All Over The World, My Little Brother Is The Emperor Of All Time.

Chapter 517 Rank Three Golden Demon Controller

Lin Mo walked out of the city and continued to the next demon city, the Fire Prison City.

The two magic cities were not far apart, and soon Lin Mo's army came to the city with troops. At this moment, Lin Mo already had an army of more than 70 million.

Just a few million troops were lost in the battle, which was just a drop in the bucket for Lin Youchen.

The City of Flame Hell is located in a fiery volcanic area and is shrouded in thick smoke and flames all year round. The whole city seemed like a huge furnace, exuding a scorching atmosphere. The volcanic crater in the distance continuously erupts with hot magma, flowing on the edge of the city, melting the surrounding rocks into a sea of ​​fire.

The city's buildings are dominated by red and black, and the rough stone walls and roofs look like burnt charcoal, exuding a fiery atmosphere. The shops and houses on both sides of the street are surrounded by thick stone walls, and the few windows are blocked by iron bars to prevent the invasion of heat waves and flames.

The city guard general Gotha held an elemental sword, and the sword was filled with colorful elemental light, as if it gathered the power of heaven and earth.

[Magic General: Gotha]

[Level: 90]

[Power: 888043000]



[Physique: 878080000]

[Skill: Elemental Storm]

Suddenly, Lin Mo launched an attack, and the Qilin Holy Sword cut through the air, bringing up a blazing fire. The fire light was like a red meteor, rushing towards Gotha quickly. Gotha quickly swung the elemental sword, and a curtain of water spurted out from the tip of the sword, violently colliding with the fire in the air. Water and fire merged, making a deafening roar and setting off a huge wave of energy.

Lin Mo followed closely behind, the Qilin Holy Sword danced faster and faster, and the fire light poured down like a torrential rain. Gotha, on the other hand, relied on the power of the elemental sword to flexibly dodge the attack. Sometimes he turned into a wall of ice to block the fire, and sometimes he released flames to compete with Lin Mo. The two figures moved quickly in the fierce battle, the sword light flashed, and the power of the elements overflowed.

In this battle, Lin Mo's Qilin Holy Sword and Gotha's Elemental Sword showed completely different powers. The fire released by the Qilin Holy Sword is both hot and violent, seeming to burn all obstacles. The elemental sword shows the power of various elements, sometimes as cold as ice, sometimes as violent as fire.

After a fierce battle, Lin Mo found the right moment and stabbed Gotha with his sword. Gotha reacted quickly and waved his sword to resist. However, Lin Mo's power seemed to be endless, and the Qilin Holy Sword suddenly burst out with more intense fire. Under this fiery offensive, the power of the Gotha Elemental Sword seemed to be gradually suppressed.

"go to hell!"

A ray of fire pierced the sky and roared towards Gotha. The fire was as hot as a fire, with the power to destroy everything. Gotha's face was expressionless, and with a wave of the elemental sword, a column of water spurted out from the ground, turning into a water curtain and dispelling all the fire.

Lin Mo's eyes flashed, and he swung out the Qilin Holy Sword, and streaks of fire struck Gotha one after another. The fire light drew elegant arcs in the air, like a flaming phoenix dancing gracefully. Gotha, on the other hand, used the elemental sword to guide the power of the elements and turned them into strong barriers to resist Lin Mo's attacks.

The figures of the two people intertwined in the air, and the sword light and the power of the elements intertwined into a magnificent picture. Lin Mo's attacks became more and more fierce, and Gotha's defense became stronger. In this fierce battle, the strength of the two people was vividly displayed, as if it was a feast of vision and strength.

In the end, Lin Mo swung his sword, and a huge beam of fire pierced the sky and headed straight for Gotha. And Gotha also used the sword of elements to activate the power of the five elements and turned it into a five-color light curtain to resist Lin Mo's fatal blow.

With a deafening bang, the two forces collided in the air, setting off a gust of wind. When the dust settled, Gotha was seen kneeling on one knee, and the elemental sword was shattered.

"Haha, let's give it the last blow!"

Lin Mo waved the Qilin Holy Sword, and a blazing flame cut through the darkness, approaching Gotha. The fire burned in the air, making a crackling sound that was daunting. Gotha dodged sideways, and the flames streaked across his cheek, leaving a scorch mark.

Gotha struck back with his sword, and the elemental sword released a burst of cold energy, instantly freezing the surrounding air. Lin Mo waved the Qilin Holy Sword, and a blazing flame cut through the darkness again, colliding with the cold energy. The two forces canceled each other out, and a deafening roar echoed in the cave.

Lin Mo had a strong figure, moved quickly, and continuously attacked Gotha with fire. Gotha relied on the power of the elemental sword to evade and counterattack flexibly. The cave was filled with the atmosphere of fierce fighting. The figures of the two men intertwined in the darkness, and the sound of collisions of sword light and energy continued to sound.

Lin Mo meditated on the secret of the Qilin Holy Sword in his heart, and a powerful force surged out of the sword. He slashed with his sword, and a huge beam of fire cut through the darkness and headed straight for Gotha. Gotha was shocked and realized that he couldn't dodge, so he had to resist with all his strength. The fire light collided with the elemental sword, erupting with an astonishing energy, and the stone walls in the cave were shattered and collapsed.

In this fierce battle, the two people's forces intertwined and collided with each other. Lin Mo successfully defeated Gotha by relying on the power of the Qilin Holy Sword and his own skills.

[Kill the Level 90 Demon General and get Spirit Pill +9999]

City Lord Godfrey holds the Poison Mist Sword, and the sword is filled with thick poisonous mist. Every sword dance can make the surrounding air heavy and oppressive, as if it is bound by invisible shackles.

[Magic General: Godfrey]

[Level: 95]

[Power: 978043000]



[Physique: 908080000]

[Skill: Poisonous Fog]

"Suffer death!"

Lin Mo's eyes were firm and his posture was strong, like a cheetah galloping on the grassland. He waved the Qilin Holy Sword, and the flames pierced the sky, carrying blazing temperature and majestic domineering. Every attack of fire light caused Godfrey's Poisonous Mist Sword to emit more dense poisonous mist, as if resisting the invasion of flames.

Godfrey, on the other hand, has an elegant figure and cold eyes, like a poisonous snake lurking in the dark night. He wielded the Poison Mist Sword, and the poisonous mist filled the air, carrying deadly toxins and a cold aura. Every attack from the poisonous mist made Lin Mo's breathing difficult, as if he was bound by invisible shackles.

The fight between the two intensified, and the sword light and poisonous mist intertwined, making a harsh scream. Lin Mo kept waving the Qilin Holy Sword, and the flames shot through the sun like a rainbow, lighting up the entire battlefield. Godfrey, on the other hand, continued to release poisonous mist, making the entire battlefield eerie and strange.

The figures of the two people intertwined in the air, and the sword light and poisonous mist collided with each other, making a deafening roar. Every attack is full of the beauty of power and speed, which makes people amazed. And every defense is full of tenacity and wisdom, which is amazing.

"I will win this battle!"

Lin Mo waved the Qilin Holy Sword, drawing bright flames, and fought fiercely with the black fog monster. The collision of fire and poison filled the air with a strong aura of danger. Every sword strike was accompanied by fierce explosions and flying sparks, as if they were about to set the entire dense forest on fire.

Lin Mo's movements were smooth and fluid. Sometimes he rushed forward quickly, sometimes he retreated to dodge. Every attack was precise and deadly. And Godfrey's Poison Mist Sword is also amazingly powerful. Although those black mist monsters look scary, each one of them dissipates in the collision with the fire light.

"go to hell!!"

A ray of fire cut through the darkness and attacked Godfrey. Fire burned in the air, illuminating the surrounding area. Godfrey swung his sword to block the fire, and at the same time released a poisonous mist, attacking Lin Mo. The poisonous mist filled the air, emitting a disgusting smell.

Lin Mo retreated quickly, and at the same time, he swung his sword to create a barrier to block the poisonous mist. He was secretly vigilant in his heart, knowing that Godfrey's poisonous mist sword was no small matter. He calmed down and prepared for Godfrey's next attack.

Godfrey couldn't help being slightly shocked when he saw Lin Mo resisting his poisonous mist attack. He swung his sword to attack Lin Mo again. The sword of poisonous mist drew a strange angle in the air and went straight to Lin Mo's throat. Lin Mo waved the Kirin Holy Sword and collided with the Poison Mist Sword in the air, making a harsh metal clash.

The figures of the two people moved quickly in the darkness, sword energy criss-crossed, poisonous mist and flames intertwined. Lin Mo relied on the power of the Qilin Holy Sword and superb swordsmanship to gradually gain the upper hand. He kept swinging his sword to attack Godfrey, and the fire pierced the darkness, forcing the enemy to retreat step by step.

[Kill the Level 95 Demon General and get Spirit Pill +9999]

There are only two defenders in the City of Flame Hell, but their combat power is much stronger than the previous demon generals.

It's important to ignore him and continue to attack the city.

"Great Qin Tiger Tiger, come on for me!"

Okay, here is a description of a battle scene between tens of millions of Qin Tigers fighting millions of Demon Race soldiers:

As soon as the battle started, both sides rushed towards each other like a tide. The Great Qin Tigers launched an attack in a dense array, with spears as sharp as a forest and unstoppable. The Demon Race soldiers relied on their powerful physical strength to frantically rush into the Huben array. For a time, the two sides fell into a stalemate, and the fierce collision made a deafening sound.

In this fierce battle, Da Qin Huben showed unparalleled fighting skills and iron-blooded will. They cooperated tacitly, advanced and retreated in an orderly manner, and constantly repelled the attacks of Demon Race soldiers. Although the number of Demon Race soldiers is large, their combat effectiveness is uneven, making it difficult to form an effective offensive.

As the battle progressed, the Great Qin Tigers gradually gained the upper hand. They took advantage of the array and continuously compressed the formation of Demon Race soldiers. Every charge cost the Demon Race soldiers a heavy price. The morale of the Great Qin Tigers is getting higher and higher, and they will defend the dignity and honor of the country to the death.

In the end, after paying a huge price, Da Qin Huben successfully killed all the Demon Race soldiers. They raised their spears high and cheers filled the sky.

"Congratulations on being upgraded to Rank Three Golden Demon Controller."

[Character: Lin Mo]

[Rank: Rank Three Golden Demon Control General]

[Title: Northern Emperor]

[Official rank: Five-star Emperor General]

[Power: six cities, two vassals]

[Occupation: Sword Spirit]

[Strength: 115756137+8081195 (Desert Eagle, strength enhanced by 200%)]

[Agility: 422191086+30141952 (thousand-mile raid, agility enhanced by 300%)]

[Defense: 115746013+8033606 (Great Han Tianwei, defense strengthened by 150%)]

[Spirit: 443385889+30857212 (Charm of the prosperous Tang Dynasty, 300% spiritual strengthening)]

[Psychic Power: Great Qin Ghost Army, Divine Level Mount, Commercial Great Emperor, Whole Army Strengthened, Supreme Saint King]

[Equipment: Kirin Holy Sword (Heavenly Rank magic item) Flame Dragon Spirit Bone (Heavenly Rank magic item) ]

[Martial skills: Kirin Blade (Heavenly Rank magic item) Heavenly Soul Scroll (Heavenly Rank magic item) Red Flame Swordsmanship (Heavenly Rank magic item) Lord of the Underworld (Rank Nine)]

[Martial Spirit value: 172515000+20000000]

[Guardian spirits: Ying Zheng, Genghis Khan, Zhu Yuanzhang, Han Martial Emperor, Tang Taizong, Sui Yang Emperor, Song Taizu, Qing Taizu, Zhou Wenwang, Emperor Xin]

[Generals: Bai Qi, Wu Qi, Sun Wu, Yue Fei, Huo Qubing, Han Xin, Xiang Yu, Sun Bin, Guan Yu, Lu Bu]

[Number of ghost troops: 78500000+10000000]

Lin Mo Cedi occupied the city of Flame Prison, but Lin Mo didn't stay too long. Now he has nearly 90 million troops, which is enough.

Under the scorching sun, Lin Mo led a mighty army through the foot of the Flame Mountain. The Flame Mountain gets its name from the fact that the mountain is as red as fire, as if it had been burned by fire. The hot sunlight shines on the mountain, reflecting a dazzling light that makes people dare not look directly.

The army marched on the winding mountain road, and the sound of footsteps echoed in the valleys. The soldiers were wearing heavy armor and sweat was flowing down their foreheads, but they still moved forward firmly without any intention of flinching. Lin Mo, wearing a golden jersey, led them at the front of the team. His eyes were firm, and his face was full of determination and belief.

As the army deepened, the temperature of the Flame Mountain became higher and higher. There was a burning smell in the air, making it difficult to breathe. The soldiers' armor shone dazzlingly in the sun. Although their steps were a little heavy, they still maintained an orderly formation.

The mountain road is getting steeper and steeper, almost straight up and down in some places, like a staircase leading to hell. However, Lin Mo and his army did not stop. They supported each other and climbed up step by step. The soldiers' faces were full of firmness and determination, and their eyes were focused on the target on the top of the mountain.

Finally, when the sun was about to set, Lin Mo and his army successfully transmigrated the Flame Mountain. They stood on the top of the mountain, overlooking the mountains and rivers below. The afterglow of the setting sun shone on them, reflecting a golden glow. At the bottom of the mountain is the ghost town.

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