All Offerings for Quick Enlightenment, Who Needs Arduous Cultivation?

Chapter 140 If you attack again, you will be invincible!

Jiang Che! ! !

His appearance immediately plunged the entire audience into an even more deadly silence.

No one expected that Jiang Che would suddenly appear at this moment.

It was so sudden that everyone present was unexpected.

Lu Xingyun looked at the corpse lying on the ground, and his heart suddenly tightened, because the clothes the other party was wearing were clearly red groom's robes, and his identity was self-evident.

With a hint of hope in his heart, he walked to the body and turned it over.

When you see the face clearly.

For him, it was nothing less than a punch.

It turned out to be really Lu Pingzhou!

Everyone present also saw this scene clearly.

"Jiang Che!!!"

Lu Xingyun was so angry that he hugged Lu Pingzhou's body and screamed angrily, not leaving for a long time.

This is the young master of the Lu family.

He is Lu Xingyun's legitimate son.

He is the most talented child of the Yushan Lu family in decades, and he is hope.

But today, on the wedding day, he died.

Lu Xingyun was a little hard to accept, but the facts were right in front of him. Even if he didn't believe it, it would be of no use.

Chen Xiangdong, the master of Zhenhai Palace, saw this scene and his pupils shrank slightly.

His prediction was indeed correct. Jiang Che needed Xuanyuan Heavy Water in order to break through the Yuanhai realm.

How terrifying!

Being able to break through the Yuanhai Realm at such an age, such a speed of cultivation is comparable to that of some Shangzong disciples, and the potential is very great.

At the same time, what he does is even more ruthless.

Killing the young master of the Lu family directly on the wedding day, anyone with a discerning eye would know that Jiang Che came here to destroy the Lu family this time.

Quite a heroic appearance!

Fortunately, there was no enmity between Zhenhai Palace and Jiang Che. In order to forge a good relationship, he specially offered three drops of Xuanyuan Heavy Water and a Sanyang Grass.

If Zhenhai Palace faced such an enemy with great potential and fierce actions, it would definitely give him a huge headache.

Li Daoping frowned slightly, having a clear understanding of Jiang Che's style of doing things.

It is indeed no different from the devil.

Not like an official at all.

Wan Pengyun was ecstatic.

He knew that Jiang Che's character would not give up, but he didn't expect such a surprise.

Lu Pingzhou's death almost means that the younger generation of the Lu family in Yushan has been cut off.

Even if he is immortal today and later spends a huge price to cultivate an innate warrior, in terms of qualifications and talents, he has already distanced himself from several other heirs of innate forces.


The few powerful men invited by Lu Xingyun suddenly stood up and glared at Jiang Che.

"On your wedding day, you behave like this, Jiang Che. What's the difference between you and the devil?"

The evil monk snorted coldly and immediately scolded him angrily.

"Yes, you dare to cause trouble here, Jiang Che. You don't want to leave today!"

A certain innate from the vassal family immediately shouted angrily.

"It's really too much of a lie."

The old master of Yaowang Valley frowned. Although he had heard of Jiang Che's arrogant reputation before, after all, he only believed what he heard and what he saw, and he only thought that others were exaggerating.

After all, the government and the Jianghu are at odds with each other, and it is normal to smear someone.

As a result, when I took a look today, I discovered that other people's rumors were not smear at all, and had even helped to polish this person's story a lot.

The actual behavior was simply too much.

Is it right to attack and kill the young master of the Lu family on their wedding day?

"Jiang Che, you killed my son, today, no matter what the price, I will make you pay with your life!" At this moment, Lu Xingyun, stimulated by Lu Pingzhou's death, completely made up his mind.

In the past, Jiang Che didn't go too far, so he just tolerated it.

But not today.

No matter whether you can bear it or not, it is difficult to continue to gain a foothold in Tai'an Mansion.

The worst case scenario is to kill the person and move the family.

It is absolutely impossible to tolerate it any longer.

"The Lu family has colluded with the Qingtian Sect to rebel. They have committed a heinous crime. They have bullied the market and resisted the government for many years. Now the evidence is conclusive. I have been ordered to kill the entire Lu family. Anyone who dares to help the Lu family today will be implicated."

If you are brave enough, come together! "

Jiang Che snorted coldly, and with the blessing of his true energy, his voice was mighty and sweeping.

Now that he has completely entered the middle stage of the Xiantian Yuanhai realm, as long as the divine light warrior does not come out, he is not afraid of anyone.

After saying that, he took out a signal arrow from his arms and pulled it suddenly.

call out!


A bright firework exploded over the Lu family.

A few miles away from the Lu family, Geng Dabiao and his party, who had been lying in wait for a long time, also discovered Jiang Che's signal and immediately waved their hands:

"Following the command of Jiangdu Commandery to encircle and suppress the Lu family, those who have made meritorious deeds will be rewarded heavily!"

Following his roar, thousands of soldiers who had been prepared immediately began to surround Lujiazhuang from all directions. Among them, there were even big killing weapons such as breaking arrows.

This is a great killing weapon developed by the imperial court in order to resist the innate warriors.

It can also be regarded as an enhanced version of the God's Arm Bow.

Above the arrows are the Yuan-Gathering Formation and the Armor-Severing Formation carved by the formation master.

It can ignore Gang Qi and has great lethality to innate warriors.

It is also the biggest trump card that Jiang Che can bring out from the Taishan City Lord's Mansion.

With the support of thousands of soldiers, as long as you are willing to pay a certain price, it is not a problem to surround and kill one or two innates.

In order to destroy the Lu family, Jiang Che used all his methods.

The rumble of horse hooves echoed around the Lu family, shocking many people with horrified expressions.

He quickly distanced himself from the Lu family.

They were just here to attend a wedding banquet, but had no interest in helping the Lu family fight against the government.

Among them, Li Daoping was included.

A fight with Jiang Che ended in a fight, but he disdained the siege.

Not to mention standing up for the Lu family.

Wan Pengyun looked hesitant, thinking about whether to step forward.

It's a small matter for him, but it's a big deal for Wanshou Village.

Joining forces with Jiang Che is tantamount to violating the invisible rules in the world. If Jin Yuan Temple knew about it, he would never let Wanshou Village go.

But this kind of scene, if you don't help the scene.

Then his friendship with Jiang Che would end here.

At this moment, he regretted his previous thoughts.

He only wanted Jiang Che to make a scene at Lu Pingzhou's wedding banquet, but he didn't expect that the two parties would actually get to this point.

How he wished he had not come to the wedding banquet.

While he was hesitating, the Lu family had clearly separated into two camps.

One side is dominated by Lu Xingyun, surrounded by either vassal forces of the Lu family, or reinforcements invited by Lu Xingyun, and finally, the Lu family itself and warriors from various branches.

On the other side is a martial artist who is attending the wedding banquet and has no intention of intervening in the feud between the Lu family and Jiang Che.

Lu Xingyun didn't pay any attention to the movements around him, his eyes just stared at Jiang Che's wedding robe.

Think again of the vitality vortex in the backyard just now.

He just felt like his brain was going to explode.

The one who made the breakthrough was not Lu Pingzhou at all, but Jiang Che.

But why did he want to break through in the Lu family?

If it was just for the Lu family's strong vitality of heaven and earth, then it would be a bit too contemptuous of Jiang Che.

A few yuan crystals are enough to make up for the short-term consumption.

There were thousands of thoughts in his mind, and he vaguely seemed to have caught something.

Immediately his pupils shrank and he said in a concentrated voice:

"Did that bitch Huang Shanshan help you break through?"

"Lu Xingyun, you are the bitch, and you Lu family are a bunch of dirty bitches!"

At the doorway from the front yard to the backyard, Huang Shanshan was covered in bright red blood, and she was holding a bunch of heads and suddenly threw them on the ground. It turned out to be the Lu family warriors who had gone to the backyard to investigate before.

At this moment, everyone had died at the hands of Huang Shanshan.


When Lu Xingyun saw this scene, his eyes suddenly widened, filled with anger.

Before, it was just a suspicion, because of Lu Pingzhou's death, he casually called her a bitch, but now, the evidence is conclusive, that Jiang Che and Huang Shanshan were secretly communicating.

"Bitch, you. You actually had an affair with that Jiang Chegou and killed my son. I swear to destroy the entire Huang family."

Lu Xingyun, who was burning with anger, could no longer hold back. He moved in an instant and was about to capture Huang Shanshan and kill the girl on the spot.

But just as he made a move, he saw Jiang Che lift his hand in the void.

Roar! ! !

A dragon roar resounded, and the energy of heaven and earth around Jiang Che instantly turned into a golden dragon-shaped aura more than ten feet in size, roaring out and blasting towards Lu Xingyun.


Lu Xingyun, who was halfway through the journey, sensed the danger, reacted immediately, and turned back with a palm print, which resisted Jiang Che's dragon-shaped aura, and instantly erupted into an extremely terrifying roar.

The palm prints he condensed were shattered in an instant, but the dragon-shaped aura was still as powerful as a rainbow.

Lu Xingyun turned around, narrowly avoiding the blow.

A huge hole was made on the ground on the spot, dust and smoke were everywhere, and smoke was rising.

When the dust and smoke dispersed, Huang Shanshan, who was still there just now, had already appeared next to Jiang Che. Jiang Che put an arm around her waist, stared at Lu Xingyun, and said lightly:

"You bitch, you have a tough tone, but your strength is not that great."


At this moment, the people around him were extremely shocked.

The warrior will know whether there is one as soon as he takes action.

Jiang Che raised his hand and struck a palm, making it difficult for Lu Xingyun to resist and he could only retreat.

Its strength is evident.

So to what extent is Jiang Che's current strength?

Is it possible that when you first enter Yuanhai, you are already invincible?

Also, what does Huang Shanshan’s appearance prove?

It proved that she dedicated her ice phoenix spiritual energy to Jiang Che!

The Lu family had been planning for several years. Ever since Huang Shanshan discovered that she was pregnant with a mysterious body when she was more than ten years old, they had used all kinds of means to marry into the Huang family, and they had also worked hard for Huang Shanshan's cultivation.

In order to allow Huang Shanshan to break through, he did not hesitate to find suitable innate spiritual energy for her.

After investing so much, he ended up making a wedding dress for Jiang Che?

This is definitely the Lu family's biggest shame.

It will also become a joke in Tai'an Mansion in the future.

Wan Pengyun's eyes widened, and the look he was looking at Jiang Che was filled with awe and admiration.

So strong!

Jiang Che is so damn strong!

Not only do they want to destroy the Lu family, but they also want to destroy the Lu family's heart.

He couldn't imagine how Jiang Che did it.

Seeing Huang Shanshan lying docilely and obediently in Jiang Che's arms, what he recalled in his mind was Huang Shanshan's cold face towards everyone, especially Lu Pingzhou.

Lu Pingzhou looked arrogant and cold in front of him.

In front of Jiang Che, he was as docile as a dog.

At this moment, he already regarded Jiang Che as his senior.

This was even more surprising to him than being stronger than Lu Xingyun.

The methods and strategies are simply top-notch!

How could she be so enamored of Huang Shanshan that she even gave up her identity as the young mistress of the Lu family?

You must know that the ice phoenix spiritual energy exists in Huang Shanshan's body. Even if a knife is placed on her neck and she is forcibly insulted, she cannot swallow the ice phoenix spiritual energy as long as she is not willing.

Only when the souls and bodies of both parties merge and the minds are united can the spiritual energy be refined to the maximum extent.


Incredibly strong.

Wan Pengyun was not the only one who was in shock.

Everyone around was shocked and fell into silence.

However, most people's attention was not on Huang Shanshan, but on Jiang Che.

Horrified by his great strength.

Chen Xiangdong, the master of Zhenhai Palace, looked in horror at this moment, and even his hands were trembling with excitement.

Qinglong Zhenhai Jing!

It is definitely Qinglong Zhenhai Jing.

This is one of the moves, the blue dragon rises in the sky.

A hundred years ago, he had seen the strong men in the sect perform it. Although the power of Jiang Che's display was far inferior, it was already three-thirds of the charm. It was quite powerful to be able to complete it in such a short period of time.

This talent instantly made him fall into silence.

The way Li Daoping looked at Jiang Che was a little different at this moment.

There was a fighting spirit rising in his eyes.

Even if he knew he was defeated, he still wanted to fight against such a powerful person of his own generation.

As for Lu Xingyun, his face was extremely pale at the moment.

After Jiang Che broke through the Yuanhai realm, he became even more powerful.

"Everyone, let's surround Jiang Che and that bitch together today. My Lu family will bear all the responsibilities afterwards. I will offer you ten yuan crystals each as a token of my gratitude."

The brief battle had already made him understand that it was absolutely impossible to match Jiang Che on his own.

Only by joining forces can Jiang Che be suppressed.

"Amitabha, even though you are a trivial person, you dare to do the same thing, Jiang Che. Today, the poor monk must show you the magical power of Jinyuan Temple." The monk who abstained from evil shouted loudly, and his robes were shattered.

Revealing an extremely ferocious and muscular body full of power.

The old Valley Master of Yaowang Valley actually had some intention of retreating after seeing Jiang Che's strength, but in full view of the public, he couldn't bear to retreat even though he had already promised something in advance.

I could only sigh secretly in my heart and stand beside the monk who abstained from evil.

As for the patriarch of the Xiantian family, he was full of confidence at this time and felt that it would not be difficult for everyone to join forces to kill Jiang Che. He even shouted:

"Devil, don't try to show off your evil intentions. I will destroy you today to strengthen our reputation in the world!"

"I'm with you."

Huang Shanshan took a deep breath with firm eyes.

"I don't need a woman to help me deal with these old guys." Jiang Che smiled faintly, then looked at Chen Xiangdong, the master of Zhenhai Palace, and said in a deep voice:

"Senior Chen, we have no intention of involving a woman in our dispute. Can you please protect her for the time being?"

"Don't worry, Mr. Jiang, I've saved this girl."

After seeing Jiang Che's strength, Chen Xiangdong decided to continue to bet on Jiang Che, even breaking up with the Lu family. He believed that Jiang Che would not disappoint him.

"Don't worry, brother, I will definitely not let my sister-in-law get any harm."

Seeing the outsiders standing up, Wan Pengyun's blood surged and he shouted loudly.

He knew how he would be scolded if he said this, but he just didn't want to bear it.

"Brother Chen, do you really want to be an enemy of my Lu family?"

Lu Xingyun's face turned even uglier at this moment.

Before the fight, there are already Jianghu forces siding with Jiang Che, which really doesn't give the Lu family face.

"Don't be angry, fellow Daoist Lu. I won't interfere in today's battle. However, I owe Jiangdu Tongyi a favor a few days ago, so I can only accept it." Chen Xiangdong said calmly.

Jiang Che's eyes indicated that although Huang Shanshan was reluctant, she still obeyed the order very obediently and stood beside Chen Xiangdong. Wan Pengyun also quickly stood in front of her and whispered:

"Don't worry, sister-in-law, as long as I'm here, I won't let anyone get within three feet of you."

"Thank you, Master Wan."

Huang Shanshan forced out a forced smile.

"Okay, okay, then I'll kill you first and then deal with this bitch!"

Lu Xingyun shouted loudly, waved his sleeves and robe, and a spiritual light flashed, which was the spiritual sword he had used before.

He gave the order, and the old Valley Master of Yaowang Valley, the monk Jie Evil, and another innate warrior immediately jumped up and killed Jiang Che.

But at the moment they set off, Jiang Che had already taken action in advance. His eyes instantly glowed red, and he blasted out a palm, causing the sea of ​​blood to rise like a green dragon bleeding from the sea.

It hit the patriarch of the Xiantian family directly.


In an instant, terrifying power erupted, and the patriarch of the Xiantian family could not resist it at all, so he had to try his best to resist. However, his cultivation was only in the early stage of Xiantian, and was far from Jiang Che.

All methods were useless, and the aura around him was instantly destroyed.

The violent dragon-shaped energy struck him without reservation.


In an instant, blood mist rose and broken limbs scattered everywhere.

With one blow, it was blasted into blood mist.

Jiang Che was bathed in the blood mist, the Gang Qi around his body was surging, his eyes glowed with blood red light, and he said coldly:

"You all come together, why should Jiang be afraid?!"


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