The sixth guard, Elro, holds the Void Sword in his hand. The sword exudes a cold light. Every sword strike can tear the void and release powerful energy.

[Magic General: Elro]

[Level: 80]

[Power: 88043000]



[Physique: 108080000]

[Skill: Void Crack]

Lin Mo had a strong figure and moved quickly, avoiding Elro's attack. His Qilin Holy Sword flew in his hand, the flames piercing the air and making a hissing sound. He uses superb swordsmanship, sometimes thrusting forward, sometimes sweeping, sometimes upward, perfectly combining flames and sword energy, showing amazing attack power.

Elro was not to be outdone. He relied on the power of the Void Sword to continuously launch fierce attacks. His swordsmanship is mysterious and unpredictable, sometimes as fast as lightning, sometimes as slow as flowing clouds and flowing water. Each sword strike can tear apart space and release powerful energy fluctuations. His attacks are not only powerful, but also carry an elusive sense of illusion, making it impossible to predict the direction of the next attack.

The battle between the two was extremely fierce, with you going back and forth and refusing to give in to each other. Lin Mo's flame blade and Elro's void sword intersected in the air, making a deafening metal collision sound. The figures of the two people moved quickly under the dim light. During the transition between offense and defense, it seemed as if time had frozen at this moment.

In this fierce battle, the strength of the two men was fully demonstrated. Lin Mo wielded the blazing fire with the Qilin Holy Sword, forcing Elro to retreat step by step. Elro, on the other hand, used the power of the Void Sword to continuously launch fierce attacks, trying to break through Lin Mo's defense line.

"You want to attack me, you are delusional!!"

Lin Mo moved quickly and waved the Qilin Holy Sword in his hand. The blade cut through the air and made a harsh sound. Streams of fire shot out from the sword body, roaring towards Elro with blazing temperature and powerful energy.

Elro reacted quickly. He dodged and nimbly avoided the fire attack. At the same time, the Void Sword in his hand burst out with dazzling light, and for a moment, the entire battle field seemed to be enveloped by an invisible force.

Immediately afterwards, Elro launched a counterattack. He waved the Void Sword, and the blade shone with a cold light, as if it could cut everything. Invisible attacks were released from the sword's edge and quickly attacked Lin Mo. The attack went through the air with a hissing sound that made people shudder.

When Lin Mo saw this, his eyes became stern. He grasped the Qilin Holy Sword tightly and mobilized the strength in his body for defense. A golden light burst out from the sword, forming an indestructible barrier that blocked Elro's attack.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Mo launched a counterattack. He quickened his pace and quickly approached Elro. The Kirin Holy Sword drew a graceful arc in the air, carrying blazing fire and powerful energy, and went straight to Elro's throat. Elro reacted quickly. He jumped sideways and avoided the fatal blow. At the same time, the Void Sword once again launched an invisible attack, attacking Lin Mo.

The two of them went back and forth and started a fierce battle. Lin Mo's Qilin Holy Sword danced with great power, with fire splashing everywhere; Elro's Void Sword followed him like a shadow, and his invisible attack was hard to guard against. The entire battle venue was filled with a tense and exciting atmosphere. The figures of the two people intertwined in the air, and every collision inspired dazzling light and powerful energy fluctuations.

"Qilin Blade!"

The Kirin Holy Sword drew a streak of fire in the air and struck Elro violently. The flames pierced the air and made a sharp sound, which was terrifying. Elro quickly dodged and moved like a phantom, easily dodging Lin Mo's attack.

Elro was not to be outdone, and the Sword of the Void instantly released a burst of dark energy, violently bombarding Lin Mo. The energy spread in the air, as if it was going to swallow Lin Mo. Lin Mo waved the Qilin Holy Sword, and a ray of fire cut through the void again, colliding with the dark energy.

The two forces collided fiercely in the air, making a deafening sound. Fire light and dark energy intertwined with each other, bursting out with dazzling light. Lin Mo and Elro were both knocked back several steps, but neither gave up the attack.

Lin Mo rushed towards Elro again, the Kirin Holy Sword danced faster and faster, and fire continued to spurt out from the sword body. Elro used the Sword of the Void to resist Lin Mo's attack, and dark energy condensed around the sword to form an indestructible barrier.

The offensive and defensive battle between the two became more and more intense, and the collision of sword light and energy continued to sound. The entire arena seemed to be shaken by this powerful energy wave.

In the end, Lin Mo successfully defeated Elro by relying on the mysterious power of the Qilin Holy Sword and his own tenacity. The light of his sword penetrated Elro's defense and knocked him to the ground. The moment Elro fell, the entire arena fell into silence.

Although the battle was fierce and short, it left a deep impression on people

[Kill the Level 80 Demon General and get Spirit Pill +999]

The city lord Erroy holds a soul sword. The sword is as transparent as crystal and seems to be able to penetrate all illusions. His swordsmanship is strange and mysterious, sometimes like a gust of wind and sometimes like a dream, as if he can control the opponent's soul.

[Magic General: Erroy]

[Level: 80]

[Strength: 121143000]



[Physique: 78080000]

[Skill: Soul Harvest]

The two fought for several rounds, attacking and defending in an orderly manner, and their swords were full of energy. Lin Mo's flames and El Roy's soul sword energy stirred in the air, making a deafening roar. Every collision seemed to spark bright sparks, illuminating the surrounding scene like a dream.

Lin Mo's eyes were firm and resolute, and he kept changing his moves, sometimes as violent as thunder, sometimes as gentle as water. His Qilin Holy Sword danced faster and faster in his hand, as if it turned into a stream of light, which was dizzying.

Elroy looks even more weird and unpredictable, and his swordsmanship seems to be able to control all illusions. Sometimes he turns into a phantom, sometimes disappearing into the air, as if he can transmigrate time and space. His soul sword energy sometimes condenses into a huge energy ball, and sometimes turns into a slender sword light, which is hard to guard against.

The battle between the two became more and more intense, and the surrounding scene was constantly changing. Deep cracks opened in the earth, trees were cut in half by the sword energy, and flying sand and rocks filled the air. But no matter how bad the environment is, the two men always stand firm, their eyes full of determination and belief.

Finally, after a fierce collision, the two figures stopped for a moment. Their eyes met together, as if they were competing for their inner strength. Lin Mo's hand holding the Qilin Holy Sword trembled slightly, and Elroy's Soul Sword also seemed to be trembling slightly.

But in the end, Lin Mo relied on stronger faith and perseverance, and the Kirin Holy Sword emitted a dazzling light, instantly defeating Elroy's defense. Elroy's figure dissipated in the air like a broken phantom, and his Soul Sword also turned into a wisp of smoke.

Lin Mo stood there panting, his eyes shining with victory. His Qilin Holy Sword also seemed to be singing a song of victory, with streaks of fire shooting out from the sword's body, illuminating the entire battlefield.

The battle between Lin Mo and Elroy is in full swing. Lin Mo held the Kirin Holy Sword in his hand, and the sword shone with mysterious light. Every time he swung the sword, it could spark a blazing fire, like the glory of the falling sun. His movements were vigorous and powerful, and every attack was as violent as a violent storm.

Elroy uses the Soul Sword, and the sword body emits a dark light, like a dark abyss that swallows everything. His swordsmanship is strange and mysterious. Sometimes it condenses into a dazzling beam of light, and sometimes it turns into countless illusory shadows. Every attack is like a fight against fate, full of endless sorrow and despair.

The two magic weapons collided, sparking a dazzling light. The fire light and the soul sword intertwined together, as if performing a gorgeous dance. The figures of the two people intertwined in the light, and their movements were so fast that it was dizzying.

Lin Mo's power was like a violent flame, indestructible. Elroy, on the other hand, used the strange power of the Soul Sword to resolve Lin Mo's attacks again and again. The strength of the two was about the same, making the battle more intense.

The battle entered a fierce stage, and the figures of the two people were blurred. Only two rays of light could be seen constantly colliding and intertwining in the air. Every attack carried the power of Ten Thousand Tons of Thunder, as if it was about to tear the entire world apart. The figures of the two people intertwined in the air, the sword light flashed, and the energy surged. Lin Mo's fire light and El Roy's soul power collided with each other, making a deafening sound. The surrounding trees were injured by the sword energy, falling leaves flew into the air, and the flowers and plants on the ground were also affected by the energy and instantly turned into ashes.

Lin Mo gritted his teeth and swung his sword vigorously, using all his strength in every attack. Elroy, on the other hand, responded calmly, relying on his extraordinary skills and powerful soul power to continuously neutralize Lin Mo's attacks. The strength of the two was equal, and it was difficult to tell the winner for a while.

This battle is not only a contest of strength, but also a test of will and wisdom. Lin Mo and Elroy constantly adjusted their tactics during the battle, looking for each other's weaknesses. Their figures shuttled quickly through the forest, the sword light flashed, and the sound of energy echoed in the dark forest, which was frightening.

In the end, Lin Mo successfully defeated Erroy with his extraordinary skills and the power of the Qilin Holy Sword. He panted heavily, holding the Qilin Holy Sword tightly, with a victorious smile on his face.

[Kill the Level 80 Demon General and get Spirit Pill +999]

All the generals who defended the city were killed. As long as the defenders inside were destroyed, the city could be occupied.

"Great Qin Tiger, come here and kill them."

With the sound of the horn, the Great Qin Tiger Army launched a charge. They shouted, iron hoofs shook the sky, and smoke billowed. Millions of Demon Race troops let out a terrifying roar and charged towards their opponents. For a time, the two armies clashed and a fierce battle began.

The spears of the Great Qin Tiger Army were like a forest, constantly stabbing the Demon Race army. The Demon Race army used huge shields to block the spear attacks, while wielding giant swords to fight back. The two armies were going back and forth, fighting inextricably.

In this battle, the bravery and unity of the Great Qin Tiger Army played a huge role. They cooperated tacitly, supported each other, and jointly fought against enemies several times their own. Despite heavy losses, their morale remained undiminished and they continued to move forward.

Although the Demon Race army is large in number, its discipline is loose and they fight independently. Facing the fierce attack of the Great Qin Tiger Army, they gradually fell into chaos.

As the battle progressed, the Great Qin Tiger Army began to gain the upper hand. Their offensive became more and more fierce, constantly breaking through the Demon Race army's defense line. The Demon Race army fell into a passive situation and retreated one after another.

In the end, the Great Qin Tiger Army won the victory. They shouted victory slogans and celebrated this hard-won victory. The Demon Race army fled in panic and disappeared into the distance.

"Congratulations on being upgraded to Rank Two Silver Demon Controller."

[Character: Lin Mo]

[Rank: Rank Two Golden Demon Controller]

[Title: Northern Emperor]

[Official rank: Five-star Emperor General]

[Power: six cities, two vassals]

[Occupation: Sword Spirit]

[Strength: 100756137+701195 (Desert Eagle, strength enhanced by 200%)]

[Agility: 392191086+20141952 (thousand-mile raid, agility enhanced by 300%)]

[Defense: 100546013+7033606 (Great Han Tianwei, defense strengthened by 150%)]

[Spirit: 413385889+25857212 (Charm of the prosperous Tang Dynasty, 300% spiritual strengthening)]

[Psychic Power: Great Qin Ghost Army, Divine Level Mount, Commercial Great Emperor, Whole Army Strengthened, Supreme Saint King]

[Equipment: Kirin Holy Sword (Heavenly Rank magic item) Flame Dragon Spirit Bone (Heavenly Rank magic item) ]

[Martial skills: Kirin Blade (Heavenly Rank magic item) Heavenly Soul Scroll (Heavenly Rank magic item) Red Flame Swordsmanship (Heavenly Rank magic item) Lord of the Underworld (Rank Nine)]

[Martial Spirit value: 154515000+18000000]

[Guardian spirits: Ying Zheng, Genghis Khan, Zhu Yuanzhang, Han Martial Emperor, Tang Taizong, Sui Yang Emperor, Song Taizu, Qing Taizu, Zhou Wenwang, Emperor Xin]

[Generals: Bai Qi, Wu Qi, Sun Wu, Yue Fei, Huo Qubing, Han Xin, Xiang Yu, Sun Bin, Guan Yu, Lu Bu]

[Number of ghost troops: 68500000+10000000]

On the wall of the city, Lin Mo stood with his head held high, looking far into the distance. His face was filled with unconcealable joy, a joy of victory and a joy of satisfaction. His eyes were shining with light, the light of victory, and also the determination and persistence for the future.

His heart was full of excitement, which was an affirmation of his own ability and a tribute to the soldiers' fearless fighting. He felt the sweetness of victory, the fruit of countless efforts and struggles. He understood that this victory was not only a personal affirmation for him, but also a praise for the army he led.

Lin Mo opened his hands and felt the breeze of the city. It was the breeze of freedom and the breeze of victory. His heart was full of lofty ideals, and he understood that this was just the beginning, and there were more challenges waiting for him and his army ahead.

This victory is an affirmation of his leadership and a reward for the bravery of the soldiers. He knew that from now on, they would meet new challenges and create new brilliance. And all of this stems from his desire for victory and confidence in the future.

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