All Offerings for Quick Enlightenment, Who Needs Arduous Cultivation?

Chapter 155 Sacrifice: Breaking the Realm of Divine Light!

Taishan City, meeting hall.

Jiang Che was completely aware of the noise and discussions from the outside world, but he had no feelings about it. He had become accustomed to this kind of thing.

His thoughts at the moment were all about how to improve his strength.

The pressure from Jinshan Temple, Lu Jianghe's revenge, and Qi Sanjia's heartfelt words all told Jiang Che clearly.

At this moment, his strength is still too weak.

If you don't have enough strength, you can only become a mermaid.

He has always known this truth.

Therefore, after just breaking through to the peak of Yuan Hai, Jiang Che's next goal is to break through to the realm of divine light. As long as he can go one step further, his cultivation strength will increase significantly.

If Xuandan doesn't come out, who can compete with him?

If he gets the peerless magic sword at the bottom of Jinyuan Temple's Demon Suppression Tower, his strength will rise even more.

Strength, strength, fucking strength!

He was eager to break through at this moment.

Closing his eyes, Jiang Che slowly sank his mind into the space of the sky monument.

Thoughts move slightly, goals are set.

[Sacrifice goal: Break through the divine light realm. 】

[The price of the sacrifice: a hundred Yuan Jings, a Nine-leaf Spirit Ginseng, a Vajra Relic, a drop of Xuanyuan Spiritual Liquid, a lifespan of five years, and a remaining lifespan of 135 years. Do you want to sacrifice? 】

Opening his eyes, Jiang Che's eyes sparkled.

Hundreds of yuan crystals?

This breakthrough is indeed not an easy task. The further you go, the more Yuan Jing you need, even increasing exponentially. Fortunately, Jiang Che, who has just destroyed Lujiazhuang, has a lot of money in his hands.

A mere hundred yuan crystals is nothing to worry about.

It's completely different from the time when I racked my brains for one or two Yuan Jing.

He is no longer the Yanggu Jiangche he used to be.

As for what he said before, he would give half of it to Qi Sanjia, but the other party didn't like it either. He just said he would take it.

But the easiest one was solved, and the rest were very difficult.

The first is the nine-leaf ginseng.

Each additional leaf adds one hundred years of medicinal life, and nine-leaf ginseng means it is a 900-year-old ginseng.

It is the ninth grade spiritual ginseng.

If there were one more leaf, it would be a thousand-year-old medicine.

He wanted to buy a four-leaf ginseng before, and Wang Ping was pushing it left and right. You can imagine how precious the nine-leaf ginseng is, but what he was thinking about now was whether there was a nine-leaf ginseng in Yaowang Valley.

Does he know that it has only been more than 300 years since the founding of the Yaowang Valley to cultivate Nine-leaf Spirit Ginseng?

As for the Buddhist Vajra Relic, he was a little confused.

Vajra relics are the essence left behind by eminent monks in the Vajra realm. They are called relics. Is this thing related to the divine light that opened up the spiritual platform?

This thing is even more difficult to obtain.

With his current strength, there is no need to think about attacking Jinyuan Temple. He doesn't have that strength at all, and he has no ability to match the Xuandan Grandmaster, unless he leaves the matter to Kukong.

Let him help steal this item.

Jinyuan Temple has been inherited for many years, and now there are masters in the Vajra realm. It is very likely that there are Vajra relics!

This is a preliminary solution.

As for the Xuanyuan Spiritual Liquid, Jiang Che had heard that it was the treasure of the Zhenhai Palace. It took many years for Xuanyuan Chongshui and other spiritual objects to gather together before it could be produced.

Every drop of it can be met but cannot be sought. There have always been only rumors spread, but there has never been a drop of spiritual liquid circulating in the Tai'an Mansion.

"It seems that I need to exchange it for the Qinglong Sea Suppression Scripture."

Jiang Che thought for a moment and murmured to himself.

He himself had intended to meet Chen Xiangdong again to talk about joining forces, but now he could take advantage of this opportunity to facilitate the matter. With the participation of Zhenhai Palace, Jinyuan Temple and Fulongguan even wanted to join forces to deal with him.

It is also difficult to make too big a splash in the world, because not many forces will respond.

Thinking of this, Jiang Che immediately started to prepare, writing the Qinglong Zhenhai Jing on bamboo slips and preparing to take it to Zhenhai Palace. Although he has not yet reached the perfection of Zhenhai Jing, there are still some gaps.

But now it has basically been restored to 78%, which is also quite valuable.

He believed that Chen Xiangdong would be tempted.

Before leaving, Jiang Che went to Zhu's Mansion, hoping to get some information from Zhu Xu. However, Zhu Xu never returned to Zhu's Mansion since the last time. He had been practicing in Zhenhai Palace, so he had no choice but to give up. .

But his trip couldn't be in vain.

Had a good chat with Mrs. Zhu.

They even dispatched bombing chickens and bombed them indiscriminately. In the end, they dropped hundreds of millions of elite soldiers before giving up. However, Madam Zhu was not to be outdone. She even devoured hundreds of millions of elite soldiers as a way of resistance even though she knew that they were going to be defeated.

"I am not honored that Tong Jiang can come."

Jiang Che, who was invited to the main hall of Zhenhai Palace, had just sat down and was tasting the spiritual tea in Zhenhai Palace. Chen Xiangdong's laughter reached his ears.

From this we can also see the contrast between Wang Pingzhi's attitude and his.

"Zhenhai Palace is one of the six major powers in Tai'an Mansion. It is Jiang's honor to be a guest. Senior Chen is too polite." Jiang Che chuckled.

"I have already heard about the matter in the City Lord's Mansion. Qi Sanjia really values ​​you. He hung the body of that old man from the Lu family on the top of the city. It shows that he is really angry."

Chen Xiangdong sighed.

But if you think about it carefully, this matter is normal.

Jiang Che is not only Qi Sanjia's confidant, but also a top martial arts genius. If it were his genius from Zhenhai Palace who was bullied, he would be even more angry.

"Lu Jianghe's destruction of the city lord's palace is like treason. It is only natural to hang him on top of the city to warn everyone. I plan to send him back to Lujiazhuang in a few days.

As a family, the most important thing is to be neat and tidy. "

Jiang Che smiled.

Chen Xiangdong laughed loudly:

"I can't see that you, Jiang Dutong, still have such thoughts."

After chatting for a while, Chen Xiangdong saw that Jiang Che never expressed his intention, so he immediately asked:

"I wonder why Jiang Dutong came here this time?"

"Discuss a business deal with Zhenhai Palace."

"What kind of business can you tell me?"

Chen Xiangdong raised his eyebrows with curiosity on his face.

"If this happens, Zhenhai Palace will be able to regain some of its former glory and dominate Tai'an Mansion. How about that? Are you not interested in this, Senior Chen?" Jiang Che's mouth curled up, whetting his appetite.

But Chen Xiangdong is a mature man after all. With his eyes turning, he guessed some truth based on his own guesses and asked in a deep voice:

"President Jiang Du is planning to destroy Jinyuan Temple?"

"No wonder Jiang and Qinglong Zhenhai Jing are compatible. It turns out that they are destined to Zhenhai Palace. Those who know me, Mr. Chen, yes, they worked together to destroy Jinyuan Temple. From then on, Zhenhai Palace was able to annex the interests of Jinyuan Temple.

In this way, it won't take many years for Zhenhai Palace to become more powerful, and one day it may be possible to regain the glory of its ancestors. "

Chen Xiangdong's eyes darkened and he stared at the tea cup in front of him for a moment. It was impossible for him to be flattered by Jiang Che's few words. He knew the pros and cons of this:

"Jinyuan Temple is too powerful and will not be easily destroyed. I, Zhenhai Palace, will die just by myself."

"Since there is no way Zhenhai Palace is the only family, Wanniangui of Wanshou Village, including me, the Lord of Taishan City, and Captain Qi, will all work together to eradicate this cancer that has been entrenched in Tai'an Mansion for many years!"

Jiang Che responded calmly.

Chen Xiangdong looked surprised. It was normal for Qi Sanjia to take action, but Wannian Gui's action was different.

People in the Jianghu said that he was just as his name suggests. He was usually very cautious and rarely had any grudges with others. However, it was really unusual for Jiang Che to talk him out of him now.


"Senior Chen, do you think Jiang is the kind of deceitful person who makes random nonsense?" Jiang Che asked rhetorically.

"Of course not. It's just that I'm a little confused. With the temperament of Ten Thousand Years Return, I'm actually willing to take action. The one I'm dealing with is Jin Yuan Temple. I'm really surprised."

"Hahaha, Mr. Chen doesn't know yet, but Uncle Wan's son Wan Pengyun and I are brothers with different surnames, and we have a brotherly relationship, and Uncle Wan is also a reasonable person.

After some persuasion, he agreed to the matter. But to be honest, Wanshou Village alone is still not safe, so I am planning to get Zhenhai Palace together to make a fortune.

Does Mr. Chen have any intention? "

By now, Jiang Che's lies had basically become a circle, and Zhenhai Palace was the last link. Therefore, everything he said at this moment was true.

"Qi Sanjia will return in ten thousand years." Chen Xiangdong looked thoughtful, thinking about the feasibility of this matter, but no matter how he thought about it, there was great potential for this matter.

If it can be done, there will be huge gains.


But the premise is that Jiang Che didn't deceive him.

Jiang Che was not in a hurry, just quietly sipping the spiritual tea, waiting for Chen Xiangdong's response.

"How confident do you think Jiang Dutong is if he takes action?"

Chen Xiangdong turned to him after a moment of silence and asked.

"If Senior Chen doesn't join forces, he's only 70% sure, but if Zhenhai Palace takes action together, he's 99% sure, with one point left just in case."

Jiang Che chuckled.

"After the matter is completed, Jiang Dutong is really willing to give up the interests of Jinyuan Temple?"

Chen Xiangdong was a little suspicious. After all, the resources controlled by Jinyuan Temple were too large and were a huge wealth. If they could obtain them, it would be a huge improvement for Zhenhai Palace.

"I only take the free money, and the rest will be divided equally between Senior Chen and Uncle Wan. From now on, the three of us have the final say in the world of Tai'an Prefecture!"

"What about Fulong Temple?"

"If Fulong Guan understands signs, leave him alone. If Fulong Guan doesn't know how to promote, let him follow in the footsteps of Jinyuan Temple." Jiang Che said word for word.

Chen Xiangdong exhaled a breath and nodded slightly:

"Okay, I agree to this matter!"

"I know that Mr. Chen is a person who can see the situation clearly. So, let's talk about the second business."

Jiang Che smiled.


Jiang Che did not answer, but took out a bamboo slip from his sleeve and placed it on the table, looked at the other person and said:

"Jiang knows very well the importance of Qinglong Zhenhai Jing to Zhenhai Palace, so he is here to present this gift."


Chen Xiangdong immediately showed surprise and stared at the bamboo slips in front of him.

"The thing is here, how can it be fake? However, I need to tell my seniors in advance that the Qinglong Zhenhai Sutra in the bamboo slips is not the complete text, only about 70% of it."

"Why not the whole book?"

"For the rest, this junior still has some thoughts. I'm afraid it will take some time."

"What does Jiang Dutong want?"

Chen Xiangdong understood that nothing in the world was free, and Jiang Che might have wanted to lure Zhenhai Palace, but even so, it was enough to excite him.

Since the Qinglong Zhenhai Sutra was lost a hundred years ago, the Zhenhai Palace has gradually declined, and the combat power of the disciples within the sect has been unable to form an advantage over the true teachings of other sect forces.

Everything is due to the insufficient level of skills.

"Jiang only wants two things."

Jiang Che stretched out two fingers.

"Which two?"

"The first is a drop of Xuanyuan spiritual liquid, which Jiang is preparing for practice, and the second is an innate spiritual energy. This thing should be nothing to Zhenhai Palace, right?"

"Jiang Dutong talked about the preciousness of innate spiritual energy. It has not been a common thing since ancient times. Of course it is considered precious, but I am a little confused. Why does Jiang Dutong need this thing?

Could it be that one of his cronies is about to break through? "

Xuanyuan spiritual liquid Chen Xiangdong can understand, but the innate spiritual energy is a little confused.

Jiang Che shook his head and sighed:

"Before Lieutenant Zhu County died, Jiang promised to take care of his wife and daughter. His son Zhu Xu was very talented, but he was trapped in the innate aura and was unable to break through.

The spiritual energy that Jiang wanted was given to Zhu Xu. In this way, Zhu County Lieutenant's promotion was considered to be satisfied. "

Although he often makes nonsense, he will still do what he promised.

"Jiang Dutong really values ​​love and justice."

Chen Xiangdong showed admiration.

The incomplete Qinglong Zhenhai Jing is actually not very useful at present and cannot be exchanged for Xuanyuan spiritual liquid and innate spiritual energy, but Jiang Che's actions made him want to make friends with him.

There may be times when this person will be used in the future.

"Okay, I've made the decision and I'll give you everything."

He immediately waved his hand and said.

"Thank you, Senior Chen."

Jiang Che slightly arched his hands and pushed the bamboo slip over.

Taking the bamboo slip, Chen Xiangdong asked casually:

"I wonder how Jiang Dutong has repaired his skills now?"

"It will be completed within three months."

When his cultivation reaches the peak of divine light, he will naturally be able to repair this skill. In three months, he should go further.

Chen Xiangdong looked at the things in his hands and decided to tell Jiang Che some secrets to help him repair his skills. Helping others is helping yourself, otherwise it will only be a waste of time.

"Since Jiang Dutong is so forthcoming, I will tell you a secret about the Qinglong Zhenhai Sutra technique."

"Oh? What secret?"

Chen Xiangdong stared at Jiang Che and said:

"If you want to practice Qinglong Zhenhai Sutra to perfection, you'd better have a natural dragon energy integrated into your body, otherwise it will be difficult to achieve the charm of this technique. Once upon a time, Zhenhai Palace was in its heyday.

The sect has a method of cultivating dragon energy, intercepting the energy of the earth veins, and nourishing it with formations for the cultivation of future generations of disciples. "

Jiang Che frowned slightly. This was the first time he had heard of it. In this case, wouldn't it mean that there might also be a natural dragon energy as a sacrifice in the price of the sacrifice?

"If you want to use this dragon energy, how long do you need to keep it?"

Chen Xiangdong said in a deep voice:

"Ten years will be enough for one use, but the longer you nourish your Qi, the better. There is even hope that you can develop a special physique in the future."

"Special physique?"

Jiang Che frowned slightly, could it be that Qinglong Zhenhai Jing still had such ability?

Chen Xiangdong nodded:

"This physique is the dragon's body, a type of mystical body, but it can be cultivated the day after tomorrow. In this way, you can have the dragon's energy in your body, and you can cultivate the true charm, which will be of great benefit to your future practice."

"Is it possible to achieve perfection without dragon energy?"

"Of course it's possible, but it can't echo the subsequent Xuantian Dragon Transformation Technique, and it's less mysterious."

"Is there still dragon energy in Zhenhai Palace now?"

It would take at least ten years to cultivate dragon energy, but how could he wait?

Chen Xiangdong looked ashamed:

"There is still a method in the palace to nourish the earth dragon's energy, but it requires a lot of resources. In addition, the Qinglong Zhenhai Sutra has long been incomplete. I have never thought that it can be completed one day, so I don't have to continue to nourish the energy."

Jiang Che frowned and asked unwillingly:

"Is there any other alternative?"

Chen Xiangdong shook his head:

"If there is true dragon energy or dragon vein energy, it can be substituted, but compared to the earth dragon energy, it is harder to obtain. However, Jiang Dutong does not need to underestimate himself.

In fact, the method of cultivating earth dragon energy is not too precious in the world. Some sects and forces will also cultivate energy on their own earth lines for the sake of their disciples' practice.

As long as you look carefully, you still have a good chance. "


There was a delay of several hours, and an extra four hundred words were added to compensate.

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