For a genius like Jiang Che who is extremely talented, Qi Sanjia, who is a member of the branch, first thinks of the interests of the Qi family. In this way, it can be said to be a win-win situation.

Not only does the relationship between himself and Jiang Che get closer, but even the main sect will look at him differently.

But if Jiang Che is very resistant, he will not force it.

Don't let this cause any estrangement from Jiang Che.

He could never let go of Jiang Che, a genius who was rumored to be blessed with luck.

And although what he said was cruel, it was the naked reality.

After all, who would help him selflessly?

Jiang Che is actually a little inclined to Qi Sanjia's proposal at this moment. Relatively speaking, the head of the Qi family is indeed a very good choice for him at this moment.

If he can rely on this, he will be more confident.

"Du Tong, you are back."

After finishing the conversation with Qi Sanjia, Jiang Che met Huang Shanshan. When the other party saw him, it was as if a burden had been lifted from her heart, and a smile appeared on her face.

She had already learned that the person seeking revenge was Lu Jianghe, the ancestor of the Lu family.

At that time, I was frightened and shocked.

With what she had done, if she were caught by Lu Jianghe, she would definitely end up miserable.

Fortunately, the other party is dead.

"Did you give the order to let Da Biao, Deng Yan and the others disperse and hide without resistance?"

Jiang Che looked at Huang Shanshan calmly and asked.

"Yes, I. I know that they are all Tutong's confidants, and I don't want them to die, so I pretended to pass on your orders. I'm sorry, I" Huang Shanshan seemed to have expected Jiang Che's reaction, lowering her head and not daring to look. he.

"Hehehe, don't be afraid. This is the right thing to do. With their strength, going up there is really just a matter of death. It is just a city lord's mansion. If it is destroyed, it will be destroyed."

Jiang Che stroked her long hair and smiled.

No intention of placing blame.


"I was tired after running around in the middle of the night, so I went to rest."

Jiang Che smiled faintly, hugged Huang Shanshan, and walked to the backyard.

News about Jianghu people spread very quickly, not to mention what happened in Taishan City. On the second day, it spread throughout Taishan City and was still spreading outside.

The ancestor of the Lu family sought revenge and was killed by Qi Sanjia on the spot, and his body was hung at the city gate.

As soon as the news came out, many people were shocked.

In the past, the government's attitude towards Jianghu was always to be tolerant. As long as it didn't cause too much trouble, the government generally didn't care about the power of Jianghu.

Of course, what Lu Jianghe did was indeed a capital crime, but it was the first time in these years that such a well-known and veteran powerhouse was directly hanged.

Many people also got a glimpse of the government's attitude.

Understand that since Jiang Che destroyed the Lu family, the government has been deliberately suppressing Jianghu forces.

And the Lu family was the first unlucky one.

It was a pity for many people that such a strong man as Lu Jianghe only destroyed a city lord's palace. Other than that, he did not cause any other damage. It was simply disappointing.

He was even more shocked by the strength shown by Qi Sanjia.

Under the intensifying turmoil, it was already rumored that Qi Sanjia killed Lu Jianghe with one shot.

The strength it displayed was astounding.

For a moment, Tai'an was shocked.

This move was also seen as Qi Sanjia standing up for Jiang Che to express his attitude, as if he was taking covert revenge on Jinyuan Temple.

After this battle, the Tai'an rivers and lakes are also undercurrents, and the turmoil gradually subsides.

But the more this happens, the more many people feel that the current peace is only temporary, and it is likely to cause a bigger storm soon.

Fulong Temple, Mingxin Hall.

At this moment, more than ten figures were lined up on both sides, each wearing Taoist robes of different colors. Li Daoping was among them, but his qualifications were not enough to sit in the front row.

He lowered his head and silently drank the peach blossom wine from the gourd, completely uninterested in the debate in the hall.

Just now, Monk Wangchen, the abbot of Jinyuan Temple, came to Fulongguan in person and invited Fulongguan to deal with Jiang Che together, saying that he was a great threat to the world of Tai'an Prefecture.

If it is not eliminated as soon as possible, it will become a serious problem in the future.

And this statement also caused a lot of discussion in the audience.

Some people are dedicated to cultivating Taoism and are not interested in competing for profits. They feel that there is no need to get involved in this muddy water. It is clearly Jin Yuan Temple's attempt to lure Fulong Temple into trouble, so there is no need to pay attention to it.

But some people feel that what Monk Wangchen said is not unreasonable.

Jiang Che's behavior has shaken Fulongguan's dominance. If it is not curbed as soon as possible, the two sides will turn against each other sooner or later. It is better to take this opportunity to join forces with Jinyuan Temple to incite the Jianghu forces to make the matter bigger.

Even if Jiang Che cannot be killed, he must be forced away.

It can also make Jin Yuan Temple stand out, why not?

Taoist Xuanhe, the master of Fulong Temple who was sitting at the top, slowly opened his eyes, scanned the people present, and said calmly:

"Has the outcome been reached?"

"Master Guan, Pindao still feels that we should take advantage of this opportunity to deal with Jiang Che together. This will not only allow Jinyuan Temple to take the lead, but also eliminate a lot of hidden dangers for our Fulong Temple."

"Yes, Wang Pingzhi from Yaowang Valley has sent a letter, saying that Jiang Che came to Yaowang Valley yesterday and forcibly took away a four-leaf ginseng. This was clearly targeting our Fulong Temple.

Who in the entire Tai'an Prefecture doesn't know that Yaowang Valley is a vassal of our Fulong Temple? He Jiang Che is so arrogant and unreasonable, he clearly doesn't take our Fulong Temple seriously.

If it is not dealt with, how will the world discuss it in the future? How should Wang Pingzhi explain it? "

"Pindao seconded the proposal."

"Senior Brother Gu's words are a bit too strong. I admit that Jiang Che is indeed a threat, but now he is clearly provoking Jinyuan Temple. What does it have to do with us?

Just let Jin Yuan Temple handle it on his own, why bother to wade into this muddy water? "

"Yes, you have all heard today's news. Qi Sanjia killed Lu Jianghe with one shot, clearly showing his attitude that he would protect Jiang Che at all costs.

If you act rashly, who will bear the consequences? "

"Anyway, I can't trust those bald donkeys from Jinyuan Temple. This time they clearly want us, Fulong Temple, to bear the pressure of the government together. Bah, they actually have a good idea.

Why did you never give in when you competed with us for our interests? "

There was endless discussion, which was annoying.

Taoist Xuanhe turned to Li Daoping, who had been silent, and said softly:

"Daoping, what do you think?"


Li Daoping was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect that he would be involved.

"Well, you have met Jiang Che. How do you evaluate him?"

Li Daoping looked thoughtful, recalling the scene in Lujiazhuang that day, and frowned:

"This man is domineering and arrogant, and he wants revenge. Although Jiang Che acts ruthlessly, he is targeting the Lu family and Jin Yuan Temple. As long as the others don't provoke him, he will not implicate innocent people.

If Fulongguan joins forces with Jinyuan Temple to deal with Jiang Che, they must be prepared to destroy Jiang Che in the future. This is the view of the disciples. "

"It's a joke. He is only at the Yuanhai realm, but he still wants to destroy our entire Fulong Temple family? If you give him a few more courages, will he dare? Daoping, don't let others' ambitions destroy your own prestige."

The Taoist who supported dealing with Jiang Che sneered when he heard this.

"It's not possible now, but it doesn't mean it won't be possible in the future. This person is growing very fast, and his qualifications are better than mine and Yi Kong. In short, if the sect wants to take action, it must be cautious."

Li Daoping seemed to have expected this and answered calmly.

"If it were you, would you target him?"

Taoist Xuanhe then asked.


Li Daoping shook his head.

"Is it just because you are afraid of Jiang Che's revenge?"

"That's not true. The main disciple feels that Fulong Guan and him have no enmity in the past and have no enmity in recent times. Why bother with such a powerful enemy? It's really not worth it."

"Daoping, Jiang Che robbed a four-leaf ginseng from Yaowang Valley!"

Someone looked unhappy.

"That day in Lujiazhuang, the old valley owner took action against Jiang Che. Jiang Che did not take it personally afterwards. He once told him that he would visit him in the future and ask for a spiritual ginseng. I think it is normal.

Wang Pingzhi, on the other hand, had to be careful about using eye drops at this juncture. "

"I think you were frightened by Jiang Che, right?"

"What Daoping said is not unreasonable."

"Haha. You guys are simply short-sighted and lacking in strategy!"

"What benefit did those bald donkeys give you? You actually spoke to them like this?"

As Li Daoping finished speaking, the quarrel in the hall started again.

Taoist Xuanhe's eyes flashed and he said in a concentrated voice:

"Okay, we are all seniors with high moral standards in Guan Nei. What is it like to quarrel in front of juniors? Let's put this matter aside for two days and see Jin Yuan Temple's reaction first."

"Viewer, this is the matter"

Some people showed unwillingness and wanted to continue persuading, but were interrupted by Taoist Xuanhe.

"Let's call it a day, everyone, please leave."

Li Daoping stretched his waist and was the first to walk out of the hall with a calm expression. No matter what the decision was, it had nothing to do with him, given the strength Jiang Che showed now.

We can't let him have another fight with Jiang Che, right?

"Did you hear the discussion just now?"

After everyone in the hall left, Taoist Xuanhe started talking to himself for no reason.

It seemed like there was someone else nearby.

And sure enough, after he finished speaking, a figure in green clothes also walked out of the side door, looking at Taoist Xuanhe with a smile:

"It's so loud that it's hard not to hear it."

As he said that, the man in green found a seat and sat down. He poured himself a cup of tea very politely and drank by himself:

"Your Fulongguan spiritual tea is pretty good."

"I'm afraid it's not as good as your Qingtian Sect, right?"

Taoist Xuanhe stared closely at the person in front of him.

"That's natural."

"Speaking of which, why are you here this time?" Taoist Xuanhe stared at the other person for a moment and then continued.

The man in green glanced at him and sneered:

"Xuanhe, pay attention to your attitude. Don't forget that now you are seeking help from the Holy Religion, not the Holy Religion from you. Why don't you want to help your son refine the body of Dragon Roar?"

"It's just a deal, I gave you enough."

"You said enough is enough? Haha. Naive."

The man in green smiled lightly.

"Why, are all you Qingtian Sect people so dishonest?"

Taoist Xuanhe's expression changed slightly immediately, and a powerful aura overwhelmed him in an instant. However, the powerful power of the divine light warrior seemed to be nothing in front of the man in green.

"It is said that Taoism is all about peace of mind. Xuanhe, your mind is not calm enough."

The man in green looked at the other party with a smile.

"Tell me, what else do you want before you can give me the formation map?"

"It's very simple. It's similar to what you just argued about. Join forces with Jin Yuan Temple to deal with the newly appointed Taishan Capital Commander Jiang Che."

"Your Qingtian Sect also has a grudge against Jiang Che? With your strength, why do you need me, Fulong Guan, to take action?" Taoist Xuanhe frowned slightly, feeling that something was not right.

"That boy killed one of the Angels I taught, which is a bit of a grudge, but that's not what we care about."

"That is?"

"It doesn't matter if Jiang Che dies or not. In short, this time if you want to help your son cultivate the formation of the Dragon Roar Body, you have to make the matter bigger and stir up the Jianghu forces in Tai'an Mansion."

The man in green said every word.

"You want to start a rebellion again?"

Taoist Xuanhe's expression changed slightly.

"This has nothing to do with you. In short, what if you don't want this formation diagram?"

"Don't even think about it. I, Xuanhe, will not ruin the centuries-old foundation of Fulong Temple for the sake of my son. Once there is a rebellion, Fulong Temple will be destroyed." Taoist Xuanhe said solemnly.

His meaning was actually similar to that of Li Daoping, and he did not want to get involved in this matter.

The best policy is to sit on a mountain and watch the tiger fight.

"What you said is really high-sounding. For those who don't know, I thought you, Taoist Xuanhe, are some kind of good person. If you really think about Fulong Temple, why would you want to use the dragon energy cultivated by Fulong Temple for hundreds of years to be used on your son? On your body?

That Li Daoping is very talented, and he is the most suitable being for the Earth Dragon Qi. "

The man in green looked at Xuan He with a half-smile, as if he had seen through his hypocrisy.

But Xuanhe's expression changed at this moment:

"How could you possibly know about Earth Dragon Qi?"

"If you want others not to know, you have to do nothing yourself. Xuanhe, since you have selfish motives, why do you pretend to be so sanctimonious? Don't worry, I will not force you Fulong Temple to raise a flag of rebellion.

I just want your Tai'an Mansion to be in chaos for a while. "

The man in green said calmly.


Taoist Xuanhe's face turned green and white, with a gloomy expression.

"This is half of the formation diagram. After chaos breaks out in Tai'an Mansion, I will give you the remaining half. It's up to you whether you agree or not, but I want to remind you that once you start setting up this formation diagram, there will be no room for regrets. ”

With that said, the man in green threw a jade plaque in his hand to Taoist Xuanhe.

Holding half of the formation diagram, Taoist Xuanhe looked struggling.

"By the way, there is one more thing I want to tell you."


"I taught Tianying Dharma King that as long as your son can cultivate the dragon chant body, he can become the holy son of our holy religion, Purple Dragon Hall, and become the direct disciple of Purple Dragon Dharma King.

If you are able to practice the holy method taught by me, it is not a problem to achieve Xuandan in the future, and there is even hope of breaking through to a higher level. It’s up to you how to think about it, hehehe."


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