All Over The World, My Little Brother Is The Emperor Of All Time.

Chapter 518 Rank Four Golden Demon Controller

The appearance of the ghost town is ancient and solemn. The tall stone walls exude a heavy historical atmosphere and are covered with traces of time. The spire reaches straight into the sky, as if to show its extraordinary majesty to the world. The windows are uniquely designed, and each one seems to tell an ancient story.

The castle is surrounded by a bottomless moat. The water is as black as ink and occasionally ripples, as if there are some creatures swimming in it. There is a light layer of mist on the river, making the entire castle look even more mysterious. Looking from a distance, the outline of the castle is looming under the afterglow of the setting sun, adding a bit of a strange and terrifying atmosphere.

On the surrounding barren land, there were some withered trees growing, their branches twisted, as if they were struggling in pain. There are some ancient relics and broken stone tablets scattered on the ground, and every place is full of historical vicissitudes and mysterious stories.

This devil's castle is a place full of unknowns and mysteries, with countless secrets hidden in every corner.

Guardsman Hamilton held a huge hammer of wind. The hammer exuded the breath of strong wind, as if it could sweep everything away. He has a resolute face and cold eyes, and his whole body exudes an arrogant and domineering air.

[Magic General: Hamilton]

[Level: 90]

[Power: 878043000]

[Agile: 894431800]


[Physique: 828080000]

[Skill: Wind Step]

"Go to hell, the final blow!"

A blazing flame cut through the sky. The fire glow was like a shooting star, rushing away with endless power and heat. Upon seeing this, Hamilton quickly swung the Hammer of Wind, releasing a powerful storm force. The storm swept over and violently collided with the fire in the air, making a deafening noise.

Lin Mo was agile and easily dodged the storm's attack. He took the opportunity to swing the Qilin Holy Sword again, and streaks of fire poured down like a torrential rain. Hamilton swung the hammer of wind and released more powerful storm power, trying to resist Lin Mo's attack. However, fire and storm intertwined in the air, making bursts of earth-shattering explosions.

The fight between Lin Mo and Hamilton became more and more fierce, the sword energy and the storm collided with each other, and fire flew everywhere. The two figures moved quickly in the forest, sometimes attacking and sometimes defending, showing superb combat skills and amazing strength.

Lin Mo used the skill of using the Kirin Holy Sword to wield the fire, sometimes like a raging fire, sometimes like a gentle rain. Each attack is filled with power and skill that is astonishing to watch. Hamilton relied on the power of the Storm Hammer to launch a series of violent attacks and crazy roars. His attacks are as violent as a gust of wind and rain, making it difficult to guard against.

In this fierce battle, Lin Mo and Hamilton tested each other and battled wits and courage. Lin Mo relied on his strong body and flexible swordsmanship to constantly dodge Hamilton's attacks, and at the same time launched deadly counterattacks. Hamilton relied on his powerful strength and violent momentum to launch wave after wave of fierce attacks on Lin Mo.

Lin Mo nimbly dodged Hamilton's attack, his steps were light and vigorous, as if he was walking with the wind. He used the fire of the Kirin Holy Sword to attack the enemy. The flames cut through the air, making a hissing sound, and instantly ignited the wilderness.

Hamilton relied on the power of the Hammer of Wind to continuously launch fierce attacks. His hammer head carried the power of the wind, causing violent vibrations when it hit the ground, as if it was about to tear the whole world apart. Every swing of the hammer is accompanied by the roar of the wind, which makes people feel terrified.

The battle between the two was extremely fierce, with you going back and forth and refusing to give in to each other. Lin Mo took advantage of the flame blade and speed to constantly approach Hamilton. Hamilton, on the other hand, relied on the power and defense of the Gale Hammer to withstand Lin Mo's attack and look for opportunities to counterattack.

Suddenly, Lin Mo launched a fatal attack. He quickly moved to the side of Hamilton, and the Kirin Holy Sword drew a blazing light of fire, going straight to Hamilton's throat. Hamilton reacted quickly. He jumped sideways and avoided the fatal blow. At the same time, the hammer of the wind hit Lin Mo's head with the power of the strong wind.

Lin Mo dodged the attack with a strong body, and he quickly jumped back to distance himself from Hamilton. He stared at the enemy firmly, knowing in his heart that this battle would not end so easily.

Hamilton showed no sign of weakness. He swung the hammer of wind and launched another fierce attack. The power of the strong wind swept forward, as if it was about to drag Lin Mo into it. Lin Mo held the Qilin Holy Sword tightly and mobilized the power in his body to defend and counterattack. He waved his sword, forming a barrier of fire to resist Hamilton's attack. At the same time, he also uses speed and skill to constantly approach the enemy, looking for opportunities to break through.

"Suffer death, you have no way to escape!!"

The Kirin Holy Sword drew a streak of fire in the air and struck Hamilton violently. The flames pierced the air and made a sharp sound, which was terrifying. Hamilton dodged quickly, moving like the wind, easily dodging Lin Mo's attack.

Not to be outdone, Hamilton slammed the Hammer of Wind into the ground, and a powerful energy spread on the ground. Lin Mo felt the impact of this energy and his body trembled slightly. He grasped the Qilin Holy Sword tightly and mobilized the strength in his body for defense.

Immediately afterwards, Hamilton attacked again. He swung the hammer of wind, and invisible energy waves roared towards Lin Mo. The energy wave spread in the air, as if it was going to swallow Lin Mo. Lin Mo waved the Qilin Holy Sword, and a ray of fire cut through the void again, colliding with the energy wave.

The two forces collided fiercely in the air, making a deafening sound. Fire light and energy waves intertwined with each other, bursting out with dazzling light. Lin Mo and Hamilton were both knocked back several steps, but neither gave up the attack.

Lin Mo rushed towards Hamilton again. The Kirin Holy Sword danced faster and faster, and fire continued to spurt out from the sword body. Hamilton used the Hammer of Wind to resist Lin Mo's attack, and at the same time released more energy waves to counterattack.

The offensive and defensive battle between the two became more and more intense, and the collision of sword light and energy waves continued to sound. The entire battlefield seemed to be shaken by this powerful energy wave.

In the end, Lin Mo successfully defeated Hamilton by relying on the mysterious power of the Qilin Holy Sword and his own tenacity. The light of his sword penetrated Hamilton's defense and knocked him to the ground. The moment Hamilton fell, the entire battlefield fell into silence.

[Kill the Level 90 Demon General and get Spirit Pill +9999]

City Lord Hardy wielded the Hammer of Fury. The hammer head was huge and heavy, and every swing was accompanied by a deafening roar. His eyes were cold and ruthless, and his whole body exuded wild power, like a wild beast that could not be tamed.

[Magic General: Hadi]

[Level: 95]

[Power: 988043000]



[Physique: 908080000]

[Skill: Violent Power]

The confrontation between the two instantly ignited the air. Lin Mo's fire light and Hadi's violent hammer energy collided fiercely in the air, sparking a fire. They were fighting hand to hand, swords and hammers clashing, making a crisp sound of metal collision. Lin Mo's Qilin Holy Sword was like a snake coming out of its cave, moving left and right, up and down, making people unpredictable. Hardy's violent hammer is like a tiger descending from the mountain, with huge power and hitting the vital point.

Lin Mo relied on Transcendent's skills and the mysterious power of the Qilin Holy Sword to withstand Hadi's fierce attacks time and time again. His sword shines like fire, sometimes like a rainbow piercing the sun, sometimes like a shooting star chasing the moon, which is dazzling. And Hardi relied on the weight and power of the Fury Hammer to force Lin Mo into desperate situations time and time again. His hammer blows were like thunder, each carrying the power to destroy everything.

This battle seems to be a showdown of power between heaven and earth, with sword energy and hammer energy intertwined into a magnificent picture. The two figures moved quickly in the sun, and every attack and defense they made was full of tension and excitement.

The figures of the two people moved quickly on the wasteland, the light of the sword and the shadow of the hammer intertwined. Lin Mo's fire light collided with Hadi's violent hammer, making a deafening sound. The dust on the wasteland was agitated by the sword energy and hammer shadow, forming a fog that made it impossible to see the actual battle clearly.

Lin Mo relied on the sharpness of the Qilin Holy Sword and the heat of the fire to continuously break through Hadi's defense line. He nimbly dodged Hardy's attacks while constantly launching fierce offensives. His eyes were firm and resolute, as if he would not back down no matter how powerful the enemy was.

However, Hardy's Furious Hammer is not easy to deal with either. His attacks are swift and ferocious, each swing carrying the power to destroy everything. Lin Mo needed to concentrate and rely on the power of the Qilin Holy Sword and his own skills to successfully resist Hadi's attack.

In this fierce battle, both Lin Mo and Hadi showed amazing strength and skills. The two men switched offense and defense quickly and accurately, and the sword light and hammer shadow intertwined into a spectacular picture.

"The final blow!!"

A ray of fire pierced the sky and roared towards Hadi. The fire was as hot as a fire, with the power to destroy everything. Hardi's eyes flashed, and the violent hammer suddenly slammed down, and a huge shock wave instantly hit Lin Mo.

Lin Mo had a strong figure and quickly dodged, avoiding Hadi's shock wave attack. He held the Qilin Holy Sword tightly and swung out the fire light again, this time the target was Hadi's waist. The fire streaked across the sky and accurately hit Hadi's waist, instantly piercing his armor.

Hadi felt the threat from Lin Mo. He adjusted his strategy and swung the violent hammer, triggering violent energy waves. Energy waves rolled in the air and hit Lin Mo. Lin Mo's eyes were firm. He did not flinch, but waved the Qilin Holy Sword, releasing a blazing fire.

The fire light collided with the energy wave, making a deafening sound. Lin Mo was shaken back a few steps by the force of the explosion, while Hadi was also knocked back several meters by the power of the fire. The two men's attacks canceled each other out, and the battle seemed to be in a stalemate.

However, Lin Mo did not give up. He knew his mission well and was determined to defeat the powerful enemy. He waved the Qilin Holy Sword again, and blazing flames pierced the sky one after another, roaring towards Hadi. And Hardi showed no sign of weakness. The violent hammer danced faster and faster, and the energy waves kept hitting Lin Mo.

In this fierce battle, the strength of the two men was fully demonstrated. Lin Mo relied on the power of the Qilin Holy Sword and his own skills and perseverance to finally defeat the powerful enemy Hadi.

[Kill the Level 95 Demon General and get Spirit Pill +9999]

"Congratulations on being upgraded to Rank Four Golden Demon Controller."

[Character: Lin Mo]

[Rank: Rank Four Golden Demon Controller]

[Title: Northern Emperor]

[Official rank: Five-star Emperor General]

[Power: six cities, two vassals]

[Occupation: Sword Spirit]

[Strength: 115756137+8081195 (Desert Eagle, strength enhanced by 200%)]

[Agility: 422191086+30141952 (thousand-mile raid, agility enhanced by 300%)]

[Defense: 115746013+8033606 (Great Han Tianwei, defense strengthened by 150%)]

[Spirit: 443385889+30857212 (Charm of the prosperous Tang Dynasty, 300% spiritual strengthening)]

[Psychic Power: Great Qin Ghost Army, Divine Level Mount, Commercial Great Emperor, Whole Army Strengthened, Supreme Saint King]

[Equipment: Kirin Holy Sword (Heavenly Rank magic item) Flame Dragon Spirit Bone (Heavenly Rank magic item) ]

[Martial skills: Kirin Blade (Heavenly Rank magic item) Heavenly Soul Scroll (Heavenly Rank magic item) Red Flame Swordsmanship (Heavenly Rank magic item) Lord of the Underworld (Rank Nine)]

[Martial Spirit value: 172515000+20000000]

[Guardian spirits: Ying Zheng, Genghis Khan, Zhu Yuanzhang, Han Martial Emperor, Tang Taizong, Sui Yang Emperor, Song Taizu, Qing Taizu, Zhou Wenwang, Emperor Xin]

[Generals: Bai Qi, Wu Qi, Sun Wu, Yue Fei, Huo Qubing, Han Xin, Xiang Yu, Sun Bin, Guan Yu, Lu Bu]

[Number of ghost troops: 78500000+10000000]

This demon general has a high level and can be upgraded quickly. Lin Mo grinned very happily.

"That's good, hehe."

"The Great Qin Tigers attack the city!"

The battle started, and the Great Qin Tiger rushed towards the Demon Race army like an iron stream. The tip of the spear flashed with cold light, and every impact was accompanied by the sound of metal. Although the Demon Race army was powerful, it gradually showed its decline under the fierce attack of the Great Qin Tigers.

Suddenly, a thundering roar sounded, and a group of Demon Race generals rushed into the battlefield. Their bodies exuded powerful magic, and the weapons in their hands seemed to be able to tear the world apart. Da Qin Hu Ben's formation was instantly dispersed, but soon they regrouped and used iron armor and spears to build an impenetrable defense line.

The battle has entered a fierce stage, with both sides going back and forth. The battlefield is full of swords and swords, and blood and flesh are flying everywhere. The Daqin Tigers showed their tenacious fighting power. They were not afraid of sacrifice and rushed towards the Demon Race army one after another. Although the Demon Race army was powerful, it gradually fell into trouble under the fierce attack of the Great Qin Huben.

In the end, Da Qin Huben successfully defeated the Demon Race army with his tenacity and fearless courage. Countless corpses and broken weapons were left on the battlefield, and the banner of the Great Qin Tigers was flying high.

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