what did you do to Yi Kong!"

"Jiang just wanted Master Yikong to return to orthodoxy and break away from evil ways."

Jiang Che said calmly.

"Poor monk, I will definitely kill you today!"

The greedy monk was furious. He raised his hand and saw the Buddha's light shrouding him. He was about to attack Jiang Che. He even hoped that Yi Kong would be seriously injured at this moment instead of being eroded by his inner demons.

This made him even more angry than destroying the foundation.

A dignified disciple of Jinyuan Temple and a true disciple of Buddhism, but he regards Buddhism as a heresy and the devil Jiang Che as a true Buddha. This is simply apostasy and a disgrace to Buddhism!

As soon as he finished speaking, he wanted to take revenge.

However, for such a desperate matter, Jiang Che didn't even need to take action. Qi Sanjia, who was watching the battle not far away, just snorted coldly and stepped on the red-horned alien beast with his hooves.

The ground immediately began to shake and a gap opened.

A loud thunder sounded in the head of Jiedong.

"Bald Donkey, do you think this captain is nothing?"


Jie Cai came back to his senses and looked at Qi Sanjia, his eyes filled with surprise and uncertainty.

Qi Sanjia was not ready to stop, but wanted to teach these bald donkeys a lesson. The red-horned beast beneath him stepped on the air, and in an instant appeared in front of Jie Cai, pressing down hard with his two hooves.


The red-horned beast that had blessed Qi Sanjia's true essence was so powerful that it overwhelmed Monk Jie Greed's face and changed drastically. The glazed golden bell he held up was almost broken, and cracks began to appear.

The strong pressure made it difficult for his back to hold up. He bent his legs and slowly knelt down towards Qi Sanjia.

The greedy monk's eyes were splitting, and he kept raising his energy, but it was of no use at all. It was just a drop in the bucket. Qi Sanjia, who was at the level of divine light, was an existence that he could not match.

Just when he was about to lose his support, a Buddha's name stopped him from kneeling.


In the void, a thin figure with golden light slowly appeared. He had no eyebrows or beard, but his face was full of wrinkles, like a piece of dry bark. As he walked, the light of the Buddha continued.

Like a Buddha statue enshrined in a temple.

Jiang Che's pupils shrank, and he felt a great danger from the skinny figure.


Realizing this, Jiang Che immediately fell from the void and landed next to Qi Sanjia, giving up the idea of ​​continuing to pretend.

His advance arrangements were indeed correct. These bald donkeys indeed had no moral ethics.

If you can't beat him, shake him!


Qi Sanjia snorted coldly, and a mountainous force suddenly suppressed him, not giving any face to the old monk who appeared.


The greedy monk also knelt heavily on the ground, with a blush on his lips as he glared angrily.

"Donor Qi, why are you doing this?"

The old monk frowned slightly, feeling a little annoyed at Qi Sanjia's behavior.

"This is what I, the captain, should be asking you, right? Why do you want to overwhelm others with strength when you can't compete with your peers? Are you pretending that I am not here, or are you treating the court's laws as if they are nothing?"

Qi Sanjia asked in a deep voice.

"Quit being greedy, why do you take action?"

The old monk waved his hand, and the pressure on the greedy monk gradually disappeared. He raised his head and whispered:

"I am presiding over the apology. It is my disciple who was possessed by Jiang Che and could not suppress his anger for a moment."


The old monk stared into the sky and saw the red blood in his eyes.

A clear sign of obsession.

"Ikong, wake up!"

The old monk did not hesitate. Yi Kong was the pillar of Jinyuan Temple in the future and his most valued disciple. How could he fail here and sink into the sand? Immediately he clasped his hands together and uttered thunderous sounds from his mouth.

The six-character Buddhist mantra kept spitting out and falling on Yikong.

But the people around him were not affected at all.

"Anma. Mi. Coax."


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