All Offerings for Quick Enlightenment, Who Needs Arduous Cultivation?

Chapter 141 Unparalleled power! Overwhelm all sides!

As soon as they met, a veteran innate who was not inferior to Cheng Kaiyan died on the spot, and his death was extremely miserable. Even the whole body was not preserved, which immediately shocked several people.

But now the arrow is on the string and must be fired.

Lu Xingyun shouted angrily and stabbed Jiang Che with his sword. A cold light suddenly appeared in front of Jiang Che in an instant. Faced with such an offensive, Jiang Che immediately used his strength to redirect his true energy.


There was a dragon roar, and the terrifying dragon-shaped aura reappeared.

With a roar, the opponent's cyan spiritual sword was swung away on the spot.

When Lu Xingyun started, the old valley master of Yaowang Valley and the evil monk also set out at the same time. The master of Yaowang Valley recited the incantation and kneaded the incantation, and a stream of red light immediately escaped from his sleeves and robes.

The speed was also extremely fast, and several spiritual needles stabbed Jiang Che's eyes.


Jiang Che opened and closed, his true energy surged, and with a roar, the dragon's roar reappeared, and powerful sound waves swept across, sending out layers of sound waves in the surrounding void, breaking the opponent's offensive.

The most powerful one is the monk who abstains from evil in Jinyuan Temple.

It itself follows the same path of opening and closing. When it comes to the physical body, it is no weaker than Yi Kong. It holds a seven-foot-long Vajra pestle that looks like a treasure sword.

Holding it in both hands, he jumped up suddenly, with the gangly energy all over his body stirring, and crashed down with a huge force.

Facing such a head-on attack, it was difficult to resist it with Gang Qi alone, especially at such a close distance. Only a head-on attack could resist it. A sword was unsheathed behind Jiang Che.


The artistic conception is blessing, and the strong energy is gathered.

The ten-foot-long sword suddenly slashed out.


The two attacks collided with each other, and a violent roar erupted on the spot. A billowing heat wave swept towards the surroundings, destroying everything in its path.

The three of them joined forces, and for a while, they couldn't defeat Jiang Che either!

Many warriors below looked dumbfounded, horrified by Jiang Che's current strength.

"This Tai'an Mansion is going to change today without warning."


The martial artists who were watching were talking a lot.

At the same time, the rumbling sounds outside the Lu family became increasingly clear, and it was obvious that they were approaching.

A certain Lu elder was heartbroken and immediately said in a deep voice:

"Today is the moment of life and death for our Lu family. Sons and gentlemen, follow me and kill!"



Nearly a hundred voices echoed, and under the leadership of the elder, they all attacked the cavalry surrounding the Lu family.

The heads of the family are fighting in the void. They have no ability to control the air. Going up will only cause chaos. At this moment, the only people who can kill are the soldiers outside the Lu family.

"call out!"

"call out!"

"call out!"

Several breaking arrows shot up instantly, and where they passed, several Lu family warriors were directly penetrated. Some were even nailed to the walls of the Lu family, and many were blasted into blood mist on the spot.


Several commanders waved their hands in unison, and the sky was filled with arrows.

The warriors gathered in the Lu family were like straw in the field, falling down one by one.

With just one encounter, a quarter of the Lu family's warriors fell to the arrows.



There may be all kinds of people in the Lu family who are greedy for life and afraid of death, but today everyone knows that it is the key to the survival of the Lu family. If they lose, no one can get any benefits.

Only by winning can you survive!

Finally, several peak Tongmai warriors from the Lu family faced the rain of arrows and finally reached the front of the formation. With one palm push, powerful inner energy swept through them and killed several soldiers.

"Leave no one behind!"

Geng Dabiao drew out his heavy sword from his horse, jumped up, and smashed a Lu family warrior into a pulp on the spot with great force. The archers and archers quickly moved out of the way and retreated.

The cavalry begins to charge!

Lujiazhuang is located in a plain, with no obstruction except for the nearby Yushan Mountain.

This is an opportunity for cavalry to show off their skills.

A massacre slowly began.

The killing outside Lujiazhuang was extremely fierce, but not many people paid attention. Most people's eyes still fell on the duel between Lu Xingyun and others and Jiang Che.

Everyone knows that no matter how brutal the confrontation outside is, it will not be of much use.

What really determines the outcome is the fight in the void.

This is the truly decisive force.




The scene of the fight between the four people was very grand. Except for the old valley master of Yaowang Valley, almost all of them were risking their lives. After all, this battle was related to the rise and fall of the Lu family.

It is also indirectly related to the prestige of Jinyuan Temple.

Can't lose.

Once defeated, it is completely over.

Therefore, both sides used the method of pressuring the bottom of the box.

The confrontation became more and more fierce, and the noise became louder and louder.

The vitality of the heaven and earth was churning endlessly, and the Gang Qi around the body was constantly dispersing. In the aftermath, almost half of the Lu family was completely reduced to ruins, and there was a rumble in the void.

Like thunder falling, the earth dragon rolled.

Blade light, sword energy, fist strength, all kinds of means swept through.

The people below were shocked and became more and more horrified.

Before the battle, no one expected that the fight would reach this point. It was simply a fight to the death.

The martial artists who were watching were talking a lot.

Some people were discussing how terrifying Jiang Che was, that he could defeat one against three.

With such strength, even Li Daoping is inferior.

With such strength, if a strong person in the realm of divine light does not come out, who can shake it?

After all, those who took action were not simple, they were not even ordinary Yuanhai realm warriors, or they were the Buddhist leaders of Jinyuan Temple, and their reputations had already resounded throughout Tai'an Mansion.

Either he is the person at the helm of a big force and has the blessing of a spiritual weapon.

An ordinary person would have already been defeated.

But Jiang Che became more and more fierce as he fought, as if he had endless energy.

Chen Xiangdong stood with his hands behind his hands, his eyes shining brightly.

For Jiang Che, his evaluation in his heart is getting higher and higher.

Such talent is really wasted in the government.

If he becomes the master of Zhenhai Palace, he will definitely lead Zhenhai Palace back to its peak.

Li Daoping had no time to continue drinking at this moment. His eyes had been completely attracted by Jiang Che and the others in the void, and he could not take his eyes off the streams of light circling in the void.

With such strength, it would be unjust to lose in vain!

Huang Shanshan was extremely excited as she looked at Jiang Che who was killing everyone in the void.

This is his man!

A man who can make her give everything!

Incomparably powerful and fierce!

She didn't choose wrong, she was right.

In comparison, Lu Pingzhou can only be regarded as mediocre, and the position of the young mistress of the Lu family is nothing.

She didn't seek to be the royal wife, she just wanted to have a place to live by her side and that would be enough.


There was another heavy blow, and the evil monk was knocked back more than ten feet by Jiang Che's punch, his expression extremely solemn.

His earlier contempt has long been forgotten by him.

Only after actually fighting Jiang Che did he discover the horror of Jiang Che.

Although he has just entered the middle stage of Xiantian Yuanhai realm for the first time, his strength is extraordinary.

The artistic conception of the sea of ​​blood can even affect him. If his Taoist heart is not strong, he may also suffer heavy losses. Although his physical body is not as good as his, it is not weak, plus he has a domineering Gang Qi and endless methods.

If he fights alone, he will definitely lose.

This kind of strength is enough for one person to stand shoulder to shoulder with one of the top innate forces.

The divine light warrior can be said to be invincible if he does not appear.

But the more this happened, the more he wanted to keep this person here.

Jin Yuan Temple had completely broken up with him and formed a grudge.

If this person is not killed, with his growth rate, he will definitely become a serious problem for Jin Yuan Temple in the future.

As soon as he thought about this, Monk Jie Xie rushed forward again.

In comparison, the old master of Yaowang Valley has a much simpler mind. He is much older and his strength has already begun to decline. It is foolish to fight against a guy like Jiang Che.

His friendship with the Lu family was not worth his efforts.

Before taking action, his plan was to join forces with several people to force Jiang Che to give in. In this way, he would gain face without suffering losses. Who knew Jiang Che was so cruel.

Directly kill Lu Pingzhou and destroy the Lu family.

To him, it was nothing less than an unforeseen disaster.

Therefore, when he started to attack, he just stuck to one side and rarely used killing methods against Jiang Che. He would avoid and hide whenever he could. It was best to hope that the battle would end in a draw.

As for Lu Xingyun's thoughts, it was much simpler.

Lu Pingzhou is dead.

The next generation of the Lu family was at fault, and Huang Shanshan, who married into the Lu family, was even more rebellious, causing the Lu family to lose face in front of many comrades in the world, and there was only hatred in their hearts.

As for the consequences, he completely ignored them.


Jiang Che must be killed to relieve his pain of losing his son.

Even seeing that he could not defeat Jiang Che in a short period of time, he had already begun to burn the Gang Qi in his body to obtain more powerful power. Otherwise, today's battle might end in a scene he least wanted to see.

As the battle continued, Jiang Che basically figured out his current strength.

If the opponents are just three ordinary Yuanhai realm warriors, then even if they go together, it will be nothing to him. But the problem is that the three people on the opposite side are all extraordinary in strength.

The bald monk's brute strength was immense, his aura was extremely strong, and his offensive power was very strong. Lu Xingyun risked his life and exploded with a power far exceeding that of the previous battle at Chengjiazhuang.

There is also the old Valley Master of Yaowang Valley. Although his offensive is not strong, he is rich in experience and cunning, which restrains a lot of his energy.

If the battle continues like this, it will be difficult for him to defeat several people.

You might even get severely hurt by it.

Therefore, Jiang Che's thoughts quickly circulated, looking for a way to break the situation.

It is unwise to engage in a fierce battle with three people. They must be defeated one by one.

As long as one person can be killed, it will be difficult for the remaining two to form an encirclement against him. The scale of such victory will tilt towards him.

As for the target he chose, it was the old owner of Yaowang Valley.

He could feel that this person still had some energy left, but he never broke out. He obviously didn't want to burn his own foundation for the Lu family, so he would force this person to die first!

At this thought, Jiang Che's offensive suddenly changed.

Two dragon-shaped Gang Qi blasted out one after another, blocking Lu Xingyun and the evil monk for a moment, while he used all his strength, artistic conception, Gang Qi, and the magical power of Qinglong Sea Suppression Sutra to blast at the old Valley Master of Yaowang Valley.

Showing a desperate attitude.

"Damn, why are you coming at me?!"

The more he thought about it, the more he thought about it, the more it came. Seeing Jiang Che coming at all costs, the old Valley Master prepared to retreat, but his speed could not match Jiang Che's, and he was overtaken in an instant.

As he raised his hand, a surging sword slashed down.

Sweeping everything!

The moment the terrifying sword light fell, the old Valley Master felt as if he was in a sea of ​​blood. He was immediately horrified, resisted with all his strength, and formed a palm print to hit Jiang Che.

The two offensives were both defeated, but Jiang Che seemed to have anticipated this moment, and his next methods were endless.

The sound of the dragon's roar made his blood boil.

"Jiang Che, take your life!"

"Don't show off your evil deeds!"

Lu Xingyun and the evil monk also saw Jiang Che's plan at this moment, and immediately used all their strength to break his hand, attacking Jiang Che from the left and the right, and they must not let the old valley master be defeated.

Otherwise, their fate will not be good.


Jiang Che gritted his teeth and took Lu Xingyun's sword energy. Even though his body's Gang Qi defense was unparalleled, a bone-deep gash was still opened in his back, but the blow was worth it.

Because he had already arrived in front of the old guy from Yaowang Valley, and when he raised his hand, he punched him.


With one blow, the Gang Qi exploded, and the old Valley Master of Yaowang Valley groaned. He received a considerable impact, and even his clothes were shattered.

"Old Valley Master, let's hold on for a while, Jiang Che will be defeated!"

Lu Xingyun was immediately overjoyed to see Jiang Che devote all his attention to the old valley master of Yaowang Valley. In this way, when Jiang Che dealt with him with all his strength, the two of them would definitely hope to severely injure Jiang Che.

But his thoughts were not those of the old valley owner.

He had only one thought at the moment.

"Mother? Trade my life for Jiang Che's? Don't even think about it!"

He and Jiang Che didn't have any deep hatred, they just came to help.

Therefore, he immediately sent a message to Jiang Che:

"Jiang Dutong, I was just invited by the Lu family, but I have no intention of fighting you to the death. How about you change your target and I pretend to be defeated?"

"Old Valley Master really understands that it is unwise to sacrifice one's life for the sake of the Lu family's friendship. Okay, I'll let you decide."

Jiang Che felt relieved, his offensive was indeed effective.

Then another dragon-shaped aura shot out and struck in front of the old Valley Master.

Under the 'powerful impact', the old valley master of Yaowang Valley immediately wailed, pretended to spit out a mouthful of old blood, and fell from the void, his breath weakened, and he obviously had no strength to fight anymore.

Li Daoping's eyes narrowed, and he immediately stepped forward to support the old Valley Master. Just as he was about to treat him, he suddenly felt his palm being grabbed, and the Old Valley Master blinked imperceptibly with his closed eyes.

It turned out to be an act!

Li Daoping's lips curved into a chuckle.

The sudden defeat of the old Valley Master of Yaowang Valley caught Lu Xingyun and Monk Jiexie by surprise, and they were shocked on the spot.

How could this be?

The strength of the old Valley Master should not be so weak.

Why couldn't Jiang Che block a single blow?

But before he could think about the key, Jiang Che's offensive had already struck.

One person exited, leaving only Lu Xingyun and the evil monk, and the rest was much easier to handle.

Immediately, he let out a loud roar and turned into a golden stream of light to kill the evil monk. He was like a transformed real dragon, carrying a huge force and smashing down towards him!


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