The sound of Buddha enters the ears and penetrates the mind.

The old monk clasped his hands together, and the golden light around him shone, covering all the monks on the ground, forcibly purifying his possessed mind.

As a person who has practiced cultivation for many years, Wangchen knows that this matter cannot be delayed. The longer it is delayed, the deeper the demonic nature will penetrate.

After more than ten breaths, Monk Yikong sat down again and opened his eyes. The red blood in his eyes had faded away, and he regained clarity. He was silent for a moment and saluted Monk Wangchen:

"Thank you, host, for your help."

Monk Wangchen nodded slightly, his calm eyes turned from Yi Kong to Jiang Che next to Qi Sanjia, and frowned:

"The mere confrontation of artistic conceptions will cause the Buddha nature to be completely lost and evil thoughts to deepen. Donor, your sins are too heavy. If you don't repent early, you will suffer backlash in the future."

That's it again!

Jiang Che was really a little surprised. Could these monks just make excuses?

Who do you want to save when you meet someone?

He immediately said:

"I guess you are Master Wangchen of Jinyuan Temple."

"It's the poor monk."

"Originally Jiang admired the master's state of mind cultivation, but from this statement, it can be seen that the master's practice is not yet at home. What does the practice of state of mind have to do with sin?

Jiang did have countless lives on his hands, but the people he killed were either bandits, corrupt officials, or Jianghu people whose hands were stained with blood. These people were of no benefit to the people. I think it should not be a sin to kill them. But merit.

Or in the eyes of the master, are these the only people considered human? Are those poor people and incense believers just consumables in the eyes of the master, not human beings? "

Even facing the so-called host of Jinyuan Temple, Jiang Che was not afraid at all, because he had Qi Sanjia's support beside him. If he wanted to make a sophistry, he was not afraid at all.

"What the poor monk said was only the sins of the donor, not the sins of the people."

"Okay, then Jiang has a question. I dare you to ask the master to answer it."


"I heard a saying in a Buddhist scripture that the Buddha saw 48,000 insects in a bowl of water. Are these insects living creatures? If they were living creatures, how many lives would the monks of Jinyuan Temple kill every day?

Is this a sin? "

Jiang Che said calmly.

"The donor's eloquence is unparalleled, and the poor monk admires him."

Monk Wangchen's expression remained unchanged and he was not affected by Jiang Che's words. Now he finally understood why Yi Kong was possessed by the devil in his artistic conception. With such an understanding of Buddhist scriptures, he could indeed catch the loopholes.

"The host has not yet answered Jiang's question."

"The Buddha said, recite the sutra three times before drinking water to save these living beings. Killing is inevitable in this world," Wangchen replied.

"Since we are still alive, killing is inevitable. Master said that my sins are serious. Where does it come from?"

Jiang Che continued to be aggressive.

Yi Kong on the side lowered his head with an indifferent expression.

"Almsgiver Qi, we have lost everything today, so let's call it a day."

Monk Wangchen stopped arguing with Jiang Che. He found that Jiang Che's questioning angle was very tricky. If he hadn't studied Buddhist scriptures for many years, he could easily be led astray.

He argued with Jiang Che, and it was natural that he would win, but if he lost, it would be a shame.

"It should have been so long ago."

Qi Sanjia snorted coldly.

I have already been mentally prepared for the shameless behavior of the monk Jinyuan Temple.

If he hadn't been here, even if Jiang Che could win today, the opponent would never give up.


Wangchen nodded slightly, then glanced at Monk Jiedong, and said calmly:

"After today's work, let's go back to the temple."


The monk who abstained from greed did not dare to see the host.

After saying that, Monk Wangchen turned around and left without saying a word, his steps moving several feet in an instant.

Only when Monk Yikong followed him, he paused slightly. When he looked back at Jiang Che, a very obvious red bloodshot flashed in his eyes, but it quickly disappeared without a trace.

When the other party turned back to look at each other, Jiang Che kept watching and noticed the subtle changes in the other party, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

To purify the mind?

Get rid of inner demons?


But in Yi Kong's heart, Jin Yuan Temple is the heretic!

With the departure of all the monks from Jinyuan Temple, this battle was equivalent to a complete end, but the surrounding warriors were talking as if a pot had exploded.

Discussing the shock of the battle between Jiang Che and Yikong.

It is foreseeable that this battle will shock Tai'an Mansion more than the battle at Chengjiazhuang, and Jiang Che's reputation will also reach a point.

Because as a government official, defeating the Tai'an Prefecture is almost equivalent to the number one genius. This is the first case in at least decades, and it is also the first case to hold a position in Taishan Town.

Li Daoping tied for first place with Yi Kong, but now Jiang Che defeated Yi Kong.

what does that mean?

This means that Jiang Che is now number one in Tai'an!

For the first time, the government overwhelmed Jianghu.

Seeing that Master Wangchen of Jinyuan Temple had no choice but to retreat, Lu Xingyun couldn't hide the bitterness on his face. He pulled Lu Pingzhou and everyone in the Lu family and left immediately.

He was afraid that if he didn't leave, it would be even more difficult if Jiang Che's eyes fell on them again.

But he was indeed wrong.

Although Jiang Che had murderous intentions for the other party's secret tricks to invite people from Jinyuan Temple, he would not reveal it at this time because of Huang Shanshan.

Only when Huang Shanshan breaks through the innate and condenses the ice phoenix spiritual energy will he destroy the Lu family.

Let's let the Lu family live for a few more days.

Everyone retreated, including the Zhu family's mother and daughter. Even if they had something to say, they couldn't say it in public.

Only the group from Zhenhai Palace stayed where they were for the time being. Seeing that Jiang Che was about to leave, the middle-aged man at the head stepped forward and clasped his fists:

"In Zhenhai Palace, Lu Pingfeng met Qi Duwei and Jiang Dutong."

Zhu Xu and other disciples followed behind him.

"What's important, Elder Lu?"

Jiang Che asked rhetorically without changing his expression.

"Jiang Dutong displayed his might and defeated them all. He even left Monk Wangchen speechless in just a few words. Lu is deeply impressed by this, but I have a little question. Can I ask Jiang Dutong to answer it?"

He said solemnly.

"Elder Lu, if you have something to say, just say it bluntly."

"When Jiang Dutong fought against Monk Yikong before, he used a dragon-shaped aura in his palm. I wonder which technique it came from? To be honest, Lv looked like it was similar to my Zhenhai Palace technique, so he was worried about it. suspect."

Lu Pingfeng stared at Jiang Che with burning eyes.

Before, I just felt there were some similarities, but the more I thought about it, the more I felt that the palm techniques and boxing techniques used by Jiang Che, especially the sound of the dragon's roar, were almost very similar to the incomplete technique recorded in the Sutra Pavilion.

"Haha. That's a coincidence. This skill is called Dragon Subduing Jue. It was acquired by Jiang when he was young in Qinglin River, Yanggu County. Could it be that it was lost by Guizong?"

Jiang Che looked surprised.

Only Qi Sanjia on the side smiled and said nothing.

If Jiang Che had such skills, he would not have accepted those skills from him before.

But that's not necessarily true, because the skill was a gift from him, and Jiang Che didn't seem to say that he didn't have the skill.

But no matter which one, Jiang Che's cultivation method is related to Zhenhai Palace, which is somewhat interesting.

When Jiang Che took action before, his methods were so tyrannical that even Qi Sanjia was shocked. Even he did not have such a high-level technique.

Only the direct descendants of the Qi family can compete with it.

However, he did not feel any covetous thoughts about it.

For things like Kung Fu, the higher the level, the better. The one that suits you is the best. Some people only pursue top Kung Fu but don't have the talent, so practicing is just a waste of time.

Furthermore, with the talent and ability that Jiang Che has shown now, he will only value it and will not force the other party to hand it over.

Lu Pingfeng opened his mouth, and when he saw Jiang Che's teasing eyes, his eyes moved, and he cupped his fists and said:

"That may be a misunderstanding, Jiang Dutong. See you later."


Jiang Che watched several people leave without taking it too seriously.

He has even made enemies of Jinyuan Temple now. Is it possible that a declining Zhenhai Palace still wants to threaten him?

Although there is still some threat to him now, once he breaks through the middle stage of Xiantian, there will be nothing to worry about.

In the city lord's palace, above the main hall.

Jiang Che and Qi Sanjia were also discussing today's battle.

"Before, I thought you were exaggerating. I thought that if you were defeated, I would help you. Unexpectedly, you really gave me a surprise."

Qi Sanjia sighed sincerely.

Not long ago, Jiang Checai was just a junior who had just entered Xiantian. Because of Qi Huan's introduction, he had just fallen into his eyes. Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, he could rival Jin Yuan Temple.

What kind of existence is that?

That is an existence that is valued by all the Buddhist Vajras in the Mysterious Dan Realm.

He is an existence that can be compared with Li Daoping. He is a genius who can be ranked high even in the entire Yuezhou. He has been famous in Tai'an Prefecture for many years, but his Taoist heart was broken by an unknown person, Jiang Che.

It's really unimaginable.

Before the war started, he really had no idea. He thought Jiang Che would lose, so he showed up before the war started, just to prevent Yi Kong from killing and rescue him in time.

The result was unexpected.

The promise made by Jiang Che really came true.

"Even if it's for your Lord's Dragon Blood Grass, my subordinates have to work hard to win. Otherwise, how can I dare to continue to claim credit in front of Your Lord in the future?" Jiang Che also joked.

In the eyes of superiors, subordinates' abilities come first.

With his current status and revealed talent, joking with Qi Sanjia will only bring the two of them closer.

"You kid, this is a nod to me. Okay, tell me, what kind of reward do you want, as long as it's not too much, I can grant it to you." Qi Sanjia laughed heartily.

Today really made him happy.

For many years, the government has been unable to control the power of the Jianghu, and it has suffered everywhere. Even he, the captain of the Armed Forces, has been reprimanded by the higher officials. Today, he can be considered proud and proud.

"I don't want any reward. I just hope that you can forgive me for my transgressions in the future."

The Lu family is very important and cannot be destroyed just by thinking about it. The impact must also be considered. Therefore, Jiang Che now takes advantage of Qi Sanjia's happiness and reports the matter to him first.

"What do you want to do?"

Qi Sanjia's hand holding the teacup was slightly startled, and he asked with a frown.

"My subordinates have said before that the battle at Jinyuan Temple is a continuation of the last battle at Chengjiazhuang. Behind the scenes, the Lu family is making small moves, and my subordinates have always taken revenge.

Sooner or later, the Lu family will repay this grudge a hundredfold. I hope you will grant me your permission. "

Jiang Che said in a deep voice.

"The old ghost of the Lu family is at the Divine Light Realm. Although you have lost all the battles, you can only be invincible against the mid-Xiantian Yuanhai Realm warriors. If you take action against the Divine Light Warriors.

If you don't take three breaths, you will definitely be defeated! "

Qi Sanjia frowned and looked at Jiang Che and said calmly.

"Sir, you have said before that the old ghost has been wandering around the world for several years and has not returned for several years. Isn't now the best time? The destruction of the Lu family will surely restore the prestige of the government.

But he is even more shameless than defeating him. "

"Have you really decided?"

"As long as you give me your permission, my subordinates will immediately start planning this matter."

Qi Sanjia closed his eyes and tapped his fingers on the table, rhythmically. After a while, he opened his eyes:

"This captain has no objection to this matter in principle, but if it causes any trouble."

"Everything is borne by the subordinates!"

Jiang Che said word for word.

By capturing Huang Shanshan, he will be able to break through to the Yuan Hai realm. With the blessing of his artistic conception, he will be able to fight against the divine light warrior. In short, he will definitely destroy the Lu family!

Qi Sanjia glanced at him angrily:

"What can you bear with your little strength? If you are confident about taking action against the Lu family, just do it. If that old ghost from the Lu family shows up, you must not be brave and send a message to me immediately.

This kind of carefree Shenguang warrior must not be allowed to continue to live. He must die. Keeping him alive will be a serious problem for the government. If I take action personally, I will treat it as a loose hand. "

Although Qi Sanjia didn't want to take action during this period, if it really got to the point where things couldn't be done, he had no other choice.

"Thank you, sir."

Jiang Che immediately bowed to Qi Sanjia.

In Qi Sanjia, he seemed to have found the same feeling as Liu Zhi once again.

"You don't have to thank me. If you want to thank yourself, just thank yourself. If you didn't have the strength, means and talent shown in today's battle, I would have transferred you to another place long ago."

This was what Qi Sanjia was thinking, but he told Jiang Che without any hesitation at this moment.

In conversation.

In addition to mentioning the many impacts and consequences of this battle, Qi Sanjia focused most on Jiang Che's talent. Regarding his practice, he bluntly pointed out his strengths and weaknesses.

He also used his many years of practice experience to provide some tips for his next practice.

Judging from the talent that Jiang Che has shown so far, as long as nothing unexpected happens, there is great hope for the Xuandan realm in the future, and such existence is worthy of his heavy investment now.

Without expecting Jiang Che to repay him in the future, there is nothing wrong with forming more good ties.

And his outspokenness also made Jiang Che very grateful.

After seeing off Qi Sanjia, Jiang Che met Wan Pengyun, who had been waiting for a long time. He clasped his fists towards Jiang Che with excitement and said:

"Brother Jiang, today's battle will definitely be talked about by Tai'an Mansion. Wan Mou really admires it."

It’s hard not to admire him, Jiang Che really has a lot of skills.

"Brother Wan is over-reputed, and some of his methods are not worth mentioning."

Jiang Che waved his hands and pretended not to care.

Wan Pengyun took a deep breath, bowed and said:

"I admire Brother Jiang for what he has done. If you don't give up, Pengyun is willing to worship Brother Jiang as his adopted brother!"

He also saw Jiang Che's potential for future development and wanted to deepen his relationship with him.

He believed that even if his father learned about this, he would never blame him.

Of course, this matter cannot be spread out yet.

It is inevitable that the government and the Jianghu have not yet decided the winner.

Jiang Che had a smile on his face. The other party's bowing was almost equivalent to him winning over a big force, which would be very beneficial to him in controlling the world of Tai'an Mansion in the future. He then stepped off the stage and helped the other party up, saying in a deep voice:

"Second brother!"


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